Daily Opinions

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Different opinions

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Daily Opinions August 17th, 2012

A u g u s t 1 7 t h , 2 0 1 2



How differently do people think?

Positive and


factors that

influence on

the Human


Stress because of

being informed

Evelyn Calderón

Malik Cubillo

Rayner Torres

Luis Guevara

English III

Daily Opinions August 19th, 2012

English 3


Positive and Negative Factors That Influence on the

Human Longevity

The ability or capacity to live more time has always

been the objective and interests for some people who

want discover “the immortality”. This objective has

made that a lot of people, investigators, doctors and

historians had spent long time investigating the method

to create the potion which let us live forever.

However, this ability to live more time but maybe not forever compared with the

average age; it has been discovered in some countries around the world where the investigators

and doctors have identified a specific group of people who live more years compared to others

citizens. Based in the investigations they have identified that some changes in their lifestyle like

foods, daily activities and avoid or eliminate some habits have let that an average group of

citizens can live more years compared each other in near regions.

These factors have been named like positive and negative factors where some of the

positive factors are: lifestyle, genes, healthy diet, support from families or friends, education,

healthy food, happiness, do exercise, avoid smoking or drinking large quantities of alcohol and

some cases religious factors are part of this.

Daily Opinions August 19th, 2012

English 3

Some negative factors identified by

the doctors that reduce our live are:

smoking, drink large quantities of alcohol,

overweight, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy

foods like hamburgers, food overloaded with

fat ingredients, no access to education

systems or medical systems, stress and


In conclusion, nowadays it is

impossible to live forever but the factors that

make possible living more time have been

identified and the people have the

opportunity to change their lifestyle. And if

the local government promotes better

education and health programs which the

citizens can receive information about the


Rayner Torres Vega

Daily Opinions August 19th, 2012

English 3

Stress because of being informed

If we see each decision made through the history whether they interfere in the lives of few or

are relevant to many, we can see the important significance of information in it. No mather if it

is good or bad, it help us to take the best or what we consider the best decision. That

information comes in so many ways and we are over saturated by ads, unnecessary information

or repetitive news.

Considering the importance of information and how to make it reach the people, it

quickly became a big business and no one cares if appropriate barrage of all kinds of news,

advertising and other else. But, who decide which information should be published, if we

considered every way to get information, like television, radio, newspaper, magazine or internet

we can see how important it has become to make money without social conscience about what

is good or what is not.

Moreover, many people want to know

about everything especially on current issues, like

technology, sports, economy or influential people.

Actually everywhere you see there is all kind of

information, for example, internet becomes

changed everything. Anyone can inquire what

they want and when so desire but this required

some sacrifices. For example, you could spend

your time in it if you want to be informed. Your

job, holidays or hobbies, family or friends will

resent your absence.

Daily Opinions August 19th, 2012

English 3

In addition, each morning we get a challenge, receive

valuable information from all news coming to us but many of

them are not important or constantly repeating. In several

cases people are affected by news, which change their humor

or behavior as a result of receiving such information, the truth

value of news is questionable, but we cannot change this or

ignore it because of the constant barrage that comes from all


In conclusion, we definitely need information every

day to be able to make decisions and some medium which

delivers this information. We must learn how to differentiate

between things that are really important and information that

merely wants to convince us to buy a certain product.

Luis Guevara


Is Homework Important in the Education System?

Homework have been considered an unnecessary extra

work because children and parents need a lot of time doing

them, but otherwise homework are very important for many


Daily Opinions August 17th, 2012

First, to complete the homework

sometimes parents and students need to

spend hours, looking for information on the

internet, magazines, books and others, where

require spend hours and hours and in most

cases they go to bed late. In some cases they

think that get at home after the school, high

school or work and doing long homework is

so tiring and boring.

Second, the homework is considered

important because reinforce the information

studied during class. Generally when

someone studies for doing test they learn the

material only to obtain a good score and

then the students forget the information. The

methodology with the homework is remind

the information during long time and allows

the student improve their knowledge.

Third, according to some

investigations, students that complete

exercises and follow instructions carefully,

learn and apply better the subject than those

students who do not. By the other hand

homework help reinforce the knowledge and

skills because the student had the

opportunity to access a lot of information

that allow him / her to get better work.

In conclusion, homework requires time

and effort from the parents and students and

long time looking information but finally is

possible identify that homework allow

reinforce and keep for more time their


Evelyn Calderón / Rayner Torres

Daily Opinions August 19th, 2012

English 3


Daily Opinions August 19th, 2012

English 3

Disabilities People every day try to be happy

Since the beginning our society has

conditioned some groups, even if they

showed great skills to do any job or activity.

This way, the best opportunities and

possibilities are for people without diseases

or limitations physical or mental. This

situation allowed these people to overcome

their limits and barriers put in their ways,

while presenting hard work and


Many groups to make up our society

have been discriminated either by their

religious beliefs, birthplace or appearance,

and have been denied their rights forcing

them to fight for. In this way throughout

history you can read about important

persons leading their social circles, some

changed radically the history like MalcolmX

or Mandela, and many others for day by day

overwrites their story although in some

cases are ignored, denigrated and even


For instance, you can hear stories

about strong people everyday who decide to

test themselves, amazing people with

disabilities overcomes their limits and

barriers of society every moment and tell us,

if you really want is possible. We have

many examples to follow up, like Laurence

Molina, a man who has showed great

strength, self-esteem and determination in

his life to achieve each goal he has been

laid. This athlete has managed to reach

places with much effort, where many people

with skills only dreams.

Daily Opinions August 17th, 2012

But we have many examples like Mr. Molina, people who show us much capacity to

confront difficult situations coming from illness or physical limitations of birth, for example

Lance Armstrong, he overcame a serious disease of cancer and won seven consecutive times the

Tour de France, a great record. But not only they are great, also we can see parents or family of

these persons fight to get better life or as close to normal life, helping these special people to

become real heroes.

To summarize, every day we can see or hear about real heroes and how they show us the

power of self-esteem and determination, the power to be mentally strong and not be overcome

by adversity either coming from illness, some people or society. Those people with support by

their family and real friends exceed the limits and earn respect to be happy.

Luis Guevara

Animal Intelligence

Koko, the Gorilla

People may think that the human species is the only one with feelings and intelligence.

Research has shown that there are some animals that have the capacity to love and protect their

families and other animals. Like Koko the gorilla.

Koko was adopted by Francine Penny (president of the Gorilla foundation). Currently,

Koko is 29 years old. She lives with Penny and other researchers in the facility, a Gorilla

foundation in Woodside, California where, Koko learned the GSL (Gorilla sign language).

That language let her communicate with people.

Daily Opinions August 19th, 2012

English 3

Koko knows over 1000 signs and it

helps her to communicate the things that

she wants to do, like playing with dolls,

playing with cats and watching TV. She

can understand 2000 words in the English

language. She loves books about cats; her

favorite book is “the three cats”.

Also, she is very sentimental, for

example her birthday (July 4) Koko wanted

a cat. Penny gave her a stuffed kitty, but

Koko said “Red” (it means that she was

angry). Koko felt sad because it was not a

real cat. In 1984, Penny took her 3 cats,

and Koko chose the one without tail. She

said “I like” and named the cat “All Ball”.

Koko loves that cat now.

In conclusion, the intelligence of

Koko is amazing. Her sensibility and her

capacity to love are great. Also, there are

other kinds of animals that show

intelligence, like parrots or dolphins.

Evelyn Calderón

Today at Discovery News you can find out why dolphins are now believed to be the world's

second most intelligent animals, with only humans displaying greater brainpower.

Daily Opinions August 19th, 2012

English 3

Strong Will Continue

Usain St. Leo Bolt born 21 August 1986, is

a Jamaican sprinter that has surprised the world with

his capacity, he has broken 6 world record in different

distances at the age of 25 years, he has become in one

of the most important athletes all over the world, His

achievements in sprinting have earned him the media nickname "Lightning Bolt" and awards

including the IAAF World Athlete of the Year, Track & Field Athlete of the Year, and Laureus

Sportsman of the Year these are just some of the achievements he has obtained.

A poor young man as many others around the world, but with a big difference he had a

dream that he could make it possible because of his courage and perseverance, he grew up in a

Jamaican small town in very poor conditions, and his family was his inspiration to get all his

goals. He overcome very difficult obstacles when he started training not much people support

him because they thought it was impossible for him, because he was poor and he did not have

any kind of support from anybody.

I think Usain Bolt is an inspiration for many people around the world, there are a lot

people that fells identify with him, something important is that we have to believe in ourselves

like bolt did, so this case show us that if we have a goal in our live we have to fight for it, there

are no other way to reach our goals, it is up to us getting or not our goals, we must face

challenges no matter how hard will be, giving and doing our best is the way to overcome


First of all every morning when we get up we have to thank God because of all the things

he provide us, and secondly we have to live our live with courage, trusting ourselves that we are

able to do everything that we want to do, there is no impossible thing to do everything is in our

mind each person has the skills to get their purposes.

In conclusion we do not have to let anybody tell us that we cannot do something, we can

do whatever we want, and of course we have to be hardworking to reach our goals.

Malik Cubillo

Daily Opinions August 19th, 2012

English 3


Daily Opinions August 19th, 2012

English 3

Technology Nowadays, our lives are sutured by different media communication.

A way ago the media communication system that existed was

simple and in some cases the message spends a lot of time to be

delivered. The most common system which the society used

was the telegraph or letters send by the post office service and

people participated in social activities for sharing with their

families and friends.

Currently, new changes in the world have obligated our society to create new

technologies that let them to a fast communication and information deliver. Facilities and other

services improve business environments and inform us about situations that happen around the

world and we also get information about training, education, entertainment and other more.

The different communication media systems, like television, internet, cell phones,

radios and social media like (Facebook, Twitter, Skype and others) are part of the social

media which people use nowadays. Advices like iPads, Smartphones, etc. Allows us to

immediately communicate between our parents and friends and it also allows us to be informed

about what happen around the world.

To spend a lot of time using these media can create an addiction to anyone and your

privacy and identify can be stolen. It is very important to be careful about what kind of

information we or our families can access, because a lot of information in some cases

Daily Opinions August 19th, 2012

English 3

¨is offensive¨ and can be through these media and sometime it is impossible to have any control

about this information.

Although, we can think that these of

media made our life much better and easier they

have also caused that we lose our necessity to

make our live easier sharing more time with our

family, in some cases our live have become like

the life of a ¨prisoner¨ due to a lot of technology

and we forget to spend real time with special


Rayner Torres

Media in Our Society

Media Influence in Our Society, we live in a fascinating world that is full of new technologies

every day we wake up asking ourselves what is next, what is the new incoming invention .There

are many options that people have to use media like: newspaper, magazines, yellow pages,

radio, television and internet which is one of the most important, all this media are so easy for

people to use also easy to find everywhere.

I really believe that media has had a big impact in the way we communicate with others,

for example it has reduced distances between people that is far away from family or friends, this

is one of the most important impact in society, but on the other hand it can causes that people

loss their identity, lack of privacy for example your personal information can be stolen and

there is another negative aspect like bad information that we can find or see in newspaper,

Internet, magazines, radio and TV programs.

Daily Opinions August 19th, 2012

English 3

An extremely important situation about media is that children can have access to

information that is not according to their ages so that must be a reason why we must care about

what children watch on media, some media are cheaper than others that causes that a lot people

have access, like for example internet that has had a big impact in society in comparison with

others because you can find it in many places.

Everybody everywhere can access media, looking for information about sports, news, and

entertainment or information for education, we can use it in the way we need it, it depends of

what information we need according our requirements, there are very good educational wed

sites where we can find good information that can help us to increase our knowledge.

I think there are not just bad things

against media there are many others benefits

that we have because of media for example

you can have communication with people far

away from you in a very easy way, internet is

easy to use and a very important thing you can

share with people all over the world.

Malik Cubillo

Daily Opinions August 19th, 2012

English 3