Deltek Insight 2010: Using the WAWF Feature, the Key to Billing Success

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Transcript of Deltek Insight 2010: Using the WAWF Feature, the Key to Billing Success

GCS-223 Using the WAWF Feature, the Key to Billing SuccessGCS-223 Using the WAWF Feature, the Key to Billing Success

Presented by: Lori Travis

What is WAWF?What is WAWF?

• Wide Area Workflow is DoD’s Receipt and Acceptance System– DoD’s response to paperless invoicing– Secure web-based system for electronic invoicing, receipt & acceptance

• Uses Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)• Electronic signature

– Creates a virtual folder to combine three documents required to pay a vendor• The Contract• The Invoice• The Receiving Report

– All parties can access the WAWF



• It’s the Law– The 2001 Defense Authorization Act requires DoD to receive and process

invoices electronically

• It’s in the Regs– DFARS 252.232-7003 Electronic Submission of payments requests requires

electronic invoicing

• It Makes Good Sense– Electronic invoices are paid quicker and are more reliabe then paper invoices


Who Are the Customers?Who Are the Customers?

• Air Force (USAF)

• Army (USA)

• Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)

• Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)

• Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA)

• Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA)

• Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)

• Marine Corps (USMC)

• Navy (USN)

• DoD Vendors


GCS Premier’s WAWF InitializationGCS Premier’s WAWF Initialization

• DODAAC and CAGE Codes– Maintains all Department of Defense Activity Address (DODAAC) Codes– Maintains all Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Codes

• WAWF Control File– Captures general information required

• WAWF Master File– Maintains contract award information necessary for the batch file creation

• The Batch file is submitted via the FTP Site


Enter/Edit DODAAC and CAGE CodesEnter/Edit DODAAC and CAGE Codes

• Maintains All DODAAC and CAGE Codes Necessary For WAWF and Other Electronic Billings

• Valid DODAAC Codes Are 6 Characters Long

• Valid CAGE Codes Are 5 Characters Long – Both can be alpha numeric

• Extensions May be Entered– Except when attached to the following types

• A - Administration• P - Payment Office• I - Issued By


Enter/Edit DODAAC and CAGE CodesEnter/Edit DODAAC and CAGE Codes

– C - CAGE Code – A - Administration– F - Ship From– P - Payment Office– L - Local Processing Office – M - Mark For Delivery– I - Issue By

– N - Inspect By– O - Contracting Officer– S - Service Acceptor– E - Service Approver– R - Other– V - Cost Voucher Approver– T - Ship To


Each Code Must be Assigned a Valid Type

WAWF Control FileWAWF Control File

• Enter the Default DODACC/CAGE Code For Each Function Listed

• Codes Present in the Enter/Edit DODACC/CAGE Code File Can be Looked Up

• Designate the Default Output Path– The location where GCS Premier will hold the created FTP file


WAWF Control FileWAWF Control File


WAWF Master FileWAWF Master File

• Houses WAWF Information by Contract/Task For Electronic Billings

• File Header Information is Maintained on the First Two Tabs

• The Mark For Tab Captures Comments and Other Important Information

• Additional Comments and Discount Information is Entered on the Discounts/Comments Tab

• The Attachments/Output File Tab Holds Attachments and the Output File Specifics


WAWF Master File – Document TypesWAWF Master File – Document Types

• Current Supported Types– Cost Voucher

• Invoicing Fees and costs incurred during contract performance

• Interim - Submitted to DCAA prior to the Payment Office

• Direct Bill – DCAA only review the Final Bill– Monthly vouchers are routed directly to the Payment Office

– Invoice• Routed directly to the Pay Office

• Payer identifies an associated Receiving Report before payment is authorized

• May be designed as “Fast Pay”– FAR Clause 52.213-1 cited in the Contract

– No Receiving Report is required before authoring payment

– Invoice 2N1 (2-in-1)• Service contracts only

• The invoice and Receiving report are created simultaneously


WAWF Master File – Attachments/Output FileWAWF Master File – Attachments/Output File

• Attachments– Option attachments may be added via this feature

• WAWF File Created– Automatically checked when a WAWF FTP file has been created

• Output File– Automatically specifies the location of the created WAWF FTP File


Deltek GCS Premier’s® WAWF ProcessingDeltek GCS Premier’s® WAWF Processing

• Create Line Item– Creates records in the Enter/Edit Line Items (CLIN/SLIN) File

• Enter/Edit Line Items (CLIN/SLIN)– Provides ability to manually adjust system computed line items

• Record line item adjustments • Breakdown the system created line item into multiple components

• Update WAWF Status Log– Status tracker for the FTP files submitted

• Create WAWF FTP Files– Creates the files to be sent to WAWF


Processing Step-by-StepProcessing Step-by-Step

1. Compute Contract Billings

2. Print and Review Billing Worksheets

3. Edit Billing Edit File Records, if Necessary

4. Select Final Billing Edit File Records

5. Print 1034, if Applicable

6. Print 1035

7. Create Line Items

8. Enter/Edit Line Items


Create Line ItemCreate Line Item

• Creates records in the Enter/Edit Line Items (CLIN/SLIN) File– Which is the file that is used to

create the WAWF FTP File

• Creates a Record For Each Contract/Task Set Up in the WAWF Master File With An Corresponding “Selected” Record in the Billing Edit File


Enter/Edit Line Items (CLIN/SLIN)Enter/Edit Line Items (CLIN/SLIN)

• Populated by the Create Line Item Application

• Provides Ability to Manually Adjust System Computed Line Items– Record line item adjustments – Breakdown the system created line item into multiple components

• Any and All Adjustments Must be Made Prior to Creating the WAWF FTP File


Enter/Edit Line Items – Line Items TabEnter/Edit Line Items – Line Items Tab

• Item No– Usually represents the CLIN/SLIN specified in the award

• Stock Part No– Enter the Serial Number for the Material item being reported– “SERVICES” is displayed if selected in the WAWF Master File

• If not “NONE” is displayed


Create WAWF FTP FilesCreate WAWF FTP Files

• Create the FTP Files to be Sent to WAWF – The WAWF Master File is notified by checking the flag and the files are ready

to be sent

• WAWF FTP Files Can be Computed Frequently– Simply clear the created status flag

• WAWF User ID is the WAWF System ID NOT the FTP User ID


Create WAWF FTP FilesCreate WAWF FTP Files

Output Options

• Combine Bills in One File – The Output File Name will be EBILL_YYYYMMDD_999.FTP

• The YYYYMMDD is the current system date • The 999 is a system generated number that starts with 001 for the first FTP file

created and get incremented by one every time an FTP file is created

• Create Separate File For Each Bill– The Output File Name will be EBILL_YYYYMMDD_ACCTSUB_999.FTP

• The YYYYMMDD is the current system date • ACCTSUB is the four character Account or GCS Premier contract number

followed by the three character sub account or task number• The 999 is a system generated number that starts with 001 for the first FTP file

created and get incremented by one every time an FTP file is created


Create WAWF FTP FilesCreate WAWF FTP Files

• Combine Bills in One File– Only one file created to send during the WAWF upload. – The Output File Name will be EBILL_YYYYMMDD_999.FTP

• The YYYYMMDD is the current system date • The 999 is a system generated number that starts with 001 for the first FTP file

created and get incremented by one every time an FTP file is created

• Create Separate File For Each Bill– One or more files created to send during the WAWF upload– The Output File Name will be EBILL_YYYYMMDD_ACCTSUB_999.FTP

• The YYYYMMDD is the current system date • ACCTSUB is the four character Account or GCS Premier contract number

followed by the three character sub account or task number• The 999 is a system generated number that starts with 001 for the first FTP file

created and get incremented by one every time an FTP file is created


Clear Created WAWF File FlagsClear Created WAWF File Flags

• Clears the Created Flag in the WAWF Master File – Enables the FTP File(s) to be recreated– Must be run before each month’s processing

• Select the Delete Line Items Checkbox to Delete the Line Items From the Enter/Edit Line Items Screen


Update WAWF Status LogUpdate WAWF Status Log

• Tracks the Status of Each FTP File Submitted

• A New Record is Added For Each New WAWF Master File Record


WAWF Status ReportWAWF Status Report

• Reports the Status of Each of the FTP Files Create

• Includes the Dates of When it Was Created, Sent, and Accepted as Entered in the WAWF Status Log File


WAWF Status ReportWAWF Status Report


Questions and AnswersQuestions and Answers