Demand Management & Energy Conservation 2011

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Transcript of Demand Management & Energy Conservation 2011

Quay grand hotel, sydney 61 macquarie street east Circular Quay sydney nsW 2000 Australia Tel: 02 9256 Demand

Management Energy

Conservation Promoting Energy Efficiency, Reducing Peak Power Consumption and Improving Power Reliability

Allan Jones, Chief Development Officer CITY OF SYDNEY (tentative)

David Heberlein, Group Manager Energy Conservation and Demand Management ERGON ENERGYJesse Steinfeld, Engineer, Sustainability and Environment INVESTA PROPERTY GROUPClare Petre, Energy and Water Ombudsman NSW

Yolande Strengers, Associate Professor RMIT UNIVERSITYChris Dunstan, Research Director INSTITUTE FOR SUSTAINABLE FUTURES

Steve Davies, Policy Advisor AUSTRALIAN PIPELINE INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONProf. Grahame Holmes, Innovation Professor - Smart Energy RMITMatthew Dodson, Smart Network Manager THIESS SERVICES PTY LTD

Terry Grimwade, Executive General Manager Market Performance AUSTRALIAN ENERGY MARKET OPERATOR LTDDr Ashok Manglick, Manager, Non-Network Projects TRANSGRIDLeah Sertori, Project Director CENTRAL VICTORIA SOLAR CITY Robert Murray-Leach, CEO ENERGY EFFICIENCY COUNCIL

With Programme Input and Participation from the Following Industry Leaders:

Our Key Speakers Also Include:

Download the full event details online

Featuring 2 new interactive workshops:

A: Understanding the Mythical and Elusive Consumer

B: How Peak Demand Management and Energy Education Can Save Energy and Dollars

BOOK NOW! T +61 2 9229 1000 F +61 2 9223 2622 E W

Supported by: Organised by: Researched & Developed by:

Two Day Conference 7th & 8th June 2011

Conference Workshops 7th & 8th June 2011

Venue Quay Grand Hotel

Sydney, NSW

Prof. Paul Simshauser, Chief Economist and Group Head of Corporate Affairs AGL

Trevor St Baker, Chairman ERM POWER

Terry McConnell, Business and Industry Relationship Manager ENERGEX

Jim Brosnan, Vice President SIMCOA OPERATIONS

Sam Chen, DSM Technology and Strategy Manager INTEGRAL ENERGY

David Cornforth, Project Leader CSIRO ENERGY TECHNOLOGY

Demand Management and Energy Conservation has brought together the leaders in energy and utilities to give a highly informative insight into the future direction for sustainable demand management and energy conservation - a must attend event.Terry McConnell, Business and Industry Relationship Manager, ENERGEX

INDUSTRY UPDATES: Keep up to date on all the important issues in the lead up to the conference:

podcasts debates interviews articles industry news

Get the latest event updates online

”“ Demand Management and Energy Conservation is an

important opportunity in the 2011 calendar for promoting

energy efficiency and identifying opportunities for demand

side management.Jim Brosnan, Vice President, Simcoa Operations

Dear Demand Management Specialist,

With the continued rise in peak demand periods driving substantial investment in electricity infrastructure, a

number of questions still remain unanswered. What does the evolving demand response and overall

demand management push mean to utilities and their customers? How do we truly implement demand

management policies for a more stable and cost-effective network?

The launch of Demand Management and Energy Conservation has been researched and developed to bring

you current case studies that illustrate initiatives for reducing growth in peak electricity demand and providing

savings in future energy infrastructure costs.

This industry forum is relevant if you need to address:

Reducing network investment and augmentation through demand modification and


Evaluating demand management by looking at advantages of peak control

Creating business process changes to strengthen customer adoption of demand response

and overall demand side management

Understanding emerging technologies in demand management systems and smart meters

to enable customer engagement

Re-engineering operational efficiency, service reliability and integration of renewable


Make the most of this opportunity to network with colleagues who share common challenges and who are looking

to action their demand management techniques to reduce the peak power usage.

Be sure to confirm your place at this important industry gathering. Call Judy Hizon on (02) 9229 1000, email her at or visit

I look forward to seeing you in June.

Best regards,

Hykie Kwong Conference Director – Demand Management and

Energy Conservation

Energy IQ

BOOK NOW! T +61 2 9229 1000 F +61 2 9223 2622 E W

BENEFITS OF SPONSORING & EXHIBITING4 key reasons: 1. Direct access to your target market2. Building your company brand and position 3. Increasing your competitive selling advantage4. Achieving a high profile association with key

decision makers

There are a limited number of opportunities available. To secure premium exposure, contact Mike Adams on +61 (0)2 9229 1083 or

" Proactive demand and energy management by electricity suppliers, retailers and customers has become increasingly urgent on a national and global scale."

Trevor St. Baker, Managing Director, ERM POWER

BOOK NOW! T +61 2 9229 1000 F +61 2 9223 2622 E W

8.30 Registration and Refreshments

9.00 Opening Address from the Chair

9.10 Reducing Network Investment with Demand Management and Energy Conservation

Understanding demand management through an evaluation of how energy demand can be modified and managed

Minimising the capital investment required to maintain sufficient capacity to meet peak demand by shifting peak to another time of day

Evaluating demand management by looking at advantages of peak control

Relieving network constraints through peak load cuts or increased end use of efficiency

Terry McConnell, Business and Industry Relationship Manager ENERGEX

9.50 Delivering on Demand Management Strategies Addressing inefficiency in the energy market Reducing cost by increasing demand management strategy Coping with peak demand and price fluctuations David Heberlein, Group Manager Energy Conservation and

Demand Management ERGON ENERGY

10.30 Morning Tea and Networking

11.00 Moving Sydney towards a Sustainable Low Carbon Future Highlighting updates in decentralised energy trigeneration and its

impact on the development of the Green Infrastructure Plan for Sydney

Providing an overview of how a decentralised and more sustainable energy market for Sydney will impact the State’s wider energy demands

Establishing green infrastructure to enable future energy needs to be derived from wholly renewable or sustainable resources

Allan Jones, Chief Development Officer CITY OF SYDNEY (tentative)

11.40 The EWON Experience: The Customer-Retailer Relationship Providing an analysis of the impact of pricing issues on households

with differences in consumption, income and other characteristics Working with the customer and retailer on the road to establishing

effective demand management and energy conservation programmes

Ensuring accurate and reliable information for energy customers Resolving customer concerns and identifying patterns, trends and

issues from customer complaints Clare Petre, Energy and Water Ombudsman NSW

12.20 An Overview of the Australian Electricity and Gas Markets

Terry Grimwade, Executive General Manager Market Performance AuSTRAlIAN ENERGY MARkET OpERATOR lTD

1.00 Lunch and Networking Opportunity

2.00 Managing Energy Costs - Simcoa’s Experience with DSM Identifying opportunities for DSM with an example from Simcoa and

their DSM development process Determining the value of DSM to Simcoa Is DSM participation a drain on resources? Evaluating what it takes to enter into DSM in the WA Energy market -

does participation require an in depth knowledge of the electricity market? Detailing the benefits to your bottom line by looking at how DSM

has worked for Simcoa Jim Brosnan, Vice President


2.30 Managing Demand Management and Energy Conservation through Smart Metering Options

Evaluating the success of smart metering at consumer level vs. demand management at industry level

Assessing what’s possible with smart metering with direct load control trials

Forecasting plans for the future Sam Chen, DSM Technology and Strategy Manager


3.10 Afternoon Tea and Networking

3.40 Understanding the Mythical and Elusive Consumer What concepts, methods and tools can be draw on to understand

consumers and their demand (with a particular focus on those that go beyond the psychology and economic rationalist based understandings dominating current understandings)?

How is the (changing) relationship between utilities and consumers facilitated by the introduction of new smart technologies shaping demand for energy?

Is there a new role for the consumer in the smart grid and what is it?

How do utilities, governments and supply systems currently inform consumer expectations and how can these be managed and potentially changed?

Yolande Strengers, Associate Professor, RMIT uNIVERSITY

4.10 The Role of Microgrids in the Smart Grid Microgrids are local power systems that may or may not be connected

to the distribution system and are typically controlled by the local operator. Interest in microgrids is rising and it is likely that the number of microgrids connected to distribution networks will increase. Currently there is no consensus on how microgrids will interact with the distribution system - they have the potential to threaten stability, or to assist. However microgrids, with their emphasis on sophisticated control in order to manage their particular challenges, address many of the problems that will be required to overcome in realizing the smart grid. This session examines some of the issues involved in connecting microgrids to the distribution networks, and illustrates how microgrids have a key role to play in the development of the smart grid.

David Cornforth, Project Leader CSIRO ENERGY TECHNOlOGY

4.40 Energy Literacy and Demand Management Central Victoria Solar City trials demand management through cost

reflective pricing and by facilitating regional planning for demand management with our fourteen local government partners.

Product design and purpose – extended time of use and critical peak pricing

Key lessons learned from the Central Victoria Solar City demand management trial

Managing customer’s expectations– the importance of tailored sales channels for critical peak pricing products

Increasing the energy literacy of project partners to facilitate engagement in demand management

Leah Sertori, Project Director Central Victoria Solar City

5.00 Closing remarks from the chair

5.05 End of Day 1

5.10 Start of Workshop A: Understanding the Mythical and Elusive Consumer

Facilitated by:

Yolande Strengers, Associate Professor, RMIT uNIVERSITY

DAY 1 | Tuesday 7 June 2011KE





BOOK NOW! T +61 2 9229 1000 F +61 2 9223 2622 E W

8.30 Registration and Refreshments

9.00 Opening remarks from the chair

9.10 Limited-form Dynamic Pricing in the NEM Trend analysis of electricity costs and AWE

Preliminary results from dynamic pricing pilots

Ethics of dynamic pricing and formulating policy

Prof Paul Simshauser, Chief Economist and Group Head of Corporate Affairs AGl

9.50 The Future for Natural Gas in Australia Promoting the use of natural gas to substantially reduce

greenhouse gas emissions

Managing resource demand and satisfying customer’s requirements

Understanding clarity of demand, forecasting of resource requirements, and demand management tools

Trevor St Baker, Chairman ERM pOWER

10.30 Clean Energy Council Presentation Robert Murray-Leach, CEO


11.00 Morning Tea and Networking

11.30 Strategies in Carbon Reduction and the Role of Network Demand Management

Managing infrastructure requirements and securing demand Reducing increases in energy prices through greater network

efficiency Demand management and reducing carbon emissions Chris Dunstan, Research Director,


12.00 Energy Conservation and Peak Demand in Office Buildings: Different Problems, Same Solutions

Linking energy efficiency, better building management and peak load performance in office buildings

Technological and non-technological factors for improved performance

Redefining comfort: opportunities for energy savings through adaptive comfort

Show me the data: an analysis of static and dynamic comfort strategies

Jesse Steinfeld, Engineer, Sustainability and Environment INVESTA pROpERTY GROup

12.40 Lunch and Networking

1.40 APIA: The Future for Natural Gas in Australia Promoting the use of natural gas to substantially reduce

greenhouse gas emissions Encouraging investment in the required infrastructure to ensure

natural gas will provide power alongside renewable energies Initiating better policies for gas for Australia’s energy needs Steve Davies, Policy Advisor


2.20 Transgrid Case Study Session details to be confirmed Dr Ashok Manglick, Manager, Non-Network Projects TRANSGRID

3.00 Afternoon Tea and Networking

3.30 Customer Perspectives – Wow do we Make DM&EC Work? What are the costs and the benefits to a customer? How can we align the value of DM&EC between the distributor,

retailer and customer? At what point does the utility involve the customer in the decision

process and at what point does the customer want to be involved? The effectiveness of the regulatory test in the decision to augment

the network verses a DM&EC solution? Matthew Dodson, Smart Network Manager


4.10 The Technology of Smart Grid Demand Side Management Electrical energy management using power electronic converters Microgrids, autonomous generation, demand side power

management Smart meters – what they can and cannot do Changing the Distribution Network Structure to accommodate

Demand Side Management Prof. Grahame Holmes, Innovation Professor - Smart Energy


4.50 Closing Remarks from the Chair

5.00 End of Day 2 and Main Conference

5.00 Start of Workshop B: How Peak Demand Management and Energy Education Can Save Energy and Dollars Facilitated by:

Terry McConnell, Business and Industry Relationship Manager ENERGEX

DAY 2 | Wednesday 8 June 2011KE





View the full agenda and more at - you cannot only view the full agenda and speaker line-up, but if you head to our Download Centre you will be able to gain access to relevant industry articles, speaker interviews, podcasts, past presentations and research papers.

All of our content is current and regularly updated. It’s FREE and available 24 hours a day!

If you would like to contribute to the Download Centre, please feel free to get in contact with Carl Price, Senior Online Marketing Manager on 02 9229 1000 or

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Interactive Workshops

Information exchange for the energy industryJoin the debate and have your say! Smart Energy is Australia's new and growing business network, providing a vibrant and dynamic online community of professionals who can readily share knowledge and thought leadership to help drive the evolution of smart energy.

Keep up-to-date with the latest developments by following us on and

Tuesday 7 June | 5.10pm – 8.10pmWorkshop A

• Isthereanewrolefortheconsumerinthesmartgridandwhatisit?• Howdoutilities,governmentsandsupplysystemscurrentlyinformconsumer

expectations and how can these be managed and potentially changed?

About your workshop facilitator: Yolande Strengers, Associate Professor, RMIT UNIVERSITY

Dr Yolande Strengers is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Design (RMIT University), where she leads the Beyond Behaviour Change (BBC) research group. Yolande was recently awarded a PhD in Social Science focused on the institutional and behavioural dynamics of smart metering demand management programs. Her PhD involved interviews with households from three Australian trials and demand managers across Australia. She has also worked on a range of energy-related projects with clients and partners including EnergyAustralia, ANZ Bank and the Moreland Energy Foundation. Prior to her research career, Yolande worked in corporate communications, media and community relations roles in the energy and environment sectors.

Rationale:The rise of the smart grid and its associated technologies has led to greater emphasis on understanding, managing and potentially changing consumer expectations and demand. However, the consumer remains an elusive and almost mythical creature – difficult to pin down and predict. This workshop will provide, discuss and share innovative concepts, methods and tools to understand consumers and their demand. It will challenge participants to think more broadly about the consumer, and the role energy utilities play in shaping who the consumer is and what they want.

Agenda:This workshop will address the following challenging questions:• Whois‘theconsumer’?• Howareconsumerexpectationssetandhowcantheybemanaged?• Whatconcepts,methodsandtoolscanbedrawontounderstand

consumers and their demand (with a particular focus on those that go beyond the psychology and economic rationalist based understandings dominating current understandings)?

• Howisthe(changing)relationshipbetweenutilitiesandconsumersfacilitated by the introduction of new smart technologies shaping demand for energy?

Understanding the Mythical and Elusive Consumer

Wednesday 8 June | 5.00pm – 8.00pmWorkshop B

Rationale:An effective demand management programme addresses the causes rather than the symptoms of excessive energy needs. Demand management uses a range of strategies to modify the level and timing of energy demand. This workshop will demonstrate the way to benefits such as lower energy bills, better energy services, the improved utilisation of resources and fewer environmental costs.

Agenda:• Defininganactionplanforcurtailingenergyconsumption• Gaininginsightsfromapeakdemandmanagementprogrammetolocate

significant cost savings • Supplementingyourdemandmanagementprogrammebytraining

personnel on energy, sustainability and the role everyone plays • Incorporatingtechniquesandeducationaltoolstopromoteenergy

conservation • Understandingthevalueofpeakdemandmanagementandhowto

implement it

How Peak Demand Management and Energy Education Can Save Energy and Dollars

• Acquiringthetoolsnecessarytodevelopyourownenergy management approach

About your workshop facilitator: Terry McConnell, Business and Industry Relationship Manager, ENERGEX

Terry has over 30 years of experience at a local, national and international level. He has specialised in the areas of energy reduction and product optimisation to the commercial and industrial markets.Terry joined Energex in 1998. Some five years ago he took over as Group Manager Energy Efficiency within the non regulated arm of Energex and in 2009 joined the Network Performance division specifically working in the area of Network Demand and Risk Management. This group is responsible for implementing a number of energy conservation and demand management strategies and programs to reduce future energy consumption and demand in South East Queensland.

IQPC recognises the value of learning in teams. Take advantage of one of these special rates: Register a team of 3 to the conference at the same time from the

same company and receive $500 discount Register a team of 4 to the conference at the same time from the

same company and receive a free pass for a 5th delegate Ask about multi-event discounts. Call + 61 2 9229 1000

for more details Please note: Only one discount applies






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7 - 8 June 2011WHen?

Quay grand hotel, sydney 61 macquarie street east Circular Quay sydney nsW 2000 Australia Tel: 02 9256



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* Payment must be received by IQPC prior to 5pm AEST on the cut-off date. # Registrations received without payment or a Government PO will incur a processing fee of $99 + GST = $108.90

per registration.

* Please send me set(s) of AUdIo ComPACT dIsCs and PresenTATIons Cd at $878.90 ($799 plus gsT) or $603.90 ($549 plus gsT) Presentations Cd only

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Conference Only $2999 + GST = $3298.90 $3399 + GST = $3738.90 $3699 + GST = $4068.90

Conference + 1 Workshop $3898 + GST = $4287.80 $4298 + GST = $4727.80 $4598 + GST = $5057.80

Conference + 2 Workshops $4697 + GST = $5166.70 $5097 + GST = $5606.70 $5397 + GST = $5936.70

Book early for huge eARLY BIRD savings.


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NOTE: PAYMENT IS DUE WITHIN 7 DAYS FROM REGISTRATION TO SECURE YOUR PLACE. Registrations received without payment or a Government PO will incur a processing fee of $99+GST = $108.90 per registration. Payment prior to the conference is mandatory for attendance. Payment includes lunches, refreshments, a copy of conference presentations via FTP website or workbook and all meeting materials. If payment has not been received two weeks before the conference, a credit card hold will be taken and processed. This card will be refunded once alternate payment has been received.


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accommoDaTion The lido group are the official booking agent for the Demand Management & Energy Conservation event. The lido group have negotiated event rates at a range of hotels for all attendees of this event.To take advantage of these rates & book direct on the website, please go to and click on the Venue & Accommodation page.

QUick and easy Ways to register

telePhone +61 2 9229 1000

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mail IQPC, Level 6, 25 Bligh Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000Demand Management

Energy Conservation

Promoting Energy Efficiency, Reducing Peak Power Consumption and Improving Power Reliability