Defense From Unseen World PDF

Post on 20-May-2017

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Transcript of Defense From Unseen World PDF

Defense from unseen world

Well,I thought for some time,actually,for years,should I publish my story,or no.At that time,I was working an non-pleasant job,but money was good,and I thought that I must force myself to do dirty job regardless of daily offenses from my primitive co-workers.I had to bring bread and butter into the family.

Night One:

That particular night,I came home from work.My beloved dog was waiting for me,as she did every night around 1, or 2 am, when I usually returned.We went to Hudson park, and it was nice as usual.There were only few skunks, searching for leftovers from barbecue picnics that day.It is a custom among spanish people to make barbecues during summer time.But my dog didn't pay attention to them.She learned a lesson from angry skunk hard way!I remember when my dog had seen skunk first time,and I saw skunk first time too.To my surprise,skunk went on his front legs, look at my dog,and,over own back, sprayed my dog from rear end! Immediatelly,my dog went on grass,trying to get rid of smell! Angry skunk went toward her,but I yelled out and skunk turned around and left.Since then,my doggie bothers skunks no more.Later,we came home,I took a shower,had my dinner,while watching tv for a while.Finally,went to sleep around 2,30 am.My wife slept peacefully as usual.Our bedroom was cool,air was good and we always kept our window open during the night.My wife said that she needs air,and it was good to me too.Suddenly,something invisible,but cold,and evil, entered the room! I was able to see the dark shadow,which emanated at me enormous animosity and anger which paralyzed me!Then,without any warning,it started to strike me with something like whip,or cord directly at my groin! I felt terrible pain !Then I looked at my wife-she didn't move!!I jumped out of my bed, and went to kitchen.There I sat for,maybe,10 min,praying God for help,made an tea,had some more food.My dog was asleep too,curled in her bed in our living room.After about an hour,I turned slowly back to our bedroom.It felt cold,very cold,like never before.Cold whispers went up my spine,my all hair shivered.Real fear,maybe first time in my life,was so overwhelmingly present,that I reluctantly went to bed again.Dark enemy attacked again!And again. My wife slept as before,not a single move.I jumped out again,and went out of bedroom.In the living room I waited for the dawn.In the morning,my wife and kids got bussy wirh regular morning activities:breakfast,exams,in and out of bathroom:I went to sleep for few hours.

For some reason,I didn't say anything about past night event to my wife.She went to work,kids to school.My work schedule was from 3pm,till 12 am.Before the work,I would always take my dog to the Hudson park,and then go to make my contribution to family budget.The day was,well,how to say:I was scared.Really!Real fear was enveloping me,and I didn't want to go home.But I had to.

Night Two:

I came home as usual.Every night,when I came close to my home door,I could hear my dog sniffing from inside :)And,when she recognized me,she would cry silenty,and pushing the door with her paws!I always smiled,she was my light and my joy!Every person who loves an animal,dog,cat, or any other ,will understand my feelings for my beloved dog.We went to park,but my thougts were immersed in fear:what should I do?How to defend myself from something I don't see?My groin was sore.And my soul was thinking about something that happened when I was a 7 years old boy;when I saw face of a blond woman in a circle of fire,comforting me with her words.But,that is another story.Anyway,I thought that maybe that enemy of mine will come no more.And,this thought was very calming.So,after my routine of dinner and shower,I went to bed.Enemy came again! This time even faster then first time,and with more ferocity and hate then before!It striked again,and again at my groin!!The same scenario reapeted this night.By dawn,I was tired and scared.But,again,for some reason,I haven't say anything to my wife.

Night Three:

I know that I am Divinely protected.I knew that since my childhood.It was Divine who lead made me remember a web site of Rosemary Altea.Well,few months ago,I visited the Rosemary site and emailed her for consultation about my life problems.She answered and told me that she and her co-workers pray for God's will in one's life only.And if there is another will,let it be removed.I remembered those words,and I decided to use them against my dark enemy.Now,let me say few more words about enemy who attacked me:it was something like dark cloud,darker then dark in the bedroom,with cold emanating from it,together with hatred !Brrr..And I perceived that it enters my bedroom through wall where window was.Ok.Now,I've decided to try using Rosemary words.I came home.My happy dog was waiting for me as usual;my family,wife and

two daughters slept.It was around 2 am,and my dog took me to the park as usual.After dinner and shower,I went to bed...It came-with determination to destroy me.I felt it!But,I silently said,in my mind:Let it be God's will in my life.And ,if there is another will,let it be removed!The creature screamed in agony and fear,and flied out the room!!!What a relief!!I said few more times in my mind same words,just to make sure the dark enemy is gone,and,after nothing moved,I thanked God,and went to sleep.

Last day:

This day was quite good.I was actually happy.But,I knew that enemy may come again tonight.I have to say that I was impatient to see if the dark entity will appear again.I felt that i have an weapon!Not any weapon,but the mighty one,maybe the mightiest one of all !!!Regular routine was over,and I was in my bed.Time:around 2am.My wife was sleeping as usual.Kids were in their bedroom.My dog in her bed.At first nothing happened.Then,slowly,reluctantly,dark enemy came.But this time I was sensing fear inside the enemy.It was unsecure. I silently,in my mind said the same words:Let it be God's will in my life.And,if there is another will,let it be removed!An loud scream,with fear and agony came from that enemy creature!An it switly turned back screaming,flied out the room, and never returned ever since!I never spoke to my wife about it.I don't know why.Many years passed by.Many waters completed their cycle.My dog crossed over.I divorced my wife.In years I forgot about how God save me.That was my mistake.Now I remember the Glory of God.This strory is my thanks to God.And my prayer to only one thing in my life:Let it be God's will in my life.And if there is another one,let it be removed