December 19

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Transcript of December 19


“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is


Saturday, December 14th, was a busy day in Allen . . . especially for Santa!

That jolly old man arrived on the fire truck at 3:00 pm and made his way to a specially made chair in the Memory Lane gazebo.

There he took requests and vis-ited with area children. He gave each youngster a bag of candy, courtesy of the Allen Chamber of Commerce, and then contin-ued on his way to the Woodland Hills Nursing Home. He took

time with each resident and staff member, distributed fruit to the residents, and then boarded the truck to travel back to his sleigh for the return trip to the North Pole.

While he was bringing joy to the WHNH residents, locals gath-ered at the Allen Food Center with the tickets they had acquired from the Chamber’s “Shop at Home” campaign with high hope of tak-ing home the new TV or one of the other prizes.

It took several draws to get the winners, but taking home a handmade clock donated by Charles and Betty Speir was Jewel Rocha; and winner of the $50 gift certificate, donated by the Allen Food Center, was Dorothy Knighten. The grand prize, a 42” LED TV, went home with David Morrison.

Also announced were winners of the lighting contest. First place and $100 in Allen Bucks went to Brad and Vanessa Scroggins; second place and $75 went to Pete and Barbara Joiner; and Mike and Kelly Todd won 3rd place and $50.

The Allen Chamber and local merchants thank all area residents for their loyalty in shopping at home. It is this support that enables them to provide these Christmas give-aways as well as the annual Easter Egg Hunt, the Veterans’ Dinner on Memorial Day, and Customer Appreciation Day in June.

AllenAdvocateSanta is on his way

Looks like Debbie Scott and Santa had a great time at the Woodland Hills Christmas party.

Anyone as pretty as T.K. Mowdy has had to be good all year .

Santa loves kids of all ages and William Harden probably had a lengthy wish list to share.

Pay attention, Santa, Hattie Giacomo has things to tell you . . .

Three generation were at the Woodland Hills party and shared a visit with Santa. Pictured, left to right, with Santa are Holly Woods, Dylanee McCarroll, Shaylee Hopkins and DeeAnn Jensen.

HELP! HELP! This weird man in a red suit has a hold of me! Lauren Baber wasn’t happy this year but we’re sure by next year Santa will be high on her list of favorite people.

Christmas is a great time for families to be together and this year was special for Johnny Frederick as his wife, Wanda, and grandkids, Pam and Daniel Crabtree, joined him for the party at Woodland Hills.

Kierra Frederick was happy to sit on Santa’s knee and tell him what she wants for Christmas this year.


CCCCCommentsby Bill Robinson,



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This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending the Gerty and Non Christmas event. It was a great evening and I really enjoyed the visit.

Some of the “old timers” in those communities might rec-ognize a few of the names in this article I recently found from a 1934 newspaper.


Sam Kashwer Suffers Injuries To Hands When Gasoline Explodes by Owana Lewis

Sam Kashwer, Gerty merchant, who suffered painful injuries to his hands Saturday morning when he was burned in a gasoline explosion, is improved, according to attendants.

Kashwer received the burns when he attempted to build a fi re in his stove. A can of kerosene near the stove exploded.

He is receiving medical treatment at his home.The singing convention, which was held in the John Curlee

home Thursday night, was well attended.Collie Lawson, Rena Ingram, Earl Stewart and Albert Ship-

man attended a party at Non Saturday night.Truman and Quinton Douglas and Ralph Gann of Round

Prairie visited here Sunday afternoon.Mrs. Elmer Spears, the fi rst and second grade teacher is

ill.Miss Flora Lo Hull, who has been visiting relatives in Tulsa

the past month has returned to her home here.Rev. J.L. Brown of Calvin will occupy the pulpit here Sat-

urday night, December 15th.Faye Conover, Collie Lawson and Rena Ingram were the

guests of R.E. Roby Sunday.Flora Lo Hull and Gladys Stewart were the guests of Burlene

Luna Sunday.The men of this community have started to work on the

Gerty highway.C.R. Philpoat and daughter, Mildred, visited in the R.E. Roby

home Sunday afternoon.Edgar Lewis attended the commissioners’ meeting at Okla-

homa City Monday.Spaulding defeated the Gerty basketball team on the Spauld-

ing court Friday afternoon.Andrew Rail of Round Prairie attended church services here

Saturday night.Miss Clara Lawson spent Saturday night and Sunday with


NER by F.I. PurserA farewell dinner was given here Sunday by Mrs. H. Brians

and Mrs. F.I. Purser in honor of Lester and Neona Purser, who left for Oakland, CA, Wednesday.

A number of friends and relatives were present.Mrs. E. A. Brians went with them to visit her daughter, Mrs.

Tom Gilbert, at Bakersfi eld, CA.Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hester are the parents of a son born last

week.Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Watterson moved to the Stuart vicinity

Tuesday.Herman Dollarhide and Miss Myrtle Duffer were married

Saturday in Coalgate. They are making their home at his father’s, Eugene Dollarhide, home.

F.I, Purser is working this week on the corn and hog compli-ance papers.

Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Lung of Gerty visited in the C.C. Chisum home Sunday night.

The ladies are quilting a quilt with 96 names on it to be presented to Rev. M.M. McKee, pastor of the Free Will Baptist Church, for a Christmas present.

The young people will present four one act plays Tuesday night at the school house.

Milton B. Parks of Muskogee was a business visitor her Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Keylon of Allen visited at the Robert Hoff home Sunday.

Mrs. C.C. Chisum and Mrs. F.I. Purser visited in the C.A. Tipton and C.S. Roberts homes Wednesday.

—CC— Christmas is not what it used

to be . . . all of us have heard that and most of us have said it.

It might surprise you to know that they were saying the same thing over one hundred years ago. This is from an 1899 edition of The Ladies Home Journal.

There must some radical and growing departure from the right and best way of celebrating

Christmas when each recurring year we hear a larger number of men saying, “Well, I’ll be truly thankful when this Christmas business is over.” And they are led to this remark generally see-ing their wives, mothers, sisters or daughters reach Christmas Day utterly tired out, with the prospect of a siege of illness as soon as Christmas is over. And it must be confessed that this state of af-fairs exists in thousands of homes. Women themselves frequently acknowledge their satisfaction when the day is over. Now, there

is always something wrong when we make a burden of our plea-sures. And if one of our sources of pleasure in the calendar’s greatest gala day is derived from a feeling of thankfulness that it is over, there is something askew either in the way we prepare for, or spend, the day.

The work of celebrating Christ-mas falls, for the main part, on women. Men think that they do their share if they provide the money for the Christmas pur-chases, and sparingly assist in the selection of an occasional present.

Santa and his friend Wakeita Williams shared a visit at Woodland Hills.


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And I suppose it is just as well that the buying of Christmas presents is not by custom delegated to men. For of all spectacles, a man deep in the problem of selecting a Christmas gift, especially one for a woman, is always the most in-teresting imaginable. One way of simplifying Christmas might be to let me buy all the presents. But I fear that if this were the case, the number of Christmas presents and Christmas merchants would soon be materially decreased. So after all, these duties have been pretty wisely placed in the hands best adapted to handle them. Yet the growing number of women who each year tire themselves out preparing for Christmas and reach the day itself unfit to enjoy it properly, seems to indicate that sooner or later, if we go on, we shall reach the other extreme and abuse Christmas by overdoing its celebration. And if we look into the matter, we may find that we are complicating Christmas a bit and making it exactly the reverse of what the day really stands for.

Christmas should be a time to enjoy . . . not a day to be en-dured.

—CC— Jonathan Ames writes . . . There are many upsetting things

about the Christmas and New Year’s season—increased credit-card debt, unresolved decades-long family pain, the spiritual vacuum at the core of our culture, trying to get into the spirit of things when you secretly wish that you knew Dr. Kevorkian’s home phone number—but ex-posure to bad breath is definitely high on the list.

I recently went to eight Christ-mas parties in seven days and I was assaulted with so much bad breath that I feel I’ve gone through four years’ worth of dental school and I’m ready to hang a shingle. I imagine that must be one of the first things dentists have to be trained for and screened for—ability to withstand halitosis. There’s probably some kind of machine they put young dentists in front of which blows bad-breath fragrances into their faces until they’re immune, kind of like what they did to that fel-

low in Clockwork Orange, but in reverse. And the dentists who can’t take the machine are weeded out and urged to find another field, but certainly not proctology.

Proctologists for some reason aren’t the butt of too many jokes – because we feel bad for them? – but we always make fun of den-tists. Yet have we ever put our-selves in their green smocks and crepe shoes? Just think of what they go through on a daily basis! Garlic breath! Onion breath! Rotting-gum breath! Dull-person breath!

I certainly couldn’t be a dentist in America or Sweden. I was so sickened by this one fellow’s pâté-breath at one of the Christ-mas party, I had to leave early. Later that night—around 3 a.m. —I bolted upright in my bed at the memory of it and couldn’t fall back to sleep. I replayed the thing, like a barroom fight. A barroom fight that I had lost. The fellow had insisted on crowding me—we were in the kitchen of our mutual friend’s home and he had me up against the sink, which was pressing on my sciatic nerve, further paralyzing me.

I should mention that this pâté-fiend had suffered some kind of injury to his larynx as a child and this forces him to whisper all the time, and at this party, which was very loud with the shriek-ings of overweight children and the gargling noises of alcoholics’ tipping beers down their throats, he had to get right on top of me to be heard. He was like a boxer getting another boxer against the ropes, but instead of jabs and uppercuts he was scorching my face with such a fierce aroma of partially digested pâté and still-being-chewed pâté that I was sorely tempted to behave in an antisocial manner and say:

“Listen, you’re completely unaware of this, lost in the cloud cover of your own id, but you’re giving me a second-degree burn with this pâté-breath of yours and I used to sort of like you, but I now feel such repulsion and dislike toward your person that I will snub you for the rest of eternity.”

But I didn’t say any such thing.

I just took a beating and applied the St. Francis prayer: Better to understand than to be under-stood, better to forgive than be forgiven.

What made the moment a little postmodern, despite my use of an old prayer, was that not only was the fellow in question vaporizing me with pâté, he was speaking to me about pâté.

“What is pâté?” he had asked, as he shoved a loaded cracker like a cannonball into his mouth.

“Liver,” I squeaked.“Really? I don’t like liver, but

this stuff is great,” he said, firing the cannonball.

“Yes, it’s very popular,” I as-pirated.

“Is it chicken liver?”“Most likely, though sometimes

it’s duck liver,” I gasped.Then I thought of a pretty duck

floating around in some toxic pond and how the liver filters poison and that I was now breath-ing in pureed crushed poison that some pretty duck had once ab-sorbed before being slaughtered.

“Excuse me,” I then said to him, the vision of this duck floating through my mind, “but I have to go…”

That, I have to say, was prob-ably the zenith of the bad breath I encountered during my holiday party sojourn. After that it was mostly just a lot of bad wine-breath with an occasional kind of universal sour-cheese smell emanating from certain people.

Naturally, I was worried about my own breath at all these par-ties and was trying to chew a lot of mints and I was rigorously avoiding hors d’oeuvres, which often come loaded with breath-sabotaging ingredients.

At another party a rather slob-bish fellow spit food directly into my mouth! For some reason my own mouth was open – just for a second, I guess; it was a freak accident – and a particle of food shot right out of him and onto my tongue! It was so disgusting. We both pretended it hadn’t hap-pened, but I was deeply mortified and hard to swallow the thing like the bitterest of pills.

A few year ago, some kind of

white spittle shot out of a person’s mouth and attached itself to my cheek and slid down, and we both pretended this had not happened, but having food shot into my mouth was even worse than that white-spittle exchange. When I got home I took three vitamin Cs instead of the recommended dosage of one, and I gargled ex-cessively with Listerine.

At another party the ceilings were very high and I didn’t en-counter any bad breath. As this miracle was unfolding, I won-dered if the high ceilings had something to do with it, or was bad-breath random, like all other components of the universe? I mean what are the chances of having fifteen meaningless con-versations at a Christmas party and not encountering one case

of halitosis? But then again, this makes perfect beautiful sense—after all, miracles are what this season is all about.

—CC— And last of all, my favorite

Christmas story of the week shared by Neil Scott.

My wife and I took our six-year-old nephew, Nicholas, to see Santa. While waiting in line, we remarked that both he and Santa had the same first name. When Nicky’s turn came, he enthusias-tically climbed up onto Santa’s knee.

“What’s your name?” Santa asked.

“The same as yours,” the young-ster replied.

“Well, isn’t that nice,” said the tired and harried Santa. “And what would you like for Christ-mas, Leonard?”

Due to last week’s winter storm followed by days of continued cold and icy conditions, PSO meter readers were not able to read the meters on their regular routes during the worst of the weather. As a result, approximately 10-15 percent of PSO customers in the coming days will receive an estimated bill.

“Many streets and roads across PSO’s service area have been treacherous at times, and in some cases, completely impassable since the storm began,” said Derek Lewellen, PSO manager of gridSMART and Meter Revenue Operations. “It’s a rarity that our meter readers are not able to get out to read their routes. But for the safety of our customers and our employees, we felt it best to adhere to the warnings of public safety officials across the state

and limit our driving as much as possible.”

Lewellen said most meter reading routes were suspended for four or five days, beginning Friday, December 6th. With few exceptions, all routes are being read again.

Customers whose meters normally would have been read while road conditions were at their worst will begin receiving their bills in the next few days. The bill will indicate whether the reading is an actual or estimated reading.

Customers whose meter readings are estimated this month will be read next month.

Customers who receive an estimated bill and have questions about the estimate should call PSO’s Customer Solutions Center at 1-888-216-3523.

Some PSO Bills Estimated

Country Comments

The Allen Masonic Lodge presented the Woodland Hills Nursing Center a check to assist with their an-nual Christmas party and the gifts for the residents. Pictured are Masonic member Rance Willis, WHNC administrator Cindy Workman, activity director Kim Shed, and Masonic member David Jones.


Threads of LifeMeMories

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by Cleo Emerson LeVallyI have the children’s sermon

at our church each Sunday morning. I have been talking to them about taking responsibil-ity for their actions and learn to spot things that need to be done at their home and in the neigh-borhood where they live.

Last Sunday I gave them an envelop with money in it.

I asked them to look around their home and find things they can do to help. It could be keeping their rooms neat and clean, helping with chores around the house and also to look around their neighbor-hood and do things they can see that would help to keep the

area around where they live, to be better. There is trash on the streets and, perhaps they can help a neighbor carry grocer-ies, walk a neighbors dog, etc. I asked them to keep a record on the envelope of the things they could find to do to help. Each time they wanted to spend the money in the envelope and did a good deed, to make a note of it on the envelope and not to spend the money as they first wanted to.

I want them to come back in six months with a list of things they did, written on that enve-lope. The thought behind this was to help them to be respon-sible citizens of the area where they live, and in years to come, they will remember the good deeds they did and the reward they received for learning this lesson will be the memories in years to come. At that time I plan to match the money they still have in that envelope. That

will be their reward now, but the reward of the memories of that six months will live on with them.

I have not done as much as I could to help people through the years, however, I do have a lot of good memories. I re-member that on one trip to Cal-ifornia, we stopped at a service station and found a family, the car loaded down with all their worldly possessions, and the car had a flat tire. They were on their way to California, hoping to find work. They had run out of money and could not pay to have the tire fixed. We paid to have their tire fixed and gave them money to get something to eat. Another memory hap-pened recently. A woman who lives in the north part of town rang my doorbell about 8:30 pm. She had walked from her home and said she needed to get to Okie’s out on the high-

way and she was unable to walk any further. It was very cold and she became tired. She asked if I would take her to finish her errand. Of course, I was happy to help.

Another good memory is when my daughter Phylece, was about seven years old, I went out on the deck about midnight and the sky was com-pletely covered with a mass of stars. I had never seen anything like it and went in and got her out of bed and took her outside to see this starry display. She reminded me of it years later and thanked me for getting her out of bed to see the sky like that. I have never since seen a display like the one we saw that night. We both cherish the memory.

I have many other memories that I cherish. I only hope to give the young people of my church a way to make memo-ries of their own, and one that they will cherish in years to come.

Graveside services for Clif-ford Eugene Cox, 76, of Allen were 10:00 a.m. Saturday, December 14th, at the Allen Cemetery, Revs. Phillip Vinson and Joyce Cook will officiate.

Mr. Cox died Thursday, De-cember 12, 2013, at his home. He was born September 8, 1937 in Allen, Oklahoma to Ray and Zellah Warren Cox.

He moved back to the Ada and Allen area from California several years ago.

Mr. Cox was a cook at sev-eral restaurants in Ada includ-ing the Parkview Café and later a cook in Allen.

Survivors include a brother, Raymond Cox of Lone Oak, Arkansas; a sister, Abigail Miller of Ada; several nieces,

nephews, cousins and other relatives and friends.

He was preceded in death by his parents; two brothers, Able and James Cox; a half-sister, Pauline Langston; and a half-brother, Jewel Cox.

Directions were under the direction of Criswell Funeral Home, Ada.

Rites held for Eugene Cox

We’ve already had enough ice, snow, and cold weather for an entire year, and winter isn’t even officially here yet! Who ever heard of so many snow days between Thanksgiving and Christmas? It may mean the schools will be taking a half-day off for the 4th of July, but I’m sure the kids have en-joyed things so far.

The children’s classes opened the services this week by sing-ing “Away in a Manger” and “Jingle Bells.’ Not to be out-done, James Hammonds, ac-companied by Tom Spillman and Wyatt Deaton, sang “Just a Closer Walk with Thee” as the special music selection. It just proves that people of all ages want to sing praises to Jesus and have a closer walk with Him.

By the way, “Jingle Bells” comes under the category of “making a joyful noise unto the Lord.”

Rev. Karch’s message didn’t have a title this Sunday, but an English teacher might name it “Jesus: Past Perfect, Present Perfect, and Future Perfect.” The sermon was based on scriptures in Isaiah 9:6,7; Isa-iah 53:1-10; and I Thessalo-nians 4:13-18.

Old Testament scriptures foretold Jesus’ birth, and we can see that His birth and the circumstances that surrounded it completely fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecies.

Isaiah also foretold Jesus’ death and the way it would happen, and those prophecies were perfectly fulfilled, too. What kind of love led Jesus, knowing us for what we are and knowing the way he would die, to leave heaven to come live and die for us? It must be beyond any kind of love that we can ever completely understand.

Since we live in the 21st century, we can see that the

Old Testament prophecies about Jesus were fulfilled. But there’s more. Prophecy in the New Testament says that Jesus will return again and will bring the Believers who “sleep in Jesus” with Him. Those Believers who are alive on earth at that time shall be caught up together with them then to meet the Lord in the air and will then live forever with Him.

If you are a Believer, if you believe that Jesus died for your sins and you have accepted Him as your savior, you will be in one of those two groups. Jesus will be victorious over the world and you will live forever with Him in heaven.

Yes, the day Jesus was born on this earth was a huge deal for us all. May your family’s celebration of His birth be both merry and blessed. Have a Joyous Christmas!

Atwood First Baptist

This letter was received this week by our One Pharmacist author, Wayne Bullard, from our old friend Randall Wagner. Mr. Wagner currently resides in a nursing home in Duncan. He has a request from our readers and we’re passing it on.

December 1, 2013Dear Mr. Bullard, I received some information that says Edward Mackey Johnson was born in 1929. I wondered about

James Edward Weldon who gave him a book Oct. 6, 1932 at Allen. His father was Richard L. (Dick) Johnson and his mother was Josephine M. Johnson. Mr. Johnson was Supt at the Sunray Refinery in Al-len and moved to Duncan.

I wondered if there were any people at Allen who remember Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and Mack (Mackey). I would like to hear from anyone who would like to write. How are you? Hope you have a good Christ-mas and New Year. I am still in a Duncan care center.

I was in Ada Hospital three week and wish I could have contacted you. I didn’t have any visitors. Surely would have liked for someone to be there. I think Mack graduated at Allen. I am in a room with a Baptist Missionary which is really good. Hope to hear from you.

Sincerely,Randal Wagner

1205 S 4thDuncan, Ok. 73533

Letter to the Editor


Mark Legg,Allen church of Christ

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Christmas, which has been creeping up on us, has now gathered steam and is prac-tically here. Many will be traveling to visit kin and oth-ers, like us, will be staying at home and receiving them. I think I prefer the latter. Last week we drove to Tyler, Texas to attend the graduation of our granddaughter, Julia Runge. Julia graduated from the Uni-versity of Texas at Tyler with honors and we wanted to be there. There was a cold rain falling all the way and parts of North Texas was still in a mess from the ice storms that swept through. But we made it fi ne and had a great time. After Commencement we all

gathered at a restaurant called Bernard’s’ for a celebration meal. We drove back Satur-day.

Most of us made it through the sleet and ice without inci-dent but I have to admit I did take a spill in my driveway and about “brained” myself. I managed to get up and assured the “not all that concerned” crowd that I was OK and we all went to Calvin and watched our girl’s beat Asher in the Pontotoc County Tournament. My wife wants me to go get my head examined but I assured her I am OK. #%@&* Any misspells and typos *@#$%

you may see are not my fault. @$#%*# My head is just fi ne. @##%+.

I ran into two readers in Tyler the other night who said they read my column regularly and said they enjoyed keeping up with happenings up here. Thanks, Sandy and Lisa. I al-ways appreciate hearing from my readers no matter where they are. Also, I got a nice letter from Randall Wagner which I gave to the paper. It may be published here some-place. Randall’s history with Allen goes way back and, in fact, my own history with him is getting to be lengthy.

About 15 years ago Randall wrote me and said he had the Bell from Sunray DX Refi nery here in Allen. He wondered if he could just donate it to the town as he had no use for it. I talked to some of the city fathers and it was during the time we were building the new war memorial and we quickly discovered a place for it. In fact, we designed a place of honor for it. We would get a special truck and tote the bell

to Allen and make a nice home for it. We were still working on the inscription when they asked me how heavy it was. I called Mr. Wagner to see if the rig we had could lift it or not. He felt that it could. “Where is the bell now?” I asked. “Oh I keep it in my china cabinet. It weighs about 3 oz.”

Turned out we were victims of our own imagination as we drastically down-sized our big plans. A presentation ceremo-ny with pictures taken place in the lobby of the Farmer’s State Bank after a few weeks

One Pharmacist’s ViewChristmas Rush and the Bell is in the safe hands

of those bank offi cers. If any of you remember Mr. Wagner or not you can cheer up his Christmas a bit with a note or Christmas card. Randall is in a nursing home. His address is Randall Wagner, 1205 S 4th, Duncan, Ok. 73533.

We have one more edi-tion before Christmas but let me wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and hope each of you stay safe. Don’t neglect the reason for the sea-son. Be sure and go to Church Sunday.

Wayne Bullard,

“But it doesn’t matter; grace will cover it!” A certain lady learned that a religious activity she practiced was not found in God’s word, but had originated with uninspired men. But learning that she had believed and practiced error did not disturb her. She said, “But it doesn’t matter; grace will cover it!”

Since we are saved by the grace of God, does that mean it doesn’t matter whether or not we obey God? Since we are saved by the grace of God, does that mean we can live as we please, serve God when or if we please and worship as we please? Since we are saved by the grace of God, does that mean we can establish our own churches, organize them as we please, offer salvation as we please and give them names as we please?

This lady’s comment re-

minded me of the words of the Apostle Paul. Paul had just explained that we are saved by the “abundance of grace” and “the gift of righteousness”through Jesus Christ. (Rom 5:17) He then asks, “What shall we say then? Shall we go on sinning that grace may in-crease?” Paul answered, “By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?”(Romans 6:1-3)

Once we know the truth that God expects us to practice, but we continue in disobedience to God, how can we expect God’s grace to extend to us? How can God not be offended if we will-fully continue sinning when we know the truth? Wouldn’t that be deliberate and willful disobedience to God? The inspired Hebrew writer wrote, “For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifi ce for sin.”(Hebrews 10:26) There is only one sacrifi ce for our sins – Jesus Christ – but if we reject His sacrifi ce by knowingly dis-obeying Him, we have no other means of being saved. If we really have faith in Jesus and trust Him to save us, will we not do whatever He desires?

Allen Nutrition SiteWeek of December 23rd


Tuesday-WednesdayClosed - Merry Christmas!

ThursdayCheeseburger, Lettuce, Tomato & Onion, Tator Tots or Potato Salad,

Mayo, Mustard or Ketchup, Peaches, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or TeaFriday

Beans with Ham, Spinach, Tomato Relish, Cornbread, Butter or Margarine, Bread Pudding, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea

December 19 – Billye Henderson, Sarah Page Monday, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Griffi n*

December 20 – BrayCee Wilson, Mary Taylor, Joe Buchanan, Mat-thew Jones

December 21 – Kenny & Julie Deaton*, Tanner Ashby, Farrell & Jonna Raney*, Brandon Stephens

December 22 – Cloyce Finney**December 23 – Dora Wilson, Brittney Johnson, Gary Don Howard,

Mary Mitchell**, Lois Morris, Mickie (Davis) Hatfi eldDecember 24 – Mr. & Mrs. Ruben Huffstutlar*, Mr. & Mrs. Tom

Taylor*, Brenda Ashby, Heather Warledo, Phillip Jackson, Michael D. Lindsey

December 25 – Bonnie Bray, Tim Williams, Noel MadrugaDecember 26 – Terry RiddleDecember 27 – John & Altha Edens*, Rick & Trina ThompsonDecember 28 – Mr. & Mrs. Horace Lee Wilson*, Stan & Lisa Wal-

lace*, Brian FultonDecember 29 – Vincent & Karen Tatum*, Ochiel & Patty Dan-



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Look for your insertion order with the Ad Name to download. (You will receive an insertion order from OPS for the 2x2 ads.)

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EXP. FLATBED DRIVERS: Regional opportuni-ties now open with plenty of freight & great pay! 800-277-0212 or

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ZONES: M, 1, 2, 3, 4for week of December 15, 20132x2 ads may run anywhere in your newspaper. Don’t forget to remind your classifi ed department to download the line ads for this week at - CHOOSE THE AD SIZE CLOSEST TO YOUR COLUMN WIDTH

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Case No. P-2011-94In the Matter of the Estate of JEAN-



TION AND DISCHARGE Notice is hereby given that Bret B.

Myrick, Jr., Personal Representative of the Estate of JEANNETTE CAROLYN MYRICK, deceased, having filed in this Court his Final Account of the administra-tion of said estates, and his Petition for Or-der Allowing Final Account, Determination of Heirship, Distribution and Discharge of said Personal Representative, the hearing of the same, has been fixed by the Judge of said Court for the 10th day of January, 2014, at 11:30 o’clock a.m. in the District Courtroom, Pontotoc County Courthouse, Ada, Oklahoma, and all persons interested in said estates are notified then and there to appear and show cause, if any they have, why the said Final Account should not be settled and allowed, the deter-mination of the heirs, distribution of the estates and the Personal Representative discharged.

DATED this 16 day of December, 2013.

Thomas S. LandrithJudge of the District Court

Prepared by:Kurt B. Sweeney, OBA#17544Sweeney, Draper & Christopher,

P.L.L.C.P.O. Box 190Ada, Oklahoma 74821-0190Attorney for Personal Representative (Published in The Allen Advocate on

December 19 and 26, 2013)





NOTICE is hereby given that Nina Jean Mauch, Personal Representative of the estate of Charlie M. Gober, deceased, having filed in this Court her Final Account and Petition for Distribution and Discharge, the hearing of the same has been set by the Judge of said Court for the 6th day of January, 2014, at 3:30 o’clock P.M., in Courtroom #315 of said Court in the County Courthouse in Ada, Oklahoma, and all persons interested in said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause, if any they have, why the said account should not be settled and allowed, the heirs, legatees, and devisees of Charlie M. Gober, deceased, determined, said estate distributed and the Personal Representative discharged.

WITNESS my hand this 12th day of December, 2013.s/Thomas S. Landrith

JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT COURTGREGORY S. TAYLORAttorney at Law115 South Broadway P.O. Box 1737Ada, OK 74820 - 580/332-7717 (Published in The Allen Advocate on December 19 and 26, 2013)



Notice is hereby given, Pursuant to the receipt of bid, that I, Glenda Gonderman County Treasurer of Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, will on December 23rd, 2013, beginning at 9 a.m. at the office of the county treasurer in the Courthouse at Ada, Oklahoma, sell separately the hereinafter described tracts, parcels, or lots, of land, all situated in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, and heretofore acquired by said County at Resale.

Following the description of each property separately offered for sale is the name of the bidder and the amount bid, as follows:

Description: Lot 11, Block 2, Oakwood Estates.

Bidder: Blake WalkerAmount Bid: $25.00

The said properties will be separately sold to the highest competitive bidder, for cash in hand, or to the original bidder at the amount bid if there be no higher price offered, subject to the approval of the Board of County Commissioners in its descretion. The apportioned cost of advertisement and other expense incident to said sale shall be paid by the purchaser, in addition to the amount bid upon said properties.

Witness my hand this 5th day of De-cember, 2013.

signed/ Glenda GondermanPontotoc County Treasurer

(Published in The Allen Advocate on December 5, 12 and 19, 2013)

CareerTech Students of the Month for the October morning classes were recently rec-ognized at Wes Watkins Technology Center. Pictured left to right, Paul Thomas Boyd, Allen; Barbara K. Patton, Holdenville; Caitlin B. Jackson, Holdenville; Rai L. Strianese, Holdenville; Jacob A. Martin, Hanna. The winner was Thomas Boyd, a student in the Residential HVAC Technician career major. The runner-up was Barbara Patton, a Full Charge Bookkeeper previous student.

FELONIESMark Kimberly Clark—pos-

session of controlled dangerous substance-methamphetamine

Tonya Osborne—possession of controlled dangerous sub-stance

Floyd Wayne Shelton—arson, first degree

Ben Smith—assault with a dangerous weapon

Adam Eugene West—actual physical control of vehicle under the influence

MARRIAGEShane Lee Taylor & Rachel

Stormy Sue Swasho, both of Holdenville

DIVORCEPhillip Lee vs Donna Lee

CIVILVanderbilt Mortgage and

Finance vs Marilyn Doris Earls—foreclosure

Capital One Bank vs Patricia Blanton—indebtedness

Midland Funding LLC vs Roberta Gerard—indebted-ness

Midland Funding LLC vs Wanda Proctor—indebted-ness

SMALL CLAIMSTroy Don Jett vs Sandy L.


TRAFFICNowell Leann Aguilera—

failure to comply with com-pulsory insurance law

Chanci Ray Garnett—driv-ing under suspension-1st of-fense; failure to comply with compulsory insurance law

Gabrielle M. Maky Garrett—speeding 1-10 mph over limit

Jazmin Marie Humphreys—no seat belt

Theodore Johnson—imped-ing the normal flow of traffic

Heather Knight—operating motor vehicle in manner not reasonable & proper

Joseph Christian Leyendeck-er—speeding 16-20 mph over limit

Russell Dean Lowe—no seat belt

Matthew Tyler McFeely—speeding 1-10 mph over limit

Nathan Daniel Mitchell—driving under suspension-1st offense; no seat belt; speeding 1-10 mph over limit

Landon Bryce Moody—failure to hield to oncoming traffic

Peggy Sue Nichols—failure to yield from stop sign

Alex M. Osman—speeding 16-20 mph over limit; operat-ing motor vehicle without valid driver’s license

Marlene Marie Palmer—speeding 11-15 mph over limit

Bradley Wayne Rodgers—speeding 1-10 mph over limit

Lonzo Gene Rust Jr.—speed-ing 11-15 mph over limit

David Curtis Sampson Jr. –speeding 1-10 mph over

limitMatthew Allen Taylore—

speeding 26-30 mph over limit; failure to wear seat belt

Kerri D. Waller—left of cen-ter in marked no passing zone

Laura Jean Wheat—inatten-tive driving; failure to comply with compulsory insurance law

Brian Andrew Wood—speeding 36 or more mph over limit

Hughes County Records



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Steers225-240 ....................................$241-272.50253-290 ...................................... $222-250305-334 ...................................... $220-233350-375 ...................................... $215-229405-435 ...................................... $200-207455-493 ...................................... $194-204512-543 ...................................... $184-195566-585 ...................................... $173-186603-620 ...................................... $160-173645-647 ...................................... $150-155671......................................................$167667......................................................$152

HEIFERS258-299 .................................... $$205-210300-338 ...................................... $194-208364-395 ...................................... $192-205403-448 ...................................... $179-188451-49 ........................................ $180-183514-538 ...................................... $153-161550-590 ................................. $142-154.50610-647 ...................................... $140-149651-672 ...................................... $142-147705-715 ...................................... $141-143

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COLLINS, Plaintiffs,-vs-The Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Devisees, Trustees and Assigns of EUGENE

OLIVER ROPER and DOROTHY MARIE ROPER STEWART, deceased, and The Un-known Heirs, Successors and Assigns of EUGENE OLIVER ROPER and DOROTHY MARIE ROPER STEWART, deceased, Defendants.

NOTICE BY PUBLICATIONSTATE OF OKLAHOMA } } ssCOUNTY OF PONTOTOC } GREETINGS: The Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Devisees, Trustees and As-

signs of EUGENE OLIVER ROPER and MARIE ROPER STEWART, deceased, and the Unknown Heirs, Successors and Assigns of EUGENE OLIVER ROPER and MARIE ROPER STEWART, deceased.

You are hereby notifi ed that you have been sued by Roy Eugene Roper, Gary De-wayne Collins, and Glenn Douglas Collins, in Cause No. CV-2013-159 in the District Court in and for the County of Pontotoc, State of Oklahoma, and that you must answer the plaintiffs’ petition in said cause on or before the 12th day of February 2014, or said petition will be taken as confessed and that a decree quieting plaintiffs; title to the real property in the following described property will be entered, to-wit:

The Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW¼ SW¼ SE¼) of Section 29, Township 5 North, Range 5 East, 10 acres more or less,

and The West One-Half of the Northwest Quarter (W½ NW¼) of Section 32, Township 5

North, Range 5 East, 80 acres more or less, LESS the NE¼ NW¼ NW¼ and the N1/3 of SE¼ NW¼ NW¼ (approximately 13.33 acres).

and The Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE¼ NW¼) of Section 32, Town-

ship 5 North, Range 5 East, 40 acres more or less. adjudging and decreeing the title in and to said property in the persons alleged to be

the owners thereof as in said petition set forth and perpetually enjoining you and each of you from claiming or asserting any right, title, interested, estate or lien in, to, or upon said lands or any part thereof, as in said petition set forth and perpetually enjoining you and each of you from claiming or asserting any right, title, interest, estate or lien in, to, or upon said lands or any part thereof, and plaintiffs will be granted all other legal and equitable relief.

Witness my hand and seal of said Court this 3rd day of December, 2013.Karen Dunnigan, Court ClerkPontotoc County, Oklahoma

By: s) B. MyersDeputy(SEAL)

s) Karen M. ThomasOBA#19585P.O. Box 2645Ada, OK 74821(580) 332-2545Fax: (580) 332-3233 (Published in The Allen Advocate on December 12, 19 and 26, 2013)

For All Your Real Estate Needs816 ARLINGTON - ADA, OKLAHOMA - (580)436-4662

Broker, Thurman Rinehart - 421-2271Eric Pierce - 399-7106

Larry Lee - 310-2305Jennifer Wallace - 235-7480Out of Town - 1-800-776-5608


~ 3 BDRM, 1-1/2 BATH — Storage building, workshop, carport, 404 Leonard St., Allen. Very Nice. $69,000

~ 301 S. BOSTON, ALLEN — 2 BD, 1-1/2 bath, CH&A, garage/carport, storage building. Call us to see anytime. $94,900

~ VERY NICE 3 BD 2 BATH — 1216 sq. ft. mobile, model 2012 set up on 200x165 land area in Cottonwood, corner of Broadway & Mulberry. MLS#R50602A $54,900 REDUCED TO $45,500

~ 4 ACRES — 3 miles north of Homer. Store on east side of railroad and electricity at property. $26,000

~ BEAUTIFUL ESTATE — 20 acres with 3 bedroom, 2 bath, with loft, open floor plan, office, utility, covered side porch, wrap around deck. Con-struction wood, stone, rock. CH&A, 1961 sq ft, built 1983. 7452 E 142 Rd, Atwood. $250,000

~ BEAUTIFULLY REMODELED INTERIOR — Looks Great! 3 Bed, 2 bath with CH&A heat pump, new plumbing fixtures, new carptet, ceramic tile, new appliances on 6.5 acres. Seeing is believing, let us show you this house. 9440 CR 3695, Allen. $168,500 REDUCED TO $159.900

~ 7 ACRES — Mobile Home Site, utilities available. 7797 Hwy 1, Calvin. $20,000

~ 405 N. CLEVELAND, ALLEN — Lots 1, 3, 5 ,7, 9 & 11, Block 8, Com-mercial Addition. Good Building Site

~ 403 S. COMMERCE, ALLEN — 3 Bed, 1 bath brick with carport. $37,000

~ 401 S. DENVER, ALLEN — 70x100 Lot. 2 Bed 1.5 bath with vinyl siding, wall heaters, new bath fixtures, window air units. $39,900

~ 7145 East 1475 RD, ALLEN — 3 Bed, 1 bath home and 2 mobile homes used as rentals on 4.83 acres. $113,400

~ 30 ACRES — 3 miles west on Francis Road, turn north to the T, turn right to property. REDUCED to $45,000

~ 4 BED 2.5 BATH —On 26 acres between Allen & Francis. $192,000~ 3 BED 2 BATH — 1344 sq ft 1978 doublewide mobile home on 140x125

lot. 200 West 7th, Stratford $65,000 REDUCED $59,500~ ALLEN — 308 W. Broadway. 1352 sq ft, 2 BD 1.5 bath, CH&A, built

1998 on 100x120 lot. Very well landscaped. Double carport. $89,900 REDUCED $81,900

~ SASAKWA — 49 wooded acres with 30x60 shop building, water well, two ponds and older house (needs remodeling). $110,000




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Kellie Mullins and Mark Mullins, Plain-tiffs,

vs.The Heirs, etc., of Ethel Jennie Bell

Dunigan, One-Half Blood Chickasaw, Roll No. 2683, Deceased, et al., Defendants.


The Heirs, Executors, Administra-tors, Devisees, Trustees and Assigns, of Ethel Jennie Bell Dunigan, One-Half (1/2) Blood Chickasaw, Roll No. 2683, deceased; and,

The Unknown Successors of Ethel Jen-nie Bell Dunigan, One-Half (1/2) Blood Chickasaw, Roll No. 2683, deceased.

You, the Defendants above named, are hereby notifi ed that impleaded with other Defendants you have been sued by the above named Plaintiffs in the above entitled action in the District Court of Pontotoc County, State of Oklahoma; that you must answer the Petition fi led by said Plaintiffs in said action on or before the 30th day of January, 2014, or said Petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered accordingly in favor of the Plaintiffs and against all the Defendants in said action, quieting the title of the Plaintiffs in and to the following described real estate situated in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, to-wit:

Surface and Surface Rights OnlyA part of the S/2 SW/4 SW/4 lying

South and West of the centerline of State Highway No. 13 (3W), in Section Twenty-Five (25), Township Five (5) North, Range Four (4) East, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 428.00 feet East of the Southwest corner of said S/2 SW/4 SW/4; thence North and parallel to the West line of said S/2 SW/4 SW/4 a distance of 435.05 feet to a point on the centerline of State Highway No. 13, FAP No. 361(2), 1945; thence S 63° 21’E along said centerline a distance of 963.77 feet to a point on the South line of said S/2 SW/4 SW/4; thence West along the South line of said S/2 SW/4 SW/4 a distance of 861.8 feet to the point of beginning, containing, 4.3 acres, more or less,

and determining the death of Ethel Jen-nie Bell Dunigan, One-Half (1/2) Blood Chickasaw, Roll No. 2683, deceased; and further determining who were the particular persons who took or were entitled to take the above described real estate under the Laws of Succession of the State of Okla-homa upon the death of said decedent, and forever barring and enjoining the De-fendants from asserting any right, title, lien, estate, encumbrance, claim, assessment, or interest, either in law or in equity, in and to the real property involved herein.

KAREN DUNNIGAN, Court Clerk,Pontotoc County, Oklahoma

By: s) P. Weaver Deputy

(SEAL)Alvin D. Files, OBA#2902Mayhue, Summers & Johnson, PLLC114 S. BroadwayP. O. Box 1488Ada, Oklahoma 74820(580) 436-6500Attorneys for Plaintiffs (Published in The Allen Advo-

cate on December 19 and 26, 2013 and January 2, 2013)


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Sunday was an exciting day for the children. During the worship hour they put on the Christmas play, “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” This play told about the true meaning of Christmas and why so many people are sad this time of the year. Jessie Beck directed the

play and did an outstanding job. The characters were: Charlie, Dylan Sanford; Li-nus, Hannah Brill; Violet, Makenize Smart, Lucy, Mak-enna Barker; Sally, Shelby Grissom; Schroeder, Mon-tana Smart; Snoopy, Health

Frederick, and Frieda, Audra Taylor. The younger children; Sophie Cassell, Kailey Trump, Jennifer Brill, Braydon Smart, Olivia Taylor and Kylie Taylor held the signs and sang and danced with the cast. Kaylee Brill helped with the stage props. Hannah and Shelby

sang” Silent Night. “ Follow-ing the program the children all received gifts from their adopted parents.

Sunday night we had the Community Christmas at the Fire Department. We had a good crowd and everyone en-joyed the music, food, games,

and visiting with Santa. We enjoy getting together with our friends and neighbors.

Invite someone to church this next Sunday. Find a family in need and help them enjoy their Christmas. We have been blessed this year and want to be a blessing to others.

Atwood Church of the Nazarene...and Christmas Bazaar Pictures

Marie Burns had a booth full of craft at the Atwood Christ-mas Bazaar.

The DeShields family was well represented at the Atwood Christmas Bazaar. Pictured are Truby DeShields, Brenda Beck, Ruth DeShields, Jennea Hass and Jesse Beck.

It was good to see so many of the West family at the Atwood Nazarene Bazaar. Pictured (front) Latrisha Sherry, Melba West and Crystal Sherry; (back) Shirley Flanary, Kelsey Sherry and Paula Brown.

Rev. Larry and Murphy McDaniel of the Atwood Nazarene Church were seen enjoying the food and crafts on display.

The pastor of the Atwood Baptist Church and his wife, Rev. Chuck and Teresa Karch, enjoyed the Nazarene Bazaar.

Barbara Jarrett had a booth of gift items at the Atwood Nazarene Church Bazaar.


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Try our Charbroiled Burgers& Nathans Beef Hot Dogs

Hours10-10 Sun - Thurs

10 - midnightFri & Sat

Among the featured vehicles in the Pat Taylor Memorial Parade of Lights tonight (Thursday, December 19th) in Ada will be those carrying the Allen Miss Memory Lane and Little Miss Memory Lane of 2013.

This year’s Miss Memory Lane is Katelynn Roby; Little Miss is Kaylee Ford.

Katelyn & Kaylee in Ada Parade tonight

Pam Price shows off one of the many quilts she had for sale at the Atwood Naza-rene Church’s Christmas Bazaar.

The lucky winners in Saturday’s “Shop at Home” drawing were David Morrison, winner of the TV; Jewel Rocha, winner of the clock; and Dorothy Knighten, winner of the $50 gift certifi cate from the Allen Food Center.


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We would like to thank our custom-ers for their support for the last

32 years, wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The Pre-K students in Mrs. Mills’ class shared what they would like to give to their Mom and Dad for Christmas this year . . .

Patience Bear – I would buy my Mom a bow for her hair and I would help my Dad for Christmas

Kolter Beaver – A new phone for my Mom and Dad

Eric Bishop – I would buy my Dad a computer

Scott Bishop – A blue pen for my Mom and a green pen for my Dad

Walker Cudd – Flowers for my Mom and a hat for my Dad

Oko Culberson – My Daddy a big motorcycle and my Mama a big motorcycle

Cadence Fredrick – A bear for Mama Chelsea, a pet dog for my Mama Am-ber, and my Dad wants a baby gun

Olivia Fuller – I would get my Dad a flashlight

Brooklyn Harper – I would get my Mom a book

Lily Laden – Horses for my Mom and horses for Ava too, and a new truck for my Dad, and my big sister a new tablet

Lauren Lawler – A pickup for Mom and Dad

Jaxson Linker – A bike for my Mom and a 4-wheel-er for my Dad

Gus Matthews – A new shirt for my Mom and my Dad a new hunting gun

Jake Matthews – My Mom a new toothbrush and my Dad wants a real gun

Dillon Maxwell – My Mom a new shirt and my Dad the Grinch movie

Kyler Samson – A chair for my Mom and Dad, and a flag

Ledger Smith – A batman game for Mom and give my Dad a Norbitt game and my brother a Batman Lego one

Kryslyn Stephens – A Cinderella picture for Mom-my and a new cup for my Dad

Brax Wofford – A bed for my Dad and my Mom

J.R. Wofford – A Rudolph for my Mom and Dad

“If Santa could bring a gift to someone else, who would you want him to bring some-thing to and what would you want him to bring them?” That was the question asked

of the Pre-K students in Mrs. Laxton’s class . . .

Trevor Babyak … My brother, he is a baby so he would want a baby toy. He would like a whistle.

Rylie Brock … My mom, a mermaid.

Lillie Chapman … Brai-lee, a ballerina.

Emerson Childers … My cousin, R.J.

Raiden Colby … Colten, a fire truck, an ambulance and a cop. Macyee and Mal-orie, a puzzle. Grayson a toy ballerina. Uncle Bubba a fire truck. Aunt April a toy ballerina. Oh yeah! Chance, Uncle Timmy, and Cayden fire trucks too.

Hoshanti Culberson … To everybody, toys.

Alex Daniel … To my brother Sam, a big ol’ truck is a little toy. My little sis-ter a little Barbie doll. My daddy a new motorcycle. My mom a new couch, I am gonna buy that. My big sister a new dresser.

Brailee Davis … My sis-ter, a unicorn.

Kaleb Dill … my brother, a batman.

Kierra Frederick … Emma, she wants a Barbie.

Cecily Griffin … My ma-maw, a pony.

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Sonny Harjo … My sister, an ipod.

Johnathan Horn … My mom, a princess suit.

Bryson Loveless … Bre-

anna, Barbie dolls.Tye Milne … you (Ms.

Laxton) a new car, a Honda that will be heavy.

Kayla Nickell … Mamaw, fruit.

Ely O’Daniel … Tye a superman toy.

Emma Smith … Alyssa, toys.

Cayden Vincent … Avery, Bumblebee

What I would give for Christmas

Ely O’Daniel visited with Santa and we’re guessing he was asking for more hair gel.


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Standing Frankie Bell, Irena Campbell, Kathy Ashby, Debbie Rinehart, Sara Stephens, Glenda Howard, Amanda Tollett, Barbara Sanders. Seated: Angela Jarrett, Dee Russell, Laquita Johnson, Donna Wainscott

We know every kindergarten student at Allen School has been good all year and Santa will honor every wish. Here’s what Mrs. Deaton and Mrs. Rowsey’s students have asked for this year . . .

Dyllan Brown – Head-phones

Blake Campbell – A new lunchbox, a toy deer, a tent, a sleeping bag, a bike that is yellow with electricity and a brake on it

Camden Cross – Some boots

Sam Daniel – A toy that is a pickers car and a truck that you pick up cars and trucks with

Breanna Davis – Some Bar-bies

Alexis Friday – A lunchbox and a bicycle

Triston Fuller – A scooter, a brand new bike, and a brand new car

Johnathan Gray – A new bike and a new car

Nash Harman – A batman cave toy, a toy motorcycle that you can ride, and a four-wheeler

Kadence Johnson – A Mon-ster High toy, linking cubes, a Team Oomie Zoomie coloring book, and a bat costume

Mallory Keeney – A doll and a real new dog

Breanna Loveless – A Bar-bie doll

Addison Prentice – A new sister, toys and Barbies

Daniel Reeves – A gigantic remote control truck

Alyssa Royalty – A Kindle Fire

Cherish Woodward – A new sister and a Barbie doll

Taylor Batey – A horseKayd Bell – Christmas Friends

Magic Cubes, Switch’n’Go Dino Car, Despicable Me 2 movie

William Brand – Airplane, helicopter, Army tank

Jessica Craddock – Barbie doll, Hello Kitty doll, little Christmas tree

Sophia Foster – My own little TV, guitar, Leap Pad Ul-tra

Kadence Griffin – Doll, dress, sparkle boots

Kolter Hill – Lane Frost movie, a new big TV, a new belt buckle

Hattie Holder – “another” Barbie house & jeep & new Barbie clothes, PS3 Drag-on game, Despicable Me 2 & Cloudy Meatballs 2, cell phone

Chris Hurt – Chima Legos, Clutch Power Legos, Turbo DVD

Hunter Langley – A train, a Flash Action fi gure, a boy puppy dog

Braedyn Lee Oliver – A big car school bus that my sister Maddy can drive, a big fire truck that I can drive, a black Mustang car that I can drive

Jakob Roby – X-Box 360, remote control racecar, Nin-tendo DS

Braydon Smart – Gun, bow & arrow, 4-wheeler, fishing pole, motorcycle, cowboy boots, cowboy hat, cowboy shirt, cowboy pants

Angelena Stidmon – Real puppy, bike, blue dress, high heels, blue hair bows & rib-bons

Emma Tomb – Glitzy Glow, a violin, a surfboard

Kailey Trump – Scooter, baby doll (one I can dress), baby crib

Cash Wainscott – Truck & trailers, ropes, bucking bull

Bryar Wilson – I-Pad, bike, cowgirl belt

Kindergarteners have been good

Ty O’Daniel smiled as Santa gave him a sack of candy Saturday. The Linker brothers, Kason and Jaxson, gave Santa their list of wants and needs.

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We will be closed Friday, Saturday and Sunday

The Pre-K students in Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Laxton’s class-es have been so good this year, we’re sure Santa will supply all the items on their wish lists . .

Patience Bear – A Barbie and a house

Kolten Beaver – A helicop-ter with a remote control

Scott Butler – Toody S (2DS), and games for it and that’s it

Eric Bishop – Toys Walker Cudd – A fire truck

and a hat for the fire truck, and bulls with a fence and some clowns

Oko Culberson – A big mo-torcycle

Cadence Fredrick – A fairy book and a cash register, and a bear to sleep with, and a hat

Olivia Fuller – A Barbie house and a Barbie car and Barbie stuff

Brooklyn Harper – A Doc McStuffin set

Lily Laden – My own Christmas tree (white), and a new Barbie man toy, and a new Barbie, and a new baby, and a new kitchen, and a new 4-Wheeler

Lauren Lawler – A toy train

Jaxson Linker – A bike Gus Matthews – A toy spy

phone and a new dinosaur toy and a monster truck

Jake Matthews – Fire Head and he’s a skylander

Dillon Maxwell – A toy dog and an Olivia book and a toy angel

Kyler Samson – A light toy (a blue one)

Ledger Smith – Zombies and a lot of stuff, batman bed, movies and games, and a new fridge, and a movie theatre

Kryslyn Stephen – A doll and a puppy and a mermaid Barbie

Brax Wofford – A Power Ranger and a bunk bed

J.R. Wofford – A Batman and a Batman book

Trevor Babyak – Remote control 4-wheeler

Rylie Brock – A mermaid.Lillie Chapman – Barbie

and a doll.Emerson Childers – Bar-

bies and a new Barbie car and a new ken doll. New crayons, all kind of colors, and markers.

Raiden Colby – Optimus Prime, bumble bee with a blue thing , and the city with the

cop, bank, and fire station, it’s imaginex.

Hoshonti Culberson – A plane jet.

Alex Daniel – A little big toy truck with a motorcycle in the back. A soldiers set with soldier motorcycles.

Brailee Davis – A fairy.Kaleb Dill – A Woody.Kierra Frederick – A bike.Cecily Griffin – A horsey.Sonny Harjo – A Fire car

and I want an ipod.

Johnathan Horn – A super-man.

Bryson Loveless – CarsTye Milne – A ninja turtle

toy named Mikey.Kayla Nickell – Barbies and

ponies.Ely O’Daniel – Ninja Turtle

legos.Emma Smith – Make up,

pets, hairspray, dress clothes, ipod, kindle and a bed.

Cayden Vincent – A Bum-blebee

Pre-K Students Holding out hope

Wish lists are very important this time of year and the stu-dents in Mrs. Laden and Mrs. Scroggins’ 1st grade class have shared theirs with us . . . the spelling may be somewhat of a challenge, but we found it charming.

Ben Dill – A batmobile that has a roomote, a three ds, a X box one, a jackit, a computer

Tenetke Culberson – Bike, baseball, bat, glove, a Racing Mario game

Tiler Stidmon – Bicke, megnif (Mega Nerf), dees (DS Nintendo), games, Spark Scoodrs (spark scooter)

Matthew Goodnight – Lego Chimo, Nrf-blastrs, Xbox 306, Lep pad, Xbox 4

Patricia Sanford – dog, doll, 3ds, star, flawr (flower)

Seeley Clay – Baby dolls, stuft animals, a baby puppy, a horses, a horses saddle

Stoney Cully – pup dog, fish, dsi, noo 50xs, stuff zebra, kinbel fire, i-pode

Michael Simpson – pla tasn four, pla tasn three,bub ist (back pack), two stuffed fox, two bag of pencils

Caidence Cross – basket-ball, cowgirl cloths, xbox 360, bunkbed, ipode, fone

Ty O’Daniel – control shell raiser, Lego Chima legos, lennex lion attack, lion chi temple, Nutendo 3DS

Brendan Jasna – X Box, X Box Live

David Gragert – nrf gun, kite, been 10 watch, toy with robot controller, a toy dragn, spock skootre

Michael Love – game, long sox, toy monstr truck, boxrs, football, pants, art stuff, bja-mus, homealone

Eli Neal – spork scoodrs, ipobe, dsi

Robert Moorehead – X box one, X box one games, bike, 3DS, shoos, Ipod

Kaden Samson – X box 36, chrd ds, four welr, hot wils, ipod, games four x box 36, drtbik (dirt bike), chock intn box

Kaylee Davis – Dog, shoos, cloths, brhas hlas (Barbie house), i-pode, scooder

Montana Smart – drt bik, dog, s box 360, Nitendo game, 4 whler

Colby Lindsey – X box one, ben 10 wauch, bike, monster truck trail blazer, DS trans-formers, sky landers, fone

Madison Prentice – Barbie ship, dog games, 7 dolls, icee maker, Barbie home and fur-niture

Addysen Vincent – Hoola hoop, bike, cat, Barbie, fish

Logan Johnson – Five more games, toy truck that you drive, toy trane that comes with track, toy dirt bike that you drive, toy for wheeler that you drive

Gracen Webb – Barbie hause, Barbie sister pony tail, games, Sponge Bob, Dora game, fishing pole

Cobin Smith – Spiderman, x-box 1, Sponge Bob game, minecraft, rain and snowe

Sata Harjo – I-pad, Barbie car, Barbie move, Sparkly tahoo’s, crismis move (Christ-mas movie)

Catrina Higdon - Ameri-can Girl doll, white puppy, cat with no hair, lion, love

Colt Carlton – A bo, dirt bike, DS, call of duty ghost, BB gun

Brailee Beck – American doll, horse, kittyn, ferit, litt erasre (little eraser)

Kaden Ashby – I wunt a bo, I wunt a cap gun, I wunt a bike, I wunt a bebe gun and a cat, I wunt a ferit and a nife

Alex Hill – Nurf gun, gum-ball machine, baskit ball, zoomer, slushy machine

Tylnn Taylor – X box one, Buzz Lightyear, Ben 10 toy, Call of Duty ghost, mine craft toy

Kellianne Finney – A doll, a fake bow, a new bike, a X box 360, a tablet

Cayser Nickell – A TV, Ma-rio Wii games, clothes, a DS, a hunting dog

Brady Crabtree – X box 360, Kindle Fire HDX, Ipad speakers, football 4X box, basketball 4X box

Tyler Raney – Cow boy boots, cow boy hat, Superman toys, little Army men, cross bow

Bodrey Goodson – Gum-ball machine, pop machine, popcorn machine, game that shoots safari animals, civil war army men

Sedrick Lindsey – DS gams, boots, rc card, a pant ball goun, a golf cart, clothes

Isaiah Ray Files – Monkey, Lego City, horse

First Graders have long wish


Brax Wofford enjoyed reading the book “ The Elf on the Shelf” as he made plans for Christmas.


The 3rd graders at Allen El-ementary were asked to tell us, “if you could buy one gift, what would it be and whom would it be for?” The students in Mrs. Peay and Mrs. Butler’s classes did a good job answer-ing that question . . .

If I could give only one gift, I would give it to Martha. I would get her jewelry because she loves jewelry. When she lived in my old house she covered a whole door with jewelry!

Nicholas Boyles

If I could give only one gift I would choose my Mom. I would give her a new dog be-cause she likes dogs. She is a really good Mom. I am glad to have her. She is really fun.

Zain Tillery

If I could give only one gift, I would choose to give it to Camran. He is my friend but we often see him. But he’s like part of my family. The end.

Clayton Dyer

If I could give only one gift, I would give the gift to my cousin. I would give him a bow because he likes to hunt and he is nice and he lives in Greenwood.

Mahli Herrera

If I could give one gift to only one person, I’d give it to my brother. I would give him a very, very, very big four wheeler that has doors and a roof. He is nice and friendly and caring.

Gary Raney

If I could give only one gift, it would be my sister and it is a necklace and this is the present I will give and she is my sister and special to me.

Macyee Davis

If I could give only one gift, I would give to a kid in Africa. I would love to give them food and water, a lot of it too. I re-ceive every year so I thought it would be nice to give.

Ansley Tollett

If I could give only one gift, I would give it to my cousin that lives in Florida. We have not seen him for a long time but finally I get to. He is the best cousin ever.

Quinton Walker

If I could give only one gift to one person, I would give it to my dad because he took me to Indiana last year and this year I would get my dad a truck, it will be a Chevy 4 wheel drive.

Tagus Howard

If I could give only one gift I would choose my Gramy and Papa. I want to give them a new car, one that doesn’t have to have gas so they can just take off and drive.

Kaylee Ford

If I could give only one Christmas gift, I would give it to my Mom. I would buy her some new clothes. She is nice to me. She cleans after me and she drives me wherever I want to go. I love my Mom.

Kyra Billey

If I could give a special gift to a friend it would be to Abbey S. I would give her an outfit from Justice because she likes clothes and she is really nice and she is a good friend.

Bradi Harman

I would get a Christmas gift for the poor people. It will be clothes for them and their chil-dren too, because they have no money or bank. They can not buy clothes because they are too expensive.

Hunter Boyd

If I could give only one gift, I would give it to Mrs. Peay. I would give her new candles because she is nice.

Heather Simpson

If I could give only one gift, I would give it to my sister that lives in Ada. I would get her a new I-phone because she never had a phone before so I will get her one.

Payton McWethy

If I could give a gift to some-one it would be my uncle. It would be an OSU hat because I love him and he might take me to an OSU football game because he gets season tickets every year.

Mason Riley

If I could give only one Christmas gift, I would give it to my sister. It would be soft boots because when we go to stores, my mom gets stuff for me. But I would get two or three pairs for my sister. I will give her them so she can wear them in winter so her feet will be warm.

Rosa Gabriel

If I could give anyone a gift it would be Madison. It would be a ball because she is my sister.

Hannha Isaac

If I could give any one any gift I would choose God and Son. I would choose God because he loves me and I love him. I would give him a pretty flower. I chose a flower because he made it.

Raney Clay

If I could give anyone any gift, I would choose my big sister because she is the best. I would give her a lollipop with sprinkles on it. I chose a lol-lipop because she is sweet.

Julie Johnson

If I could give any gift I would give it to my mom and I would get her a new Ipad.

Xander Holt

If I could give anyone any gift, I would choose Keenan because he is nice. I would give him a paint set. I would choose a paint set because he likes to draw.

Coyt Bell

If I could give a person a gift it would be my big brother Brayden Edwards. I choose him because he is big. I would give him a PS4. The reason I’m giving him this is because he loves video games. And he loves me too.

Kaisen Manuel

If I could give one person a gift I would choose Mrs. Butler because she is a nice teacher. I would give her an ipad, new picture frames and new clothes and shoes, flowers, and a teacher bag that has name on it, a new laptop, and a phone.

Brayee Chambers

If I could I would give my Mom a shiny necklace with a heart on it because she always wanted one. I choose my Mom because she’s very pretty and very helpful.

Montana Griffith

I’d give Montana an X-Box because he is nice.

Memphis Neal

If I could give anyone any gift, I would choose my grand-ma and grandpa. Because they always travel, I’ll get them an airplane because they travel a lot.

Beckett Wells

If I could give anyone any gift, I would choose Kenna. I could choose Kenna because I don’t see her very much. I would give Kenna a blanket with a hood. I chose a blanket with a hood because it’s rainy in Mississippi.

Maebrey Wallace

If I could give anyone any gift, I would choose my dad Ronald. I would choose Ronald because he helps me with homework and cooks for me and loves me. If I could give him any gift I would give him a new car so we don’t have to worry about sharing a car.

Keenan Walker

If I could give anyone a gift I would choose my Uncle Burt because he is funny,. I would give Uncle Burt a transporter because he lives a long ways away.

Quinn Corum

If I could give any gift, I would choose my mom. I would choose my mom because she is a hard worker and fun. I would get my mom a necklace and a bracelet.

Kassidy Keeney

If I could give anyone any gift, I would choose my Mom be-cause she is the best. I would choose my Mom because she is the best. I would give her a puppy because she likes puppies.

Julius Higdon

If I could give anyone a gift it would be my Papa, My Mom and my Dad because I love them and they love me. I would give them a big picture because they mean a lot to me. I am sure it would mean a lot to them too. I also would give them shirts that said “together forever.

Brooklyn Sanders

If I could give anyone any gift, I would choose my babu because I love him. He is the best brother ever in the world. Sometimes he is mean but I still love him. You know you bet-ter watch out. I’m telling you why, he is so snoopy. If I could give him something, it would be my four wheeler because he is so feisty and plus he is a daredevil, by the way. Or I would give him an Ipad Touch because he loves things like that. So now that’s over, I will tell you the best gift ever is Love and that is how that was , oh and seeing his sister that would be a great present. Cool!

Elainea Smith

Allen Third Graders are GenerousTHE ALLEN ADVOCATE, DECEMBER 19, 2013-PAGE 14

My name is Barbara McPherson; I am running for the Allen School Board position vacated by Lynn Anderson. I am a retired teacher and have lived in Allen for eleven (11) years. My goals are that the students receive the best education possible, nutritional food, and bullying stopped in our schools. I have spent 39 years in education (9½ years in public school, 20 years at the School for the Blind in Muskogee, and worked at CCA Davis Correctional facility in Holdenville for 9 years in the education department).

With the state grading of schools, the elementary received a “C” and high school 1. got an “A”. We have good teachers and they need our support so they can give the students the best education possible. This starts at the administrative level. We need teacher and parent participation at all levels of education.

With obesity at an epidemic level in this country we need to give our young people 2. an opportunity to learn about better food choices. This would give them an opportunity to have a healthier life.

Students going to Allen schools have been bullied starting at the elementary level. 3. This type of activity needs to be eliminated by parent, school, and community. It is called respect for others. I have come to know and have made friends in the community through church, city activities and attending Allen School functions. There is always room for improvements and through public service on the Allen School Board of Education I could maybe make a difference.“Give a person a fish everyday or teach them to fish and they can feed themselves

for a lifetime.”PLEASE VOTE . . .


--- Paid Political Announcement ---



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Mrs. Johnson’s 2nd grade shared their Christmas wish lists....

Dear Santa,Do you have fun giving toys

to children? How are your reindeer? I would like ten Kai Knights, Skylanders, Swop force, Crazy Cart, Gag, a toy car you can really drive, a motorcycle, the Megazord with 15 missiles, and a turtle shell. I have never seen Rudolph the Red Nosed reindeer. Tell him, “Hi!”

Love, Riley Tomb

Dear Santa,How do you have reindeer?

How do you have a sled? I want a horse, a bunny, a dog, a cat, a book, and a bike.

Love, Hannah Donaldson

Dear Santa,How are you doing? I will

leave cookies out for you and carrots for your reindeer. I would like an easy bake oven, a bike, a disco ball, a blue Mustang, an art set, a book, a detective set, a new outfi t, and a new pair of shoes. Tell the reindeer and the elves I said, “Hi!”

Love, Kamlyn Cundiff

Dear Santa,Are you doing good? Is

Rudolph doing good? I want a scooter, an X-Box, a Wii U, a Playstation 3, a trampoline, a pogo stick, and a 3DS. I will have cookies for you.

Love, Tessa Rowsey

Dear Santa,Do you like reindeer? Have

you made a snowman yet? How is Mrs. Claus doing? I would like an X-Box 360, 3DS, a pocket knife, a Snake in the Box, a toy train, a race track, a zombie mask, a doll house for my sister, and a toy snake.

Love, Conner SmithDear Santa,I want a book, crayons,

Legos, a video game, and a locker to keep my things in.

Love, Desiree Files

Dear Santa, Is Mrs. Claus cooking good

stuff? Will you bring my whole entire family presents? I want a green nutcracker, an owl, an entire wind up band, and a big Hide-and-Go-Seek building.

Love, Levi Mann

Dear Santa,How are you doing? I want

an I Pad, an American Girl doll, clothes, shoes, a Yorkie, a Barbie Dream house, a bed-spread, clothes for my Ameri-can Girl doll, and pink roller skates. Have you built a snow-man yet?

Love, Malloree Howard

Dear Santa,How are your reindeer? How

is Mrs. Santa? How are you do-ing? What I would like is new Air Jordan’s, a horse, a dog, a new Boston hat, a bike, a bee bee gun, a rifl e, and an X-Box. Tell the reindeer I said, “Hi!”

Love, Garrett Nix

Dear Santa,How are you doing? I want

a four wheeler, a dog, shoes, a remote control truck, new pants, shirts, boots, and bas-ketball shoes.

Love, Brayden Tatum

Dear Santa,How are you? How is Ru-

dolph and Mrs. Claus? I want a Dell laptop, a smart phone, a bike, a ring for my sister, and a dirt bike.

Love, Jack ToddP.S. Tell Prancer hello.

Dear Santa,I will leave you cookies and

milk. I want a go-cart, an X-Box, clothes, a remote control car, a collar for my dogs, and a sleigh.

Love, Jagger Caldwell

Dear Santa,Have you and the elves had a

snow ball fi ght yet? I will leave you some milk and cookies. I want a 2DS, a dog toy, a cat toy, games for my 2DS, Disney Infi nity, and a Wii U.

Love, Brogen Goodson

Dear Santa,Come to my house and I will

leave you cookies and candy. What I want for Christmas is a Hello Kitty airplane, Lazy Town, a jeep, a bike, and a swing.

Dear Santa,How are you? How do you

get from house to house? It is so cool! Is your reindeer fi ne? Are you enjoying the cookies I give you? All I want for Christ-mas is my two front teeth. Tell the reindeer I said, “Hi!”

Love, Abbey Strong

Dear Santa,Do you love your reindeer?

Do you love giving presents out? I would like a toy truck, a toy flag, a toy fawn, and a stocking. Say hello to the reindeer!

Love, Dillon Blessing

Dear Santa,How is Mrs. Claus and your

reindeer? What I want for Christmas is clothes, new books, and paint stuff. That’s it. My sister wants Barbie dolls.

Love, Ava Laden

Dear Santa,I hope you have a good

holiday. I want for my mom to have a ring and for my dad to have a new coat. I want a 3DS and the rest of my Army Corps.

Love, J.W. Wainscott

Dear Santa,I want a Wii U, a Hot Wheels

car track, and a robot.Love, Austin Stowe

The 2nd grade students in Mrs. Pitts’ class are hoping Santa brings them everything on their lists . . .

Dear Santa, Miniature pony. Would like

a phone to talk to my friends. A tablet and a I Pod. Sure would like a cat to cuddle with.

Makenzie Smart

Dear Santa, Could you please bring a

Wii. I have been very good. A game called Skylander Swap Force. I like to play Monopoly. Toy Bay too!

Isaiah Merritt

Dear Santa, Four wheeler to ride the hills,

I Pod. Would like a sewing kit. A Barbie car with remote control. I have been very good. Could I have a kitten to play with.

Lilly Matthews

Dear Santa, I would like a phone so I can

talk to my friends. I have been very good so could I have a puppy. One Barbie doll please. One more thing, a I Pod.

Olivia Wallace

Dear Santa, I would like Wii pad ultra. I

would like a puppy too!Lori Stidmon

Dear Santa, Would like a knife safe for

my knife. Mine Craft for X-Box 360 and another X-Box controller so I can play with my friends. Call of Duty Ghost game. I have been very good so may I have a phone, please.

Keithon Howard

Dear Santa, Marval Super Hero Game,

Pokemon cards. Would like a new game for X-Box 360. It is Vengeance of the Heroes.

Trevor Stradford

Dear Santa, X-box 360 and a Call of Duty

Ghost gameLuke Chapman

Dear Santa, I would like a dirt bike. I

have grown so I need a new bicycle to ride. Need some new pajamas. A warm hat to wear on cold days.

Chandler Wallace

Dear Santa, Barbie and lots of clothes for

her. Ken doll too. A cute cud-dly puppy to play with. Puppy pound doll.

Aubrey Scott

Dear Santa, A tablet, a Barbie doll and

an X-Box 360. I need new clothes. A few toys to play with at my house.

Joni Thompson

Dear Santa, NBA 2K14 game, four

wheeler for running over hills. Baseball and glove to play ball.

Kason Linker

Dear Santa, I would like a rock collec-

tion. I have been very good, could I please have a puppy for Christmas?

Ethan Holcomb

Dear Santa, Chima Legos, Ninja Turtle

Legos. Would like a bow and arrow. A helmet to ride on my bike. Would like a bike to go with my helmet. I like toy airplanes too.

Emmett Koonce

Dear Santa, Wii games and a four wheeler

to ride the hills. Dirt bike for summer fun.

Seth Donaldson

Dear Santa, I am out of arrows for my

bow, could you please send some. My battery on my four wheeler is not working, could use a new battery. Remote automobile, anything is fi ne. I would like a new bike. I have grown this year. A trampoline would be very nice to do exer-cise with.

Colton Cross

Dear Santa, Barbie and her Dream house.

Barbie needs her friend Ken. I need to exercise with a trampo-line.

Kelsey Hurt

Dear Santa, I would like a X Box 360.

Skylander Walk Force game. Pacman and the Ghostly Ad-ventures.

Felipe Martinez

Dear Santa, Could I have a new house

and Skylander game.Kaden Smith

Mrs. Johnson & Mrs. Pitts Claim Second Grade on Nice List

Monday - Thursday 11-8 • Friday - Saturday 11-9 Closed on Sunday

129 N. Milt Phillips, Seminole, OK


Let us cater your church

outings and large parties!

Lip Lick’n Good


By Herman BrownAllen correspondent

For the Allen Mustangs, there will be no easy stretch heading into the Christmas and New Year’s Day break.

Coach Greg Mills smiles when he reviews this week’s two-game schedule.

“We get Roff on Tuesday and Weleetka on Thursday,” he said. “Yeah, this ought to be fun! Those are two very good teams we’ll be playing before we get to Christmas!”

Last week, Allen played three games in a 4-day span. The Mustangs lost to Roff on Wednesday in the semi-final round of the Pontotoc Confer-ence Tournament at Calvin High School.

On Friday, Allen was back in action with a home date against the New Lima Falcons.

The PC tournament resumed on Saturday. For Allen, that meant a third-place showdown

with the Tupelo Tigers.Allen lost both tournament

games, but did salvage a win in the regular-season contest on Friday evening.

Coach Mills believes the crazy schedule has hindered his team’s progress. The Mus-tangs have suffered due to a lack of practice time. Bas-ketball was delayed due to football playoffs. Even worse, the Mustangs lost about 10 days due to the recent winter storm.

“It’s been tough,” he said. “But, overall, I feel the kids are playing really hard. They are making a few mistakes and not shooting the ball well. We were just dead-legged in the tournament and that’s always going to affect your shooting. It will improve when we get more time in the gym and im-prove our conditioning.”

On Wednesday, Roff dropped the Mustangs 49-38 in the Pon-

totoc Conference Tournament semi-finals. The Tigers built up a 29-19 halftime lead and pressed on to outscore Allen 20-19 in a competitive second half. The result was an 11-point win for Roff, 49-38.

Two Mustangs landed in double figures in scoring in the loss. Tommy Peay scored 13 points and Zayne Erickson added 12. Other offense in-cluded Ty Brown with 4 points and Joseph Hopper, Dakota Nickell and Drew Back all with 3.

On Friday, Allen went back into the regular-season sched-ule to host the New Lima Falcons in varsity basketball action.

Coach Mills watched his Mustangs enter the second half down 22-21. From there, Allen outscored the visitors 30-21 to rally for the 51-43 triumph.

Allen landed four players in double figures in scoring.

Joseph Hopper led the way with 15 points. Zayne Erickson was second on the team with 12 points. Tommy Peay and Ty Brown followed with 10 points each. Dakota Nickell chipped in 3 points while Colby Eaker provided the final point.

On Saturday, Allen went back to Calvin High School to compete in the conference tournament. The Mustangs met the Tupelo Tigers in the third-place game.

The Mustangs fell behind 17-8 in the first quarter. The 9-point deficit proved to be too much to overcome for Allen. AHS outscored the Tigers 30-29 over the final three quarters.

However, that was not enough to erase the big deficit from the initial period. Allen ended up on the short end of the 46-38 final score.

Joseph Hopper finished the game with a team-best 13 points. Zayne Erickson was next on the list with 8 points. Tommy Peay provided 6 points while Dakota Nickell scored 5 and Drew Back scored 4. Colby Eaker rounded out the scoring with 2 points.

Allen walked off the court with a fourth-place finish.

Looking ahead, Coach Mills will use the coming weeks to build up the conditioning to real basketball form. As that process unfolds, the Mustangs will continue to improve.

Mustangs brace for stiff competition this weekAllen to meet Roff and Weleetka in action prior to Christmas break


Allen Mustangs #15 Joseph Hopper, senior #44 Zayne Erickson, senior #24 Little Sky Frazier, senior #42 Shawn Rolen, senior#12 Dakota Nickell, junior #00 Zack Tarbet, junior#20 Drew Back, soph #22 Tommy Peay, soph#34 Dalton James, soph#33 Bradley Rinehart, soph#10 Colby Eaker, fresh#23 Ty Brown, fresh#30 Wyatt Corum, fresh#40 Jordan Stick, fresh

---PC Tournament

Wednesday – semi-finalsRoff 49, Allen 38Allen - 10 - 9 - 7 - 12 - (38)Roff - 17 - 12 - 6 - 14 - (49)

Allen scoring: Tommy Peay 13, Zayne Erickson 12, Ty Brown 4, Joseph Hopper 3, Dakota Nickell 3 and Drew Back 3.

---Regular-season game

Friday @ AllenAllen 51, New Lima 43NewL- 14 - 8 - 8 - 13 - (43)Allen - 9 - 12 - 16 - 14 - (51)

Allen scoring: Joseph Hopper 15, Zayne Erickson 12, Tommy Peay 10, Ty Brown 10, Dakota Nickell 3 and Colby Eaker 1.

---Saturday – third place

Tupelo 46, Allen 38Tup - 17 - 8 - 8 - 13 - (38)Allen - 8 - 8 - 11 - 11 – (38)

Allen scoring: Joseph Hopper 13, Zayne Erickson 8, Tommy Peay 6, Dakota Nickell 5, Drew Back 4, and Colby Eaker 2.

---Upcoming games

12-17-13 @ Roff12-19-13 vs Weleetka

Zayne Erickson puts up a shot over a Roff defender Tuesday night.

Joseph Hopper looks for an escape during the home game against Roff. Colby Eaker races down court during recent ac-tion.


By Herman BrownAllen correspondent

The Allen Lady Mustangs re-cently captured the runner-up title in the 2013 Pontotoc Confer-ence Tournament at Calvin High School.

Coach Jeremy Strong’s squad took down Stonewall 45-41 in the opening round game. Sopho-more standout Charlea Leon-ard powered the victory with a performance of 21 points and 8 rebounds.

By knocking off Stonewall, Al-len advanced to the tournament semi-finals last Wednesday in the weather-delayed event.

Awaiting the Lady Mustangs in the semi-final showdown were the Asher Lady Indians.

“They were the top-seeded team in the tournament,” said Coach Strong. “They were also ranked No. 6 in the state in Class B basketball.”

Allen stood up to the challenge and delivered an impressive 48-46 victory over the dangerous Asher girls. The path to the win included a great comeback rally by the Lady Mustangs.

Asher trailed 15-14 in the first quarter before storming to a 30-24 lead going into the halftime break.

After intermission, Allen rallied to close the gap to within a point at 37-36.

With the game on the line, the Lady Mustangs stepped up and outscored Asher 12-8 over the final eight minutes.

“It was tied at 46-46,” recalls Coach Strong. “We called time to set up a play. That play didn’t work perfectly but we still got a decent shot.”

The Allen shot missed the mark. However, Leonard was on the back side and perfectly posi-tioned for an offensive rebound. The 5-11 sophomores took the rebound and scored the go-ahead basket with about 7 seconds left in the fourth quarter.

Asher went down and, with a couple of seconds to go, fired off a 3-point shot. Luckily for Allen, the potential game-winning trey came up short.

“We batted the ball around a little and ended up with it be-fore time expired,” said Coach Strong.

Allen escaped in the semi-finals with the thrilling 48-46 victory.

Charlea Leonard ended up with a game-high 19 points. She was the only Lady Mustang to score in double figures.

Alison Sells led the other Allen scorers with 8 points. Others who contributed to the win included Miranda Raney with 7 points, Sondra Howshar with 6, and Ken-nedy Prentice and Faith Caldwell with 4 points each.

“It was a good ballgame,” the coach said. “It went back and forth. It was not a perfect game

for either team, but we were able to make enough plays to get out with the win.”

By winning, Allen advanced on to Saturday’s tournament champi-onship game. However, the Lady Mustangs had a non-tournament game to play on Friday evening. The New Lima Falconettes came to Allen High School for a regu-lar-season contest.

Coach Strong’s squad posted a 56-42 win over New Lima. The Lady Mustangs used a strong showing in the second and third quarters to secure the victory.

New Lima led 12-9 at the end of one quarter. Allen countered to outscore the Falconettes 16-6 in the second quarter and 13-6 in the third period. The turn-around lifted the Lady Mustangs to a 38-24 advantage going into the fourth quarter. Allen then matched New Lima’s 18 points to seal off the 56-42 win.

Charlea Leonard was once again the driving force in the game. Leonard scored 16 points and pulled down 10 rebounds.

Hannah Heck also landed in double digits with 12 points. Kennedy Prentice and Miranda Raney were next on the scoring list with 8 points. Sondra How-shar added 6 points. Alison Sells and Faith Caldwell rounded out the score with 3 points.

“I am really proud of the girls,” Coach Strong said. “They played a really good game. We got down 9-0 in the first quarter but I did not see any panic. The girls kept chugging along and we ended up with a double-digit win. We did a good job of rebounding and also played pretty good defense.”

On Saturday, Allen jumped back into tournament action at Calvin High School. The Lady Mustangs took on the Roff Lady Tigers in the championship finals.

Roff led 14-13 after one quarter and 28-20 at halftime. After the break, the Lady Indians outscored Allen 10-9 in the third period and 10-4 in the fourth. The combined result was a 48-33 win for Roff.

Miranda Raney led the Lady Mustangs in scoring with 10 points. She was the lone Allen player to score in double figures.

The rest of Allen’s scoring in-cluded Alison Sells and Charlea Leonard with 5 points each, Son-dra Howshar with 4 and Hannah Heck with 3. Three others scored 3 points each, including Kennedy Prentice, Alycia Evans and Faith Caldwell.

“We were running on pure emotion in the first quarter,” said Coach Strong. “We played a pretty good game at that time. But it was our third game in four days – Wednesday, Friday and Saturday – and you could see us running out of energy. We were losing our legs and it got away from us. We set our goals high and we really wanted to win this

game. We were not happy that we finished second. But, at the same time, I am very proud of the girls. They did a pretty good job. You just have to give Roff a lot of credit. They played a pretty good game and they did what they needed to do to win the tourna-ment.”

Looking ahead, Allen was fac-ing a pair of strong challenges this week. The Lady Mustangs were to play Roff again on Tues-day … and then close out the pre-holiday schedule against the much-improved Weleetka Lady Outlaws.

“We’ll have good competition to go into the break,” said Coach Strong. “But we play a strong schedule for a reason. We are trying to get us prepared for the playoffs. A great record against weak competition will do nothing to get you ready for the games that really count. We’ll play the strong teams and it will get us better as we go along.”


PCC TournamentWednesday: Semi-final

Allen 48, Asher 46 Allen - 15 - 9 - 12 - 12 - (48)Asher - 14 - 16 - 7 - 9 - (46)

Allen scoring: Charlea Leonard 19, Alison Sells 8, Miranda Raney 7, Sondra Howshar 6, Kennedy Prentice 4 and Faith Caldwell 4.

---Regular-season game

Friday @ AllenAllen 56, New Lima 42 NewL - 12 - 6 - 6 - 18 - (42)Allen - 9 - 16 - 13 - 18 - (56)

Allen scoring: Charlea Leonard 16 (and 10 rebounds), Han-nah Heck 12, Kennedy Prentice 8, Miranda Raney 8, Sondra Howshar 6, Alison Sells 3 and Faith Caldwell 3.

---PCC TournamentFinals - Saturday

Roff 48, Allen 33Allen - 13 - 7 - 9 - 4 - (33)Roff - 14 - 14 - 10- 10 - (48)

Allen scoring: Miranda Raney 10, Alison Sells 5, Charlea Leonard 5, Sondra Howshar 4, Hannah Heck 3, Kennedy Pren-tice 2, Alycia Evans 2 and Faith Caldwell 2.

Lady Mustangs take second in tournamentSophomore Charlea Leonard fuels offensive attack in recent action

Charlea Leonard scored 5 points against Roff in the Tournament Champion-ship Saturday in Calvin

Miranda Raney drives past a Roff defender on route to her 10 points.

Sandra Rowsey puts up a lay-up during Tuesday nights contest.


Saturday, December 14th, at the home of John and Stacy Frederick, 55 family members gathered for Wesley (Nub) and Lesley (Heavy) Rinehart’s 70th birthday celebration.

Everyone enjoyed a potluck dinner, chocolate cake deco-rated by Courtney Read, and visiting with one another.

Those attending were Todd and Michelle Conley; Candice Smith and Christian Patrick;

Tim, Matthew and Nathaniel Rinehart; Crissy Fenwick; Willis, Shane, Bradley and Lesley Rinehart; Dakota Fra-zier; Peggy and Wesley Rine-hart; Jason, Candis, Keith and Isaac Goodnight; Scott and Linda Rinehart and Kennedy of Ada; Heavy and Arlene Rinehart, Jake and Shaylynn; Peachie and Mike Cross and Lane; Natalie, Broady, Blade, Logan and Cadence Johnson

of Spaulding; Linda and Jearl Knighten; Jerry and Norma Milne; Bill and Deonna Grif-fin; Thurman Rinehart; Debbie and Jesse Rinehart; Courtney and Bradley Read of Idabel; Crystal, Kassidy, Mallory and Chulainn Keeney; Lil John, Cadence and Tayden Frederick; and John and Stacy Frederick!

Happy 70th Birthday, Nub and Heavy!

70 Years with Heavy & Nub

FELONIESAlyson Janae Adams—

possession of controlled dangerous substance-meth-amphetamine

Chasity Dea Batterton—bringing contraband (weap-on/explosive/drugs/intoxi-cating beverage/money) into jail

Leslie Allen Graham—possession of firearm after former felony conviction

Dawn Christina Griman—assault & battery with a dangerous weapon

Elizabeth Ann Hamburg-er—accessory to felony

Jonathan Quinton Nail—knowingly concealing sto-len property

Heather Marie Shaw—re-ceiving, holding or conceal-ing lost or mislaid card

MISDEMEANORSAlyson Janae Adams—

unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia; public drunk

Benjamin Andrew Akers—possession of controlled substance-marijuana

Zane Lee Barritt—failure to comply with compulsory insurance law

Calvin John Cockrell—

public drunkWilliam Ray Gaines III—

domestic assault & battery in presence of minor

Christopher Maurice Gar-ner—minor in possession of alcohol

Leslie Allen Graham—unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia; driving under suspension

Hiawatha Honsinger—public drunk; minor in pos-session of alcohol

Jason Bradley Lewis—public drunk

A.V. Luckey Jr.—driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol

Sean Michael Mathews—driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol

Jonathan Quinton Nail—larceny of merchandise from retailer

Jimmy Lee Parker—driv-ing under suspension

Steven Dewayne Richard-son—failure to carry insur-ance verification; driving under revoked license

Heather Marie Shaw—unauthorized use of credit card

Alexandria Nicole Tread-away—driving a motor ve-

hicle while under the influ-ence of alcohol

Jacob Clinton Vogt—do-mestic assault & battery in presence of minor

Kevin Dale Ward—driv-ing with license revoked

Ray Tyler Wells—driving while impaired

Coy Oneal Young Jr.—public drunk

MARRIAGESJeffery Scott Ames &

Claudette Jo Lyenn May, both of Ada

Chad Ray Moore, Ada & Misty Ladown Boyd, Konawa

Jacob Andrew Perkins & Joanna Lynn Brown, both of Ada

Jonathan Ray Davis & Brittney Joann Gould, both of Konawa

Tyler Leon Roberts, Ada & Rebekah Alice Lal, Eu-faula

Antonio Maurice Mc-Donald & Keanna Desha McGee, both of Ada

DIVORCEKenda Rae Beets vs

Charles William Beets IIIAmanda L. Carter vs Mat-

thew J. Carter

Heather Chick vs Thomas Monroe Chick

Logan McKenzie Reed vs Tori Dawn Reed

CIVILAmericredit Financial Ser-

vices vs Marcus Houston—money judgment

Americredit Financial Services vs Jayme Gore—money judgment

B.L. Ely DBA Accounts Collections vs Cory Dan-iels—money judgment

Wells Fargo Bank N.A. vs William E Stribling—mortgage foreclosure

Tinker Federal Credit Union vs Melissa Cam-plain—money judgment

Little Land Company vs Leah Leader—money judg-ment

Lionsgate Development, Inc vs Dexter A. Pruitt—money judgment

Discover Bank vs War-ren H. Euchler Jr.—money judgment

Vanderbilt Mortgage & Finance vs Charles Miller—foreclosure

B.L. Ely DBA Accounts Collections vs Barbara A. Brown—money judgment

Americredit Financial Ser-vices vs Larry A. Scrog-gins—money judgment

B.L. Ely DBA Accounts Collections vs Tammi Lynn Collins—money judgment

B.L. Ely DBA Accounts Collections vs Barry D. Boling—money judgment

B.L. Ely DBA Accounts Collections vs Lori Cof-fey—money judgment

Tinker Federal Credit Union vs Kara K. Dew—money judgment

Discover Bank vs Chris P. Gaches—money judgment

Midland Funding LLC vs Benjamin Hilton—money judgment

Tinker Federal Credit Union vs Alyssa N. Hyatt—money judgment

Midland Funding LLC vs Mary Price—money judg-ment

Midland Funding LLC vs Johna Stringer—money judgment

Midland Funding LLC vs William West—money judgment

SMALL CLAIMSRepublic Loans vs Kelli

Beddow—money judg-ment

Bell Finance vs Jonathon Bounds—money judgment

Bell Finance vs Chris Walker—money judgment

Bell Finance vs Debra Wisdom—money judg-ment

Bell Finance vs Misty Pittman Brown—money judgment

Valley View Regional Hospital vs Sherald Doreen Belyeu—money judgment

Valley View Regional Hospital vs Matilda M. Benson—money judgment

Valley View Regional Hospital vs Greg Cortez—money judgment

Covington Credit vs Levi Root—money judgment

Covington Credit vs Ash-ley Haney—money judg-ment

Regional Finance vs Debra Cox—money judgment

Parad igm Rea l ty vs Bridgette Frappiea—evic-tion

Valley View Regional Hospital vs Helen Celeste Gordon—money judgment

Regional Finance vs Kerry James—money judgment

Republic Loans vs Tracy King—money judgment

Larry Robertson vs Anta-sia Millican—eviction

Noble Finance vs Jeremy Walker—money judgment

Republic Loans vs Deb-bie Ramirez—money judg-ment

Sleepy Hollow Trailor Park vs Kevin Roberts—eviction

Valley View Regional Hospital vs Michael Glen Wilkerson—money judg-ment

TRAFFICD e n a v a r i e Q u i n t e l

Brooks—operating a ve-hicle without valid driver’s license

David Wayne Edwards—inattentive driving resulting in collision

Danielle Marie Frazier—failure to pay taxes due to state (expired tag)

Levi Garrett Gallegos—driver not (properly) wear-ing seat belt

Chris topher Maurice Garner—transporting open container-beer

Thomas Edward Good—speeding 1-10 mph over limit

Krissa Lynette Green-wood—reckless driving

Jonathan Blake Horton—driver not (properly) wear-ing seat belt

Thomas Reed Johnson—failure to yield from private drive

Stephanie Faye McMul-len—driver not (properly) wearing seat belt

Carlston Joe Meziere—speeding 26-30 mph over limit

Geoffrey Streater Moon—speeding 16-20 mph over limit

Michael James Norris—driver not (properly) wear-ing seat belt

Christopher Thomas Par-do—speeding 1-10 mph over limit

Jimmy Lee Parker—de-fective equipment

Steven Dewayne Richard-son—driver not (properly) wearing seat belt

Jerri Machel Sanders—speeding 15 mph over limit

Summer Leigh Shaw—transporting open container-beer

Jodon Raene Truelove—driver not (properly) wear-ing seat belt

Shane Matthew Wise—operating vehicle at speed greater than reasonable or proper

Pontotoc County Court RecordsTHE ALLEN ADVOCATE, DECEMBER 19, 2013-PAGE 18

May you have the Holiday Happiness in your heart throughout the new year.

Allen Health ClinicHelen, Irene, Ann and Dr. Michelle Barlow

J & S ExchangeEqual Opportunity Employer

Allen Community PharmacyWishing you a healthy, happy new year!

Dave Campbell, Pharm. D

Tagus Howard had quite a list of needs to share with Santa.

Sisters Milani and Tessa Rowsey have been very good and we hope they get everything on their wish list.

Looks like Santa had his lap full and running over when these sisters and their children gathered. Pictured are Joni Anderson, Alex Hill, Beckett Wells, A.J. Hill and LeaAnn Wells.

Keithon Howard told Santa everything he wants for Christ-mas this year.


Merry Christmas

Christmas is a wonderful time togather with family and friends

Allen Quick Picfrom your friends at the

Hwy 1 - Allen, Oklahoma

Skelton’s Dive-

Drive thru - walk up - outhouse

401 E Hwy 1 • (580)857-1234N

The Magic of Christmas never ends

and its greatest of giftsare family and friends.Merry Christmas and

Happy New Year!

Charles and Betty Speir

Merry Christmasfrom our family to yours...

The Magic of Christmas never ends and its greatest of giftsare family and friends. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Brent AshbyTom BartonTaylor BlackSarah BratcherWilliam BrooksSue CaskeyGreg ChermackDaniel Crabtree

Tammy FrederickTyler GabbardDanny GriffinDustin HansenWilliam HesterPhilip Hodo

Eric HolcombElizabeth HonMarsha HonWally LewisJames LinkerRobert McMillian

Glender ReducindoBryan RowseyChristy RowseyFelipe SalasDanny StewartTonya Taylor

Among those out & aboutSunday at the First Baptist Church Allen were David and Tracy Emmons of Owasso.

Also at the church, home for the holiday, was Caitlin Gard-ner. Ms. Gardner is a student at OU in Norman.

—O&A— Wayne and Pat Bullard trav-

eled to Tyler, Texas this past weekend to see their grand-daughter, Julia Runge, gradu-ate magna cum laude from the University of Texas.

Their return trip included a stop in Ardmore and a visit with his sister, Sue and Mark Herrin. Mark, who had taken a fall on the ice last week and broke his ankle, was in the lo-cal hospital.

—O&A— Terry and Jan Shires in from

Tioga TX on Wednesday to celebrate Christmas with his parents, Joe and Pat Shires.

Joining in that visit and bringing her 2-month old baby, Romin, for a visit with its great-great-grandparents was Tracy Shires.

—O&A— J.B., Paula and Steven Nel-

son, along with George and Pam Price and Kyle Baldinger attended the December 13th

graduation ceremony at the University of Central Oklaho-ma, Edmond, to watch Heather Nelson receive her bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education.

—O&A— Saturday guests in the home

of James and Donna Arnold were their son and family, Noel, Ashley and Jack Arnold, from Edmond. Joining in their visit was Jane Cassell.

Out & About


Christmas is a family time and Connor and Sophie Smith shared their Santa visit with their cousin, Jagger Caldwell.

April and Grasyn Whitehead had a nice visit with ol’ St. Nick and told him of their hearts’ desires.

Amber Ford and her daughters Lainey and Kaylee enjoyed a visit Friday with Santa.

Apparently not everyone is in love with a certain old man in a red suit. Tinsley Wofford wants someone to rescue her!