DeccanRummy – How to Play Points Rummy?

Post on 07-Jul-2018

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Transcript of DeccanRummy – How to Play Points Rummy?

  • 8/18/2019 DeccanRummy – How to Play Points Rummy?


    DeccanRummyHow to play Points


  • 8/18/2019 DeccanRummy – How to Play Points Rummy?


     Points Rummy is the fastest, simplest

    variant of Rummy where players play

     for points with pre-decided rupee


    Fastest because each game lasts for 1

    deal only.

     Simplest because one winner wins allthe cash at the end of each game.

     @eccanRummy it is all the more

    easier and simpler !"

  • 8/18/2019 DeccanRummy – How to Play Points Rummy?



     %rrange all 1& cards in-hand inse'uences and(or sets. )he cards in

    hand are arranged to form at least two

    se'uences, out of which one has to be

    a pure se'uence. )he other remainingcards can be arranged in valid

    se'uences and(or sets.

  • 8/18/2019 DeccanRummy – How to Play Points Rummy?



    + Random toss decides the player who

    will mae the first move.

    + ild oer is randomly selected and

    cards are dealt to each player.

    + First card from the pac is placed in

    the open dec.

    + Remaining cards are placed face-


    + /ach player taes turns to pic(disca

    a card from closed(open dec to

    complete sets and(or se'uences

  • 8/18/2019 DeccanRummy – How to Play Points Rummy?



     n case a Printed oer is selected

    as $oer, then %ce card of any suit is

    used as a $oer in their sets (se'uences.

     2ust !

    )o finish the game, you must

    declare at least two se'uences, one

    of which must be a pure se'uence.

    3aution !

    ith two decs, you cannot use the

    same card twice in a set. For

    instance - 45 45 46 is not a valid set.

  • 8/18/2019 DeccanRummy – How to Play Points Rummy?



    + iscard one of the cards in the finish slo

    + 3lic on the 7eclare7 button.

    + *roup and declare your sets andse'uences.


    + /ach player gets an option to drop the

     game in their turn, throughout the game


    + )o avail the rop option, the player mus

    not have piced a card from open(closed

    dec in that turn.

  • 8/18/2019 DeccanRummy – How to Play Points Rummy?


    ● First rop ! f a player drops the game i

    their very first turn, they get 89 points.●  2iddle rop ! f a player drops the gam

    in a turn other than the first, they get :9 points.

    ●  2issed )urns ! f a player misses &

    consecutive turns, he(she is dropped from

    the game. )his means that this player ge:9 points.

    ●  isconnection Scenario ! f a player get

    disconnected, they are dropped from the

     game and get :9 points.

  • 8/18/2019 DeccanRummy – How to Play Points Rummy?


     Scoring Pattern

    1. /ach card carries a certain number of points.

    losing player gets points e'ual to their hand sco

    ● , ;,

  • 8/18/2019 DeccanRummy – How to Play Points Rummy?


    &. Full count ! 2a>imum points that a playe

    can get in one game is ?9.

    3onsidering S - and Score A P)s - Points.

    + f SB?9 then P)s C S 

    + f SDC?9 then P)s C ?9

    :. Special 3ase 1 ! f the losing player has n

    had his first turn before the opponent has m

    valid declaration, then they get 89 points.

    4. Special 3ase 8 ! f a player declares witho

    meeting the game ob$ective, they get ?9 poin

    and the game continues till there is a winner

  • 8/18/2019 DeccanRummy – How to Play Points Rummy?


    innings C E)otal points of all losing playe

     Point value" G eccanRummy Fees

     + Five players play on HRs. 4 per pointI table

     player declares the game and wins all the cas

    by other players.

      + f the four players lose with 19,89,&9,and

     points respectively, the winnerIs cash amoun

    be calculated as! 4 > E19 J 89 J &9 J :9" C Rs

     G eccanRummy Fees.

    FK - eccanRummy has the Lowest fee amo

    #nline ndian Rummy sites !"