Deep sea life TIM BRANDON COLTON. Overview squid, sting Rays, shark, Crab,whale.

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Deep sea life TIM BRANDON COLTON. Overview squid, sting Rays, shark, Crab,whale.

deep sea lifeTIM




squid , sting Rays , shark, Crab ,whale


Vocabulary squid , sting Rays , shark, Crab ,whale


SQUID Squid are cephalopods of the order Teuthida, which comprises around 304 species. Like all other cephalopods, squid have a distinct head, bilateral symmetry, a mantle, and arms. Squid, like cuttlefish, have eight arms arranged in pairs and two, usually longer, tentacles. Squid are strong swimmers and certain species can "fly" for short distances out of the water.



yeti crab is a crustacean discovered in 2005 in the South Pacific Ocean. This decapod, which is approximately 15 cm 5.9 in long, is notable for the quantity of silky blond setae resembling fur covering its pereiopods thoracic legs, including claws. Its discoverers dubbed it the "yeti lobster" or "yeti crab.


The frilled shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus is one of two extant species of shark in the family Chlamydoselachidae, with a wide but patchy distribution in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. This species is found over the outer continental shelf and upper continental slope, generally near the bottom, though there is evidence of s,d.cGU&psig=AFQjCNE0bcPdNIKzXvv7wXbWqP-uSNK0Jg&ust=1432998283306050ubstantial upward movements. It has been caught as deep as 1,570 m 5,150 ft although it is uncommon below 1,200 m 3,900 ft In Suruga Bay, Japan, it is most common at depths of 50200 m 160–660 . Exhibiting several "primitive" features, the frilled shark has often been termed a "living fossil". It reaches a length of 2 m 6.6 ft and has a dark brown, eel-like body with the dorsal, pelvic, and anal fins placed far back. Its common name comes from the frilly or fringed appearance of its six pairs of gill slits, with the first pair meeting across the throa


Whale origin Old English hwæl from Proto-Germanic *hwalaz is the common name for various marine mammals of the order] The term whale sometimes refers to all cetaceans, but more often it excludes dolphins and porpoises, which are smaller members of the suborder Odontoceti toothed whales. The other cetacean Cetacea.[1suborder, Mysticeti baleen whales comprises filter feeders who eat small organisms caught by straining seawater through a comblike structure found in the mouth called baleen. All cetaceans have forelimbs modified as fins, a tail with horizontal flukes, and nasal openings blowholes on top of the head

Sting ray

STING RAYS are a group of rays, which are cartilaginous fish related to sharks. They are classified in the suborder Myliobatoidei of the order Myliobatiformes and consist of eight families: Hexatrygonidae sixgill stingray, Plesiobatidae deep water stingray.

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Tim brandon and colton