Daily Timetable thMonday 20 April 2020 · piece chief brief believe movie Activity 1 Ladder write...

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Transcript of Daily Timetable thMonday 20 April 2020 · piece chief brief believe movie Activity 1 Ladder write...

Daily Timetable – Monday 20th April 2020

Today we are learning:

English: Follow a procedure to make an origami dog.

Reading: Shared reading using a book/text from home.

Spelling: Long vowel patterns. Choose from the two spelling activities.

Maths: Exploring 3D shapes in the home. Fact fluency using the doubles strategy.

Music: Listen to your choice of music whilst you complete today’s Wheel of Well-being and/or Bounce

Back activity.


Daily Check-in

Do the Zones Check-in below.

In spare time during the day, complete the Wheel of Well-being activity below.

9:10 – 10:00


First, follow the instructions for ‘How to make an Origami Dog’.

Next, show your completed origami dog to someone in your house and explain to them how you did it.

Finally, send a picture of your completed dog to your teacher.

See example sheet below on how to make an origami dog

English Extension Activity: Optional

Teach someone else how to make an origami dog.

10:00 – 10:10

Fruit Break

10:10 - 10:30

Reading Read a book from home or another text of your choice to a sibling or parent for about 10 minutes. Focus on how fluently (smoothly) you can read.

10:30 – 11:00

Spelling Spelling Focus: Long vowel patterns

‘ei’, ‘eigh’, ‘ey’ and ‘aigh’ ‘ei’, eo’, ‘ey’ and ‘ie’

Send a photo of your best creations to your teacher.

See spelling activities below


Morning Tea and Playtime

When you see this symbol, take a photo of your task and send it to your teacher.


Maths Number puzzle

Complete the number puzzle

What is a 3D shape? Can you name some?

Look at the 3D shapes below.

Do a 3D shape hunt around your home/garden. Find at least 10 shapes. How many cubes can you find?

How many rectangular prisms can you find?

How many spheres, cylinders, pyramids or cones can you find? Send a photo of one of the shapes you have found and tell your teacher what 3D shape it is.

Fact fluency This week’s number facts strategy is ‘Use Doubles’

Complete fact fluency activity below.

Answer sheet available for parents to check your work later in today’s plan

Maths Extension Activity: Optional Can you find a triangular prism? How is this different to a pyramid?

1:30-2:00 Lunch and Playtime

2:00 – 3:00

Music Complete an activity of your choosing from the Music Learning Grid as per below.

Bounce Back Complete today’s Bounce Back activity as per below in the Daily Check-in.

Daily check-in Zones check-in: What Zone are you in today? Access one of the strategies to get/keep you in the GREEN ZONE.

Bounce Back Activity Create your own Bounce Back poster (using PowerPoint or A4 paper).

Do a puzzle with someone in your family in

any spare time that you have today.

How to make an Origami Dog First, get a piece of paper and turn it into a square shape by following the below instructions.

Next, lay your square piece of paper on an angle. Then, fold your piece of paper from the top corner to the bottom corner.

Now, fold the piece of paper in half to make a crease.

Then, fold in along the dotted line.

Next, fold in the dotted line.

Then, fold in the dotted line.

Finally, draw eyes and a mouth on the dog.

Monday Spelling Spelling Focus: Long vowel patterns

‘ei’, ‘eigh’, ‘ey’ and ‘aigh’ ‘ei’, eo’, ‘ey’ and ‘ie’

Choose one or more activities below using your spelling words.

vein weigh sleigh eighth freight

eighteen they grey prey straight

receive either people honey trolley

piece chief brief believe movie

Activity 1

Ladder write your words based on sounds. One has been done for you.

p peo peop people

Answer sheet available for parents to check your work later in today’s plan

Activity 2

Using toys or items from around the house, spell out your list words.

Send a photo of your best creations to your teacher.

Monday Maths

3D Shapes:

Fact Fluency:

This week’s fact fluency is based on the ‘doubles’ strategy. The facts below are all near doubles. Write the answers to

these questions as quickly as you can. See if you can time yourself or have someone else time you.

Answer sheet available for parents to check your work later in today’s plan

Q1 4 + 5 = __

Q2 8 + 7 = __

Q3 13 + 11 = __

Q4 6 + __ = 13

Q5 __ = 10 + 9

Q6 25 = 12 + __

Q7 __ + 8 = 17

Q8 70 = __ + 36

Q9 24 + __ = 47

Q10 __ + 49 = 100

Time taken

Teach someone at home how to sing “Rain

Come Wet Me” OR “Dinah”. See if you can

remember the solfa using: so mi re & do

Find a book with rhyming text. Try

singing it instead of saying it. Or level up and write your own

rhyming story.

Write a rhythmic composition using

known notes/rests i.e.

, , Z,

The music alphabet is A, B, C, D, E, F, G.

Create a list of words that only use those

letters e.g. BAD. You can repeat a letter in a


Respond to Music. Listen to a recording of

a piece of music. Draw/paint/collage what it makes you

think of.

Create a drum kit from things you have in the kitchen e.g. pots and

pans, chopsticks, spoons, etc.

Sing through the ANZAC song that we have

practised this term. Even just the Chorus

“Lest We Forget”

Teach someone else the solfa and hand signs

that you know e.g. do, re, mi, so, la

Play “Guess that Tune”.

Hum a song for others to guess the title.

Listen to a range of music and keep the beat

on different parts of your body- is it

presto (very fast) or largo(very slow)??….

Compose a simple rhythmic ostinato

(repeated 4 bat pattern) Perform it with songs from school or music you listen to at home.

Try using different body percussion.

Lay down, relax and listen to some beautiful music. Talk about what

you thought about while it was playing.

YEAR 3 MUSIC LEARNING GRID NAME: _____________________________________

Choose an activity and colour in the star once completed. Try to get 3 different activities done in a week. You can do an activity more than once. Add some more stars and colour them if you do. These are some starter ideas that support the direction of Music Education and Music concept development in our school. If you discover a fun extension or idea, please let me know about it. Take every opportunity you can to sing with your children, teach them nursery rhymes and play clapping games… all of these, at any age, are great.

Have fun making music with your family! Ms Gibson


Monday Answer Sheet Spelling

Activity 1


Number puzzle: Answer is 3-7=4

Fact Fluency

Q1 4 + 5 = 9

Q2 8 + 7 = 15

Q3 13 + 11 = 24

Q4 6 + 7 = 13

Q5 19 = 10 + 9

Q6 25 = 12 + 13

Q7 9 + 8 = 17

Q8 70 = 34 + 36

Q9 24 + 23 = 47

Q10 51 + 49 = 100

Time taken

v vei


w weigh

s sl


eigh eighth

f fr

freigt freight

eigh eight

eightee eighteen

th they

G gr


p pr


s st str

straigh straight

r re rec

recei receive

ei eith


p peo

peop people

h ho

hon honey

t tr

tro troll


p pie


ch chie chief

b br

brie brief

b be bel

belie believe

m mo mov
