Deism A presentation by Andrew Tavin. Some quick facts to begin Deism is a philosophical position...

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Transcript of Deism A presentation by Andrew Tavin. Some quick facts to begin Deism is a philosophical position...


A presentation by Andrew Tavin

Some quick facts to begin

• Deism is a philosophical position which emerged during the Enlightenment

• Deism is derived from the Latin word Deus, meaning G-d

• Many Deists were born Christians who could not believe all of their faith

• Deism consists of both Critical and Constructive parts

The Critical Part

• The Critical Part of Deism consists of the rejection of all “revealed religions”, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, which are dependent on a revelation from G-d.

Critical Part, Part 2

• Deism also rejects the occurrence of miracles as well as the doctrine of Original Sin and all other similar beliefs.

The Constructive Part

• G-d gave men reason which they use to gain knowledge from the world around them. Additionally, G-d created the universe, and wants human beings to act morally. After they die, there is an after-life.

So, essentially…

• Deists believe that G-d created the world and may even maintain it, but that he does not have any interaction in the day to day workings of man.

G-d as the clockmaker

A common metaphor for the Deist G-d

Some historical context

• Although Deism became popular during the Enlightenment, its roots came much earlier. Early philosophers, such as Plato, had espoused the idea of G-d as the craftsman, or “Demiurge”.

Lord Herbert-Father of Deism

British, Founded Early Deism with his work De Veritate

Voltaire-Enlightenment Writer

Maximillian Robespierre

Leader of the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution

Thomas Jefferson-American Pres

Benjamin Franklin