Database Management … · 12TH Computer Sc., DBMS & SQL data types S.K.Mukherjee, AECS Jaduguda,...

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Transcript of Database Management … · 12TH Computer Sc., DBMS & SQL data types S.K.Mukherjee, AECS Jaduguda,...

12TH Computer Sc., DBMS & SQL data types

S.K.Mukherjee, AECS Jaduguda, Jharkhand Page 1

Database Management

1. Database : A database can be defined as a collection of related data, information in organized manner so that it can easily be accessed, managed and updated. In addition to the storage and retrieval of data, certain other operations can be performed on database. These operations includes adding data, deleting data and query from stored data etc. All this operation on a database are performed using a database management system.

2. Database Management System (DBMS):

DBMS is a software that allows access to the data contained in database. The objective of DBMS is to provide convenient and effective way of finding and retrieving information contained in database. The DBMS has several advantages that overcomes the shortcomings of traditional file system.

3. Advantages of DBMS:

There are following advantages in DBMS as stated below:

a) Reduce Data Redundancy : It refers to the duplication of data. For Example: In case of school administration, the office of the school keeps a record of the student details in a file. A similar file is also kept with class teacher, exam dept. etc. The same data is duplicated in two separate places. This leads to redundancy. However, A DBMS maintains a single copy of

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data/information related to the students record that can be accessed by all the department associates with it.

b) Control Data Inconsistency : It refers to the data not

manipulated consistently. For Example: In the school, if student requests for a change in his postal address the changed addressed is reflected in the file maintained by the school office. However, it is not certain that the same change is made by the exam dept or by the class teacher. This leads to inconsistency. The same can be avoided in DBMS.

c) Sharing of Data : In a DBMS, unlike the file system

approach, the data can be shared among various programs / applications. The sharing of data allows the existing application to use the existing data in the database. It also helps in developing new application which will use the same shared data.

d) Enforcement of standards : In a DBMS, unlike the file

system approach, standards are easier to enforce as the access to the database is through the DBMS. Standards may relate to the naming of data, format of data, structure of data etc.

e) Data Security : Setting up of a DBMS makes it easier to enforce security restrictions since the data is stored centrally. A DBMS ensures that the only means of access to the database is through an

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authorized channel. To ensure security, a DBMS provides security tools such as user codes and passwords.

f) Data Integrity: Data integrity refers to ensuring that the data in the database is accurate and consistent. The accuracy of database implies that correct data has been entered or updated.

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Database Architecture

To know the database architecture it is required to familiar with following terms:

student Table Field Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Record admin_no stu_name gender address class Record 1 AECS1200 PRATIK M MUMBAI 12A Record 2 AECS1201 GARIMA F DELHI 12B Record 3 AECS1202 KHUSHI F PUNA 12A Record 4 AECS1203 BABU M TATA 12C Record 5 AECS1207 AMIT M DELHI 12A Record 6



result12A attendence12A

admin_no Class roll_no marks roll_no attendence AECS1200 12A 1 80 1 98.0

AECS1202 12A 2 55 2 82.5 AECS1207 12A 4 90 3 35.2 AECS1225 12A 8 70 4 55.6

8 78.4

Note: By using these tables student, result12A and attendence12A creates a new table class12A termed as relation. class12A Relation Attribute Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute3 Attribute 4 Attribute 5 Attribute 6 Attribute 7 Attribute 8

Tuple admin_no stu_name gender address class roll_no marks Attendance

Tuple 1 AECS1200 PRATIK M MUMBAI 12A 1 80 98.0

Tuple 2 AECS1202 KHUSHI F PUNA 12A 2 55 82.5

Tuple 3 AECS1207 AMIT M DELHI 12A 4 90 55.6

Tuple 4 AECS1225 SHARMILA F MUMBAI 12A 8 70 78.4

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Table / Relation : A table or a relation is a collection of logically related records. In a table/ relation, the data is arranged in rows (records) or columns (fields). Note : When more than one table are associate to each other to form a new table are termed as relation. Field : A field (column) holds one piece of data about an item of a database. For Example : The table student in a database school maintaining information about a student, the fields can be stu_name, gender, address etc. Record : A record(row) is a collection of multiple related fields that can be treated as a unit. For Example : The table student in a database school, the collection of admin_no, stu_name, gender, address, class for a particular student forms a record of that student. Attribute : The column of a relation is referred to as attribute. Each attribute holds a piece of information / data about an entity. The collection of attributes for a particular entity forms a tuple. The collection of tuples in turns forms a relation. Tuple : The rows of a relation is referred to as tuple. Each tuple represents a record of that table and is uniquely identified by distinct value for an attribute. Degree : The no. of attribute in a relation determines the degree of a relation. If a relation has 5 attributes it is said to be a relation of degree 5.

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Cardinality: The number of tuples in a relation is called the cardinality of the relation. If a relation has 4 tuples it is said to be a relation of cardinality 4.

Table / Relation Degree / No. of column/ attribute

Cardinality / No of rows /tuples

student 5 6

result12A 4 4

attendence12A 2 5 class12A 8 4

Domain : A domain is a set of permissible values of the sane type for a column (attribute). It is defined for every column of all the relations in a database. If a column is common in two relations, then the domain is also the same for both the relations. For Examples: In a school database student relation/table, the column admin_no must consist of ‘AECS’ followed by a four-digit number ranging from 1201 to 1299. Hence, the domain of admin_no is AECS1201 to AECS1299. In addition, the relation result12A also contains the attribute admin_no. Hence, this column also has the same domain. Key: A key is an attribute that ensures that NO two rows of the relation are identical. In addition, it also associates two relations i.e establish a relationship with another table. There are four types of keys, namely

i) Primary Key ii) Candidate Key iii) Alternate Key iv) Foreign Key

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i) Primary Key : It denotes a key chosen by the database designer which uniquely identifies a record within a table. The primary key should be such that its value must not change. A table can have only one primary key and cannot accept a NULL value. For Example : The attribute admin_no in the student relation / table can be designated as the primary key because all admin_no are unique and the value once entered is never changed.

ii) Candidate key : All the columns in a table that have

unique value and can serve as primary key are called candidate key as they are the candidates for primary key position. For Example : The attribute roll_no in the results12A relation / table can be designated as the candidate key.

iii) Alternate key : A candidate key that is not chosen as a

primary key in a relation is known as an alternate key. For Example : In the relation results12A, if the attribute admin_no is made the primary key. In such condition the attribute roll_no is the alternate key.

iv) Foreign key : The combination of a column in a table that

reference a primary key in another table is known as foreign key. For Example : Consider the table student and result12A made a relation by using primary key admin_no (i.e attribute admin_no is present in both the tables). In such condition admin_no is primary key for table student and foreign key for the table result12A.

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Structured Query Language (SQL)

The SQL is one such standard language which enables the user to retrieve the data without writing a complex program. The SQL is referred to as a declarative and non-procedural language. That is, the user has to specify what data to retrieve and how to retrieve it. Some common relational database management systems that use SQL are Oracle, Microsoft SQL, Sybase, Access, Ingres etc. Some points must be kept in mind while using SQL commands. The SQL command are not case sensitive. The key word ate generally entered in upper case. The SQL commands can be written on more than one line. The keywords cannot be abbreviated or split across lines. A semicolon (;) is placed at the end of the last clause.

Classification of SQL commands : The SQL queries are basically the SQL commands that’s a user to DBMS to interact with database. Based on that the SQL commands are divided into four categories mentioned below:

SQL Commands

DDL (Data Definition



, USE etc.

DML (Data

Manipulation Language)



DCL (Data Control




TCL (Transaction

Control Language)



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Data Definition Language (DDL) : The DDL of SQL provides the commands for creating, alteration and deleting a database tables. It also defines indices(keys), specifies links between tables and imposes constraints on tables. Example of DDL commands in SQL are:

CREATE DATABASE – creates a new database

USE command – to select and open an already existing database.

CREATE TABLE – creates a new table.

ALTER TABLE – modifies a table.

DROP TABLE – deletes a table. . Data Manipulation Language (DML) : The DML of SQL

provides the commands to manipulate the data in the tables. DML commands are executed to retrieve data, insert data, delete data, update data, query operations from the tables. Example of DML commands in SQL are:

SELECT statement – To extract information from the table.

INSERT INTO statement – To insert new data (record) into a table.

UPDATE statement – To modify the data in a table. (not modifying the data type of column)

DELETE – To delete data (tuple) from a table. (not deleting a column)

. Data Control Language (DCL) : The DCL of SQL provides

the commands to grant or revoke access rights to the database user. These commands are basically used to control the data stored in the database. (not in the syllabus)

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Example of DCL commands in SQL are:


REVOKE Transaction Control Language (TCL) : The TCL of SQL

provides the commands to transactions in the database. These are used to manage the changes made to the data in a table by DML statements. It also allows statements to be grouped together into logical transactions. (not in the syllabus) Example of TCL commands in SQL are:




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SQL Data types

SQL supports the following important data types for the specification of various data items or fields of a table/relation.

S.No. Syntax Description

1. INTEGER or INT(x)

It is a 32-bit signed integer. It stores positive whole numbers up to 11 digit and negative numbers up to 10 digits. The range of integers is from -2147483648 to 2147483647. (i.e 231) ‘x’ is the number of digit. Only INTEGER means INT(11) .

2. SMALLINT It is a 16-bit signed integer. It stores positive whole numbers up to 5 digit and negative numbers up to 4 digits. The range of integers is from -32768 to 32767. (i.e 215)



Numeric String Date & Time

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3. NUMERIC(x,y) It stores the number in the given format, where ‘x’ is the total number of digits (including decimal point and number after decimal point). ‘y’is the number of places to the right of the decimal point. If y is not defined, the number taken as integer type. It holds upto 20 significant digits. For Example: NUMERIC(8,2)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

x x X x x . x x

4. DECIMAL(x,y) It stores the number in the given format, where ‘x’ is the precision (total size excluding decimal point and including number after decimal point) of digits and ‘y’ is the scale part i.e the number of places to the left of the decimal point. It holds up to 19 significant digits. For Example: DECIMAL(7,2)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

x x X x x . x x

5. FLOAT(x) It stores the number in exponential notation of the base 10. The argument size ‘x’ specifies the minimum precision required. (Precision means total digits without decimal).

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6. CHAR(x) It stores ‘x’ number of characters in the string which has a fixed length. If you store strings that are not long as the size of ‘x’ parameter value, the remaining spaces are left unused but memory space is used. A maximum 254 characters can be stored in a string. For Example: CHAR(10)

7. VARCHAR(x) or


It is used to store variable length alphanumeric data. The advantage of using this data type is that it releases the unused memory spaces. For Example: VARCHAR(10)

8. DATE It is used to store a date (year, month, day) in ‘yyyy/mm/dd’ format. DATE values can be compared with each other only not with any other data type. The date values can be entered with single quotation marks or enclosed in { }.

9. TIME It is used to store a time (hour, minute, second) in hh:mm:ss format.

10. BOOLEAN It is used to store a logical values, either true or false. In both upper case and lower case, T or Y (t or y) stands for logical true and F or N (f or n) stands for logical false. It can be compared only with other logical columns or constants.

11. BLOB or It is used to store data up to

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maximum 65535 characters, BLOBs are ‘Binary Large Object’ can store images, animation, clips or any other types of files. For Example: RAW(2000);

12. MEMO or LONG

It is used to store big contents of characters or remarks up to 2 GB per record.

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