Day In A Life

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Transcript of Day In A Life

Day In A LifePerla Maria Mendez GalizApril 12, 2015

Because every good day begins with a good Cup of coffee and checking your phone

…And someone playing bad music

…I never actually asked where we We’re going…

A gas station?

He doesn’t know either

“Mommy is this where the animals live?”

I believe waiting was the Worst part of the day.

I wouldn’t want to be that kids mother…

This kid has got Some curiosity

I told him he could Touch it

Yes, those are Legos

Got a statue of my ancestors?


Extreme close-up

Wouldn’t want to be in there with that alligator

Shoe vs. Claws… Only my little brother enjoys walking around

Stopped for a small cheeseburger

Who has that much free time????????

I have no clue why, but snakes creep me out, But I still feel bad they have to live in a glass case

What a great view of nature

Can’t getOver how Beautiful These birdsAre

Finding your best friend at the Zoo is amazing

Awkward family picture time!!!!

Wonder what’s making the water like that…?

Little creatures getting trained.

How do they even Learn all this?

I cant get enough of these cute little things

Sad that these animals are going extinct

…And a toad is all you Need for your brew…

And maybe a Snake As well?

Are skeletons Really thatInteresting

And then two seconds later…

Mr. Sassy Bear

Again, this amazes me

Because who doesn’t love Legos?

Big kitten

Why bother with foodWhen there is cardboard around?

This monkey is full of funny facial expressions

…Just that face…



My favorite animal…

African And AsianElephants

The are beyond beautiful

Still got more walking to do, But I want to be in my bed Asleep like these here.

Lazy butt

Though a mirror picture would look good.

Like every other animal I did not photograph

The flamingos are catching some ZZZZZ’s

They kind of scare me

How hard is it to set the Camera down and set a timerAnd hope very hard it does

Not fall and break?

Very Hard

…30 Minutes later

I finally got two pictures…

And it finally got up.

Finally going home. I’m exhausted

Random exit my dad took.

We both just fell asleep.

Trying to set up the tripod with my little brotherRunning around the room. Made my shirt look blue?

Random text from my boyfriend.

And then I was finally out for the day

The End.