DeFoor Greenhouse Network Project Group 2 Members: Jaris Tilstra Meir Shapiro.

Post on 13-Dec-2015

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Transcript of DeFoor Greenhouse Network Project Group 2 Members: Jaris Tilstra Meir Shapiro.

  • Slide 1

DeFoor Greenhouse Network Project Group 2 Members: Jaris Tilstra Meir Shapiro Slide 2 Outline Employee Labor Costs Project Cost Estimate Responsibility Matrix Comm. Management Plan Lessons Learned Project Assessment Questions Project Overview Project Deliverables Project Charter Stakeholder Registry Risk Register Probability/Impact Matrix Project Scope Statement * There is a notes section on some slides * Slide 3 Project Overview Greenhouse is located at Tucumcari, New Mexico Includes environmentally friendly energy sources Need to provide a computer for each office 10 monitors to measure temperature, humidity, and sunlight Needs to be operational in 12 weeks The budget is $100,000 Slide 4 Project Deliverables Project Charter Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Gantt Chart Cost Estimate Resource Assignments Communications Plan Risk Register and Matrix Slide 5 Project Charter Project Sponsor: Mr. and Mrs. DeFoor Project Start Date: 09/16/13 Projected Finish Date: 12/09/13 Project Manager: Jaris Tilstra Budget Information: $100k for labor and network components procurement. Project Team: Jaris Tilstra, Meir Shapiro, Tanishia Brown, Steve Williams, Elizabeth Smith Slide 6 Stakeholder Registry NameRolePositionContact Information Mr. & Mrs. Jaris TilstraProject Meir ShapiroTeam MemberNetwork Tanishia BrownTeam MemberNetwork Steve WilliamsTeam MemberNetwork Elizabeth SmithTeam MemberNetwork Kevin PhamConsultantIT Jason StanleyConsultantPR Leslie TaylorConsultantHR Hailey Bucket ConsultantAdmin Assist. Slide 7 Risk Register RankRiskDescriptionCategory 1Outdated wiring The wiring and/or WAN is not suitable for the building Technology 2 Customers go elsewhere Customers could potentially go elsewhere for their produce Project 3 Installation takes too long Installation can take longer than expected Human Resources 4 Lack of experience The team members may have a limited amount of experience with this type of project Human Resources 5 Shortage of network engineers With multiple projects going on there may be a shortage in network engineers Human Resources 6 Monitor placement issues The setup of the greenhouse may not support the proper placement of monitors Hardware Slide 8 Probability/Impact Matrix Impact Probability Low Medium High Low Medium High Risk 1 Risk 3 Risk 6 Risk 4 Risk 5 Risk 2 Slide 9 Project Scope Statement Project Summary and Justification Summary of Project Deliverables Project Success Criteria Slide 10 Gantt Chart Slide 11 Employee Labor Costs 1.1InitiationAll Members$738 1.2PlanningAll Members$5,715 1.3ExecutionAll Members$44,492 1.4ControlAll Members$2,144 1.5CloseoutAll Members$1,191 Total:$54,280 Slide 12 Project Cost Estimate SubtotalsWBS Level 1 Totals% of Total WBS Items 1. Initiation $7381% 1.1 Project manager$378 1.1 Project team members$360 2. Planning $5,7156% 1.2 Project manager$3,965 1.2 Project team members$1,750 3. Execution $73,54674% 1.3 Project manager$13,027 1.3 Project team members$31,465 1.3.3 Workstations Cost$4,500 1.3.3 Monitors Cost$8,053 1.3.3 Web Servers Cost$3,000 1.3.3 Printers Cost$1,500 1.3.3 Software Cost$12,000 4. Control $2,1442% 1.4 Project manager$944 1.4 Project team members$1,200 5. Closeout $1,1911% 1.5 Project manager$566 1.5 Project team members$625 6. Reserves (20% of total estimate)$16,667 17% Total project cost estimate $100,000 Slide 13 Responsibility Matrix WBS Activities OBS UnitsMeir Shapiro PPRPPP PPP P Tanishia Brown PPPPPRP PPPP P P Elizabeth Smith PPP PRPPPPP P P Steve Williams PPP P PpPPP P P Jaris TilstraRP P PP P P Key: R = Responsible organizational unit P = Performing organizational unit Slide 14 Communications Management Plan StakeholdersDocument Name Document Format Contact Person Due Date DeFoor Network Project Team Weekly ScheduleBoxJaris TilstraMondays DeFoor Network Project Team Bi-Weekly updates to the communications plan BoxJaris Tilstra1 st and 3 rd Mondays of the month Internal management Monthly status reports Email and meeting Jaris TilstraFirst of the month Internal technical staff Monthly status reports Email and meeting Steve WilliamsFirst of the month Customer business staff Monthly status reports Hard copyTanishia BrownFirst of the month Customer technical staff Monthly status reports Hard copyTanisha BrownFirst of the month Network Installer Network Implementation Plan EmailMeir ShapiroNovember 10, 2013 Comments: Put titles and date of all documents in email headings and have all recipients acknowledge receipt. Change email headings and subject lines as necessary. Slide 15 Lessons Learned Make sure everyone involved in the project understands and agrees with the objectives an requirements of the project. Set deadlines for review and signoff of weekly deliverables Make sure to subscribe to the forum as soon as possible Be active in the forum early on every week so you are not rushed at the end. Get to know your team members better Slide 16 Project Assessment Hardest Parts Understanding the project requirements Learning MS Project Assigning resources in MS Project Losing a team member during the project Easiest Parts Communicating with group team members Team members each put their fair share of workload to the project Were able to have our deliverables submitted on time Slide 17 Questions?