Data Security Roundtable - Cintrifuse...Data Security Roundtable Agenda 8:00 Registra on and...

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Transcript of Data Security Roundtable - Cintrifuse...Data Security Roundtable Agenda 8:00 Registra on and...

Data Security Roundtable

Union HallMarch, 23 2016

Data Security Roundtable Agenda8:00 Registra on and breakfast

8:30 Welcome - Wendy Lea, Cintrifuse CEO

8:35 State of the industry and panel discussion – Tony Sibert, EY Execu veDirector, Cyber Risk

Security is a top business issue that requires new conversa onsamong all business risk stakeholders. Security is more thancompliance and cyber, security needs to protect the business notjust the network.

Tony will lead a panel discussion with these Venture Capital investorson trends and insights that they are seeing in the market.

Ben Lambert, Pelion venturesKevin Willer, Chicago VenturesRyan Armbrust, ff Venture Capital

9:10 Startup Introduc ons

9:30 Breakout Session #1

10:00 Breakout Session #2

10:30 Breakout Session #3

11:00 Breakout Session #4

11:30 Adjourn and networking – addi onal 1:1 mee ngs

12:00 Lunch: Israeli Innova on Promo

Discussion by Guy Peri, P&G Vice President, Chief Data Officer,Informa on Technology on Israeli technology ecosystem and thepioneering innova on coming out of their tech community

BreakoutTopics: Compliance Cyber 1 Cyber 2 Cyber3 Mobile Data


Room 402 301 304 401 400


ModeratorKevin Willer,

Chicago VenturesCass Barnes,

Precision CapitalRyan Armbrust,ff Venture Capital

Ben Lambert,Pelion Ventures

Tony SibertEY

Breakout 1(9:30am)

BigCo 1 Fidelity Fi h Third First Financial W&S Kroger

BigCo 2 GAIC Van v Convergys UC Scripps

BigCo 3 TriHealth Cincinna Bell Legion AfidenceIT 84.51

BigCo 4 Michelman CCHMC NKU EY

BigCo 5 Paycor Xavier

Breakout 2(10:00am)

BigCo 1 Paycor Kroger 84.51 GAIC Cincinna Bell

BigCo 2 UC W&S P&G Van v Convergys

BigCo 3 AfidenceIT First Financial Scripps Fi h Third Michelman

BigCo 4 Xavier Legion Fidelity CCHMC

BigCo 5 TriHealth EY NKU

Breakout 3(10:30am)

BigCo 1 First Financial Scripps Cincinna Bell P&G Fidelity

BigCo 2 84.51 GAIC Paycor Kroger W&S

BigCo 3 NKU CCHMC Fi h Third Convergys Van v

BigCo 4 EY Xavier TriHealth Michelman Legion

BigCo 5 AfidenceIT UC

Breakout 4(11:00am)

BigCo 1 W&S Fidelity Kroger Cincinna Bell P&G

BigCo 2 Scripps Convergys Van v TriHealth GAIC

BigCo 3 Fi h Third 84.51 Michelman Legion First Financial

BigCo 4 CCHMC EY UC Paycor

BigCo 5 NKU AfidenceIT Xavier

Wendy Lea, CEO, Cintrifuse

Having delivered business solu ons in 30 countries, Wendy brings a worldly point of view to digitalinnova on and a charming edge to her entrepreneurial pursuits. She’s a harmonious blend of SanFrancisco’s upstream edge, Boulder’s down to earth vibe and the Deep South’s infec ous charm.

Her entrepreneurial success is evidenced through the acquisi on of OnTarget in 1999 by SiebelSystems, Stra fy’s acquisi on in 2007 by Iron Mountain and Get Sa sfac on’s acquisi on by Sprinklr.Wendy extends her leadership to two non-profit boards, The Health Collabora ve and Cincinna 'sSymphony Orchestra. She also serves on the private venture-backed board of Xyleme, a member ofC200 and Cincinna Women’s Execu ve Forum.

Currently, she is the CEO and serves on the board of Cintrifuse, a public-private partnership thatenables the most promising high-growth startups to prosper in Cincinna . #StartupCincy She’s awarm, passionate leader, who personifies "good rela onships make good business” while centeringherself with a deep spiritual connec on. In 2012 and 2013, she was recognized as a Women of

Tony Sibert

Tony is an Execu ve Director and member of EY’s Advisory Services Cyber Risk Team. He has over 25years of experience helping public and private companies, early stage ventures, and governmentorganiza ons: build and lead high performance cross-func onal teams; solve complex problems inhigh stress/high stakes environments; and accelerate the execu on of key ac ons to achieve tangiblebusiness results and drive sustainable compe ve advantage.

Tony has successfully led and supported key client engagements globally, advising clients on businessrisk strategy, risk transforma on, performance learning, and process innova on across mul pleindustries.

Recent engagement highlights include: developing the program management strategy and direc ngthe opera onal ac vi es for the first integrated cloud based Global Medical Safety system;formula ng the go-to-market strategies for a groundbreaking intrusion monitoring, health-and-wellness monitoring, intrusion preven on, and remote configura on and management solu on; anddeveloping capitaliza on and business development plans for leading policy-driven so ware offerproviding: vulnerability/privilege management, role-based access control, monitoring, logging,audi ng, and repor ng.

Tony has also served as an execu ve team member of several successful high profile, venture backedcompanies in the networking, internet security, and energy sectors.

Tony is mul -lingual with substan ve experience working in Asia, Europe, La n America, and theMiddle East. He holds an MBA from Michigan’s Ross School of Business with a focus on BusinessStrategy, Finance, and Entrepreneurship. He earned his Bachelor of Science from the Air Force

Keynote Speakers

Venture Capital InvestorsRyan Armbrust

Ryan Armbrust is a Managing Director at ff Venture Capital. In this role he focuses on investment opportuni esacross a range of emerging industries, including UAVs, machine learning, and broader consumer technologies.Ryan has experience providing targeted growth guidance to ffVC investments including Plated, GoSkip, Wade &Wendy, Adcade, and Top Flight Technologies.

Prior to joining ffVC, Ryan spent seven years at Columbia Technology Ventures, where he commercialized theearly-stage technology developed within the research labs of Columbia University. Working with inventors andtechnologies in areas from computer science and machine learning to architecture and 3D prin ng, Columbia iswhere he developed an ap tude for approaching investment decisions through an academic, analy cal lens.Ryan con nues to broaden his rela onships with the communi es of Columbia University and greater New York

Kevin Willer

Kevin is a Partner at Chicago Ventures, a seed-stage venture capital fund, where he oversees all aspects ofChicago Ventures including fund management, deal sourcing and investments, and working directly withpor olio companies. He joined the fund in June 2013.

From 2011 to 2013, Kevin was the President & CEO of the Chicagoland Entrepreneurial Center (CEC). The CECmanages, operates, and programs 1871, a leading co-working center serving hundreds of startups building theirearly-stage businesses located at Chicago’s famed Merchandise Mart. Since opening in May 2012, 1871 haswelcomed thousands of visitors to events and curated hundreds of workshops and office hours with mentorsfor entrepreneurs. High-profile visitors have included Bri sh Prime Minister David Cameron, Chicago MayorRahm Emanuel, Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner, former Microso CEO Steve Ballmer, Twi er CEO Dick Costolo,AOL Founder Steve Case, Sun Microsystems co-founder Sco McNealy, and YouTube co-founder Steve Chen –shining a spotlight on Chicago’s growing startup community na onally and globally. During this me, Kevin wasalso a Venture Partner at Pritzker Group Venture Capital, overseeing their early-stage Seed Investments.

Previously, Kevin co-founded the Google Chicago office in late 2000. In his over 10 years with Google, Kevinhelped grow this office to more than 400 professionals and led rela onships with some of Google’s largestmarke ng partners based in the Midwest. Before Google, Kevin held business development posi ons at CMGI,an early internet incubator, and USRobo cs, the pioneer in modem technology.

Cass Barnes

Cass Barnes serves as a director for Precision Capital and PICO Venture Partners, where she is responsible forbusiness development, investor rela ons and communica ons. PICO is headquartered in Jerusalem, Israel,with offices in Tel Aviv and New York. PICO is led by serial entrepreneur Elie Wurtman and was established in2015 in collabora on with Precision Capital, a NY-based alterna ve investment bou que with approximately$1.3 billion of assets under management whose investors include leading U.S. entrepreneurs, public companyexecu ves and senior private equity and hedge fund professionals. PICO invests in outstanding entrepreneursand founders and works closely with them to transform great ideas into high-growth, market definingcompanies. Prior to joining Precision Capital, Ms. Barnes was the head of marke ng for a long short equityhedge fund, Sursum Capital. Prior to Sursum Capital, she was the director of business development for abou que branding agency focused on alterna ve investment firms. Ms. Barnes earned her A.B. in Psychologyand Neuroscience from Bryn Mawr College in Bryn Mawr, PA.

Venture Capital InvestorsJere Doyle

A lifelong serial entrepreneur, Jere Doyle joined Sigma Prime Ventures in the fall of 2015 as a ManagingDirector. Jere is passionate about working with entrepreneurs, and is known for his energy and enthusiasmwhen helping his por olio companies. Jere’s deep background in sales and marke ng makes him par cularlyhelpful to Founders and CEO's with their “go to market strategy”— with a focus is on how to drive and scalecustomer acquisi on at the right price, while maximizing life me value of customers.

Prior to joining Sigma Prime, Jere came to be known as one of the most ac ve startup coaches and seed/angelinvestors in the Boston area through both Doyle Enterprises and The Oyster Angel Fund. Jere made more than50 such investments in over 4 years, inves ng in strong entrepreneurs who are building scalable companieswith disrup ve technologies and large market opportuni es. Prior to mentoring and inves ng in seed-stage

Ben Lampbert

I was fortunate enough to land an internship with Pelion during my first year of business school. Which meantI spent the next 13 months working on several of the partners’ deals (Masteryconnect, Qzzr, Grow, andObservePoint). It was during this me that I learned the secret to landing and keeping a job at a venture firm:You have to be willing to do the job no one else wants to do. In my case, that meant pu ng together Carl’spresenta ons. (Seriously, not a single other soul was interested.) Did that scare me? Absolutely. Fortunately,though, I learned that my fears were totally unfounded.

At Pelion, I’m happy to say there’s no shortage of inspira on. I’m inspired by the entrepreneurs I’m luckyenough to meet. And by the innova ons they strive to create. In fact, looking back at my career, sources ofinspira on have never been in short supply. There was the widowed mother of three in the coastal town ofOaxaca, Mexico who would cook on an adobe oven to make tamales to sell in the town square. Then therewas my brother (and first business partner) who built his own brokerage business from scratch. And, ofcourse, there were the guys who bought a defunct real estate company and turned it into a publicly trademul -billion dollar holding corp. It’s exactly these kinds of people who make me so excited to be part ofPelion. Let me put it this way: If you’re an entrepreneur who’s working on technologies and businesses thatcan change the world, well, I can’t wait to meet you.

Of course, the best part about this profession is being able to work with such a diverse set of companies andindustries. Which is something I already have a li le experience with myself. I worked in home services (I ran awindow washing business and I worked for a pain ng contractor in college; a double threat), I managed a callcenter (in the days, luckily, before calls could be blocked) and I even did some me with a giant retailconglomerate. I also logged some hours in ecommerce. (Trust me, it’s amazing what be er technology can dofor an ecommerce retailer.) And I even spent me at some auto dealerships. (Turns out that wholerustproofing thing really is a scam.) Not to men on a winery group (who would have guessed?), a casino(remember, the house always wins) and meat processing (I almost became a vegetarian). And, finally, buyouts(compared to the venture side, it was a snooze).

Company Description Focus Website

Catalyze raises the value of digital health data and applica ons bymaking them secure, trustworthy, and interoperable with other healthsystems. We align and amplify your model.

Compliance h ps://

Tufin specializes in the management of network layer firewalls, routers,switches, load balancers, and other network security devices.

Compliance h p://

Dis l Networks is the global leader in Bot detec on and mi ga onfocused on stopping automated a acks to make the web more secure.

Cyberh p://www.dis

ReSec Technologies is the only cybersecurity provider that offersorganiza ons 360° of security, effec vely preven ng cyber threats.

Cyber h p://

Morphisec’s patented suite of security defense tools protectsenterprises against targeted and zero-day a acks u lizing the conceptof polymorphism - in other words, by turning a ackers’ tac cs back onthemselves.


Skycure Mobile Threat Defense adds proac ve capabili es to yourexis ng EMM, MDM and SIEM solu ons. Now, detect and stop futuremobile a acks before incurring the tangible and intangible costs of adata breach.

Mobile dataSecurity

h p://


Company Name Position Bio

Catalyze Travis Good Co-Founder CEO

Travis founded Catalyze to help push healthcare beyond the ppingpoint and address compliance and distribu on challenges the world hasfaced for decades. Before founding Catalyze, Travis explored a diversebackground, star ng with business and technology. A er securing hisMBA and MS, he analyzed security systems with Price WaterhouseCoopers and Booz Allen Hamilton. Eventually Travis crossed into theclinical world, becoming an MD in 2011.

Dis lNetworks Rami Essaid Co-Founder CEO

Rami Essaid is the CEO and Co-founder of Dis l Networks, the first easyand accurate way to iden fy and police malicious website traffic,blocking 99.9% of bad bots without impac ng legi mate users. Withover 12 years in telecommunica ons, network security, and cloudinfrastructure management, Rami con nues to advise enterprisecompanies around the world, helping them embrace the cloud toimprove their scalability and reliability while maintaining a high level ofsecurity.


BraunsteinVice President, Strategic


Arthur Braunstein is the Vice President at Morphisec under StrategicAccounts. He has over 15 years experience in the TeleCom and SecurityIndustries. Arthur joined Morphisec in mid-February, 2016, compelledby the power and elegance of the solu on and brilliance of the team.


Dotan BarNoy Co-Founder CEO

Dotan (Lt. Commander Israel Navy. RET.) has vast experience inbusiness development working in senior posi ons in Israeli "clean tech"and hi-tech companies. Among his previous posi ons Dotan served aschief of sales and economics for the Israeli Navy and was a boardmember of ISSTA Lines Ltd (public TLV: ISTA).

ReSecTechnologies Oren Shnitzer Co-Founder & VP R&D

Oren is the main technological driving force behind Re-Sec with morethan 20 years of programming experience. Oren was CTO and R&Dmanager of OPSWAT Israel for 4 years. Managed several securityproducts (AppRemover, MetaScan, parts of OESIS) and integra onswith large customers such as Microso UAG, Juniper SA, and Insigh x.

SkyCure RobertBryant Sales Director

Accomplished Senior Sales Execu ve and Sales Leader with over 20years of experience in direct & indirect sales across mul ple technologypla orms. A consistent performer, revenue driver and closer of newbusiness who possesses strong technical and sales acumen. Aconsulta ve and intui ve selling strategist, nego ator and persuasive,ar culate presenter and communicator commi ed to achieving quota,territory growth, customer success and top line revenue a ainment.

SkyCure AdiSharabani Co-Founder, CEO

Adi Sharabani is CEO and co-founder at Skycure. A world-renownedexpert in enterprise so ware and mobile security, Adi is a Top-RatedSpeaker at RSA and other security conferences. Before launchingSkycure, Adi built and led Watchfire’s security group and later oversawsecurity for IBM so ware products. Adi holds more than 25 patents andearned a BSc in Mathema cs and Physics from Tel Aviv University.

Tufin John ParmleyArea V.P. U.S. West

and Canada

Area Vice President - US West and Canada at Tufin Technologies. Pastemployers and experience in early stage, start-up phase organiza onsinclude various companies including VeriWave, AirMagnet, Vormetric,Entercept, Arcot, Security Dynamics and WorldTalk.

Startup Leaders