Decypher Getting started

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Decypher Getting started

Transcript of Decypher Getting started

App Menu

1. Launch opens agent dashboard to accept and dispose calls.

2. Campaign sets up recordings, dial lists and adjusts settings

before launching calls.

3. Database searches customer, dial list and agent information

for reports.

4. Analytics shows reports graphically for quick comparisons.

1. Campaign List shows current campaign settings

2. Click Add new campaign or Rename campaign, then

type name into field

3. Activate or deactivate the campaign here

4. Click EDIT to open settings screen


1. Adjust Speech Recognition settings

2. Upload recordings or scripts. You MUST have a recording or

script for each part

3. Two flow settings need to be chosen: Transfer flow and

Customer call back flow

4. Upload and assign data

5. Choose daily limits and dial speed

6. Additional buzzwords are optional.

Campaigns Settings

1. Choose approved campaign

2. Press resume to start calls. Press Pause to stop calls.

3. View customer information

4. Choose disposition based on call result

5. Click Hang Up to disconnect a call and queue next call

Launch / Agent Dashboard

Search database through drop down menus: Campaign, dial list,

disposition, Opt In or Opt Out, call result, customer details

Database Search

View requested results.

Database Search Result: