Daniel Johnston - Speeding Up Science by Rewarding Peer Review

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Transcript of Daniel Johnston - Speeding Up Science by Rewarding Peer Review

Recognising peer review November 2015

Our mission is to speed up science by harnessing the power of peer review

Speeding up science

Why peer review?

Speeding up science

Editors struggle to find motivated reviewers

Low acceptance rates

Slow responses

Speeding up science

Peer review ranks low on the priority list

Speeding up science

Publons gives researchers a reason to peer review: reputation

Speeding up science

“It's very useful to have an externally maintained and verified record of peer review. I use this information in grant and promotion activities and being able to reference my Publons profile adds weight to the information.”

We collect reviews and turn them into a verifiable, measurable research output

Publons platform

Reviews added by Publons users

Publisher integrations

Reviewer profiles

Information from reviews

Tools for editors

Add to your CV ...and your LinkedIn

Speeding up science

48k+ reviewers

215k+ reviews

13k+ journals

5,000+ reviews a week

Speeding up science

100+ integrated journals

Speeding up science

More reviews

Quicker responses to invitations

Faster completion of reviews

Speeding up science

Publons for editors

Speeding up science

Find verified reviewers

Screen reviewers before inviting

Contact directly through verified email addresses

Speeding up science

Editor dashboard Available to all editors of participating


Monitor review activity on Publons

Engage with new and existing reviewers

Visualise demographics and identify similar journals


Speeding up science

Dashboard: reviewer view Track top reviewers

Automatically discover new reviewers

Screen candidate reviewers by email address

Speeding up science

Dashboard: demographics Easily categorise your reviewers by:



Speeding up science

Dashboard: other journals Understand where else your reviewers are contributing.

Speeding up science

Generating reviewer engagement Problem: Typically, editors only contact reviewers to ask them to review. There is no engagement and no tools to provide a positive experience after their review is complete.

Solution: Publons sends a branded and configurable email to the reviewer two weeks after the manuscript is published:

This gives reviewers the opportunity to engage with the article they reviewed

Informing them of its publication will increase sharing and Altmetric scores encourage post-publication discussion improve the reviewer experience

Speeding up science

Motivated and engaged reviewers

Opens up powerful tools for editors

Better and faster peer review

Daniel Johnston daniel@publons.com