Day 1 - Tuesday Writing - Information report Sight words ...

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Transcript of Day 1 - Tuesday Writing - Information report Sight words ...

Day 1 - Tuesday

Read with me

Writing - Information report

Sight words Rainbow sight words - write your sight words in all the colours of the rainbow

PM Online

Maths booklet Maths video explaining activities for Week 1

Maths game/ counting Complete Task card for Today!

Character Education Watch the YouTube video and discuss with an adult what it means to be honest.


STEAM Watch the video and the task card for today!

Day 2 - Wednesday


Writing- Information report

Phonics Watch the video on Seesaw

PM Online

Maths booklet

Maths games/counting Complete Task card for Today!

Art Project


Science The four seasons in Our changing World booklet

Day 3 - Thursday

Read with me

Writing - Information report

Phonics Complete this page in your phonics booklet.

PM Online

Maths booklet

Maths games/counting Complete Task card for Today!

Character Education Draw and write about what honesty means to you!


Science Seasons in Australia in Our Changing World booklet

Day 4 - Friday

Read with me

Writing-Information report

Phonics Complete this page in your phonics booklet.

PM Online

Maths booklet

Maths games/counting Complete Task card for Today!

Art Project


STEAM Complete the task card for today!

Day 5 - Monday

Read with me

Writing-Information report

Sight words

PM Online

Maths booklet Maths video explaining activities for Week 2

Maths games/counting Complete Task card for Today!

Art Project


STEAM Complete the task card for today!

Day 6- Tuesday


Writing-Information report


Watch both videos on Seesaw

PM Online

Maths booklet

Maths games/counting Complete Task card for Today!

Character Education Watch the video and discuss what Ruthie did that was not honest. How did Ruthie make it better?


Science How we protect ourselves from the weather in Our Changing World booklet

Day 7 - Wednesday

Read with me

Writing-Information report

Phonics Complete this page in your phonics booklet.

PM Online

Maths booklet

Maths games/counting Complete Task card for Today!

Art Project


Science Let’s make a shelter for a teddy in Our Changing World booklet

Day 8- Thursday

Read with me

Writing-Information report

Phonics Complete this page in your phonics booklet.

PM Online

Maths booklet

Maths games/counting Complete Task card for Today!

Character Education Cut and Paste - Discuss each scenario with an adult and decide if it is an example of honesty or dishonesty.


STEAM Complete the task card for today!

Day 9 - Friday

Read with me

Handwriting -Letter Formation Song - Listen to the song and then pick 5

letters to practice


PM Online

Maths booklet

Maths game/ counting Complete Task card for Today!

Art Project


STEAM Complete the task card for today!

Day 10 - Monday

Read with me

Writing- Information report

Sight words Rainbow sight words - write your sight words in all the colours of the rainbow

PM Online

Maths booklet Maths video explaining activities for Week 3

Maths games/counting Complete Task card for Today!

Art Project


STEAM Complete the task card for today!

Day 11 - Tuesday


Writing - Information report

Phonics Watch both videos on Seesaw

PM Online

Maths booklet

Maths games/counting Complete Task card for Today!

Character Education Watch the video and discuss if Ben was honest at the beginning of the story.


Science What happens during the day and night in Our changing world booklet

Day 12 - Wednesday

Read with me

Writing - Information report

Phonics/word work Complete this page in your phonics booklet.

PM Online

Maths booklet

Maths games/counting Complete Task card for Today!

Art Project


Science Day and night worksheet in Our Changing World booklet

Day 13 - Thursday

Read with me

Writing - Information report

Phonics Complete this page in your phonics booklet.

PM Online

Maths booklet

Maths games/counting Complete Task card for Today!

Character Education Discuss each scenario and draw a picture of what would happen as a result of being either honest or dishonest.


STEAM Complete the task card for today!

Day 14 - Friday

Read with me

Handwriting -Letter Formation Song - Listen to the song and then pick 5

letters to practice


PM Online

Maths booklet

Maths game/ counting Complete Task card for Today!

Art Project


STEAM Complete the task card for today!



Giraffes are the tallest land animals in the world and can grow up to 6 meters. They have long legs and very long necks to help them reach the treetops when eating. Every giraffe has different patches on their body that makes them unique.


Giraffes live in Africa. They like to live in forests, savannas and grasslands. Giraffes don’t like to be alone, so they live in groups called Towers.


Giraffes only eat plants. Their favourite food is leaves from the acacia tree. Giraffes like to chew on their leaves all day. They can eat 50 kilograms of leaves and twigs a day.

Interesting facts

❖Giraffes can sleep standing up. They sleep less than 2 hours every day.

❖When they eat, their long tongue protects them from thorns on trees.

Interesting facts

❖Giraffes only need to drink water once every few days. Most of the water comes from the plants they eat.

❖Male giraffes are taller and heavier than female giraffes.

All about



Planning Page

Appearance Interesting Facts

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

tongue that protects them

long legs

can sleep standing up

long neck

does not drink much


up to 6 meters tall

males are bigger

unique patches

Planning Page

Habitat Diet

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _




acacia leaves


chew on food all day


50 kg of


they live in



hooves neck tail ears legs horns







Interesting Facts


Fingerpaint the patches on a giraffe Use your unique fingerprints to cover the giraffe in unique



Appearance• Hippos have a large round-shaped body. They have tiny legs and a short-tail. Hippos have eyes, ears and nostrils on top of their enormous head. They have grey and brown coloured skin that fades to pink under their stomach. Hippos have big tusks which are their sharp, pointy teeth.

Habitat• Hippos live in Africa. They like to live in water like rivers and lakes. They also like to live on land but spend their time in water to keep their skin cool and moist. Hippos like to spend time with others so they live in a group called a Bloat.

Diet• Hippos are herbivores which means they eat lots of plants. They eat about 35kg of grass per night which is about the same as eating 233 bananas.

• Hippos also eat fruit when they hunt for food in the night time. They sometimes eat meat when they can’t find any grass or fruit to eat.

INTERESING FACTS • Hippos are the second

largest land animal on Earth.

• They can hold their breath underwater for about 7 minutes.

• They spend up to 16 hours per day in the water.

• Hippos can’t swim so they float and walk underwater.

INTERESTING FACTS • They grow up to about 5

meters long and 1.5meters tall. • A male hippo can weigh up

to 1,800 kg which is as heavy as a car.

• Hippos store food in their stomachs and can go up to 3 weeks without eating.


I like to move it move it – Madagascar

All about Hippos for Kids

Amazing animals -National Geographic

All about Hippopotamuses

By ____________

Hippos - Planning Page Appearance Interesting Facts

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

huge head pointy tusks

heavier than a car

walks underwater

bulky body

tiny ears as tall as a fridge

grey and brown skin

short tail can float

Hippos - Planning Page Habitat Diet

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

live in Africa

herbivore live in water

hunt at night

eat grass

Live in a group called a Bloat

eat 35kg of grass

rivers and lakes

live on land eat fruit


huge jaw sharp tusks

tiny ears

small tail

short legs






_______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Interesting Facts


Emperor Penguins

Writing Video LinksDay 1- Planning to write Penguin Video

Information and Planning Demonstration 1

Information and Planning Demonstration 2

Day 2 - Appearance Information Video

Writing Lesson

Day 3 – Diet and Habitat Information Video

Writing Lesson

Day 4 – Interesting Facts Information Video

Writing Lesson


There are many species of penguins but the Emperor Penguin is the biggest! They can grow to about 1.1 meters tall.

Emperor Penguins have black and white feathers and the sides of their neck are golden. They have a black, curved beak and have tiny eyes that help them see well both on land and in the water.

Penguins are birds but they cannot fly. Instead their flipper-like wings and webbed feet help them swim and steer in the water. They have strong claws on their feet that help them grip into the slippery ice.

DietEmperor Penguins are carnivores; which means they only eat meat!

They eat fish, krill and squid that they find under or near the edges of ice shelves.

When the chicks hatch from their eggs they are too little to go hunting. The mother penguin catches enough fish to share with her chick and when she gets back to the colony she regurgitates the food and feeds her baby.

HabitatEmperor penguins live on the continent of

Antarctica which is at the bottom of the

world. Sometimes we call it the South Pole.

Antarctica is the coldest place on earth and

it is mostly covered in ice.

The emperor penguins live on the frozen ice

shelves near to the ocean so that they can

catch their food. They live in very large

groups called colonies. When it gets too cold,

the birds huddle together in one large group

to keep warm. They take turns to be in the

middle of the huddle where it is the warmest.

Interesting FactsEmperor penguins are excellent

swimmers. They have strong flippers

which help them to swim very fast to

catch fish and get away from leopard

seals who like to eat them. When on

land, they walk with a waddle, or slide

over the ice on their bellies, propelling

themselves with their feet.A female penguin lays one egg and then

passes it on to the male to look after

while she goes out to sea to hunt. The

male is responsible for keeping the egg

warm, carrying it on his feet and incubates the egg for 9 weeks. When

the chick hatches out, the male leaves

to hunt, and this time the female has to

care for the hatchling, feeding it and

keeping it warm.

All about

Emperor Penguins!

By _________

Emperor Penguins - Planning Page

Appearance Interesting Facts

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ biggest waddle 1.1 meters tall slide black and

white feathers incubates hatches side of necks are

golden male female

Emperor Penguins - Planning Page

Habitat Diet

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ carnivores Antarctica fish colonies squid meat huddle regurgitates frozen ice-

shelves krill


curved beak

strong claws

tiny eyes flipper-like wings

webbed feet







Interesting Facts


Name__________________________ Cut out the words and glue them by the matching picture.

date nine plate cane five

tape snake rope kite bone

globe wave rake cake bike

Spelling with Bossy e

Directions: Colour the correct spelling of each word.

bike or bik cat or cate kit or kite

pin or pine cube or cub cake or cak

tub or tube bite or bit fire or fir

Cut and Paste



s___ p___ r___d

s___l b___n b___ch

s___t ___t m___l m___t t___m b___k l___f cl___n ch___p d___m p___ch cr___m pl___se t___cher

Math Task Cards – Week 1

Tuesday Compete 3 activities out of the ‘Many Hands Measuring’ worksheet from the resource pack.

Wednesday Play the ‘FOUR SQUARE’ game from the resource pack.

Thursday Complete the ‘Built it’ Worksheet. Cut out a number from the bottom and put it in the provided square. For the (+?) section, use a dice to add to the number you have cut out.

- An example video is on Seesaw!

Friday Complete the ‘Counting to 10 using a 10 frame’ worksheet from the resource pack.

Math Task Cards – Week 2

Monday Compete 3 activities out of the ‘Maths with a cup of pasta’ worksheet Post what you have completed on Seesaw

- An example video is on Seesaw!

Tuesday Play the ‘FOUR SQUARE’ game from the resource pack.


Complete the ‘Number Work’ worksheet. - An example video is on Seesaw!

Thursday Compete 3 activities out of the ‘Many Hands Measuring’ worksheet from the resource pack.

Friday Play the ‘Uno Flip’ game from the resource pack.

Math Task Cards – Week 3

Monday Find 4 of your favourite toys and order them from shortest to tallest.

- Post a picture on Seesaw!

Tuesday Video yourself doing these positions and upload to Seesaw:

- Jump to the left - Jump to the right - Slide to the left - Slide to the right - Jump to the left - Jump to the right - Squat down low - Slide towards the front - Point to the ceiling - Reach high above your head - Sit down on the floor

Wednesday Pet Fun – Measure your pet using your hands.

- If you don’t have a pet, use your favourite toy.

Thursday Compete 3 activities out of the ‘Maths with a cup of pasta’ worksheet Post what you have completed on Seesaw

Friday Complete the ‘Counting to 20 using a 20 frame’ worksheet from the resource pack.

Number Work Choose a number and fill out the table.

An example video is on Seesaw



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

14 9 6 11 5 13 4 7 10 8



Build it:


Four square

Roll 2 dice. Add the two numbers.

Find the number on the board and colour it in. The first player to colour four connected boxes in any direction wins!

4 7 1 8 3 9

12 2 6 11 3 6

9 5 10 5 7 8

6 6 3 9 2 4

5 2 10 1 12 10

1 8 11 4 7 12 …………………………………………………………………………………………………

4 7 1 8 3 9

12 2 6 11 3 6

9 5 10 5 7 8

6 6 3 9 2 4

5 2 10 1 12 10

1 8 11 4 7 12

Four square

Roll 2 dice. Take away the smallest number from the largest number.

Find the number on the board and colour it in. The first player to colour four connected boxed in any direction wins!

4 7 1 8 3 9

12 2 6 11 3 6

9 5 10 5 7 8

6 6 3 9 2 4

5 2 10 1 12 10

1 8 11 4 7 12 …………………………………………………………………………………………………

4 7 1 8 3 9

12 2 6 11 3 6

9 5 10 5 7 8

6 6 3 9 2 4

5 2 10 1 12 10

1 8 11 4 7 12

Counting to 10 using a 10 frame

Role one dice. What number is it? Write the number

Show it: draw the number in the 10 frame. Write how many more you need to make 10

I rolled a ______

Show it:

I need ______ more to make 10

Counting to 20 using a 20 frame

Role two dice. What number is it? Write the number.

Show it: draw the number in the 20 frame. Write how many more you need to make 20.

I rolled a _____

Show it:

I need ______ more to make 20


Split your uno cards into 2 piles.

Pick one card from each pile and write them down. Addition: Write in the order they are chosen.

Subtraction: Write the largest number first in the number sentence.


Week 3 Video link

We have 4 seasons in a year. They are Summer, Autumn, Winter

and Spring Watch the video to learn about the 4 seasons in Australia Four Seasons in the Southern Hemisphere | Jack Hartmann

Which months are in each season?

The four seasons

The season is ________________________

because________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The season is ________________________

because________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The season is ________________________

because________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The season is ________________________


Listen to -Seasons in Australia Song

Cut and paste the months that belong in each season


February March April


June July August


October November December

How we protect ourselves from the weather Weather can be sunny, rainy, cold or windy

What is your favourite weather? Draw a picture and write a sentence about why you like it?

I like ___________________ weather because


Use things around your house and make a teddy bear shelter.

Take a photo and send it to your teacher on Seesaw.

Let’s make a shelter for a teddy or other toy

Watch: Day and Night || video for kids

If you don’t have a globe -stick this map of Australia onto a ball or balloon.

Shine a torch (this is going to be your sun) onto the ball and spin the ball around to see how night and day works.

Post a picture on Seesaw


Tuesday – Marble Paper

Watch the video on Seesaw. Fill a rectangle

pan/plate with shaving cream and mix food

dye in it. Lightly press a piece of paper onto

the shaving cream then leave it out to dry.

Friday – Build a robot

Test your creativity! Make a robot out of

materials you find around your house. Try

using materials like plastic cups, straws, and

toilet paper rolls.

Week 2

Monday – Build a bridge

Build a bridge that can hold the

weight of a can. Use materials you

find around your house.

Thursday – Marshmallow challenge

Make the tallest tower you can out of

marshmallows, dry spaghetti, and tape.

Make sure it doesn’t fall!

Friday – Make a hat

It’s time to be creative! Make a hat using

materials you can find around the house.

Week 3

Monday – Which paper is the strongest?

Watch the video on Seesaw. Fold 3 pieces of

paper with the base shapes of a circle,

triangle and square. Test which paper can

hold the most books!

Thursday – Stick boat challenge

Go outside and find some sticks. Build a boat by

tying the sticks together with string. Fill up a sink

and test if it floats!

Friday – Create a maze

Build a maze using Lego pieces on a Lego

board, or on a flat surface. Roll a marble

through your maze or walk your fingers

through it.

Art Project Week 1Term 4

The following activities can be completed over a number of days or in one sitting – It is up to you!

Please take your time and enjoy the process!Once your child has created their artwork send it to their teacher and they will

make a class collage to share with everyone!

Who is Andy Warhol? Andy Warhol was part of the pop art movement. He was born Andrew Warhola in 1928 in Pennsylvania. His parents were from a part of Europe that is now part of Slovakia. They moved to New York in the 1920s.

He is famous for exploring popular culture in his work. Popular culture is anything from Coca Cola to pop stars to the clothes people like to wear.

Warhol liked to use bright colours and silk screening techniques. He liked using screen printing to mass-produce artworks.

Activity 1: Investigate

Activity 1: Investigate

His Art!

What do you notice? What do you see? What colours did he use?

What do you think of Andy’s artwork? How does it make you feel? Do you like his artworks?

Activity 2: Appreciate

Andy Warhol’s “Campbell’s Soup Cans”

Your turn!

Using paint, pencils, textas, highlighters or any other medium recreate Andy Warhol’s artwork

He made a print of Campbell’s Soup – a popular brand of soup in the United States. He said he ate Campbell’s tomato soup every day for lunch for 20


Can you choose something and make your own Andy Warhol artwork?

Here is some inspiration:

Activity 3: Get Creative

Art Project Week 2Term 4

The following activities can be completed over a number of days or in one sitting – It is up to you!

Please take your time and enjoy the process!Once your child has created their artwork send it to their teacher and they will

make a class collage to share with everyone!

Who is Vincent Van Gogh? Van Gogh was born in the Netherlands, but travelled across Europe. He went to France, Belgium and England. When he was in London, he was inspired by all the art he saw in galleries. Van Gogh’s brother, Theo, worked in an art gallery and introduced Van Gogh to many artworks. Van Gogh was interested in painters who were painting everyday life.

When he was 27, he decided to become an artist. Up until then, he had been a teacher, a shop assistant and had dreams of working for the Church. All of these experiences inspired his art.

Van Gogh struggled with mental health problems. This meant that he sometimes felt very angry or sad and was not able to control his emotions. Van Gogh used painting as a way to express his emotions and way to help with his illness.

Today, most people know the name Vincent van Gogh. However, when he was alive, he was not very famous at all. Since his death, he has become one of the most successful painters in history. People across the world have admired his unique style. If you look closely at his paintings, the brushstrokes are broken up. It is as if you can see each time Van Gogh put his brush on the canvas. In total, Van Gogh made around 2,100 artworks.

Activity 1: Investigate

Activity 1: Investigate

His Art!

What do you notice? What do you see? What colours did he use?

What do you think of Van Gogh’s artwork? How does it make you feel? Do you like his artworks?

Activity 2: Appreciate

Vincent Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers” Your turn!

Colour these sunflowers without thinking about how they should look. Instead, choose shades that reflect how you feel right now.

Yellow for a happyRed for angry

Blue to give a calm feeling

Van Gogh's Sunflowers show how colour can be used powerfully to capture a feeling. Painted to welcome his friend, to the house they shared, the series of four paintings were created with vibrant yellow and orange tones and are brimming with joy and excitement.

Can you make your own Van Gogh inspired artwork?Here is some examples:

Activity 3: Get Creative

Art Project Week 3Term 4

The following activities can be completed over a number of days or in one sitting – It is up to you!

Please take your time and enjoy the process!Once your child has created their artwork send it to their teacher and they

will make a class collage to share with everyone!

Who is Kandinsky? Wassily Kandinsky was born in Moscow, Russia on December 16, 1866. He grew up in the Russian city of Odessa where he enjoyed music and learned to play the piano and the cello. Kandinsky would remark later that, even as a child, the colors of nature dazzled him. Both music and colors would have a huge impact on his art later in life.

Kandinsky went to college and then became a law teacher. However, when he was thirty he decided to change careers and become an artist. He attended art school at Munich, Germany. Early on his art was influenced by painters like Claude Monet as well as music composers and philosophers.

Kandinsky's early paintings were landscapes. The most famous of his early works is The Blue Rider which he painted in 1903.

About 1909 Kandinsky began to think that painting didn't need a particular subject, but that shapes and colors alone could beart. Over the next several years he would start to paint what would become known as Abstract Art. Kandinsky was one of the founding fathers of Abstract Art. Colors and Shapes Kandinsky felt that he could express feelings and music through colors and shapes in his paintings. For example, he thought that yellow had the crisp sound of a brass trumpet and that certain colors placed together could harmonize like chords on a piano. The shapes he was most interested in were the circle, triangle, and the square. He thought the triangle would cause aggressive feelings, the square calm feelings, and the circle spiritual feelings.

Activity 1: Investigate

Activity 1: Investigate

His Art!

What do you notice? What do you see? What colours did he use?

What do you think of Kandinsky’s artwork? How does it make you feel? Do you like his artworks?

Activity 2: Appreciate

Kandinsky’s “Squares with Concentric Circles”

Your turn!

Kandinsky's most recognizable work, is not actually a full-fledged picture. This drawing is a small study on how different colour combinations are perceived that the painter used in his creative process as a support


Can you make your own Kandinsky inspired artwork?Here is some examples:

Activity 3: Get Creative

Andy Warhol’s “Campbell’s Soup Cans”

Vincent Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers”

Kandinsky’s “Squares with Concentric Circles”

Character Education- Honesty-

Term 4

Weeks 1-3

Week 1 – Day 1

Watch the video and discuss with an adult what it means to be honest.

Why was it important that Cottonball told the truth?

What do you think would have happened if she wasn’t honest?

Week 1 – Day 3Draw and write about what honesty means to you!

Week 2 – Day 6

Watch the video and discuss what Ruthie did that was not honest.

How do you think Martin felt when Ruthie was not being honest?

When Ruthie found the camera she was happy but after she told the teacher it was hers she felt bad. Why do you think that is?

How did Ruthie make it better?

How do you think Martin felt when Ruthie was honest about the camera?

Week 2 – Day 8Discuss each scenario with an adult and decide if it is an

example of honesty or dishonesty.

Week 3 – Day 11

Watch the video and discuss if Ben was honest at the beginning of the story. Why do you think people stopped believing Ben?What happened when he really saw Bigfoot?

Do you think if Ben didn’t lie the first few times that people would have believed him when he said he really did see Bigfoot? Why?

Week 3 – Day 13Discuss each scenario and draw a picture of what would happen as

a result of being either honest or dishonest.


