DeLand Middle School Terrier Tattler - Volusia County...

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Transcript of DeLand Middle School Terrier Tattler - Volusia County...

DeLand Middle School

Terrier Tattler “We do the right thing here!”

School Phone


(386) 822-5678


6th grade 23030

7th grade 23030

8th grade 23030

ESE 23039

Early Birds 23076

Attendance 23032

Clinic 23298

Issue 1

Did you know . . .

Teachers want parent communication? If you are concerned about your child’s behavior or grades, you can call the school to leave a message for your child’s teachers. You can also check the county website to find the teachers’ email addresses. So, please take some time and let a teacher know that you are a concerned parent.

September 2012

New Procedure for Your Student’s Directory Information

You will no longer be required to sign a release for your child’s directory information (defined be-low) to be released. The primary purpose of releasing directory information is to allow the School District of Volusia County to include this type of information in certain school publications. Exam-ples include:

A playbill showing your student’s role in a drama production

The annual yearbook

Honor roll or other recognition lists

Graduation programs

Sports activity sheets, such as for wrestling, showing weight and height of team members

District and school websites and videos

Please note a permission form must still be signed to allow members of the news media to inter-view, photograph, videotape and/or sound record your child. It is separate from the release of di-rectory information. In addition, lists of students will not be released to any for-profit organization.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a federal law, allows the School District of Volusia County to disclose your child’s directory information without written consent, unless you have advised the district you do not want the information released. If you do not want the School District of Volusia County to disclose directory information from your child’s educa-tion records without your prior written consent, please contact your school to obtain and

sign an Opt-Out Form.

The following information is designated as directory information by the School District of Volusia County:

Student’s name

Parent/Guardian’s name


Telephone listing

Photograph and images

Date and place of birth

Major field of study

Dates of attendance

Grade level

Participation in officially recognized activities and sports

Weight and height of members of athletic teams

Degrees, honors and awards received

The most recent educational agency or institution attended


Nuevo procedimiento para divulgar la información de directorio

de su alumno/a

Ya no será necesario que firme una autorización de divulgación de la información de directorio (como se define a conti-nuación) de su hijo/a. El propósito principal de divulgar la información de directorio es permitir que el Distrito Escolar del

Condado de Volusia incluya este tipo de información en ciertas publicaciones escolares. Algunos ejemplos son:

Una revista de espectáculos que muestre el papel de su alumno/a en una obra de teatro

El anuario escolar

Cuadro de honor u otras listas de reconocimientos

Programas de graduación

Hojas de actividades deportivas, como lucha grecorromana, que muestren el peso y estatura de los integrantes del


Sitios web y videos de las escuelas y del distrito

Por favor tenga en cuenta que se debe firmar un formulario de permiso para que los reporteros puedan entrevistar, foto-grafiar o grabar a su alumno/a. Es un formulario separado al de la divulgación de información de directorio. Además, las listas de alumnos no se divulgarán a ninguna organización comercial.

La Ley de Derechos Educativos Familiares y de Privacidad (FERPA), una ley federal, permite que el Distrito Escolar de Volusia divulgue la información de directorio de su hijo/a sin la necesidad de un consentimiento escrito a menos que us-ted le haya indicado al distrito que no quiere que se divulgue la información. Si usted no quiere que el Distrito Escolar del Condado de Volusia divulgue la información de directorio del expediente educacional de su hijo/a sin su con-

sentimiento escrito previo, por favor contacte a la escuela para obtener y firmar el formulario de exención.

La siguiente información ha sido diseñada como información de directorio por el Distrito Escolar del Condado de Volusia:

Nombre del alumno

Nombre del padre/tutor


Directorio de teléfonos

Fotografías e imágenes

Fecha y lugar de nacimiento

Carrera profesional

Fechas de asistencia

Nivel de grado

Participación en actividades y deportes reconocidos oficialmente

Peso y estatura de los integrantes de equipos deportivos

Diplomas de grado, reconocimientos y premios recibidos

La última agencia o institución educacional a la que asistió


November 6, 2012: Your Schools, Your Decision!

The Volusia County School Board placed an important referendum on the ballot asking the voters of Volusia County to decide what level of funding they wish to have for public education. Without this measure, there will be a signifi-cant reduction in educational funding in Volusia County. The one mill will generate approximately $26 million a year for four years, beginning with the 2013-14 operating budget. The money would be used to replace the loss of state and federal funds and the current .25 tax millage. The School Tax Referendum will be used to support academic programs, retain teachers, and support the arts, ath-letics and student activities. Would you pay an extra $5 per month* to save programs and teachers at your child’s school? (*Based on a $100,000 home with homestead exemption and currently paying the .25 mill tax.) If the One Mill Tax is NOT approved by the voters, the following program cuts will be made in 2013-2014: 1) Projected minimum $25 million deficit for fiscal year 2013-14 is the equivalent loss of nearly 500 teachers. * Further reduction in the number of Advanced Placement high school classes * Further reduction in middle and high school elective classes, including the arts * Reduction/elimination of science fair, social studies fair, field studies/trips * Reduction of elementary music and art teachers resulting in these subjects being taught by the class room teacher * Reduction/elimination of various instructional programs, including Project IBIS (environmental/science learning program) and AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) * Reduction of school district salary payments for teachers to serve as directors for band and chorus, sponsors for clubs, coaches for athletics, and extra duties for supervision and security * Major reduction in the number of substitute teacher days allocated to each school that results in combining students into other classes and grouping students into gymnasiums and cafeterias when teachers are absent * Instructional materials provided as classroom sets, rather than for each individual student 2) Loss of a high number of teaching positions that result in a further loss of student instructional programs and extra curricular activities, including athletics. 3) Ability to meet Florida Statute class size requirement is highly unlikely with a reduction in the number of teachers, resulting in a financial penalty to the school district. * Significantly higher class sizes in middle and high school core academic classes and even higher class sizes in elective courses 4) Other changes that will impact the instructional program at schools: * Increased number of combination multi-grade classes at every elementary school (example—combining grade 2 and 3 students into one class with one teacher) * Increased number of elementary schools that share a principal with another elementary school and further reduction of assistant principals at secondary schools. Learn more, visit


Parent Security Information Update

Parents, for the safety of our students, please be sure to check in at the front desk and receive a sticker badge before coming onto campus.

Parents /Adults checking out students must present a valid driver’s license or ID to the main office.

In case of a school wide evacuation emergency, students will be evacuated across the street to the church for parents to pick-up.

For the safety of your student please provide him/her with a ride home no later than 5:00 PM or make other arrangements. They will be supervised at parent pick-up until this time.


What is “Common Core?”

What is the Common Core?

Have you heard the words Common Core being batted around by legislators, educa-

tors, and politicians? Just what is the Common Core? The Common Core standards

are educational standards adopted by 41 states (including Florida) that have been

designed to ensure that our students will graduate high school prepared for college or

ready to enter the workforce. All students will receive the tools needed to succeed.

These standards set high expectations for students, parents and teachers in order to

assure that everyone is working together. The standards will be implemented over

the next few years. Here at DeLand Middle School you will notice that your student will be working on

literacy strategies not only in reading, but also in science, social studies and elective classes. We are all

working together to ensure the success of all!

Common Core Standards Across Middle School Curriculum

Our students will need to build their vocabulary and their comprehension of challenging concepts in order to be successful. These are some examples of concepts that your student will need to master during their Middle School experience:

Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite spe-

cific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.

Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative

and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone.

Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, including the validity of the reason-

ing as well as the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence.

Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key sup-

porting details and ideas.

Analyze the structure of texts, including how specific sentences, paragraphs, and larger portions of the text (e.g., a section, chapter, scene, or stanza) relate to each other and the whole.

What assumptions does the author bring to the text?

What rhetorical choices (style and word choice) does the author make?

Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics in order to build knowledge or to com-

pare the approaches the authors take.


6th Grade House

Attention 6th

Grade Parents and Students:

This is a reminder that you need the Tdap Booster Immunization to get your schedule to enter 7th grade in accordance with Florida Law.

Get your Tdap Booster today and beat the summer rush!

Please make sure that we have your updated shot record at school.

Immunizations are free for school aged children from the Health Department, 822-6215

Common Immunization Questions and Concerns:

What is the blue card? The “blue card” is an official FL Certificate of Immunization. The Health Department and family Doctors can transfer records onto a blue card, add new shot information and sign it. The school cannot ac-cept personal immunization records.

What shots are required for 6th

and 7th

grade entry? The MMR series, Hep B series, Varicella or documented Chicken Pox, the DTaP series, and the Polio series are required for 6

th grade entry. The Tdap Booster is required

for 7th grade entry. The series must be complete, or started with an expiration date, or the child will be excluded

from school.

What if my child is in progress of getting his/her shots, or if the Dr/Health Department is out of a vaccina-tion? The Doctor will sign the Temporary Exemption Part B on the blue card and give an expiration date of when the next shot is due. The school will accept this exemption until the day that it expires, at which time your child will be sent home from school until they get the shot that was due.

What if the blue card is missing information? If there is missing information on the card, such as the signature, or date, the parent must bring the card back to the Doctor to complete. Please check the card for missing informa-tion before you leave the Doctors office.

What if I do not want my child to receive immunizations? Exceptions to this law are provided for religious and medical reasons. If your child falls under those criteria, you need to get a Certificate of Permanent Exemption from the Health Department. If the child does not have a complete shot record, a temporary exemption, or a permanent exemption on file at the school, they will be excluded from school until the parent or guardian can provide documen-tation.

Will the Doctor send the records to the school? The law makes parents/guardians responsible for providing im-munizations and presenting them to the school.

Can I bring a copy and keep the blue card? The school needs to keep the original blue card for audit purposes. You could request a second card from the Doctor or request a photocopy from the school.

Immunizations are FREE for Children 18 years and younger at the Health Department 935 N Spring Garden Ave DeLand at the corner of Plymouth and 15A, (386) 822-6215

Immunization Walk-In Hours (Please bring a copy of your child’s SHOT RECORDS) Monday - Friday 8:00am - 10:30am & 1:00pm – 3:30pm

Inmunización Preguntas y Preocupaciones

¿Qué es la tarjeta azul? La tarjeta azul es una certifica oficial de Inmunización de Florida. Todos los docotres que ofrecen inmunizaciones y el departmento de salud pueden transferir los archivos viejos a una tarjeta azul y agregar información de inmunizacion nueva con la estampa, fecha, y firma de realización. La escuela no puede aceptar in-munización personal como prueba.

Welcome once again to DeLand Middle School! By now most of you have learned your way around campus, met your teachers, and established new friendships. We would like this first year to be a success. Here are some pointers to help you be successful this year:

1. Attend school everyday unless you are sick and be here on time.

2. Get 8-10 hours of sleep each night.

3. Eat a healthy breakfast in the morning.

4. Pay attention in class.

5. Write down assignments.

6. Start projects when you get them.

7. Complete homework on time.

8. Read for pleasure each day.

(2009 Resources for Educators)


¿Que inmunizaciones se requiren para la entrada al grado 6 y 7? El serie de inmunización de MMR, y seri de inmunización de Hep B, Varicella o documentación de la Chicken Pox, DTaP, y Polio son requirdos para la entrada al grado 6. El Tdap Propulsor es requiridos para la entrada al séptimo grado. La serie de inmunización debe ser completa, o comenza con una fecha de expiración para cuando la próxima inmunización es debida, o se excluirá el niño de la escuela.

¿Qué pasa si mi niño está en progreso de hacer su inmunización y no está completa? El doctor firmirá la Ex-ención Temporal Parte B en la tarjeta azul y dará una fecha de expriración de 15 días después que la próxima de inmunización es debida. La escuela aceptará esta expración hasta el día que expira, luego se enviará su niño al hogar hasta que ellos reciban de inmunización que era debido.

Horas para las Vacunas sin Cita (Por favor traiga una copia de las Vacunas de su hijo/a) Lunes – Viernes: 8:00am - 10:30am y 1:00pm – 3:30pm

¿Qué pasa si la escuela dice que en la tarjeta azul falta información? Si falta información en la tarjeta, tal como una estampo o una firma, o una fecha de expiración, los padres deben llevar tarjeta al doctor para completar la tar-jeta. Favor de verificar la tarjeta en el frente e inverso para la información que falta antes de salir de la oficina de los doctores.

¿Qué pasa si no quiero que mi niño reciba inmunizaciones? Se proporcionan excepciones a esta ley por cier-tas razones religiosas y médicas. En este caso su niño neccesita hacer un Certificado de Exención Permanente del departmento de salud. Si el niño no tiene un registro completo de inmunización, una excención temporal o una ex-ención permanente en archivo en la escuela, se le excluirá de la escuela hasta que el padre o guardián pueda pro-porcionar la documentación.

¿Cuándo tenga las inmunizaciones, enviará el doctor los archivos a la escuela? La ley encarga a los padres/guardiánes responsables para proporcionar las inmunizaciones y presentar los archivos a la escuela.

¿Puedo traer una copia y guardar la tarjeta azul? La escuela necesita guardar la tarjeta azul por propósitos de la auditoría. Ud. Puede obtenar una tarjeta segunda del doctor o obtener una fotocopia de la escuela.

Departamento de Salud del Condado de Volusia Gratis para niños 18 años o menos 935 N Spring Garden Ave DeLand, Plymouth y 15A (386) 822-6215

6th Grade Students


7th Grade House

We would like to welcome our seventh graders back to a new year at DeLand Middle School. The year is off to a great start! We want to encourage our students to set goals for their future and to take steps this year toward attaining those goals. Parents, please help your children to set educational goals and to make a plan to reach them.

Our goal is to maintain open communication between school and our par-ents. The best way to contact teachers is through e-mail. Go to the Volusia County website,, to find your child’s teachers’ e-mail addresses. If you don’t have e-mail, you can phone the school at 386-822-5678 to leave a message for your child’s teacher to call you back. (Teachers do not have phones in their classrooms and cannot be interrupted while teaching a class.) Also, please make sure that your child’s emergency card is kept up-to-date with current phone numbers so that teachers and staff can contact you.

Should you have any concerns about discipline issues at school, feel free to contact Mr. Calkins at 822-5678, extension 23006 if your seventh grade child’s last name begins with A through M. If your seventh grade child’s last name begins with N through Z, contact Ms. Farajallah at extension 23008.

The seventh grade guidance counselor is Ms. Erbel. You can contact her at 822-5678, extension 23297.

Parents we need your support in ensuring that your child has a good experience in the middle school years. By remaining involved in their school life, you show your child that learning is impor-tant and education is the key to a better future. Parent involvement in the middle grades is just as important as it was in elementary. How can you stay involved?

~ Go to school when you are invited. ~ Join the parent organization. ~ Learn who can help. ~ Read the newsletter ~ Learn how to get in touch with teachers. ~ Make sure the school knows how to get in touch with you.

Let us make this school year a successful one. With your help we can help your child navigate through middle school and prepare for his/hers high school years.

You can contact your child’s teachers through email. Visit our website and go to our faculty directory.

Mrs. Nunez, 6th Grade Counselor

Mrs. Farajallah, 6th Grade Assistant Principal

Thanks so much for all the cell phone donations last school year. PTA was able to collect 67 phones and earned almost $100 for them. Please con-tinue to send in your old, used and/or broken phones to school.

Please continue to enter your coke rewards for DeLand Middle School to earn prizes and supplies for our school. If we earn enough points, we may qualify to have an Olympian from this last Olympics visit our school. You may enter the codes yourself or tear off the labels and send them in to school.

All parents, faculty and staff please consider joining PTA for $5.00. We are holding a membership drive for the month of September. The 1st period with the highest percent of membership by September 28th will win a donut party for the class!!

Thanks for all memberships last school year, our PTA won the Increased Membership Award. We would like that award again and also 100% faculty award!

At parent pick-up each day PTA will be selling candy and snow cones for $1.00.

8th Grade House

The 8th grade Washington D.C. Trip will be during spring break on March 25th thru March 29th, 2013.

The trip costs $806.00 and can be paid in installments until the middle of February of 2013.

Please have your child pick-up the trip’s agenda which has all the information for the trip

from the front office clerk, student services, or Coach Calderon (trip sponsor). The trip will be on a charter bus with a

tour guide to provide information on the rich history of the area. Stu-dents will also have a dinner/dance cruise on the Potomac River for a night of good eats and dancing as part of the trip. This is a great oppor-tunity and experience your child will never forget. There will only be 50 seats available and will be sold on a first come first serve basis.

Thank you, Coach Calderone



Welcome students and parents to the 8th grade! This an important year for students to study hard and earn the credits needed to be promoted to high school. Students need to earn 12 middle school credits by the end of the year in order to be promoted to the 9th grade: 3 credits in mathematics, 3 in social studies, 3 in language arts and 3 in science. These classes are considered core courses and students should be working on the third credit in their 8th grade year. Students earn 1 credit per class when the final grade is a “D” or higher.

Kim Caime, 8th Grade Guidance Counselor

Terry Calkins, 8th Grade Assistant Principal

8th Grade Washington D.C.



FFA Update

Zach Bodnar Wins Big at State FFA Convention

Zach Bodnar competed in the state FFA agriscience fair in June with his project titled, “Does Cold Affect the Line?” He received first place in his category and then was awarded first place for his age division, 6-9th grade!

Zach forwarded his agriscience fair application on to the Na-tional FFA Organization for the national agriscience fair this summer. He was recently informed he is a finalist for the na-tional contest. He will be presenting his project this October in Indianapolis, Indiana at the National FFA Convention. Let us all wish Zach good luck as he continues to make DeLand Mid-dle proud!!!!

DeLand Middle FFA Receives National Ranking

DeLand Middle FFA was recently awarded as a One-Star Na-tional Chapter in FFA. The chapter will receive their award at the National FFA Convention in Indianapo-lis, Indiana this October. Let us continue receiving these recognitions on the national level.

Welcome Back BBQ

The Welcome Back BBQ for our members was August 31st. We had ap-proximately 50 members and their families in attendance. Attendees dined on hamburgers and hotdogs, chatted it up with old and new friends, and played some pretty awesome games!!! Don’t miss out on all the fun at our next event.

Upcoming Events

September 24-Oct 5th : Cookie Dough Sale (Pre-order your holiday cookie dough from any FFA member.)

October 2: Chapter Officer Leadership Training @ LTC

October 6-7: East Coast Classic Jackpot Show (Sheep/Goat Show Saturday; Cattle Show Sunday)

October 16: Federation Ag Olympics @ DeLand High Land Laboratory

October 18: District Forestry Contest

BOX TOP COLLECTION Please start collecting your box tops. Mrs. Strickland will be hosting a classroom competition held in the fall for the class that brings in the most box tops. These box tops bring in money for our school.



Campbell’s Soup Labels for Education Drive

Parents please save your Campbell’s Soup Labels!

The FFEA (Teachers of Tomorrow Club) will be sponsoring a Campbell’s Soup Labels for Education drive later this fall. Please save your labels and send them in with your student or send them to Miss Smiley, room #1005. The class with the highest number of labels turned in will receive a cupcake party. Labels collected will be used towards redeeming supplies for the teachers and students here at DeLand Middle School.

Labels can be found on the following product brands:

Campbell’s Pepperidge Farm Emerald Dannon Bic Prego Pop Secret V8 Glad Post People Magazine


Beta Meetings are held EVERY Tuesday from 3:45-4:45pm in the auditorium. If a Beta meeting is canceled, parents will be no-tified via connect-ed message.

Each Beta Member is expected to log 5 service hours per mark-ing period. Yellow log sheets have been distributed and are due by the Beta meeting on October 23rd.

For the Pampered Chef Fundraiser, 25% of your child’s pre-tax, pre-shipping sales total will be put towards the cost of their own individual Beta Convention Field Trip cost ($160). If you are not at-tending convention, but still raise money, the totals will go towards the cost of your Beta Club T-shirt ($10). The fundraiser ends on September 25th – don’t miss out on this great opportunity!

Beta Club Convention is December 2nd – December 4th. Permission slips will go out on Tues-day, September 18th and are due Friday, October 19th! This deadline for permission forms and payment ($160) is strict due to state registration requirements. No late registrants will be ac-cepted. Please plan ahead as the cost is higher than most trips.

Beta Club made purple and white room number signs for each classroom and office in the school. The signs look great! WAY TO GO BETA!


Wow, DMS you rock the recycling! For the 2011/12 school year Terriers recycled over 16,000 lbs of paper, 9,000 plastic bottles/containers, and over 800 aluminum cans. We are the first school in the county to be recycling at almost 100%. You should be proud of yourselves, for caring about our

school and the community. With your grass-root efforts fewer people in the future will have to live next to landfills. Don’t forget you may join the

Terrier Recycling Team by picking up a permission slip in room #907. Keep up the awesome work!

Recycling Fact: Recycle your paper clips, or just reuse the ones you have. Enough paper clips are produced each year to hand every person in the world at least three




The Art Department and EcoChallenge Club would like to announce a great way to have your art displayed on campus in the form of a bench!! Starting on Octo-ber 8th we will be selling individual blocks that you will paint and then fit together with other blocks to create a beautiful, unique bench! This bench will become a landmark on campus for all to see many years to come. Show your creativity and buy a small block for $5 or a long block for $10. Hurry – supplies are limited and will only be available on a first come first serve basis. We will provide the paint and brushes and you will supply the creativity!


Thank you DMS Custodial Staff!

A special thanks to Dean Roberts, the head of

our custodial staff, and all our custodians:

You worked all summer long moving nearly every teacher’s classroom furniture. Thank you for all of your extra work, you have made our school shine! Thank you for all you do at DMS!

Mrs. Carey’s Class

Mrs. Carey’s seventh graders have been working hard on Unit One of our Common Core Reading Curriculum, “Survival in the Wild.” Eighth grade has been busy working on “Urban Settings in America.” Both seventh and eighth grade students have been diligently completing writing prompts for bell work. The students’ responses have been very creative and thought provoking. The students will be using these prompts to write essays each week for homework. We will be using the essay to expand upon our read-ing, writing, and critical thinking skills!

* Seventh grader Nathaniel Harris’ response to “What does being old


“I think being old is more of a comparison. For a one year old, twelve is old, or in time we think one hun-dred billion years is old but to space or infinity one hundred billion is very little. America has been around for about two hundred years but Europe has been around for so much longer. So time really is a compari-son. As Albert Einstein said, “time is an illusion”, or as Abraham Lincoln said, “It’s not the years in your life that count, it’s the life in your years.” Since time goes to infinity, live life to its fullest.”

* Seventh grader Kristen Paquette’s response to “What does being old mean?”

“Being old means that you have wrinkles and hate kids playing on your lawn.”

* Eighth grader Aaron Johnson’s response to “What is the perfect age?”

“The perfect age in one. When you are one, you don’t have to do anything except eat and sleep. You always get passed around and get held by a lot of cool people. There is no pain involved, like teething or anything like that, for another year. You get to sleep all day in a comfortable bed and watch T.V. Everybody buys cool toys and clothes for you just because you are cute.”


Mr. Pearce’s Class

Mrs. Oullette’s Class

The study of Civics includes understanding why people migrate or move to the United Sates.

In Mrs. Ouellette’s 7th grade Civics class, French Immigrant,

Denise Bigot, came to share her experience about what it was

like moving from France in 1969. Students had interview ques-

tions for Mrs. Bigot prepared in advance. One student asked,

“What is the best thing you like best about America?” Mrs.

Bigot’s response was, “Americans are nice people.”

CIVICS - Learning what being a U.S. citizen means is the first step to becoming an informed voter. In class, we have been discussing the definition of “citizen,” how the U.S. defines citizenship, and the duties and responsibilities of our citizen-ship. We are also exploring the meaning of patriotism and the meanings of some of our most iconic symbols. With the upcoming presidential election, we will soon

begin our unit on political parties, voting, and the political process.

ANCIENT WORLD HISTORY - We are off to an amazing journey through time this year with two field trips already completed – a trip to the Siberian wilderness and to the caves of Lascaux, France. Students have studied the cave paintings left behind by prehistoric humans to gain an understanding of how social scientists investigate the past. Our next unit details how the first cities, empires, and king-doms were founded in ancient Mesopotamia.

Mrs. Disinger’s classes are off to a great start! 8th graders are embarking on a journey to the past learning about early explorers and trade. The 7th graders are learning about the impor-tance of being an “active” citizen in our society. Finally, the 6th graders are learning how social scientists interpret the past. They have already completed three classroom simulations, where they have experienced the Siberian Wilderness, the caves of Lascaux, France, and what life was like for hunters & gatherers in the Paleolithic

Age. Please visit our classroom website: Evan Martin examining artifacts in the caves of Lascaux, France.

Mrs. Disinger’s Class

Damien Vankleeck and Kasey Wzaslinski negotiate a trade during our Columbian Exchange simulation.