David Leach Avon and Somerset · Avon and Somerset Newsletter Number ... a further reminder but I...

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Transcript of David Leach Avon and Somerset · Avon and Somerset Newsletter Number ... a further reminder but I...

David Leach

3, Cherwell Road


BS31 1QU

Tel: 0117 986 6187

E’Mail: asnarpo


Branch 2

Avon and Somerset

Newsletter Number

158 National Association of

Retired Police Officers



Dear Friends,

You may notice some slight differences in appearance to the Newsletter this quarter, brought about by a

change of machine upon which it has been assembled. The end of May and into early June brought me another

steep learning curve. I have the basics (no pun intended) of how to navigate my way around what I am able to see

on the screen but what goes on in the depths of the box under the desk is a total mystery to me. I have been most

fortunate in two respects, after two of my daughters, Cathryn & Emma, impressed upon me that the nearly ten year

old machine I have been using for that long was so far behind the times that it would not keep up with modern

software and there was the danger of it’s collapse with little prospect of recovering what was sitting on the old

software. The first assistance came from the Branch, with their offer to support the cost of the replacement. The

second came with a fortunate conversation prior to a Force Choir concert during which Peter Carlyon, Choir

Secretary and computer expert, offered his help. While Gill and I were sharing a few days away with our eldest

daughter, Tanya, at the end of May, Peter constructed a new computer to match my requirements and then

processed most of my previous files into their modern equivalents. My thanks to the Branch Committee and,

especially, to Peter for making the worrying transition relatively easy.

You will see elsewhere (page six) that the Force has decided to resume the, long suspended, calls to those in

receipt of Injury on Duty Pensions for their awards to be reviewed. The long period during which members have

become accustomed to receiving this important support for them and their families, for some their initial

assessment is their only one, has made these calls to review particularly stress provoking for the worst affected by

their injuries. You will see that we are doing what we can to mitigate that stress.

This will appear too late for me to include, here, a further reminder but I look forward to meeting those of

you who attend the Summer Outing and, later, the Autumn Dinner, the reply slip for Oake Manor is below.

Fingers crossed for a brighter Summer this year and I hope that you all enjoy whatever you have planned.

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Forthcoming Events

24th July, 2014 Branch NARPO Golf Day - Mendip Spring Golf Club, Congresbury (p 2)

17th September, 2014 Bath Police Retired Club - Lunch King William at Tunley 12 for 12.30p.m.

28th September, 2014 Police Memorial Day Parade, Service 3 p.m. Clarence Park Baptist Church, W-s-Mare

1st October, 2014 Autumn Luncheon - Oake Manor Golf Club - full details on page two

Advance notice for a re-run of the excellent concert upon which I reported in the January edition - It is 7.30p.m.

on Thursday, 4th December, 2014 ‘A Policefull Christmas’ at The Somerset Hall, Portishead.

Autumn Luncheon - Wednesday, 1st October, 2014 - Oake Manor Golf Club

Please write the details in capital letters. Cheques payable to ‘Avon and Somerset Branch NARPO’

Please reserve me th following number of meals - details of menu selection overleaf.

Meals for Members (inc. partners) ………… at £10.00 each …………

Meals for Guests - not Branch Members ………… at £15.45 each ………… Cheque Total …………..

Name: ……………………………………………… Tel. No: ……………………………

Address: …………………………………………………………………… Post Code: ………………..

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Avon and Somerset Branch NARPO Newsletter July, 2014

Force Male Voice Choir

The programme of concerts for the final quarter of 2014 is as follows.

Sunday, 28th September Police Memorial Day, Weston-super-Mare

All concerts start at 7.30 p.m.:

Saturday, 11th October Staple Hill Methodist Church, South Gloucestershire

Saturday, 25th October Church of the Holy Cross, Mark, Somerset

Saturday, 8th November St Mary Magdalene Church, Taunton

Saturday, 22nd November St Martin’s Church, Knowle, Bristol

Force Carol Concert - St John’s Church, Keynsham - 7 p.m. Saturday, 13th December, 2014.

Assisted by ‘Bold Brass’. Supported by Keynsham RFC and Bowls Club.

If you would like to join the Choir please ring Pete Carlyon on 01934 513320 or, to book concert slots for

2015, ring Roger Clark on 01275 836575.

Autumn Luncheon - Wednesday, 1st October, 2014 - Oake Manor Golf Club

My party menu choices are as follows:-

Name Starter Main Course

1. ……………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………………..

2. ……………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………………..

3. ……………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………………..

4. ……………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………………..

Any special dietary requirements in your party ………………………… (Continue on separate sheet if necessary)

Autumn Luncheon - Wednesday, 1st October, 2014 - Oake Manor Golf Club

In response to popular demand, we are, again in 2014, returning to enjoy the excellent facilities and catering

at the Oake Manor Golf Club, between Taunton and Milverton (TA4 1BA). Pat & Graham (Tug) WILSON have,

again, stepped forward to make the arrangements for this year’s luncheon.

We will gather from 12 noon for the three course meal, which includes tea or coffee, to commence at 12.30

p.m.. The full cost of the meal this year is £15.45 but meals for Branch Members (which, to remind you, includes

partners) will be subsidised from Branch Funds and you will be asked to pay only £10.00 each. Within the limits

of what the dining room can handle, remembering how attendance has grown, the luncheon is open to your Guests

but their meal will be charged at the full rate.


Choices Available

Starter Soup of the Day Fan Melon & Fruit Coulis Home made Pate, with warm toast

Main Course Chicken breast with leek & bacon sauce Roast leg of lamb with apricot & mint sauce

Sea bass fillet with Mediterranean sauce Stuffed Butternut Squash with Ratatouille & herb

Each selection served with seasonal vegetables

Please use the underlined part of the description on your reply slip.

Sweet Course There will be a selection available from the sweet trolley on the day, plus the alternative of

Cheese and biscuits.

Please complete both sides of the reply slip, on this and the former page, and send it with your cheque for the

total amount, made out to ‘Avon and Somerset Branch NARPO’ to Graham Wilson at West View, 2A, Woodbury

Road, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 7LG.

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Avon and Somerset Branch NARPO Newsletter July, 2014

Annual Reunion Dinner - Brean Leisure Centre - Friday, 9th May, 2014

After a few last-minute cancellations due to sickness, ninety four members and guests assembled on a rather

damp evening at the Brean Leisure Centre’s ‘Farmers’ Tavern’. From the start there was the usual hubbub as old

friends started catching up on what they and their families had all been doing since the previous dinner and there

were, we are pleased to see, quite a number of members who had not attended previously.

Branch Chairman, Rod Deane, called us all to order and welcomed our guests, Emma Zeeman from the Force

Corporate Team with her fiancé, Nick Wood; Wendy Thompson, from the Force Welfare and Counselling Unit;

Alex Duncan and Richard Wand, with their respective wives, from the Police Federation & Benevolent Fund and

Robin & Mrs. Hobbs , Chairman of the Bristol (Avon) Branch and Pat Gates, Secretary of that Branch and one of

our two Regional Representatives on the National Executive Committee. A special thank you to Pat, who has

missed a couple of our dinners because of NEC commitments, for making the dash to Brean from being at another

NEC meeting at Swindon all that day.

The usual attentive service for delivery of a choice of starters was followed by the ‘carvery style’ main

course, which is always generously stacked on our plates. Then followed the equally varied choice of sweet

course. I received good reports that those who had requested vegetarian meals had also been looked after well.

The draw followed, with everyone present having their name in the pot. Emma made the first selection and it

proved to be one of the several prizes that went to our guests. Quite how Andy Ware managed to pick out his tick-

et for John Beaven we will never know!

As in the last few years, there was no hint of the, once traditional, dash for the door following the drawing of

the last raffle ticket. Instead most members mingled and spent another considerable time reminiscing and finding

out what everyone else was doing at the moment.

Another vote of thanks is deserved for the team at Brean Leisure Centre, to Rod for his introductions and

welcome, John Vincent for the Grace, Bryan Brice for the raffle arrangements and Ken Jones for paying the Bill!

There were lots of you, not counting the poor few who were ill on the day, who missed this great opportunity for

keeping in touch with good food and in pleasant company. We will be back at Brean in 2015, so be sure and make

a note to get the reply slip to me when it appears next January.

There were twenty eight at the dinner and Keith

Bristow QPM, Head of the National Crime

Agency, a 5,000 strong force with sweeping

powers, gave an account of the Agency’s terms

of reference and spoke of their involvement in

dealing with cyber criminals, drugs ‘barons’,

paedophile gangs and people traffickers.

It is good to think that in a national gath-

ering of this sort, out of twenty eight in attend-

ance two are from our own numbers. We have

many more members in the branch who served

in the RCS throughout the time that this organi-

sation was so successful in supporting Forces in

this Region and beyond.

I was privileged in the late 1970s, when George Barton was Regional Coordinator, to spend a few weeks with the

Squad and saw at first hand the amazing contribution they could make to tackling wider spread or larger scale

criminal activity.

Scarlet Pimpernel Association - New Scotland Yard - Wednesday, 16th April, 2014

My thanks to Dennis Greenslade, one of our Branch Vice Presidents, for his report.

Dennis, with his partner Joan Perry, and Graham Clarke attended the Special Functions Room at New Scot-

land Yard on the evening of the 16th April, 2014 to celebrate the 21st year of the Scarlet Pimpernel Association of

the former Regional Crime Squad, Senior Officers. The dinner was also to mark the 50th anniversary of the for-

mation of the Regional Crime Squads in 1964. Graham was the R.C.S. Coordinator for the South West Region in

the 1980s/1990s and Dennis was the Deputy Coordinator and head of the huge Operation Julie drugs operation in

the 1970s.

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Avon and Somerset Branch NARPO Newsletter July, 2014

40th Anniversary Celebration Headquarters Open Day

3,000 free tickets had been claimed by people from all over our area and beyond within a very short time

of their being released over the Internet and soon after the scheduled start time of 10a.m. it seemed that most

of those ticket holders had arrived very closely behind one another. Yours truly and Branch Vice President,

Bryan Brice, attended the 8.30 briefing on Sunday, 15th June (yes, Fathers’ Day), to be joined as the day pro-

gressed by Branch Chairman, Rod, & Jill Deane, John Vincent, George Giles and Terry Carthew. There had,

after an initial meeting with the Officers given the task of coordinating the event, been a few visits to Head-

quarters for various members of your Branch Committee, culminating in a large pre-briefing on Friday, 6th

June and setting up sessions on the Wednesday and Friday prior to the 15th.

Our brief was to depict, as much as possible, what would be seen in a Police Station at the time of the

‘birth’ of the Avon and Somerset Constabulary in 1974. We had been allocated a significant area in the far right

corner of the large marquee, which had been erected on the former bowling green lawn and the pictures above

show the area prior to the arrival of the hordes of visitors. We received the assistance of a young member of the

Support Staff from another stand and found that those currently working within the Force were as fascinated as

were the visitors at what were the everyday items with which we worked as we variously moved from the Somer-

set & Bath, Bristol and Gloucestershire Constabularies into the new Force. We had to allow ourselves some

‘licence’ in terms of the items available and many depicted significantly earlier times within all of the constituent

Forces, not all of which were still in use by 1st April, 1974. That did not seem to matter to most people, many of

whom were interested enough to ask quite a few questions.

Some of the items we displayed can be seen in the photographs on page five and we think that the focus of

our Chairman’s Chain of Office, with listing of those who have held that post since 1974, helped to promote the

Association, probably bring it to first attention for many of the visitors and those from other stands who came

around to see us.

There was a real Summer Fete atmosphere throughout the day, with space available for families to picnic

and a wide range of food available around the site. There were several musical items, including your Chairman

and Secretary donning their blazers to join their Force Male Voice Choir colleagues for a mixed rendition of fa-

vourite pieces in the, well attended, Lecture Theatre. I think that all of us from the Branch Committee who were

attending our stand managed a little time to take a look at what else was available beyond our own marquee.

These items, of course, included the ever-popular Dog and Mounted displays. Within our marquee, there were a

range of stalls providing the visitors with information on many aspects of what the Force does. These ranged

from the Mounted Section and Mace Escort to Crime Scene Investigation and community group support and

Force associations for minority groups within the ranks of Police and Support staff. The sports field had a large

array of preserved police cars and some new ones from the Force fleet alongside them. Next to them was the

Helicopter, which had a constant throng taking the opportunity to get a view of the machine up close.

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Avon and Somerset Branch NARPO Newsletter July, 2014

There were a couple of celebrity guests. Philip Schofield had been persuaded to judge the ‘Great

Police Bake Off’ cake competition. This stand was immediately next to ours and we could not move for

the crush of visitors all keen to get a view of Philip. His task was not an easy one, as the display of

cakes produced by staff and families was really most impressive. Modelling masterpieces in icing was

a better description than just to refer to them as baking products.. Helping with the commentaries for

some of the displays in the arena at the top end of the sports field, was Jemma Cooper, well known local

BBC Weather presenter.

Everyone from within the Force who contributed to this event is to be congratulated. To some of us it held

parallels with the much-loved Family Days at Montfields and Canonsgrove a whole generation, or more, ago.

The small team of Officers and Support Staff who were involved in the coordinating of the event did an excep-

tional job. Principal among them has to be Constable Paul Lacey, who worked tirelessly through the planning

and development stages and right through the busy day on the 15th June.

Some of the display area from the

NARPO stand

Philip Schofield proving

a distraction from our

stand as he is thronged

while in the process of

judging the Great Police

Bake Off competition.

The Helicopter bids fare-

well with a slow take off

and a couple of sweeps

over the Headquarters site

before setting off back to


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Avon and Somerset Branch NARPO Newsletter July, 2014

Bike 14 –Pete’s Pyrenean Pedal

My thanks to Pete Naish for his update on another epic cycle ride in aid of the Children of Chernobyl

For thirteen days, starting at Hendaye, in the extreme south of France, on Thursday, 22nd May, 2014, Pete

Naish cycled the length of the Pyrenean Mountains. When he accomplished the outgoing ‘lap’ he turned around

at Banyuls-Sur-Mer and retraced his tyre-tracks all the way back. The total journey was about 900 miles and the

accumulated height climbed with his bike totalled more than 20,000 metres. Some real accomplishment.

His effort was, once again, to gain sponsorship contributions in support of the Chernobyl Children, the

charity which Pete and many others have been assisting since it was established in 1992.

If you would like to make a retrospective contribution to Pete’s sponsorship fund it is not too late. Contri-

butions can be made through the Internet at www.justgiving.com/Pete-Naish.

Injury on Duty Pension Reviews

While there have been numerous challenges across the country to Forces pursuing the, now discredited,

Home Office Circular of 2004, our Force withdrew from their initial enthusiasm for calling affected police pen-

sioners for their Injury on Duty awards to be reviewed. In anticipation of further, perhaps significantly revised,

Police Pension Regulations the Force Human Resources (HR) Department indicated to us, the Bristol (Avon)

Branch and the local Police Federation JBB that they were intending to call those in receipt of these pensions for

reviews to be conducted. The Police Federation had already been in discussion with the HR Department and

they had, jointly, produced a draft of a set of Guidance Notes to go out with the review letters. Those Guidance

Notes included a reference to a Liaison Group, with the two NARPO Branches each being allocated a place on

the Group. In mid-May, we asked that the process should not start until the first meeting of that Liaison Group

had taken place but the HR Department sent letters on 29th May calling 16 retired officers for review. The let-

ters arrived with at least two members on the morning of Saturday, 31st May and I had communications with

each of them over that weekend. We, me and the Chairman of the Bristol (Avon) Branch, Robin Hobbs, imme-

diately made contact with the HR Department reiterating our request for the inaugural meeting of the Liaison

Group, now to be called with some urgency. This meeting took place at Headquarters on Wednesday, 4th June.

While we acknowledge that the Force has a right, some would even say a duty, to review Injury on Duty

Pensions, we have tried to emphasise that the purpose of such reviews should be to re-assess the potential em-

ployment capabilities of those in receipt of such pensions. There is no facility for an Injury on Duty pension to

be withdrawn once granted, only that the level of the award (stated in percentages and grouped in four bands)

may be revisited in the light of any change to the circumstances of the injured pensioner, with the focus upon

current capacity for work. In the current financial circumstances, perhaps crisis is not too strong, it is difficult to

exclude that reviewing these pensions contains an element of hoped for cost cutting by the Force. We have tried

to emphasise that this is not the intention within the Regulations, unlikely to be the overtly declared intention

within any new Regulations. The Review process should be for a medical practitioner to examine the individual

and his or her situation to update the assessment of that person’s capacity for work.

From the meeting on the 4th June, we gleaned that the HR Department have, initially, sent letters to 16 of

the 31 people who are in the younger age range and were granted the maximum (100%) Injury on Duty award

when they were dismissed on Medical Retirement. It was agreed at that meeting that the two NARPO Branches

would agree a form of letter with the Police Federation which the HR Department would send out to those to

whom they had already written and which would accompany any future calls for review. This document, we

have headed ‘Can We Help’ and is intended to mitigate some of the concern, even distress, of being called for

review, in many cases after a very long number of years of acclimatising to the financial support awarded earlier.

NARPO House have been monitoring the situation closely throughout the period since 2004 and have

much information on the NARPO website , at www.narpo.org. Thanks to Keith Jones excellent service to us all,

we too carry essential information and links which can produce assistance. The continuing suitability of all Inju-

ry on Duty awards is, of course, an important responsibility for the Force to correctly manage but any amend-

ment to the level of an individual’s award must be related to that persons current income earning capacity, with

the cost to the Force remaining appropriate. We will continue involvement with the HR Department and offer

support to those members who are impacted by this review procedure.

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Avon and Somerset Branch NARPO Newsletter July, 2014

Members’ Holiday Accommodation

In the depths of Winter you may be planning a break or expecting visitors you cannot accommodate, so here

again is the list of Branch members providing accommodation:

Huelgoat, Brittany, Apartment Tom & Iris Norman on 07854193803 or thomasanorman@googlemail.com

Springfield House, Stoney Stratton Ted Allen on 01749 830748 or Ted.Allen@btinternet.com

Mountain Bike Centre, Aberystwyth Ian Luff on 07815 202012 or ianl@mtbcymru.com

Florida Villa, USA Cheryl Boyce on 01242 539099 or cherylemax@tiscali.co.uk

Ross on Wye Charles Lerpiniere on 01989 720485 or Huntersmoon.wyenet.co.uk

Almerimar, Andalusia, Spain Alan Higgs on 01278 684416 or alanhiggs@tiscali.co.uk

Paphos, Cyprus Gary Walker on 07870 277343 or gary.kega@googlemail.com.

Orlando, Florida, Villa Tina & John Daley on 0117 979 9050 or tina@dakotapointvilla.co.uk

Tregenna Guest House, Falmouth Steve & Jayne Gray on 01326 313881 or www.tregennafalmouth.co.uk

Santa Maria, Mallorca - 4 bed house Michele Richardson on 07901827398 or www.canrichardson.com

Stilegate, West Quantoxhead B&B Heidi Morse on 01984 639119 or www.stilegate.co.uk

Kruger Nat. Park, South Africa Dave Corlett on +27(0)82 555 7075 or www.knobthornhouse.com

Costa Calida, Murcia, Spain Tom Dalley on 07968 910761 or holiday@villapepita.com

Cornwall, Nr. Penzance Holiday Annex Huw & Diana Davies 01736 788809 - 07956202737 - dmdhgd@aol.com

Tenerife Seafront, Costa del Silencio Jon Mattick on 01278 760865 or www.atlanticview.info.

Pougne, La Charente, France Andy & Anne-Marie Heath on 07894990430 or heath82@btinternet.com

Mid-Wales - Small Cottage, self catering Steve Carrow on 01591 620461 or visit www.tynycwm.co.uk

Also, Martin Holcombe and his wife arrange Bridge Holidays in the UK and Europe. All levels of experience

appear to be catered for and quite a range of locations. Contact Martin on 01934 876500 www.bridge-holidays.com.

Members’ Business Offers

As identified in the October Newsletter, the following Branch Members have identified their post-police

retirement business interests. If you are interested in their services please contact them direct.

Private Hire Services (Wincanton) Jeff Salter on 01963 34318 or www.daxgroup.co.uk

Plumbing, Heating & Electrical (W-s-M) Dave Allen Plumbing on 01934 633726 or 07970950768

Toastmaster Services David Read on 01934 513489 or www.davidreadtoastmaster.co.uk.

Wills & Power of Attorney David Read on 01934 513489

AALocksmiths Craig Andres on 0117 907 7498 or www.aalockandkey.co.uk.

Hypnotherapy/Health Coaching Trevor Hoskisson on 01392 346320 or trev@inteligentlifestyles,co.uk.

3600 Panoramic Tours photography Tim Evans on 01458 441354 or info@360tor.com. www.360tor.com

Internet Security Services Nick Hubbard on 01278 794205 or nick@hubbardis.co.uk

Practical Companions Outings & Visits Steve Burrough on 07966 540098 or www.practicalcompanions.co.uk

Harold Kingsbury

Barbara & George Giles visited Harold Kingsbury on behalf of us all on his 90th birthday, Friday, 4th April,

2014. His daughter, Sue, has requested that I include this small item to ask that anyone who is in the area is wel-

come to visit Harold at the Orchard Court Nursing Home, Harp Chase, Shoreditch Road, Taunton TA1 3RY. It is

advisable to telephone the Home on 01823 351155 prior to any intended visit.

Bunty & John on their BIG day

Celebrating a Platinum Wedding Anniversary

Bunty and John Rees were visited by John Vincent on Thursday,

1st May, 2014 but the Royal Mail Special Delivery had got to Huish

Episcopi ahead of him.

This gave John the opportunity to capture on film the proud cou-

ple showing off their ‘telegram’ from Her Majesty.

John, of course, took along with him the customary gift from us


A most hearty congratulations to you both .

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Avon and Somerset Branch NARPO Newsletter July, 2014

Member Changes

We welcome the following new Members:

David GWYNNE Sergeant from Weston-super-Mare, who retired on 31st August, 2005.

Philippa BRETT Constable from The Bridewell, who retired on 30th November, 2012.

Michael BRETT Constable from Concorde House, who retired on 30th November, 2012.

Andrew FRANCIS C/Superintendent from HQ Communications, who retired on 28th March, 2014.

Paul COX Inspector from Newfoundland Road, who retired on 15th April, 2014.

Carl GADD Constable from Almondsbury, who retired on 24th April, 2014.


It is with deep regret that I report the deaths of the following members and offer sincere sympathy to all of

their relatives and friends:

2nd April, 2014 David W. RICHARDS, who retired in 1987. He leaves a widow, Anne.

9th April, 2014 David WILKINS, 76 years, who retired in 1992. He leaves a widow, Marjorie.

27th April, 2014 Joan HABGOOD, 92 years, widow of Stan, who retired in 1969 and died in 2011.

4th May, 2014 Thomas BAILLIE, 92 years, who retired in 1973.

6th May, 2014 Roger MUTTON, 66 years, who retired in 2000. He leaves a widow, Wendy.

23rd May, 2014 Tom FINDLAY, 87 years, who retired in 1982. He leaves a widow, Brenda.

10th June, 2014 Don FEBREY, 89 years, who retired in 1977.

The small Print—I must take the precaution of adding this note to safeguard the Avon and Somerset Branch of NARPO and me. Services and products that

are referred to in this Newsletter are included for information only and their appearance in these pages does not indicate any recommendation. The com-

ments of contributors to the Newsletter are their own and not, necessarily, the views of the Branch Officers, Committee or Editor.

Dave Leach 1st July, 2014 Branch Secretary


To Harold KINGSBURY upon reaching his 90th birthday on 4th April, 2014 (see previous page).

To Bunty & John Rees, on celebrating their 70th Wedding Anniversary on 1st May, 2014 (see previous page)

To Ann & Viv FORD, on their Golden Wedding on Friday, 9th May, 2014.

To Gladys BROWNSELL, on her 90th birthday, celebrated on 22nd May, 2014.

To Jill & Rod DEANE, on their Golden Wedding on Friday, 23rd May, 2014.

Volunteering Opportunities Possible new Section for the penultimate page of the Newsletter - please let me know

if you have anything to add or any comments.

John Yabsley made the suggestion and offers the initial entry, seeking RNLI Education Presenters, to make school

& youth group visits - Contact John Yabsley at yabbo@btinternet.com

The Very Eventful Life of Harry Gibbs, Police Officer, Retired - By our very own Harry.

The long-promised story has reached the bookshelves. In about 250 pages, Harry tells of his origins on

Exmoor, time in the Army, on the GWR, in the Royal Navy and, of course, the Police. Harry’s publisher has

declared the book to be an unusually interesting read.

Copies are available from Harry direct, telephone him on 01225 865085, or through his local bookshop of

Ex-Libris, 1, The Shambles, Bradford on Avon BA15 1JS, telephone 01225 863595.

The price of Harry’s book is £12.00 inclusive of postage and packing.

Bath Police Retired Club - Summer Luncheon - 19th June - King William Inn, Tunley

Summer holiday commitments had reduced the number available to attend another great lunch organised

by Clive Tilling. This was the Club’s first visit to the King William and the event was so successful that there

are plans for the next two events to also be held there. The Autumn lunch will be on Wednesday, 17th Septem-

ber and, by popular response to Clive’s questionnaire, the traditional Christmas Dinner will, this year be re-

placed by a lunch on Friday, 12th December. The latter will mark a new venue for this much-loved annual

event, so be sure to get the date and time, 12 noon for 12.30p.m. serving, in your diaries. Anyone in the Bath

area is welcome to attend. Contact Clive on 01225 481564 or at clivetilling@hotmail.com.