Delivering Green Infrastructure – Funding & Partnership Working Case Study Example: Peterborough...

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Delivering Green Infrastructure – Funding & Partnership

WorkingCase Study Example: Peterborough

(one of four Environment Cities)

James FisherNatural Networks Project Officer

Hosted by Peterborough City Council

Delivering Green Infrastructure – Funding & Partnership Working

Introduction to Peterborough

Peterborough’s Natural Networks Partnership

Green Grid Strategy

Delivering GI via Growth Area Funding & our experiences

Delivering GI via the Planning Process & other sources of funding

Links to Peterborough’s Local Area Agreement

Strategic Context

Peterborough: An Introduction

Unitary Authority since 1998

Environment City status in 1992

Current population 160,000

Added as extension to London-Stansted-Cambridge growth area in 2005

Growth targets set to provide 20,000 more jobs, 25,000 more homes and 40,000 more people by 2021 than it had in 2001 (Opportunity Peterborough as LDV driving forward £1billion regeneration of city)

Greater Peterborough Partnership (Local Strategic Partnership) coordinating delivery of Sustainable Community Strategy & Local Area Agreement

4 Priorities in LAA including “Creating the UK’s Environment Capital”

Peterborough’s Natural Networks Partnership

Formed in 2005 in response to the new Growth Area challenges & opportunities

Chaired by Natural England & includes over 20 organisations:

- Environmental Charities (Peterborough Environment City Trust, Nene Park Trust, Wildlife Trust, Amphibian & Reptile Conservation etc)

- Statutory Bodies (Forestry Commission, Environment Agency, GO-East) plus LDV (Opportunity Peterborough) & LSP (Greater Peterborough Partnership)

- PCC Planning Services one of the main lead partners (hosting of project officers & produced Green Grid Strategy)

- Other sub-regional projects (Great Fen Project, River Nene Regional Park)

- Major land owners

Peterborough’s Green Grid Strategy (GGS)

• Launched spring 2007, provides framework & action plan for GI provision in Peterborough with links to GI in adjacent counties.

• Seeks to insure sustainable growth planned for city goes hand in hand with protection & provision of high quality GI.

• Brings together GIS databases of wide range of environmental assets - analysed to identify gaps & opportunities in ecological & recreational networks.

• Makes recommendations for priority projects under headings of biodiversity & landscape; access & recreation, & major new green spaces.

• Provides valuable resource to inform & guide planners, developers & key interest groups in planning, implementation & management of multi-functional GI projects

• Used to underpin funding bids that create & enhance new & existing green-spaces, biodiversity sites & other GI.

Implementing the Green Grid Strategy:

Strategy identifies opportunities & proposed projects including creation of new sites & facilities and enhancement of existing sites & corridors

Each project given a priority & agreed lead organisation

Partners provide quarterly progress updates using “traffic light” system

Since 2006 the Partnership has successfully secured c. £2m funding from various sources to enable delivery of green infrastructure projects identified in the Strategy

South Peterborough Green Parks

• NNP secured £1m in 2006 via GAF2 to deliver priority GI projects in South Peterborough area with significant developer contributions

SPGP Vision is to create an exciting, inspirational place to visit, where nature conservation, history, culture & recreation is integrated in a sustainable way with planned development

Project included biodiversity & access enhancements as well as work on engaging communities and building partnerships in the area

Project Outcomes – Access & Biodiversity:

• Re-surfacing/ construction of 15km of cycle & footpath network • Creation of 7000m2 wild-flower meadow using native meadow seed mix

• Construction of 20m long artificial bat hibernacula to provide suitable habitat for over-wintering bats

• Construction of three new ponds for wildlife & educational visits

• Installation of pond dipping platforms & bird watching hut

Woodland, grassland & wetland habitat enhancements

Project Outcomes – Community Engagement

• Series of events held including schools activity days; community orchard planting; photographic competition & Big Draw.

• Natural Networks website launched, providing info on green-spaces & heritage sites to visit & events & activities taking place –

• Natural Play facilities installed & orienteering courses established.

• Audio Tour produced & GPS Mobile Explorer project trialled

Housing Growth Fund 2008-11

NNP coordinated GI element of Peterborough’s Programme of Development which was submitted to DCLG by Opportunity Peterborough

£670k (4%) initially secured for 3 GI projects & 2 project officers plus 10% matched funding

Peterborough’s HGF allocation managed directly by PCC’s Project Governance Board

Project Officers provide regular updates to Board via monthly Highlight Reports

Housing Growth Fund 2008-11: Delivery

• Strategic Access & Green-space Linkage project: delivering capital enhancements to Green Wheel cycle network plus biodiversity improvements along route

• Green Grid Explorer: Innovative project using GPS technology to deliver audio-visual content to hand held PDA’s/ smart phones at Ferry Meadows; New interactive map feature on website & new interactive interpretation facilities at Nene Park.

• John Clare Country Restoration: Provision of new green open spaces west of city & community engagement, being delivered by Wildlife Trust & Langdyke Countryside Trust.

Housing Growth Fund 2008-11: Delivery

Additional £250k “Green Project Fund” recently negotiated by NNP following original GI allocation of 4% which NNP considered insufficient to provide adequate GI for city

• NNP invited partners to propose suitable projects

• Proposed projects then assessed by NNP against Green Grid Strategy criteria

• Best projects then presented to Governance Board, Business Cases developed and projects ready to be delivered during 2010/11

Delivering Green Infrastructure via GAF: Peterborough’s Experience

GAF2 Round of funding operated successfully with reporting & finance claims made directly to GO-East.

GAF2 10% top-slice recognised value of GI in building sustainable communities

HGF (GAF3) has no top slice so no guarantee of funding for GI projects

Budget control & reporting all handled by PCC; local decision-making means GI funding potentially affected by changes in local priorities

Environment Capital aspirations (in LAA) very helpful in justifying GI projects and securing growth funding

Delivering Green Infrastructure via Planning Process

NN Partnership coordinate responses to major planning applications re: Green Grid Strategy & SPGP Delivery Plan

Currently coordinating NNP response to Great Haddon application (5,300 house urban extension) with 40% green-space provision

NNP reps met with developer prior to submission of application to emphasise importance of incorporating GI corridors/ connectivity/ accessible open space provision

NNP commented on Hampton Leys development area brief emphasising need for green-space connectivity & proposals for Country Park/ Visitor Centre

Negotiated s106 contribution towards promotion & implementation of Green Grid Strategy via Alwalton Hill business park development

Other Sources of Funding GI in Peterborough

Use of Local Transport Partnership (LTP) funding to deliver access enhancements

Big Lottery Fund for natural play sculptures

Breathing Places funding for community projects e.g. traditional orchard planting & Apple Day event at Crown Lakes Country Park

Natural England funded South Peterborough Green Parks Delivery Plan & research into user groups use of green spaces

Currently making bids for Access to Nature fund for next phase of Mobile Explorer project

Funding Green Infrastructure 2011 Onwards…

Current HGF GI projects all end by March 2011 including project officer posts.

This could have significant impact on future delivery of GI in Peterborough

PECT has valuable role as charity in assisting with funding bids on behalf of Partnership

Contributions from NN partners has provided secure future for NN Website - PECT taking on site from PCC to enable commercialisation

Green Grid Strategy & Environment Capital aspirations extremely valuable for supporting future bids

“Integrated Development Programme” includes all Green Grid Strategy priority projects/ initiatives as part of overall 20 year £1.95 billion plan

Linking to Peterborough’s LAA

Green Grid Strategy Table of Priority Projects includes potential links to LAA/ NI’s

Reps from NNP attend meetings of Greater Peterborough Partnership (LSP)

Recently presented to Outcome Lead Officers how GI links to and can help deliver many National Indicators/ Outcomes e.g.

1) Adapting to climate change:GI enables sites to be linked to reverse habitat fragmentation. Opportunity to use water management for flood attenuation Planting of trees for carbon sequestration & microclimate cooling.

2) Community Cohesion: Green spaces make ideal places for meeting & events

Reducing perception of crime through enhanced permeability & accessibilityProviding opportunity for community involvement & participation in creation & on going management.

Linking to Peterborough’s LAA

3) Improving Health:GI provides opportunities for exercise (passive & active recreation),

relaxation & improved mental health.

4) Transport:Increases permeability of urban areas for walking, cycling & horse


5) Economic Growth: Make attractive places to live & work; Potential for increased property

values; increasing visitors & tourism.

6) Education:Opportunities for education & interpretation e.g. Wild Schools project.

Strategic Context of the Green Grid Strategy:

• Currently being incorporated into the Core Strategy with Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) covering the aspirations of the strategy.

• Helps Peterborough City Council meet its duty to conserve biodiversity under Natural Environment & Rural Communities (NERC) Act.

• Working with Highways Department to ensure GG Strategy embedded in Long Term Transport Strategy (LTTS) & Local Transport Plan (LTP)

• Working with EA to incorporate concept into Water-space Strategy