Darren almond

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Darren almond

Darren Almond

By Amie Tucker

About Darren Almond

Darren James Almond is an English artist, based in London. He was nominated for the 2005 Turner prize. He was born on the October 30th, 1971. He went to school at Winchester school of art.He takes images where he can reach his geographical limits. He has done a series of landscape photographs.

About Darren Almonds PhotographsThese last two images are my favourite because they have a weird colours and a sense of a quiet, untouched, natural scene. Darren took his images in the middle of the night with a long exposure(12-45 minutes)These images have a ghostly feel and a clear image. Darren Almond does not just do photographs but also makes sculptures, films, photographs and works on paper.His first expedition was at the Matthew Marks Gallery and he progressed from there.

• I did my Darren Almond to suit the same landscape and detail. I took my picture at night with a long exposure. My image follows Darren Almond’s ‘moonlight’ series.

• I had two attempts at this…

My first image

Shutter Speed:30 seconds F.stop: 5 IOS: 100 Time taken: 11pm (night time)

My second image

Shutter speed: 30 seconds F.stop: 5.6 IOS: 6400 Time taken: 11.30pm

• My second image is better because there has more depth and better colour contrast. You can also see the stars. This photograph is more like Darren Almond’s photographs than the first image.