De - Shopware Community day - E-Mailmarketing: tips & tricks

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Am 16. Mai hat Ruben Cooler auf dem Shopware Community Day 2014 in Ahaus eine Präsentation mit 10 Tipps und Tricks für professionelles E-Mail-Marketing für Shopbetreiber und Agenturen gehalten.

Transcript of De - Shopware Community day - E-Mailmarketing: tips & tricks

Email marketing for webshops:

tips & tricks

Copernica Marketing Software

Powerful email marketing

Follow up of abandoned shopping carts

Customer lifecycle campaigns

High email deliverability

Several integrations available

Split run testing (A/B)

Developments in the market




Developments in the market

Marketing automation

“Using marketing automation we were able to convert 40% of our Marketing

Qualified Leads to Sales Qualified leads in only 4 months time”Jeroen Ederveen, Exact Software

M-commerce & mobile

Bron: Litmus, 2013

“According to statistics, nearly 48% of all emails are now opened on mobile devices, 33% on a desktop and 19% in webmail”

Litmus - (2013)

M-commerce & mobile

Bron: Litmus, 2013

“In the first half year of 2013, over 2,3 million people purchased an item online using a

smartphone or tablet. That’s an increase of 53% compared to the second half of 2012” (2013)

Relevance“Relevant, targeted and personal emails generate up to 18 times more revenu than regular bulk mailings”

Capgemini (2012)

“45% of questioned organizations said relevance is a key factor when it comes to improving email deliverability”

Econsultancy, Email Marketing Industry Census (2013)

Tips you can apply tomorrow!

Tip 1: Database management

Data is relevance!

Tip 1: Database management Use 1 centralized database

Extensive possibilities to segment

Selections for each campaign

Constant, automated profile enrichment

Mind the quality of your data!

Tip 1: Database management


Timely & relevant communication to

Your visitor


Tip 1: Database management


“Open rates of triggered event driven emails are up to 75,1% higher and click through rates are up to 114,8% higher than those of normal


Epsilon Email Trends and Benchmarks (2012)

“More than 60% of our event driven emails are opened compared to

30% of our regular bulk mailings”

Oskar van Straaten, director

Tip 2: Smart use of your data

Segmenting based on different data


Segmenting & sending specific mails based on:

Actions via Facebook

Clicking behaviour

Interest of participants/subscribers


6.000 subscriptions

Conversion had an increase of 300% for these BUCAS-blankets

Tip 2: Smart use of your data

Case: KPNCustomers who contact the callcenter want to see the device in the store

How: Callcenter employee sends a personalized email with special offer based on conversation and location


28% Click through rate

20% went to store and became customer

Tip 2: Smart use of your data

Different contact moments within the customer life cycle

What does your customer lifecycle look like?

Tip 3: Turning a hot lead into a customer

How do I apply this to my webshop?

Visitor comes to your website

Creates an account: +1

Clicks in your welcome mail: +2

Clicks on an offer: +5

Purchases something: +10

Makes a second purchase: +5

Lead nurturing helps you increase conversion and loyalty

Tip 3: Turning a hot lead into a customer

Do you know how many orders aren’t completed within your webshop?

Tip 3: Abandoned shopcart campaigns!

“67% of all clients bought a product in a store because of a promotion or action. Of those clients, more than half of them made the purchase due to an email promotion”

eMarketer (2013)

“Only 8 of the 150 researched webshops sends an abandoned shopcart email” Copernica Marketing Software research (2013)

Tip 4: Abandoned shop cart campagnes


Goal: Converting abandoned shopcarts

How: Automated email after abandoning shopcart


60% Open rate

34% Click through rate

Tip 4: Abandoned shop cart campagnes

Case: Manchester United - Nike

Goal: Converting abandoned shopcarts

How: Automated email campaign after abandoning shopcartsResults:

15% sales comes from emails

85% increase in conversion via mobile emails

Overall sales increased with 20%

Tip 5: Stimulating repeat purchases

Case: IPhone2Day

Doel: Cross- and upsell based on known customer data

How: Targeted and personalized emailings based on customer data


48% Open rate

17% Click through rate

40% more transactions

Tip 5: Stimulating repeat purchases

Case: Vliegtickets

Goal: Better results from existing customers

How: Cross-selling after an online booking


Car rental increased by 20%

Obtained highest customer satisfaction in the branche: 8,3

Tip 6: Reactive sleeping customers!


Goal: Triggering inactive customers into making a new purchase

How: Personalized email after predetermined amount of time incl. discount


27% Open rate

21% Click through rate

Who’s planning on optimizing their channels for mobile in 2014?

“The number of recipients who open their email on mobile devices will

grow by 28% in 2014 and by 23% in 2015”The Radicati Group (2013)

“Mobile purchases are affected by email campaigns 71% of the time.

Only advice given by friends has a higher rate of influence (87%)” 

Adobe (2013)

Tip 7: Responsive design

Tip 7: Responsive design!

Responsive design offers an optimal rendability per client





Image size


Hiding content

Tip 7: Responsive designWhat can you change by using responsive design?

Example Crocs:

Tip 7: Responsive design

Static mobile vs. Desktop mail vs. Responsive

Highest conversion was obtained by using responsive

Example Crocs:

Tip 7: Responsive design

Desktop mail vs. responsive

Responsive generated +7,6% CTOR

ROI via responsive was higher than desktop version

Higher engagement by using responsive email

Tip 8: Video in emailMobile email clients support HTML5 better and more often

Promotional emails with video generate 278% more ROI than normal promotional emails

Tip 8: Video in email


Original: attracts attention a lot faster

Creates a higher engagement with your brand

Viral aspect

Numerous possibilities:


Product demonstrations



Tip 9: Don’t forget your preheader!

Attract attention in that inbox!

Tip 10: Optimizing deliverability

1 in 5 emails are not delivered

Tip 10: Optimizing deliverability Taking care of unsubscribers

Helps you maintain good data quality:

Automated process

List-unsubscribe header

Double opt-out

Unsubscribe me

Do not unsubscribe me

Do not unsubscribe me, change frequency

Always offer an opt-out!

Tip 10: Optimizing deliverability

Email checks before sending

HTML code





Copernica BV

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