Decoding Dyslexia - NY (Advocate. Educate. Legislate)4.25.14

Post on 29-Dec-2015

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A universal definition and understanding of Dyslexia in the New York State Education CodeTeacher training on Dyslexia, its warning signs and appropriate intervention strategies based on evidence, science and practicumEarly screening tests for DyslexiaEvidence-based Dyslexia remediation programs implemented with fidelity, which can be accessed by both general and special education populationsAccess to appropriate “assistive technologies” in the public school setting for students with Dyslexia.

Transcript of Decoding Dyslexia - NY (Advocate. Educate. Legislate)4.25.14

Decoding Dyslexia - NY

Legislation and awareness

A universal definition and understanding of Dyslexia in the New York State Education Code

Teacher training on Dyslexia, its warning signs and appropriate intervention strategies based on evidence, science and practicum

Early screening tests for Dyslexia

Evidence-based Dyslexia remediation programs implemented with fidelity, which can be accessed by both general and special education populations

Access to appropriate “assistive technologies” in the public school setting for students with Dyslexia.

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Advocate. Educate. Legislate.

New York StatePending Legislation for Dyslexia

A2775-2013 (Assembly)Requires the certification or training of teachers, administrators and instructors in the area of Dyslexia and related disorders

Law Section: Education Law / Amd SS3004 & 4402

Sponsor: BrennanMulti-sponsors/Co-sponsors: Clark, Cusick, Hooper, McDonald, McDonough, Paulin, Scarbourough, Weprin, Millman, Abinanti, Markey, Miller, Titone, Tedisco, Fahy

S2496-2013 (Senate)Requires the certification or training of teachers, administrators and instructors in the area of Dyslexia and related disorders (same as A2775)

Law Section: Education Law / Amd SS3004 & 4402

Sponsor: Addabbo

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What is Dyslexia and why should we care?

People with Dyslexia often have average (orpotentially above average) intelligence yet typically read at levels significantly lower than expected.[1] [2]

Dyslexia is not just a reading problem and varies among each person. “The differences are personal; the diagnosis is clinical; the treatment is educational; and the understanding is scientific (The Many Faces of Dyslexia by Margaret Rawson). [1]

An unexpected gap may exists between their potential for learning and their school achievement. Dyslexia is often referred to as a ‘hidden’ disability. [6]

Although there are laws that presumably protect the educational rights of our children with dyslexia, they are broad-based and many times not successful in assisting the vast number of children in closing the educational gap with their peers.

Dyslexia is estimated to affect 5% to 17% of the population. The cost of NOT providing meaningful help is too great. [3] [4] [5]

Dyslexia is difficulty with language. It is neurological in nature.

“The Beginning of Wisdom is calling things by their Right Name.” Ancient Chinese Proverb

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Timing is of an Essence….

Kindergarten thru third grade is a critical period of a child’s life. Multiple studies have shown that early

reading difficulties without appropriate remediation will have adverse affects leading to high school drop-out,

behavioral issues and socio-economic impact. (Juel 1988, Lloyd 1978 and more).

The impact and results of selecting a wrong reading program are profound. [7]


Research shows that children identified before second grade can learn to read well with a bonafide scientifically based reading program taught by a qualified teacher. [7] [8]

If children are caught later, the odds of bringing them to an acceptable level fall sharply. (Research -Moats). [7] [8]

Educational Treatment shows Scientific Results

If a child leaves 3rd grade not reading at grade level, that child has a 1 out of 7 chance of ever reading at grade level

(International Dyslexia Association – NY branch).

Research involved children with severe dyslexia participating in an

intense phonologically-based intervention and showed significant


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Dyslexia and the Impact on Society

Low literacy is strongly related to crime. 70% of prisoners fall into the lowest two levels of reading

proficiency (National Institute for Literacy, 1998).

Welfare recipients ages 17-21 read, on average, at the sixth grade level. When single parents drop out of

school, they are likely to drop in to the welfare system(National Institute for Literacy, 1998).

Among adults with low literacy skills, 43 percent live in poverty and 17 percent receive food stamps. In contrast,

among adults with strong literacy skills, fewerthan five percent live in poverty and fewer than one

percent receive food stamps (National Institute for Literacy, 1998).

NYS has one of the highest per student expenditures, yet according to NYSED in 2012, 44.9% (3rd-8th grade) did

NOT meet English Language Arts proficiency standards and 84.5% of students with a disability did NOT meet

proficiency standards.

Despite time, money and resource expenditures, NYS is flailing to improve literacy levels to a respectable level

in the public school setting.

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Children learn to read at school so they may then read to learn.

Did you know there are decades of research on Dyslexia? …and

what works?

Have Dyslexia

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Did you Know?

There is an UPSIDE to Dyslexia

Over 50% of NASA employees have Dyslexia.

They are deliberately sought after due to their

superb problem solving, 3D and spatial awareness.

Mary-Margaret ScholtensDirector of the Alternative Programs)

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Decoding Dyslexia – NY is a grassroots movement driven by New York families concerned with the limited access to educational interventions for Dyslexia within our public schools.

We aim to -

Raise Dyslexia awareness

Empower families to support their children

Inform policy-makers on best practices to identify, instruct and support students with Dyslexia in New York state public schools.

Find us on FacebookDecoding Dyslexia – NY

Check out our Website



80% of all identified with a LD have Dyslexia.

80% of all identified with a LD have Dyslexia

According to the NIH, 80% of student with a specific learning disability actually have dyslexia.

According to the International Dyslexia Association, as Dr. Petrosky notes, 15-20% of all

people have a learning disability, and of these, 80% are dyslexic or have language-based


Approximately 80% of people with learning disabilities have dyslexia. The terms “reading

disability” and “dyslexia” are often used interchangeably in the literature.8 Dyslexia is a

primary reading disorder and results from a written word processing abnormality in the

brain. (Shaywitz SE. Dyslexia. N Engl J Med.1998;338 (5):307– 312

CrossRefMedlineWeb of Science and Lyon GR. Overview of reading and literacy initiatives: statement to the Committee on Labor and Human Resources; 1998)

Dyslexia (or specific reading disability) is the most common and most carefully studied of

the SpLD, affecting 80% of all those identified as learning-disabled(4). 4. Shaywitz SE. Dyslexia. N Engl J Med 1998; 338: 307-312.




Dyslexia: The MOST Common Learning Disability

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~80% of NYS

students with a

Learning Disability

have Dyslexia.

55.3% in a Special Education do NOT

graduate under current


95.1% of students with a learning

disability are NOT calculated college and career ready.

Dyslexia in our Public Schools (NYSED)

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Decoding Dyslexia USA46 states & Growing

“Never underestimate the competence of dedicated, educated and passionate parents that are

committed to creating positive change. Not for only TODAY but for TOMORROW.”


“And, NEVER, ever – cause harm.”D.Rafferty

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Websites and additional Information:

Decoding Dyslexia – NY

International Dyslexia Association

National Learning Disability Organization

Bright Solutions for Dyslexia

Wishes for Literacy

A Different Way In Reading Center

Everyone Reading

Academy of Orton Gillingham

Texas Education Agency

The Dyslexia Handbook

Colorado Department of Education

Mississippi Department of Education

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to

try just one more time.” -Thomas A. Edison

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[1] Ferrer E, Shaywitz BA, Holahan JM, Marchione K, Shaywitz SE (January 2010). "Uncoupling of reading and IQ over time: empirical evidence for a definition of dyslexia". Psychol Sci 21 (1): 93–101. doi:10.1177/0956797609354084. PMID 20424029.


[3] McCandliss BD, Noble KG (2003). "The development of reading impairment: a cognitive neuroscience model". Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev 9 (3): 196–204. doi:10.1002/mrdd.10080. PMID 12953299.

[4] a b Czepita D, Lodygowska E (2006). "[Role of the organ of vision in the course of developmental dyslexia]" (in Polish). Klin Oczna 108 (1–3): 110–3. PMID 16883955.

[5] Birsh, Judith R. (2005). "Research and reading disability". In Judith R. Birsh. Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills. Baltimore, Maryland: Paul H. Brookes Publishing. p. 8. ISBN 978-1-55766-678-5.

[6] W. Pringle Morgan (cited in Shaywitz, 1996), a doctor in Sussex, England, described the puzzling case of a boy in the British Medical Journal: "Percy … aged 14 … has always been a bright and intelligent boy, quick at games, and in no way inferior to others of his age. His great difficulty has been – and is now – his inability to read" (p. 98).

[7] Findings from “Neural deficits in children with dyslexia ameliorated by behavioral remediation: Evidence from functional MRI “published by the Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences Early Edition 2005

[8] Neural Response to Intervention, The pattern of brain activation can change in response to intervention - “Brain surgery by instruction”8 children with severe dyslexia, 8 week intense phonologically-basedIntervention - 2 hours a day = up to 80 hours of instruction;Ages 7- 17 years old (“significant improvement in reading skills…”)

[9] Birsh, J. R. (Ed.). (2005). Multisensory teaching of basic language skills. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.Carreker, S., & Birsh, J. R. (2005). Multisensory teaching of basic language skills: Activity book. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.


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