Data mining historical newspapers metadata€¦ · Dataviz demonstrates the growing importance of...

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DATA MINING HISTORICAL NEWSPAPERS METADATA Old News Teaches History Jean-Philippe Moreux Bibliothèque national de France, Digitization dpt

IFLA News Media Section, Hamburg, April 2016

A True Story (@ BnF) about the Researchers’ Needs

• How can we help a historian working on Stock Market quotes creation and development in French newspapers? (1800-1870)


A True Story about the Researchers’ Needs

• Obviously, he had to query the digital library catalog.

catalog search

A True Story about the Researchers’ Needs

• Moreover, he needed a text retrieval functionality.

text retrieval

catalog search

The basics

A True Story about the Needs of Researchers

• But is it enough? Could we do better?

text retrieval

catalog search

+ Corpora builder + Predefined qualitative & easy-to-use corpora

+ Advanced query on document structure and layout (to spot Stock Market regions)

The True Story (cont’d): unhappy Ending “Stock Market quotes in French Newspapers (1801-1870)” PhD in Communication and Information Science (P.-C. Langlais)

• The creation of his corpus was very painful: 1. The historian had to script the DL to extract OCR and metadata

from multiple newspaper titles. 2. Then he had to refine/structure his text corpora.

More than 100 Python scripts were needed!

Historians generally prefer to focuse on research, not on writing scripts…

How to Satisfy Scientists’ Needs? Let’s try to address this question, regarding the heritage daily corpus enriched during the Europeana Newspapers project: • Feed the DL with enriched digital documents? • Give end-users access to quantitative metadata describing

documents structure and layout? • Give end-users an ad hoc corpora builder functionality?

Plan 1. The Europeana Newspapers test bed

2. Building a quantitative metadata dataset

3. Data mining and data visualization use-cases

Enriching Digital Documents

Europeana Newspapers project (2012-2015): 11,5M OCR’ed pages, 2M OLR’ed pages from 14 European libraries

What is OLR? • Identification of

structural elements, including separation of articles and sections.

• Classification of types of content (ads, offers, obituaries…)

• Europeana Newspaper project has enriched and aggregated millions of heritage newspapers pages with advanced refinement techniques like Optical Layout Recognition and Named Entities Recognition.


Document Analysis Technique like OLR Produce Quantitative Metadata The good new is OCR and OLR files are full of interesting objects tagged into the XML: • OCR (ALTO) is a source for quantitative metadata: number of words,

illustrations & tables, paper format… • OLR (METS) is a valuable source too for high level informational objects:

• number of articles, titles, etc. • identification of sections (groups of articles) • content types classification (ads, judicial review, stock market…)

Huge amount of valuable data for historians!

• We have to count the number of objects in each page of the collection. Straightforward with XSLT, Java, Python, Perl, etc.

• We have to package and deliver these datasets to end-users.

How to Build such Datasets?

Europeana Newspapers project / BnF: 880,000 OLR’ed pages from BnF newspapers collection, 6 titles, 1814-1944

Pros: • Give to users light derived datasets, not TB of XML files! • It’s not rocket science. • It’s fast (2-3 h/title with an optimized NoXML parsing script) No Cons!

Who are the End-Users of the BnF Dataset?

• The EN-BnF dataset includes 5.5 M of values (150K issues, 880K p.) • 7 metadata at issue level, 5 at page level • XML, JSON or CSV formats

Researchers (Digital Humanities, History of Press, Information Science)

Digital Curators & Mediators: insights on the collections

Digitization Program Managers: statistics on digitized content

t o o l s

Data visualization allows researchers to discover meaning and information hidden in large volumes of data

• History of press/illustration: Dataviz demonstrates the growing importance of illustration (blue: front page, red: inside pages).

• History of press/activity: Dataviz of types of content shows the impact of the Great War on the economical activity and assesses the period of return to pre-war level activity (roughly 10 years).

Discovering Knowledge through Visualization


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Data visualization facilitates rediscovery and reappropriation of heritage documents (by the general public)

• Data visualization of illustrations density can reveal trends or outliers, like highly illustrated issues (illustr. suppl.) or the first published illustration in a title.

Engaging new Audiences with Dataviz



Facts extracted thanks to dataviz can then enrich other digital artefacts like timelines.

Engaging new Audiences with Dataviz

Interactive chart of the word density reveals breaks due to changes in layout & paper format, outlier issues…


Journal des débats politiques et littéraires, 1814-1944, 45,334 issues displayed

Go beyond keyword spotting and page flip!

Some users would like to play with those charts!

Requesting the Dataset Those datasets can be requested with dedicated tools (statistical environments, NoSQL or XML databases...) • Images search solution used by Gallica Mediation Service:

a XQuery HTTP API identifies “graphical” pages, that is to say both those poor in words and including illustrations.



"As a digital mediator, seeking for illustrations in our 12M p. collection is a nightmare…"

Requesting the Dataset • Looking for WW1 censored front pages with BaseX: XQueries

can be written to dig into the data and find specific types of content, e.g. the front pages censored during the Great war, which have a slightly smaller words count than the front pages average.


Is it effective? • Recall rate: 45% • Precision rate: 68% (Based on a ground truth carried on the Journal des Débats front pages for 1915) Limits of a statistical approach when applied to a word based metric biased by layout singularities. Good enough for mediation: Gallica blog post

Are my Data Representative? The quality of datasets affects the validity of the analysis and interpretation. Irregular data in nature or discontinuous in time may introduce bias. QA should be conducted. Data vizualisation can contribute to quality control (and information of end-users)

• A compact calendar display of a title shows rare missing issues, which suggests that the digital collection is representative.

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Perspectives • Apply the same data mining process to the other Europeana

Newspapers OLR’ed datasets to produce more datasets. Apply on the on-going BnF newspapers digitization program.

• Automatically build the quantitative metadata datasets.

• Experiment on other types of materials with a temporal dimension (e.g. long life magazines or revues, early printed books).

• @BnF: Assess the opportunity of setting up a data mining framework targeting DH researchers (“Corpus” BnF research project, 2016-2018): Corpora builder? API? OCR dumps? Derived datasets? Remote processing?...

Conclusion • Quantitative metadata are relevant for all DLs’ users: scientists, general public,

institution employees • Only basic data mining & dataviz methods and tools are needed.

• OLR enrichment provides a rich source of information for researchers. Such data, possibly crossed with the OCRed text, usually provide a fertile ground for research hypotheses.

• Quantitative metadata is sometimes enough to satisfy users. Example of a “pure” quantitative metadata DH project

“The Comédie-Française Registers” project: From 1680 until 1791, only one theater troupe in Paris was allowed to perform the plays of Molière, Corneille, Racine, Voltaire, Beaumarchais, etc. This troupe played the works of these authors over 34,000 times and kept detailed records of their box office receipts for every single one of those performances. (Partners: Paris-Sorbonne, Harvard University, MIT)

© (Frédéric Glorieux)

Advanced Search in Newspapers? • Feeding the search engine with layout and structural metadata will

allow users to perform advanced mixed queries:

text retrieval

catalog search layout MD

structural MD

? illustrated articles in Trial review section from 1914 to 1916 where title contains “caillaux” or “calmette”

? articles with table in Le Matin where title contains “metal prices” and body contains “gold”

Advanced Search in Newspapers? • Feeding the search engine with layout and structural metadata will

allow users to perform advanced mixed queries:

text retrieval

catalog search layout MD

structural MD

? illustrated articles in Judicial review section from 1914 to 1916 where title contains “caillaux” or “calmette”

? articles with table in Le Matin where title contains “metal prices” and body contains “gold”

Trove Advanced Search

Advanced Search in Newspapers? • Adding a pinch of semantic flavor to get closer to natural language query:

text retrieval

catalog search layout MD

structural MD

I’m looking for illustrated articles on front page in Trial topic from 1914 to 1916 which contain NE.person “Henriette Caillaux” or “Gaston Calmette”

Named Entities Recognition

Topic Modelling

Historical Events Recognition

Themes Classification

I’m looking for illustrated articles on front page in Trial topic from 1914 to 1916 which contain NE.person “Henriette Caillaux” or “Gaston Calmette”

Named Entities Recognition

Topic Modelling

Historical Events Recognition

Themes Classification

Advanced Search in Newspapers? • Adding a slice of semantic flavor to get closer to natural language query:

text retrieval

catalog search layout MD

structural MD

RetroNews Advanced Search

Faceted search: dates, NE, themes, events, topics…

Thank you for your attention! • Dataset (CSV, XML, JSON) and charts are publicly available. Just

play with it! (no language barrier: not a single word of French inside)

Thanks to all the EN partners!

The True Story (cont’d)

• Could we have helped thim?

tools OLR facilitates the corpus creation task Content Types classification, Section identification

The quantitative dataset is of a great help “Tables” in newspapers are predominantly used in Stock Market quotes instant use of this metadata!

Tables per week day (1838-1870) © R (P-C Langlais)

Types of content are tagged

Discovering Knowledge through Visualization • History of press/page format: Digital archeology of papermaking

and printing.

• History of press/layout: Visualization of the articles density per page reveals the shift from XVIIth “gazettes” to modern daily.


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Other Users might be Interested by those Metadata: Digitization dpt Statistical information on digitized content for project managers.

• OCR Crowdsourcing project: What is the average density in words of these documents? What text correction efforts will be required?

• Image bank: What titles contain illustrations? What is the total number of images one can expect?


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Are my Data Representative? The quality of datasets affects the validity of the analysis and interpretation. Irregular data in nature or discontinuous in time may introduce bias. A qualitative assessment should be conducted. Data vizualisation can contribute to quality control (and information of end-users)

• A calendar display of a title data shows rare missing issues, which suggests that the digital collection is representative.

• Stock Market quotes study based on the content tagged “table”: one can empirically validate this hypothesis by the sudden inflections recorded in 1914 and 1939 for all titles, being known and established the historical fact of the virtual halt of trading during the two World Wars

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