DCC Programme 2014/5

Post on 02-Apr-2016

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Transcript of DCC Programme 2014/5

Founded 1985


2014 - 2015

Meetings at the

Deepings Community Centre

Douglas Road

Market Deeping, PE6 8PA

7:30 p.m.

30th Anniversary Celebrations Start Sunday May 24th 2015


Developing Awareness of the Art of Photography.

The club offers a warm welcome to all with an interest in


Whether you are a complete beginner or advanced worker, you

will find something of interest, and a warm friendly atmosphere.

With the rapid growth in Digital Photography, the club fully

embraces the new technology.

Our monthly Practical Mondays will be on many subjects over the

year. The first will consider how to mount and display work in a

variety of ways, not only for monthly competitions, but also

exhibitions. Others may be about Photoshop techniques or

portraiture or anything else; the choice is ours.

The regular league competitions serve both to educate and

entertain, and can be great fun.

Whilst we draw on visiting speakers from all over the country, we

also have a number of very experienced members who will give

talks on their specialist subjects.

Everyone in the club is willing to help beginners of all ages by

sharing their own experience and knowledge.

KEY Red - Deadlines

Blue - Club Nights not on a Wednesday Night

Green - Other Nights not held at Deepings Community Centre


Chairman & IT Christian Hogg 07866 774213


Vice Chairman &

Programme Secretary

Janet Davies ARPS 01733 562422


Hon Secretary Derek Sayer ARPS 01778 347762


Hon Treasurer Mary Trumble 01778 423500


Competition Secretaries:-

Internal Ken Bunch CPAGB 01778 560549


External Pete Lawrence DPAGB AFIAP 01778 346486


Publicity Secretary Sue Churchill 07180 729451


Social Secretary Jo Gray 01733 574339




Nigel Wilson 01778 345652


Raffle Organisers Dorothy Young, Margaret Cox

& Kat Pocklington

Refreshments Barry and Jean Cade and others

Qualifications have been listed where they are known; our apologies for any omissions.


3rd Welcome Back Evening

Welcome back & get to know new members. Some

members’ work will be on display. Light refreshments

will also be available.

10th NEMPF 2014 PDI Annual Exhibition CD

17th “Emotion In The Landscape”

A welcome return by Huw Alban and his impressionistic

images. If you missed his first talk last year, he will be

delivering that at PPS on Tuesday 16th. www.huwalban.com

22nd PRACTICAL MONDAY (usually the 3rd Monday of each month)

Learn how to mount and display work, prints and enter

projected images, for competitions

24th “Photographic Extremes” with Ashley Franklin, another

welcome return with some more, interesting images.


1st Deadline for entries for PDIs Round 1 Competition 1st “A Bit of Him and Some of Her!”


4th AV Saturday with Malcolm Imhoff who has won national

competitions, ably assisted by his wife, Maggie. Tickets

will be on sale.

8th PDIs League Round 1 Competition,

judged by Colin Southgate FRPS DPAGB


Basic camera/work flow techniques

15th “Of Elves, Trolls and Acts of God”

with Tony Escritt MA CGeog FRGS.

He has worked extensively in Iceland and even

contributed to a James Bond film!

17th N&EMPF Exhibition entry deadline

19th LPA Print Battle Final at Nettleham Village Hall, LN2 2SS

22nd “Photoshop, Something for Everyone”

with Hunter Kennedy

A series of two talks with the other part at PPS (Tue) or

Swavesey (Thu) showing more of his work.


Deadline for entries for Prints Round 1 Competition

29th Prints Round 1 Competition, judged by Louise Walton

30th Deadline for entries for LPA Portfolio


5th Colour Management by Permajet

12th An Evening with Mike Buxton ARPS EFIAP, from PPS

12th Deadline for entries for PDIs Round 2 Competition

17th Pat Goode Memorial Competition.

at the The Elgoods Fenland Stadium, Lynn Rd, Wisbech,

PE14 7AL. Visitors welcome.

19th PDIs Round 2 Competition, judged by Steve Roper


Photoshop Basics with Christian, including work flow.

26th “Construction of Panels” with Roger Hance,

showing a wide range of subjects. Discounted Permajet products will be available.


3rd “Beyond Somewhere Else” Peter Yeo FRPS DPAGB ARAGB

He is currently on the RPS LRPS Distinctions panel.

3rd Deadline for entries for POTY Competition

10th Photographer of the Year Competition (Print Only)

Themed Competition - “Monochrome” (PDI Only),

both judged by Adrian Stone.

17th Christmas Dinner. Details will be announced closer to

date. Organised by Jo Gray, Social Secretary.


7th Submissions for Annual Exhibition open

7th Top Trumps Team Competition with Janet Davies ARPS

Rules will be explained nearer the time.

14th “Creating My Digital Images, including montages” with

Chris Lane, lecturer from Peterborough College.

15th Deadline for entries for LPA Individual PDI competition


21st Photoshop Skills with Eric Renno

21st Deadline for entries for Prints Round 2 Competition

28th Print Round 2 Competition,

judged by Jim Hartje ARPS DPAGB APAGB EFIAP


4th “Wet to Dry Darkroom” with our very own Derek Sayer.

11th “The Story Teller” with Hazel Manning ARPS,

Telling the stories behind her images, having been

published in the RPS Journal.

14th/15th DCC Annual Exhibition SATURDAY/SUNDAY


18th “Wakatobi” with our very own aquaphiles Barry and Jean

Cade, with their underwater photography.

18th Deadline for entries for PDIs Round 3 Competition

21st St.Ives Interprint Competition

22nd Deadline for entries for LPA AV Competition

25th PDI Round 3 Competition judged by Neil Malton


5th “Creative Table Top” with Tracey Robinson, a welcome

return with her enthusiasm for still life, dealing with a

variety of textures, as well as some flower set ups,

following a short introduction. Good entertainment.

10th Deadline for entries for Bill Dunn Competition at PPS

11th Josephine Watt Memorial Trophy

Check rules on website www.deepingscameraclub.org


17th Bill Dunn Competition at PPS

Venue: The Parkway Sports & Social Club (Mallard

Suite) Maskew Avenue, Bourges Boulevard Retail Park,

Peterborough, PE1 2AS starting at 7.30pm

18th Prints Round 3 Comp judged by Stewart Edwards LRPS

25th LPA Portfolio for discussion and marking.

30th 4 Way Battle at Wisbech CC

Deepings v Peterborough v Wisbech v March

Venue: The Elgoods Fenland Stadium, Lynn Rd,

Wisbech, PE14 7AL. At 7.30pm

APRIL 1st Desborough and Rothwell Battle at Deepings, the third

year of this event, judge Daphne Hanson DPAGB APAGB

8th “My Current Work” with Ian Haskell of PPS


15th Chairman’s Quiz Evening with Christian Hogg

21st Brotherhoods Cup (InterClub Competition)

Venue: The Parkway Sports & Social Club (Mallard

Suite) Maskew Avenue, Bourges Boulevard Retail Park,

Peterborough, PE1 2AS starting at 7.30pm

22nd “Tanzania” with Bob Brind Surch, with images and tales

of Wildebeest and many other creatures within African

landscapes. www.naturesphotos.co.uk

29th First Round of the LPA Interclub Print Battles

(Free Entry)

29th Deadline for entries for Panel Competition

MAY 6th Panel Competition, judged by Les Nixon DPAGB

13th “OnOne Software” with Bob Campbell,

presentation and discussion of this software.

20th Presentation Evening

Tonight this season’s award winners will receive their

awards. Details to be announced closer to the date..

24th DCC 30th Anniversary

A day of Photography at The Deepings College with a day

of talks by lecturers that would normally be beyond our

budget. A larger venue with invitations to other clubs has

meant that this day is possible.

27th Annual General Meeting - Members Only

Come and have your say in how your club is run. Items

for discussion need to be handed in to the secretary or put

on the forum by the appropriate date.

NOTE: Details in this Programme are subject to change.

Please see www.deepingscameraclub.org for alterations.


Submission of Projected Digital Images (PDIs) for Competition

Sizing - Maximum width 1400 pixels

x maximum height 1050 pixels

Colorspace is sRGB

The author and title information will be obtained from the file-

name and not the file’s metadata:

Image files will be named using the following convention

(except for Panel Competition entries):

title, #, author and file extension.

Example: “Blue Sky” by John Smith would look like this:-

Blue Sky#John Smith.jpg

For Panel Competition entries image files will be named using

the following convention:

panel title, #, sequence number, #,title, #, author and file


Example: “Tawny Owl” by John Smith for a panel called "Raptors"

with it being second in the panel would look like this:-

Raptors#2#Tawny Owl#John Smith.jpg

There are a number of changes for this season’s competitions

For complete Competition Rules see:


Or speak to any of the Competition Secretaries


Website:- http://www.deepingscameraclub.org

We also have a Club Forum accessed via the club website or

directly at:-


You will find useful information on the Notice board Section.

You will be able to post your images to the Image Critique

Section for critique by club members (or Show and Tell section if

you just want to share an image).

The What’s On Section details any events that club members

might be interested in and helps to organise any car pooling or

just meeting up.

You can ask for help from the club members on the Technical

Question Section.

Got any spare kit? The For Sale/Wanted Section may find you a



A number of members like to meet up after the Club meetings at

the Deeping Stage for a drink and a chat prior to returning home.

Everyone is welcome to attend, please don't feel you have to wait

for an invite!

Some of this motley crew also attend the Deeping Stage during

the Closed Season (June - August). Come and join us.



JOINT £30.00


ATTENDANCE FEE per meeting £ 3.00 (includes tea or coffee at interval on a Wednesday) (Members & Visitors)

Practical Mondays Attendance £2.00 (Sorry no Tea or Coffee unless you want to brave the machine)


Meetings are held in the Community Centre,

Douglas Road, Market Deeping, PE6 8PA

on Wednesday Evenings at 7.30pm promptly,

unless otherwise stated in the programme.

There is a practical session on the


Monday of most months from Sept to April

with varying subjects.

Deepings Camera Club is affiliated to the:

Lincolnshire Photographic Association and

Photographic Alliance of Great Britain,

through the

North & East Midlands Photographic Federation.