Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE) Chang’ombe Secondary School

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Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE) Chang’ombe Secondary School. Using ICT in School. July 17 th 2014. Web Based Platform. A change project. Web based platforms. Traditionally, software was developed for specific platforms, such as Windows, Linux, or Mac OS. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE) Chang’ombe Secondary School

July 17th 2014

Using ICT in School

1Prepared by Geofrey Kalumuna

Web Based Platform

A change project

Traditionally, software was developed for specific platforms, such as Windows, Linux, or Mac OS.

Today, developers build Web-based applications that run on the Web, that are completely independent of the user's actual computer operating system.

Web based platforms are based on Web 1.0 and Web 2.0

One of the goals of Web 2.0 is to facilitate the use of the Web as a development platform involving interaction and collaboration between creators and users.

Prepared by Geofrey Kalumuna 2

Also known as Social mediaSocial media can be used in teaching, learning and school administration

3Prepared by Geofrey Kalumuna

Prepared by Geofrey Kalumuna4

Source: blog.socialmaximizer.com 

Social media allows: More connectivity Interaction between web users Encourages contributions and feedback

from anyone who is a member of any virtual community

Encourages collaboration Information sharing and exchange Flexible

5Prepared by Geofrey Kalumuna

6Prepared by Geofrey Kalumuna

Chatting Inviting more people (students) to chat

(collaboration/discussion) Creating groups Issuses to consider – privacy issues (open,

closed, secret) – very important for teachers Upoading image, video and other files Posting and comments NB- Create some sort of POLICY for the

group. Why - discussion

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8Prepared by Geofrey Kalumuna

Emailing and managing emails Managing docs – google docs Creating docs and folders Sharing docs Issues to consider You can use google drive as your file

storage (BUT, remember NOT ALL docs are shared!!!!)

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10Prepared by Geofrey Kalumuna

Using and Managing skype to enhance teaching, learning and school administration:

Creating your profile Adding contact Send and share files (image, textual, video,

audio) Chatting Inviting more people to chat together (some

sort of web conferencing) Sharing a screen

Prepared by Geofrey Kalumuna 11

Teachers at Chang’ombe Secondary School able to use some methods of social media in teaching, learning and school administration

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Web blog for a schoolWhereby there will be interaction; collaboration and sharing

Also, other web based communication i.e chatting (facebook); skyping (skype); Emailing (e.g Google mail) etc

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16Prepared by Geofrey Kalumuna