Delivery handled by Schraff - Fedex partner in Peru -See the pictures

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Delivery handled by Schraff - Fedex partner in Peru -See the pictures


A delivery by FEDEX, see the pictures

(November 21, 2012)

1. Parcels 1 to 6

See the pictures below

Six parcels tinkered with, forced upon and

visibly open. Merchandise missing, items

falling out, wet and ruined.

FEDEX just dropped the parcels in this

appalling state in reception, with the

concierge of the building (addressee is on

the 40th floor).

FEDEX did not follow protocol to call client

to come down and review the parcels and

merchandise and see whether they parcels

would be accepted or rejected.


FEDEX then moved down the road. It claims

that it delivered the 7th package at the

wrong address (actually a hotel). Receiving

staff at the hotel say they do not have the

parcel. It has disappeared.






2. 7TH Parcel delivered to the wrong

address, so FEDEX says, the problem is that

it is a hotel and management says they did

not receive the parcel.

3. Has FEDEX assumed responsibility?


One moth and a half later, the answer is
