David Warner: Australian for Sehwag

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Transcript of David Warner: Australian for Sehwag

  • 8/3/2019 David Warner: Australian for Sehwag


    INTERVIEW David Warner



    reputation has never

    had anything to do with

    technique. Switch on the

    Twenty20 action on the

    telly, watch him blaze a

    ew sixes, batter-bing,

    batter-boom, job done.

    Technical? Warner? Come on! And what about

    analytical? Forget it!

    And those boys and girls who ood through

    the gates in the hope that, this night, Warner

    might just unleash, well they couldnt care less

    about technique. Nor are they interested in whatWarners thinking; they just wanna see how ar he

    can whack it.

    But things changed in October when, at the

    T20 Champions League in India, David Andrew

    Warner became so good at whacking them, that

    suddenly, he was being talked about as a Test


    On the surace, it made little sense. This guy

    was switching his grip and his stance, batting at a

    strike rate o around 200 and generally being the

    most entertaining six-hitter since Gilly graced the

    game. Thats not Test cricket, right?

    O course he can hit monster sixes, bat l

    and right handed, all o that, but that can giv

    people the wrong idea, Brett Lee tells Insid

    Cricket, having watched his state team-mate

    development rom close by. Hes been una

    categorised as a T20 player, although I think

    people are starting to see the light now. Ive

    a lot o him and Im convinced there will be a

    very soon, when hes a Test batsman. Id pro

    have him in the team now, somewhere in the

    six. He will play Test cricket or Australia.

    Its a giant leap rom T20 basher to being

    considered by a man with 310 Test wickets g

    enough to wear a baggy green, but the act iWarner is much, much more than Australias

    own sultan o swat. The guy isa thinker. A s

    technician. A student o his own game. On th

    intricacies o wrist position, the importance o

    balance and ootwork and how all these act

    aect the way he makes contact with the ba

    Just ask him. He could talk underwater on th

    subject and while it is ar less exciting than

    watching him do his thing in the middle, its

    makes the man.

    Hes no slogger, believe me. Hes a serious

    serious player, Lee continues. Potentially, he

    Master o the

    universe DaviWarner is now

    setting his sigon becoming

    orce in the lo

    orms o the

    game. He talk

    Adam Burnetthrill

    DECEMBER 2011

    of the


  • 8/3/2019 David Warner: Australian for Sehwag


    getting into the frst Shield side o the season, at

    the end o the day my goal had been to play or

    Australia, and that was what Id done. Id taken a

    lot rom that.

    The mountain o Second XI runs pushed

    Warner urther under the selectors noses, to

    a point where they could no longer ignore his

    claims or a Shield start. The let-hander knew

    what had to happen next, and so, When I got my

    opportunity in the Shield, I just grabbed it.

    I knew I had it in me, that frst game when we

    played the Vics, but lack o pace rom MichaelHill got me [or 99]. I was disappointed about that

    because Id grinded it out or a good our hours

    and Id aced 180 balls, which is a lot o balls

    that I wouldnt usually ace, because I hadnt had

    that much time in the middle well I hadnt given

    mysel that much time in the middle previously.

    That was a good experience or me, and the

    next game I elt real good in the frst innings and I

    said to mysel, Look, i you knuckle down, youre

    going to score yoursel your maiden ton. It was

    there in ront o me and I took it.

    Against Western Australia at the SCG, Warner

    made 114 in the frst innings, and the man who

    had starred on his T20 debut or Australia beore

    even making his frst-class debut had taken one

    giant leap towards becoming what Lee describes

    as that serious, serious player.

    National selectors recognised the seismic shit

    the New South Welshman had made. Perhaps,

    much like Warner himsel, they had been waiting

    or the breakthrough innings that proved Warners

    technique was as impressive as his big hitting,

    because ater a handul o frst-class matches

    and that lone hundred, he was picked or the

    Australia A tour o Zimbabwe.It was the second crucial period in his recent


    I ailed in the frst couple o one-dayers, but

    I just knew I had it in me to say, Alright, lets go

    at this aggressive, play your shots, and lets take

    some calculated risks, he recounts o the tour.

    I scored a hundred in the [one-day] fnal and I

    was very happy with mysel, and that was good

    preparation leading into the our-day games.

    Then I had a practice game where I scored

    150, and I went into the frst our-day game

    against them and made 48 and 82, and elt real

    good; the second innings o that we were only

    Hes no slogger. Hes aserious, serious player. Id

    probably have him in the Test teamnow. He can do exactly the samekind of damage that Sehwag doesBRETT LEE

    Switching it up

    with a reverse slogagainst Sri Lanka

    another Virender Sehwag. And I dont mean that

    he can be a bit o a Sehwag. Im saying he can do

    exactly the same kind o damage that Sehwag does.

    Some o the innings Ive seen him play in

    50-over games have been technically excellent.

    Watch him hit an on-drive, its perect. He can

    put his head down when he has to. Hes a tough

    bugger. People see him take on a ast bowler and

    hit him out o the stand and think, Wow, what a

    T20 player! Thats all they remember, but theres

    more to him. Hell be getting a Test cap sooner

    or later.

    The experts, Ian Chappell oremost among

    hem, have also identifed traits in the let-

    handers batting suited to the fve-day game.

    Warner, Chappell wrote or Cricino, has matured

    nto a highly skilul player who must be given

    serious consideration or Australian selection in

    all orms o the game. His balance as a batsman

    s such that he has been able to adapt his play to

    all circumstances, and his stroke range is mostly

    raditional and now becoming more selective.

    The man himsel identifes a couple o periods

    n the past 14 months or so that were key to hisgrowth as a batsman. Times that helped him

    become ully aware o his potential to excel in all

    orms o the game, despite a lack o opportunity

    n the Shefeld Shield. Not that confdence had

    ever been a serious issue or him to contend

    with; the 25-year-old has always backed his own

    ability. First up came his response to missing

    selection or NSW in their opening Shield match

    o last season a string o hundreds, including a

    double, or NSW Second XI.

    I knew that the best way to break the ice was

    o score runs, Warner says. Id been ortunate

    enough to get picked in the Australian team the

    previous summer so even though I missed out on

    chasing 140 and I was really hungry to try and get

    as many as I could.

    The next game I really grinded it out I batted

    or a day-and-a-hal [to make 211]. That was

    exciting or me because I showed mysel that

    I could do it. And I showed mysel what sort o

    patience I needed to be out there that long.

    The wicket was slow and the outfeld was

    slow, but I knew what I had to do to press claims

    or higher honours.

    See, Warner gets it. Its no secret that batsmen

    need to score runs, and then score more runs, tomake rep teams. But its less about the whatand

    more about discovering the howthat catapulted

    him into the Test squad when Ricky Ponting went

    home rom Sri Lanka in September.

    The experience I got [in Zimbabwe] taught

    me a lot about batting time, Warner says. Greg

    Chappell always says to me, The more time you

    bat, the better youre going to play. Itll help you

    in all orms o the game. Thats what it is doing

    at the moment. Its put me in a dierent rame

    o mind where I eel like, when Im out there, Im

    getting mysel in and into a really good rhythm.

    Previously, its not like I didnt know what I

    Warner celehis maiden frst

    century at the

    earlier thi

    DECEMBER 2011 DECEMBER 2011 fa c eb o ok . co m/ In s id e Cr i ck et O z t w it t er .c o m/ I ns i de C ri c ke t Oz

  • 8/3/2019 David Warner: Australian for Sehwag


    was doing out there, it was more like, How do

    I go on with what Im doing? Instead o playing

    a silly shot, now I can just respect the ball, and

    leave the ball, and wait or the boundary ball.

    Now Ive actually learnt that. People say that

    could happen at 21, or it might not happen til

    youre 30.

    Ive never doubted mysel. I know Ive got a

    technique thats very much my own and I know

    that I can keep a structure that I can score runswith. I know that I throw my hands at the ball a

    lot, especially in T20 cricket, but I know when

    it comes to our-day and one-day stu , my

    technique has to be a bit more compact. Your

    eet have to move a lot more to the ball, you

    cant just throw your hands at the ball because

    its moving sideways so you have to respect


    Ive taken that mentality into T20 cricket as

    well now, where Im actually moving everything. I

    just thought, Hang on, why dont I do that in T20

    cricket, and then everything will ow perect?

    Now, its actually working Im in a good rame

    o mind where batting time, as Greg Chappellsays, has actually helped me in the shorter orm

    as well.

    And how. Its no exaggeration to say that

    Warners eorts in the Champions League T20 in

    October shocked the cricket world. His incredible

    135 not out rom 69 balls against Chennai

    (22 o the runs came while switch hitting as a

    right-hander) eatured eight sixes and put NSW

    through to the semi-fnals. More remarkable

    though, was what came next; the stocky opener

    became the frst player in T20s brie history to

    score back-to-back hundreds, this time blazing

    Bangalores bowlers to all parts or an unbeaten

    123 rom 68, with 11 sixes.While it was his our-day eats in Zimbabwe

    that impressed selectors, the rest o Australia

    media and supporters alike were captivated by

    those two special Champions League innings. For

    the frst time, a batsmans deeds in the shortest

    orm led directly to a groundswell o support or

    him to be slotted straight into the Test side.

    Its an exciting summer coming up or me,

    he says. I I can keep scoring runs, who knows

    what might be in ront o me? People are talking

    about other players being not in orm, or possibly

    retiring, but in your own mind you just have to be

    patient. Youre in a queue basically youve got

    extremely talented batsmen and theyre scoringruns. All you can control is what you can control.

    So you go out there, score runs, do what you have

    to do and then when your opportunity arises, you

    have to take it. Thats how cricket is.

    THE CHampions Legue T20 octber receved lttle ed ttet

    autrl utl Dvd Wrer brutl

    bck-t-bck hudred r nsW dwy

    thrugh the turet. i devttg

    tuch, Wrer uhed Che d

    Bglre wth 258 ru r 137 bll

    135 69 d 123 68 wthut

    lg h wcket.

    The highlighTs

    agt Che, Wrer hded

    ut e eru uhet t Dug

    Bllger, cludg e x ver dwcket

    tht wet ut the grud. Bllgerfhed wth 0-48 r three ver.

    Wrer 11 xe the e-fl

    gt Bglre w the t ever ht

    Ch Legue tch.

    it w the frt te bt h

    ht bck-t-bck ceture y T20


    i the 135 t ut, 22 Wrer

    ru (ur 4 d x) ce r h

    zg revere ht, whch, he d:

    ive bee rctcg r the lt yer-

    d--hl w

    The ravesUbelevble. Tht why yu wt t

    recte ll r becue wtchg

    h wtch ht ew te d bh

    the bll, tht exhlrtg tu. i d

    reeber Bred mcCullu [cr

    158] the frt ipL d t the te

    elt lke there w ew wrld. it r

    exectt but e h gt cle

    tht utl Wrer. Damien Fleming

    The tw g he lyed were

    reve g yu c ever

    ee. T ee wht he c d gt

    hgh-qulty bwlg, relly rght dlet-hded . . . he very ecl

    tlet. Shane Watson.

    Fr ye t cre ucceve

    ceture Twety20 crcket

    rerkble. But t w the wy he

    lyed tht w t revelg. it w

    t Wrer clerg h rght leg d

    bebll lggg t rud the grud

    He gt t the tch the bll d

    lyed cr, eectve but eetlly

    rthdx ht. Tom Moody.

    72 hours of mayhemi the ce three dy octber, Wrer rewrte

    the Twety20 recrd bk wth cecutve hudred

    34 DECEMBER 2011 facebook.com/InsideCricke