Del7. 2008 1308 Dissemination FINAL DL 7: WP2 2011 EU-WMH Consortium Dissemination of the results...

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Transcript of Del7. 2008 1308 Dissemination FINAL DL 7: WP2 2011 EU-WMH Consortium Dissemination of the results...

Project contract nº: 2008 1308

Date of delivery: September, 2011

WP Duration: 28 months

Organisation name

of lead contractor: Faculdade de Ciencias Médicas, Universidade

Nova de Lisboa (FCM-UNL)

Project coordinator

name: Consorci Mar Parc de Salut (PSMAR)

Project co-funded by: Executive Agency for Health and Consumers


European Commission (2008-2011)

Dissemination Level: Public (PU)

Deliverable number 7



The EU Contribution to the World Mental Health (WMH)

Surveys Initiative


Contract number: 2008 1308

Project full title: The EU Contribution to the World Mental Health (WMH) Surveys


Collection Project

Acronym: EU-WMH

Report full title: Final report on dissemination of key knowledge on mental health in a

broad European perspective, including elaboration of key messages.

Starting date: April, 2009

Duration of

the Project: 28 months

Lead Contractor: Faculdade de Ciencias Médicas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

(FCM-UNL) Work Package: 2

Work Package

leader: José Miguel Caldas de Almeida

Researchers: Manuel Gonçalves Pereira

Carla Coelho

Catarina Pacheco

The report was prepared by

José Miguel Caldas de Almeida

CONTENTS 1. Development of key messages and dissemination mater ials 2. Implementation of the dissemination actions

ANNEX 1. Fact sheets of the three main reports ANNEX 2. Dissemination activities ANNEX 3. Example of database of different audiences, Portuga l

This report is available at:


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The main objectives of the dissemination workpackage were: a) to develop key messages

and materials on public mental health knowledge from project results, with an emphasis in

the European perspective; and b) to elaborate a plan for implementing optimal dissemination


The work plan was composed of two phases: Development of messages and materials and

implementation of dissemination actions.

1. Development of key messages and dissemination materials:

This phase concerned the production of messages and materials for dissemination. Three

main tasks were conducted in order to fulfil this objective:

• Analysis and selection of relevant results for evidence-based mental health policies

and mental health awareness .

• Translation of research findings into an easy-to-un derstand format. Key

messages were devised to overcome barriers that may hamper the effective dissemination

knowledge. These messages regard overall and country-specific findings on the prevalence

of mental disorders and the use of services. Messages comprise findings in each of the three

themes (burden of mental disorders, mental health and gender, and mental health and

inequalities in Europe) from the literature review and research.

• Production of materials for dissemination addressed to different stakeholders

(policy makers, MH professionals, scientists, and patients, families and NGOs), both at a

National and European level.

Phase I resulted on the production of three types of materials, depending on the target

audience and the technical level of the contents:

Materials for dissemination of high-level knowledge for mental health researchers: results

and knowledge with significant scientific relevance addressed to mental health researchers in

psychiatric epidemiology, social psychiatry and mental health policy research.

Materials for dissemination of practical knowledge to the entire society: Fact sheets and

other materials from the three main reports (Burden, gender and Inequalities). These

documents were addressed to national and international agencies and organisations related

to mental health policy development. These fact sheets are presented in the Annex 1 .

Materials for dissemination to the scientific community: Papers and communications for

publication in scientific journals and presentation in scientific meetings. A complete list of

dissemination materials to scientific community is detailed in Annex 2 .


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2. Implementation of the dissemination actions:

This phase concerned the development of measures to ensure the effective distribution of

the materials and information about project results and knowledge. Two main tasks were

conducted in order to fulfil this objective:

• Identification of databases of different audiences involved in mental health

policy and services issues both at national and European levels: Data bases of the following

audiences were identified at the national level: 1) policy makers and health authorities who

have an important role in mental health policy and legislation development, 2) scientific

associations related with mental health, 3) professional associations from mental health

related fields (psychiatrists, psychologists, general practitioners, social workers, among

others), 4) representatives of patients and families, 5) health insurance companies, 6) NGOs

and key agents in the community. Simultaneously, European associations related with

mental health were also identified.

Based on this information, a database of different audiences in European countries was

developed. Partners and workpackage coordinators used this list (see example in Annex 3

for Portugal) for dissemination of the fact sheets and other information at country and

European level.

• Implementation of effective dissemination actions f or each target group in

countries with significant geographical, cultural a nd organisational diversity: Specific

activities for each of the different target groups were implemented. Actions were conceived to

maximize the impact in accordance to the characteristics of the target group. These activities


o Participation in scientific events at the national and international level: Members of the

consortium presented the results of the project in 12 scientific meetings.

o Publication of papers in scientific journals: Twenty scientific papers were

published/submitted to high- level scientific journals by members of the participating centres.

o Presentation of the results to the national and international agencies related to mental

health policy development: The results of the project were presented to EU Commission,

World Health Organisation, and to other international organisations and networks that may

influence mental health policy development in Europe. Communication actions were also

addressed to (a) policy makers and health authorities with an important role in mental health

policy and legislation at the country level; (b) professional associations from mental health

related fields; (c) representatives of patients and families, (d) NGOs and other key agents in

the community.

o Development of a website: A web site ( was set up with the

participation of all centres. The web site ensures dissemination of all relevant information to

the different target groups, including the general population.


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Image 1. Screenshot of the introduction of

The web site includes the following sections:

� General objectives:

Image 2. Screenshot of General objectives section of


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� Specific Objectives

Image 3. Screen shot of Specific Objectives section of

� Methods (describing the methods used in the literature review and the methods used in the reports)

Image 4. Screen shot of the Methods section of


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� List and contacts of partners

Image 5. Screen shot of the Partners section of

� Burden of mental disorders, Gender and mental health and Inequalities and mental health (These three sections include two subsections each: Key messages and Reports)

Image 6. Screen shot of the Burden of mental disorders section of


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� Country-specific information (with two subsections each: Country profile and WMH Survey data)

Image 7. Screen shot of the Country specific information section of

� Scientific publications

Image 8. Screen shot of the Scientific publications section of


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� Relevant links

Image 9. Screen shot of the Relevant links section of


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ANNEX 1. Fact sheets of the three main reports: 1a. Fact Sheet of “The burden of mental disorders i n the European Union”:


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1b. Fact Sheet of “Mental health in Europe: a gende r perspective”:


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1c. Fact Sheet of “Social inequalities in mental he alth and in unmet need for mental health care in Eu rope”:


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ANNEX 2. Dissemination activities: 2a. Scientific publications:

In Press Zarkov, Z., Okoliyski, M., Brostilov, A., Hinkov, H., Nakov, V., Dinolova, R., Dimitrov, P. Twelve-month usage of mental health services in Bulgaria. Social Medicine 2011. 2011 Alonso J, Vilagut G, Chatterji S, Heeringa S, Schoenbaum M, Ustun B, et al. Including information about co-morbidity in estimates of disease burden: Results from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys. Psychol Med 2011; 41(4):873-886. Bruffaerts R, Demyttenaere K, Hwang I, Wai Tat C, Sampson N, Kessler RC, et al. Treatment of suicidal people around the world. Br J Psychiatry 2011;199:64-70.

Dezetter A, Briffault X, Alonso J, Angermeyer MC, Bruffaerts R, de Girolamo G, et al.

Factors associated with use of psychiatrists and nonpsychiatrist providers by ESEMeD respondents in six European countries. Psychiat Serv 2011; 62(2):143-151.

Gabilondo A, Rojas-Farreras S, Rodríguez A, Fernández A, Pinto-Meza A, Vilagut G, et al. Use of Primary and Specialized Mental Health Care for a Major Depressive Episode in Spain by ESEMeD Respondents. Psychiat Serv 2011; 62(2):152-161.

Kovess-Masféty V, Boyd A, Haro JM, Bruffaerts R, Vilagut G, Lépine JP, et al. High and low suicidality in Europe: A fine-grained comparison of France and Spain within the ESEMeD surveys. J Affect Disorders 2011;133(1-2):247-256.

Pinto-Meza A, Fernández A, Bruffaerts R, Alonso J, Kovess-Masfety V, de Graaf R, et al. Dropping out of mental health treatment among patients with depression and anxiety by type of provider: results of the European Study of the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2011; April; 46(4):273-280.

Sevilla-Dedieu C, Kovess-Masféty V, Gilbert F, Vilagut G, König HH, Bruffaerts R, et al. Mental Health Care and Out-of-Pocket Expenditures in Europe: Results from the ESEMeD Project. J Ment Health Policy Econ 2011; 14:95-105.

2010 Alonso J, Petukhova M, Vilagut G, Chatterji S, Heeringa S, Ustun TB et al. Days out of role due to common physical and mental conditions: results from the WHO World Mental Health surveys. Mol Psychiatry 2010; October 12th [Epub ahead of print]

Bruffaerts R, Demyttenaere K, Borges G, Haro JM, Chiu WT, Hwang I, et al. Childhood adversities as risk factors for onset and persistence of suicidal behaviour. Br J Psychiatry 2010; 197(2):20-27.

Bruffaerts RP, Bonnewyn A, Demyttenaere K. [Associations between early-onset mental disorders and educational attainment in Belgium; a population study.] [Article in Dutch] Tijdschr Psychiat 2010;52(3):133-142.

Gabilondo A, Rojas-Farreras S, Vilagut G, Haro JM, Fernández A, Pinto-Meza A, et al. Epidemiology of major depressive episode in a southern European country: Results from the ESEMeD-Spain project. J Affect Disorders 2010; 120(1-3): 76-85.


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Levinson D, Lakoma M, Petukhova M, Schoenbaum M, Zaslavsky AM, Angermeyer M, et al. Associations of serious mental illness with earnings: results from the WHO World Mental Health surveys. Br J Psychiatry 2010; 197(2):114-121. Sevilla-Dedieu C, Kovess-Masfety V, Haro JM, Fernández A, Vilagut G, Alonso J, et al. Seeking help for mental health problems outside the conventional health care system: Results for the ESEMeD project. Can J Psychiatry 2010; 55(9):586-597.

ten Have M, de Graaf R, Ormel J, Vilagut G, Kovess V, Alonso J. Are attitudes towards mental health help-seeking associated with service use? Results from the European Study of Epidemiology of Mental Disorders. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2010; 45(2):153-163.

2009 Bruffaerts R, Bonnewyn A, Demyttenaere K. The individual and societal effects of non-psychotic serious mental disorders on earnings in Belgium. Eur Psychiatry. 2009;24(4):207-213.

Lee S, Tsang A, Breslau J, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Angermeyer M, Borges G, et al. Mental disorders and termination of education in high-income and low- and middle-income countries: epidemiological study. Br J Psychiatry. 2009;194(5):411-417.

Bonnewyn, A., Katona, C., Bruffaerts, R., Haro, J.M., de Graaf, R., Alonso, J., Demyttenaere, K. (2009). Pain and depression in older people: Comorbidity and patterns of help seeking. Journal of Affective Disorders, 117(3), 193-196. Florescu, S., Ciutan, M., Popovici, G., Galaon, M., Ladea, M., Petukhova, M. The Romanian Mental Health Study: main aspects of lifetime prevalence and service use of DSM-IV disorders [Romanian]. Management in Health 2009; 3: 22-30. Florescu, S., Moldovan, M., Mihaescu-Pintia, C., Ciutan, M., Sorel, G.E. The Mental Health Study Romania 2007. Prevalence, severity, and treatment of 12-month DSM-IV disorders. Management in Health 2009; 4: 23-31.


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2b. Manuscripts submitted or in preparation

Alonso J, Vilagut G, Bruffaerts R, Bunting B, Xavier M, Florescu S, et al. N. Mood disorders and Suicidal behaviours in 10 European countries: Results of the World Mental Health (WMH) surveys. Submitted to Eur J Public Health.

Bruffaerts R, Vilagut G, Demyttenaere K, Alonso J, AlHamzawi A, Andrade LH, et al.

The role of mental and physical health in partial disability around the world. Submitted to Br J Psychiatry (in revision)

Kovess Masfety,A. Boyd, J.M. Haro, J.P. Lépine, G.Vilagut, I. Gasquet , R. Bruffaerts, J.Alonso for the ESEMeD/MHEDEA investigators High and low suicidality in Europe: A fine-grained comparison of France and Spain within the ESEMeD surveys. Submitted to Journal of Affective Disorders. Kovess V, Van de Velde s, Boyd A and the WMH Europe contributors. Women across Europe.

Boyd A, Van de Velde S, Kovess V, et al. Mental health gender differences across Europe. Kovess V, Van de Velde s, Boyd A and the WMH Europe contributors. Gender differences on use of care for mental health problems in Europe. Kovess V, Van de Velde s, Boyd A and the WMH Europe contributors. Psychotropic drug use gender differences in Europe. Pinto-Meza A, et al. Social inequalities in mental health in Europe. Pinto-Meza A, et al. Social inequalities in unmet need for mental health care in Europe. Van de Velde S, Boyd A, Kovess V, et al. Social risks factors for mental health disorders across Europe.


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2c. Participation in meetings and congresses

Table 1. List of meetings and congresses where EU-W MH data were disseminated Presenter name Event Date and Location

Alonso J 19th European Congress of Psychiatry (ECP) March 12-15, 2011. Vienna, Austria.

Barbaglia G SEE-SESPAS Congress 2011 October 6-8, 2011. Madrid, Spain.

Kovess V 15th World Congress of Psychiatry (WPA) September 18-22, 2011. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Alonso J Federation of the European Academies of Medicine (FEAM), Bussiness meeting 2010

June 1st, 2010. Brusselles, Belgium.

Barbaglia G XXX Jornadas de Economía de la Salud (AES)

June 22-25, 2010. Valencia, Spain.

Caldas de Almeida JM

EU Thematic Conference “Promoting Social Inclusion and Combating Stigma for Better Mental Health”, European Union

November 8-9, 2010. Lisbon, Portugal.

Van de Velde S European Society for Health and Medical Sociology Conference 2010 (ESHMS)

August 2010. Ghent, Belgium.

Van de Velde S ECRS Conference September 2010. Bamberg, Germany.

Alonso J EU Thematic Conference on “Preventing Depression and Suicide in a time of Crisis-Making it Happen”, European Union (DG SANCO)

December 10 -11th, 2009. Budapest, Hongary

Alonso J Federation of the European Academies of Medicine (FEAM), Autumn Conference 2009

September 17-18th, 2009. Prague, Czech Republic

Alonso J XII International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiolgy (IFPE) Congress

2009 April 16-19th, 2009. Vienna, Austria

Kovess V XII IFPE congress 2009 April 16-19th, 2009. Vienna, Austria

2d. Other dissemination activities Table 2. Description of other dissemination activit ies carried out Activity Number Description Audience

Contacts/communications with national policy makers

30 Fact sheets and other materials disseminated to Ministries of Health and other health authorities at national level in participating countries

Policy makers at country level

Contacts/communications with international agencies

12 Fact sheets and other materials disseminated to EU, WHO.

Policy makers at international level

Contacts/communications with professional and scientific associations

18 Fact sheets and other materials disseminated to psychiatric, psychologists, mental health associations

Professional associations

Communication with users and familiy associations

25 Fact sheets and other materials disseminated to users and familiy associations,

NGO´s, users and families


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and NGO´s working on mental health

ANNEX 3. Example of database of different audiences , Portugal

Table 3. Contact persons and corresponding institut ions of different audiences

selected in Portugal

Stakeholder Contact person Position and Institution/organization

Policy makers and health authorities

Dr. Álvaro Carvalho Coordenador Nacional da Saúde Mental (Mental Health National Coordinator), Ministry of health

Dr. Francisco George Director Geral da Saúde (General Director of Health), Ministry of health

Scientific associations related with mental health

Prof. António Pacheco Palha

Presidente da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental (President, Portuguese Psychiatry and Mental Health Society)

Dr. Joaquim Fidalgo de Freitas

Presidente da Associação Portuguesa de Saúde Mental (President, Portuguese Mental Health Association)

Dr. José António Barata

Presidente da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicossomática (President, Portuguese Psychosomatic Society)

Prof. Graça Cardoso Presidente da Associação Portuguesa de Psiquiatria de Ligação (President, Portuguese Consultation Liaison Psychiatry).

Dr. Luís Câmara Pestana

Presidente da Associação Portuguesa de Psiquiatria Biológica (President, Portuguese Association of Biological Psychiatry).

Dr. João Sequeira Carlos

Presidente da Associação Portuguesa dos Médicos de Clínica Geral (President, Portuguese Association of Primary Care Physicians).

Dra. Maria Luísa Lima Presidente da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia (President, Portuguese Psychology Association)

Mr. Víctor Branco Presidente da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia Clínica (President, Portuguese Society of Clinical Psychology).

Professional associations related with mental health

Dr. Pedro Nunes Presidente da Ordem Portuguesa dos Médicos (President, Portuguese Medical Association).

Mr. Telmo Baptista Presidente da Comissão Instaladora da Ordem Portuguesa dos Psicólogos (President, Portuguese Psychologists College).

Representatives of patients and families

Mr. Delfim Augusto de Oliveira

Presidente da Associação de Apoio aos Doentes Depressivos e Bipolares (President, Portuguese Association for the Support of Depressive and Bipolar Patients).

Prof. José Ornelas Presidente da Associação para o Estudo e Integração Psicossocial (Association for the Study and Psychosocial Integration).


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Dra. Fátima Monteiro FENERDM (National Federation of

Organizations for the Rehabilitation of People wit mental Disorders).