Dallas County Area Transportation Projects Update Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price.

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Dallas County Area Transportation Projects Update Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price.

Dallas CountyDallas CountyArea Transportation Projects Area Transportation Projects


Dallas County CommissionerDallas County CommissionerJohn Wiley PriceJohn Wiley Price

OutlineOutlineArea Transportation Projects Area Transportation Projects


Dallas County CommissionerDallas County CommissionerJohn Wiley PriceJohn Wiley Price

• Review of Dallas County Vision

• SouthEast Area Transportation Alliance

• Loop 9



-Study Area

-Regional Outer Loop Concept

-Dallas County Participation


-Project Information

Dallas CountyDallas CountyArea Transportation Projects Area Transportation Projects


Dallas County CommissionerDallas County CommissionerJohn Wiley PriceJohn Wiley Price

Dallas County Vision

Dallas CountyDallas CountyArea Transportation Projects Area Transportation Projects


Dallas County CommissionerDallas County CommissionerJohn Wiley PriceJohn Wiley Price

Dallas County governmentDallas County government ModelsModels Interagency Interagency Partnerships and Partnerships and CollaborationCollaboration..

Dallas County is aDallas County is a Healthy Healthy CommunityCommunity..

Dallas CountyDallas County isis Safe, Secure, Safe, Secure, and Preparedand Prepared..

Dallas County proactively Dallas County proactively addressesaddresses Critical Regional Critical Regional IssuesIssues..

Dallas County is theDallas County is the Destination of Choice for Destination of Choice for Residents and BusinessesResidents and Businesses..




Dallas County CommissionerDallas County CommissionerJohn Wiley PriceJohn Wiley Price

SEATA’s MissionTo build partnerships among stakeholders and to facilitate the sharing of information and exchange of ideas about transportation and other infrastructure issues impacting growth and development in the southeast region of Dallas County

Dallas County CommissionerDallas County CommissionerJohn Wiley PriceJohn Wiley Price

Dallas CountyDallas CountyArea Transportation Projects Area Transportation Projects


Dallas County CommissionerDallas County CommissionerJohn Wiley PriceJohn Wiley Price

Loop 9

Dallas CountyDallas CountyArea Transportation Projects Area Transportation Projects


Dallas County CommissionerDallas County CommissionerJohn Wiley PriceJohn Wiley Price

Loop 9History

1957- Need first identified; Thoroughfare Report of Dallas Area Master Plan Commission

1964- Upgraded to an “Outer Loop” concept as identified by Greater Dallas Planning Council

1968- Texas Highway Commission authorized outer loop around Dallas, designating it as part of a highway system to be known as Loop 9.

1976- Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation (SDHPT) audit leads to the cancellation of the Loop 9 Freeway as originally approved. SH 161 and SH 190 adopted over Loop 9

1986- Mobility 2000; The Regional Transportation Plan identified SH 190 as a freeway from IH 35 to IH 30

1991- Dallas County voters approved the 1991 Bond Program, authorizing $900,000 for the Loop 9 Feasibility and Route Alignment Study.

1995- Feasibility and Route Alignment Study authorized for Loop 9

Dallas CountyDallas CountyArea Transportation Projects Area Transportation Projects


Dallas County CommissionerDallas County CommissionerJohn Wiley PriceJohn Wiley Price

Loop 9Recent History

1997- “Technically Preferred Alignment” approved and/or adopted by many corridor cities; July of that same year, the Consultant completes Draft Final Report and; the project was put on hold due to scoping and funding issues; In August, discussions continue between Cedar Hill, Dallas County, Consultant, and the North

Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) to determine additional scope of the project and to identify additional funding

1999- Loop 9 Project website started

2001- Loop 9 Task Force Meeting and a Series of Public Meetings held; 2002 Newsletters issued; Major Investment Study Findings revealed

2002- Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) Study begins

2003- From December to March, Study placed on hold while Glenn Heights, 2004 Lancaster, and Red Oak determine location of IH 35 & Loop 9 interchange

2004 Project budget supplement approved by STTC, RTC, and County Commissioners; Notice to proceed issued in November

2006- A series of Loop 9 Task Force Meetings are held; Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) adopts project from Dallas County

Dallas CountyDallas CountyArea Transportation Projects Area Transportation Projects


Dallas County CommissionerDallas County CommissionerJohn Wiley PriceJohn Wiley Price

Loop 9

• + 44 mile corridor that runs from Mesquite (IH-20 to

Midlothian (US 287)

• Involves 18 cities, 3 counties in partnership with

TxDOT, NCTCOG, and others

• Study area + 200 square miles


Dallas CountyDallas CountyArea Transportation Projects Area Transportation Projects


Dallas County CommissionerDallas County CommissionerJohn Wiley PriceJohn Wiley Price

Loop 9Loop 9 Study Area

Dallas CountyDallas CountyArea Transportation Projects Area Transportation Projects


Dallas County CommissionerDallas County CommissionerJohn Wiley PriceJohn Wiley Price

Loop 9

Regional “Outer Loop” Concept

Dallas CountyDallas CountyArea Transportation Projects Area Transportation Projects


Dallas County CommissionerDallas County CommissionerJohn Wiley PriceJohn Wiley Price

Loop 9Dallas County Participation in the Loop 9 Process

• Dallas County voters approved 1991 Bond Program, which included funding for the initial Loop 9 Feasibility and Route Alignment Study

• Funds spent on Loop 9 from 1991-2007Total = $2,286,442*Dallas County Total = $1,343,070Dallas County Share = 58.7%

•Dallas County initially served as the lead agency for this project

-Working with consultants-Making sure consultant fees were paid-Public Outreach-Coordinating Public meetings

• TxDOT adopts project from Dallas County in mid-2006

• Dallas County continues to serve as the liaison between the cities and TxDOT

* Does not include TxDOT expenses after TxDOT took lead in project

Dallas CountyDallas CountyArea Transportation Projects Area Transportation Projects


Dallas County CommissionerDallas County CommissionerJohn Wiley PriceJohn Wiley Price

Loop 9

•The DEIS is currently under review by TxDOT in Austin

•Once approved, the DEIS will be forwarded for review by FHWA in Austin and FHWA Headquarters in Atlanta, GA •There will be a 45 day public review period for the DEIS prior to the public hearing

•Public Hearing is anticipated for late 2008/early 2009

Where We Are and Next Steps in the Process

Dallas CountyDallas CountyArea Transportation Projects Area Transportation Projects


Dallas County CommissionerDallas County CommissionerJohn Wiley PriceJohn Wiley Price

Loop 9

Dallas CountyDallas CountyArea Transportation Projects Area Transportation Projects


Dallas County CommissionerDallas County CommissionerJohn Wiley PriceJohn Wiley Price

Loop 9


Timothy NesbittProject ManagerTxDOTTransportation EngineerDAL - District Advance Planning(214) 320-6245 TNESBIT@dot.state.tx.us


For Project Information

You May also Visit the Loop 9 website at: www.loop9.org