David Thompson 26 th February 2012 Special Seminar Israel and the Church Romans 9-11.

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Transcript of David Thompson 26 th February 2012 Special Seminar Israel and the Church Romans 9-11.

David Thompson26th February 2012

Special SeminarIsrael and the Church

Romans 9-11


“Israel and the Church: the Fulfilment of Promise” by Adrian Birks, Newfrontiers theology forum.

“Zion’s Christian Soldiers?” by Stephen Sizer, IVP.

Historical Context

First Century Rome

Church not founded by Paul or Peter

Jewish population

Riot in 49 AD, expulsion and return

Church marked by ‘mutual superiority’

Historical Context

And more recently…

Long term history of Jewish persecution

German Holocaust

Establishing the State of Israel

Key Questions

Has the church replaced Israel?

Does Israel have a divine claim to land in the Middle East?

Do sincere Jews have to believe in Jesus in order to be saved?

Will there be a revival amongst ethnic Israel?

Theological Perspectives

Dispensational Zionism

Theological Perspectives

Dispensational Zionism

History is divided into 7 ‘dispensations’

We are currently in Number 6, but it is doomed to fail

There is no connection between Israel and the church

OT prophecy has a future, literal fulfilment

Christians can and should ‘hasten the end of the age’

Theological Perspectives

Dispensational Zionism

An anathema to the Arab community

Largely ignores the revelation that comes from the New Testament

Discourages outreach to the Jews (contrary to the New Testament)

Theological Perspectives

Classical Zionism

Old Testament prophecy is fulfilled in the church AND in ethnic Israel

God has two distinct people: the church and Israel

Israel has a divine claim to the land

There will be an end-times revival among ethnic Israel

Theological Perspectives

Classical Zionism

The interpretation of Old Testament prophecies seems inconsistent

The Patriarchs, etc, were looking for something much better than land (Hebrews 11:39)

Theological Perspectives

Fulfilment Theology

Old Testament prophecy is fulfilled in Christ and the church

The church has not replaced Israel; promises are not cancelled but rather fulfilled

Big Questions

What about the land?

God clearly promised a piece of land to Abraham and his descendents

Genesis 15:18

Genesis 17:1-8

Genesis 26:2-4

Genesis 28:13-15

Big Questions

What about the land?

Big Questions

What about the land?

Even in the OT there was no ‘divine right’ to the land

All Christians are heirs to all of the promise made to Abraham (Galatians 3:29)

‘Land’ is linked to ‘city’, ‘temple’ and a ‘Davidic king’

Jesus widened the focus from the land to the whole earth

In the early church, Kingdom had replaced geography

Big Questions

What about the land?


No one has a particular divine claim to any land

Nonetheless, the rise and fall of nations is within the sovereignty of God

Big Questions

Has God finished with ethnic Israel?


There will always be a remnant of God’s people from within Israel

Today, Israel has been hardened

The growing church will draw Jews to salvation

There ‘may be’ an end-times revival of the Jews!


How should we view the Jews?

With respect and gratitude

With compassion