Daily Dispatch (Richmond, [Va.]) 1855-03-10 [p ] · 2017. 12. 19. · THIS DAILY DISPATCH. BT J. A....

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Transcript of Daily Dispatch (Richmond, [Va.]) 1855-03-10 [p ] · 2017. 12. 19. · THIS DAILY DISPATCH. BT J. A....


The DAILY DISPATCH li wived to aabaerlbera? t »)* AWO * QUARTS* CIMTI Pt* WSKX, Mfllllt totheCarrier weakly. Pri*e for mailing. #4 « year inadvance.

The WEEKLY DISPATCH la lmr<l mry Fri-day. and mailed to wWribtw at f I perananm.

MISCBLLANEOt 8.DR. LBON OELBARDT,on Broad St., Corner 1Oik, Richmond,

Virginia,Practitioner ef Medicine1 <n Poland. (Europe.) and for the iMt two jean

?i 365 Broom* etreet, New York city, reipectfullyottera hia profeeeicnal *»rviceaTO THOSE AFFLICTED WITH LOlfo

STANDING DISEASES!He conId present you tealimonial*. with real

narnea aed residence, from patient* cored by him inNew York, (many of which were pronounced incu-rable.) not lea* from many of Richmond, treated du-ring hn aherl *t*yin the city. Bui the Dr'« opinioni* '"Thaievery in4iridnal mtit! be hit own judge-," heI here tore prefer* to t. *T iacts »rr*k to* THltM-uuti!

Letter* aaking advice, suit he post-paid, and de-scribe the rii«e*«e tn fnll fi-anknet*

ttrimc drink unto him that is ready to /ierith,ano vine unto thou that be of heavy hearts j" (ProvSi; 6v.)

OR. LEON OELHARDrS "VEGETABLEBVR L' P." composed of Medicinal Herb* pre-pared under hi* care by Mr. 8. M. Zachri*.*on. Chemist and Druggist, at the corner of 6thand Broad street*, Richmond. Virginia. Thi* delight-ful Vegetable Syrup i* recommended a* a certain re-lief (when cure* em*to be impoasible) of all *uchd'*ea*e« aa Coaghs, Cold* Aithina. Bronchiti*Whoorm* Cough, for the allection of the Kidney*and B'adder, and it i« highly valuable for femaleD:«e ate* generally. By Children'* Sickneaaitprove*'.lie most desirable etiect, it i* very pleaaant to take*nd i! cans»s neither uneatinos* nor lo*tof appetite'Vsill direction* are furnished on each battle. TRYIT. and judge of tUe effect for yourielve*. U*e it ac-cordingly, and the reault willbe scf.ktain cure

Sold who!e*a!e and retail, and rent to any wart re-3uired. bv applying (if by letter po«t-pald) to Mr. 8M. ZACHRISSON, Druggist, corner 10th and Broadsta.. Richmond. Va.Price of Dr L. G.'s Vegetable 8> rup, large bottleore dollar; mall size, fifty cents.GT None are genuine without the denature ofDr. L G Full prescription can be seen at the Drug

tip'?- fe 12-bm/^RANARY AND FEED STORE.?V " The undersigned has taken the hoase corner ofKranklin and Wall street*, formerly occupied bvMessrs N. B. & C. B. Hill, for the puipose of con-necting the GKAIN audFEED BUSINESS, wherehe will keep constantly on bund a full assortment ofa:l kinds of Grain, Miil Otisl, Hay, Corn Meal audotner article* usually kept in Granaries and FeedStores.

He hopea by giving his business strict persuual at-tentionand sellingon reasonable terms, to secure aliberal pat.Jnage frem his friends and the publicgenerally. He will deliver any articlefree of chargeanywhere !u the corporation. He willalso attend to

SELLING COUNTRY PRODUCE,for a moderate e jmmission, and will insure for biscountry friends the highest market price ior any cons.jrtuent entrusted to him. JOHN W. COSBY.P 8 ?i still continue the LIVERY STABLE andHACKING and BUGGY business, at my Stable onWail Street, and solicit a continuance of the liberalpatronage heretofore extended to me.

fe 27?ts J. W. COBBY.i ROUND PJLAS'TER.?We keep con-VJ stantly on hand fresh Ground Piaster, and ourcare in the selections from the best Windsor LumpPoster enables us to recommend it as- the best thatcanbe had. Ail orders left at our office, on Carysweet, promptlyexecuted.

? _ ?TALIAFERROt BRO.N. B.?Farmers can be supplied in their own bags

at s reduction in price.Liberal discounts to merchants for cash.ja27?2 mNOTICE.?Kaviug qualified as Execu-

tiix of the la»t Wilt aud Testament of my latehusband, William Wallace, 1 hereby give noticeto ail persons indebted to his Estate at once to makepayment of their debts; and those having claimsij'-iinst the Estate, are requested to present theirclaims at once to me for payment.

CATHERINE WALLACE,Executrix of the last Will and Testament ofmil I?lot William Wallace, dee'd.

A CARD.?The subscriber, late of thefirm of WHITE Ai PAGE, begs leave to infoim

hi*fiends and the public generally, that he has takenthe old store. No. 13 Market Bridge, recently occu-pied by that concern acd will open the satne onXitarday next, the loth inst., with an entirely newst: cs of BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, fcc., of thebest and most fashionable styles He respectfullygjiicitspatronage. JOHN C. PAGE.Jamh 2



Will attend to the sals of Real Estate, and everydescription of Mercnandise. Household Furniture,Jtc Also?To Renting out Uouses, Collecting, Uc.mh 8


OFFICE removed to the store of Chris-tian J: Lathrop, No. 99 Main st ?In consequence

of the resignation of David R.Crane, Wm. H. Chris-tian was unanimously elected Cashier. The officeha- been removed to the store of Christian it. La-throp, where deposites will be received, on whichen interest of 6 per cent,will be paid on all sums re-maining ondeposite six months or longer, and fiveper cent, for a shorterpeiiod.

This institution has been inexistence twenty-eightyears; has loaned over eight million* of dollars; hasno suspended debt; hasneverlost one dollar, or fail-ed topay any certificate whendue.

JNO THOMPSON, President,WM. H. CHRISTIAN,Cashier,mh &-U GEO. STEEL, Secretary.

TO IRON WORKERS.?Proposals willbe received at the office *f theCity Engineer

until 12 o'clock M., on SATURDAY next, the 10thinstant, for making and delivering the Iron DoorFrame aud Shutters, required for the tire proofrooms to be constructed in the City Hall. The pro-posals must state the time which will be required tocomplete the work, and theperson towhom the con-tract is awarded,will be expected to give ample se-curity for the faithful compliance with the 'ermsofthe contract. The plans of the work ean be seen atthis office, where all further information can be ob-tained. W. GILL,

mh s?td City Engineer.

IJEMOVAL.» REM OV A L I^DRYJi- goods: DRY GOODS!?I respectfully in-form my friends and customers and the publicin gen-eral, thatI have removed to No. 2-5 Main street, fourdoors above the Market Bridge.

fe *l-2w» HENRY BROWN-

NORBORNE NORTON & CO., Deal-ers in Imported and Domestic CIGARS, No.I>>4 Main St., oppesite American Hotel, Richmond,Va , keep constantly onband a large and well select-

ed stock of Cigars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco,Huutf, Snuß Boxes, Pipes, Pipe Stems, 4cc., itc.mh 3

AVA LUABLE JAMES RIVERFARM FOR SALE, IN HENRICO COUNTY,wish toseli. privately, my Farm, called Lilly Val-i.ky. Said Farm lies six miles below Richmond, onOsborne Turnpike, adjoining the lands of BarrettsCox, the farm called Wilton, i.c. Said land lies re-markably well for farming purposes, and is now inahigh state of cultivation, containing 334 acre*. TheDwelling House i* new, containing four rooms ?

There are good Barns. Stables, and all necessaryout-houses. There is excellent water near the house,aud an abundance of springs.To those who wish to purchase, 1 would say, thatrarely such a chance present* itself. The location ishialtuy, the society good, and the land#are very

fertile.The subscriber will take pleasure in (bowing theand toany persons wishing to purchase.

ja23?tf B. O. AKIN, Henrico County.

\FOTICE.?Having bought of PAULU?Xl KEI'ERBACHER the stock of goods in hissiore on Broad street, between Cth and 7th streets,I u jille8 w >" hereafter be carried on for me byc°h Walner, my agent?purchases to be made forcash only, or by my special order.'"hti-7t« MARTIN ARNOLD."j| | BBLB. very superior highly flavored" Boston RUM; for anie bynil' B DUDLEY L CO., 72 Main at.YVINEB, BKANDIEB and other LI-QUORS?some verv fine and old; far sale by_ "lfa 8 DUPLE? fc CO., 72 Main st.VPAHKLING CHAMPAGNE CIDER,Porter and AJej for tale by.

ml ' 8 DITDLET It CO , 72 Main St.

'M |l I Adamantine CANDLES; 100A , Mitchell'# Fate lit do.t now laodioitDd loTttieb, RAWLINGS Ic MILLER,

Cor. Paatl and Gary ata.

f | JBJiEK'I'B LONDON POKTEB-* Jutt lauded and for sal* by... fi RAWLINOS it MILLER,-

mtl 8 Cor. Pearlaod Caryatr.( )LD bAZAEAC BKANDY?The finestarticle imported; for aaie by

? RAWMNGB A MILLER.~"' h 3 Cor. Pearl and Ca.yTts.S IPEK Dinner, Break(kut andk Sifver. Table and Tea Spoons;ijf Spoons; Sauce Spoona; Oyster

f, <* iekl * Knlvas and Porks; But-Wer ' Kr » u K"'ves. lie.; for stla by"b * GENHET It JAMES,Eagla Sqaara.

S'IiXHLSAED CAfiES.-P^Fd^:,u.if7 aaia by OCNHXT h JAMES,Zafls sqaata.


exceed*considerably that ol all tha Dally papers <fRiobmond combined.


M'i.LK R ACitßi ?A letter It published In one ofthe Now York paper*, from the brother of M'lleRachel, the tragedienne, denying In Indignantterm* the report of * Pari* feuilletonist that Io caaeol her death in the United State*, her mauagerawould have the right to exhibit her embalmedcorp*e. Rachel'* departure for America will beabout the 15th of August, and her debut in NewYork about the lat of September.

New Jsa*Kr Lkgmlatukk.?During a fiercedi*cu»*ion in the New Jeracy Legislature last Wed-nesday, on the Mount Holly Bank Bill, varlou*charge* of bribery were preferred, ltwaa statedthat $1,000 had been ottered Mr. Dexter to votefor the bill. Another charge waa against the fre ebank*, of abducting a member. Committee* wereappointed to investigate the charge*.

New Jkbsey Temperance Convention.?TheState TemperanceConvention of New Jeraey metat Trenton on the «th inst. The attendance wu?mall.

Kibe in Philadelphia.?The sash an J nvmill of John McCullough, in Willow street, Phila-delphia, was partiallydestroyed by fire last Wed-nesday night " Loss from §5,000 to %7,000.

Singula* ?The N. O. Crescent states thatJaines Richard*, who claimed to be a minister ofthe Methodist persuasion?a well built and ele-gantly dreuedman?was found lying in Old Leveestreet in that city one morning last week, in an'nsen.ible aud filthy condition. lie was carried tothe guard bouse, waere, on regaining h.s sensesi

he denied having boon intoxicated, but said he wassubject lu tita. The officers, however, felt positivehe was drunk.

Fihh in St. Mabv's Ga.?An extensive conflagra-tion occuriod in St. Mary's, Ga., on the 23d Inst.?Fourteen houses and stores, with outhouse* at*tached, together w'th S. Burns' Cotton Gin Manufactory , were destroyed. The fire wa* discoveredbetween 2 and 3 o'clock, A. M., in thj rear of JBashlott'd store, In an unoccupied outhouse, and issupposed to have been the work of en incendiary.The following names comprise the list of sufferers,viz : J. Bashlott, Joseph Arnow, P. Arnow, J. Vo-celle, estate of Silva, P. Pacetty, Samuel Bums,Messrs Gibbean & Dufour, JohnBessent and R. DFox The probable amount of ios* or insurance isnot stated.

Killed. ?While John Hardy, & citizen of An-derson District, S. C., was blasting rock on the 22dult., the powder accidentally ignited and sent aniron drill through his body, killing him almost in-stantly.

Election in Milwaukie.?At the late charterelections in Milwaukie, the whole Democraticticket was elected. J. B. Cross, for mayor, had1400 majority.

The Murder of Poole ?Warrants have been

issued lor the arrest of several persons, in NewYork, implicated in assisting the escape of Baker>the murderer of Poole. Members of the policeare suspected of preventing Baker's arrest.

Murder?D. D. McSween, of Fayette county,Texas, recently of Sumter county, Alabama, wa*

murdered by one of hi* negroe* on the 19thultThe negro who committed the deed, and threeothers, allegedto bo accessories after the fact, arein jail, awaiting their trial.

Signs of Spring ?The following pleasantitemfrom the Galve»ton (Texas) Civilian, of the 27th

ult:The daffodils "that come before the ewallow

dares," have been here for tome time ; and theswallows themselves, (our martins,) made theirfirst appearance last Friday morning. They arelooked upon a* the harbinger* of spring every-where ; and, *ince we have had rather a better detined winter than usual, we suppose we may an-nounce the advent of the season of flowers, albeitapretty sharp wet norther came in with the bird*of spring.

To Cube the Croup ?A writer in the "CountryGentleman"' give* the following prescription lor thecroup : Divest the child of all clothing about theneck and chest; then bathe the throat and upper part of the chest freely with cold water. Lettbis be done by pouring, sponging or very Ire-quent application of wet cloths. While this isbeing done, prepare warm water, and immerse theleet In it. This gives relief in a abort time; thechild should be put quietly to rest, with a jug ofwarm water to the feet when perspiration andsleep soon follow. Any one can follow these di-rection* immediately,and it 1* a complaint whichis soon latal, unless checked in the early stages,and many precious lives Bre lost because a physi-cian is not at band until too late to savefrom suf-focation.

Person* who have chargaof children, would dowell to remember thi* simple remedy. It ha* beentried a thousand, thousand time*, and b»a neverfailed Wc know agentlemanin Petersburg who*echildren who are very aubject to this distressingdisorder, and who tells us he never has any trou-ble?a sponge and a basin of cold water being hi*invariable prescription? South fide Democrat.

Late English papers report the death on the 2dof February, of the venerable Rev. G Fletcher, atthe age of one hundred and eight years. He wuborn onthe 2d of February, 1747, at Clarbrouf, inNottinghamshire. From alx years of age he hadbeen brought up in the tenets of Wesley ism, andremained a member of that body till his death.He spent eighty-three years of bis life in activepursuits. He was at the battle of Bunker's Hill.

A Ring in an Unusual Place.?Captain Lavender, of the acbooner Elizabeth Ann, of Pro-vincetown, Mas*., while tithing laat summer onthe Grand Bank of Newfoundland, took from the?tomach of a codfieh, a lady's plain gold fingerring, perfectly bright and smooth, and which hadnot apparentlybeen there long.

An Editoh who Keep* his own Pakson.?TheBanner of the Croat, an Epiacopal paper, publiahedat Philadelphia, says that General Hallock, once aclergyman himself, and bow one of the editoia andproprietor* of the New York Jcurnal of Commerce,resides in New "Haven, Conn , where be supports ?

church and minister himself. Every Mondaymorning the minister ia expected to breakfast withhim. and on lifting his plate finds his weeklysalaryof f4J beneath it.

The Pulpit and the Stage ?Rev. SheridanKnowlea?perbapa better known by many in hishistrionic than his ministerial character?preach-ed two sermons at Leicester lately,and two nightsafterwards his well known play of the Hunchbackwas performed at the theatre in that town.

Jn Luck.?Mr. James Powers, a boot and shoemaker in Boston, baa juat received the gratifyingintelligence that ha has become hair to about sixtythousand dollaraby the death of a relative in England and he is eoon to start for the Old World

Eleven Chinamen have been arretted at SanFraucisco, charged with extorting money fromtheir countrymen. Mr. Carvalho, the interpreter,testified that there were about eight hundred mem-ber, i? that city; that their avowedobject waa toaaaiat in the overthrow of the Man-Chow dynaaty,or itresent Chinese government; that each mem-ber bad taken a bloody oath to carry out the desiga eve# at the coat oi their Uvea; and lor Itssupport were levyingcontributions upon the weakana Ignorant, enforcing their demands with threatsof instaat death in ease of noo?compliance.

A yoang gentlemanat a ball, in whiskingabout theroom, ran hi* head againsta yoaaglad*. Ha b««s«to apologias. 'Hot a word sir," cried 'Ht Isnothard MM«|b to hut Mykoty "

RICHMOND, SATURDAY. MARCH 10. 1855,DEATH OF BISHOP REYNOLDS.Rtßev. Ignatius ALovaivsRxtnolm, D. D ,)ate

Biahop of the Catholic Dioceae which comprises theState* of North and South Carolina, died on Tuea-day laat, at the Episeopal reaidence, neai the Ca-thedral of St. Flnbara, Charleaton. The Charlea-ton. Courier aay*?

Bishop ItKYNoLS* waa In bis fifty seventh oreighth vear, and waa cloalog the eleventh year ofhta r.piacopal service*. He wa* born, we believe,ne 'r,t*ie

1 P r«*«nt city of Lonlavllle, Kentucky, im-mediatelybefore the admiarion ofthat State a* amember of ourcommonwealth orstatea Hl* clas-sical and collegiate education wa* finiahed at thewell known college of St. Mary's, Baltimore, andalter due preparation, he entered on the function*of the prleathood, hia field having for ita centre theimportant noat of Bardatuwn, Ky. Of the Catholicinstitute of St. Josephus In this city, Bishop Rey-nolds, if not actually the founder, waa a zealouspatron and moat diligentpromoter. After servingit in various station*, he wa*called to the presiden-*7i' w,t exerc WD g this troat, and waa alaoVicar General to Biahop Flaoxt, of Kentucky,when he waa duly appointed to the Dioceae ofCharleaton. Hi* consecration for thl* high andaolemn office took place in Cincinnati on tne 19thMarch, 1844, and hia actual entrance on his dntiesdatea from a few montha later.

THE NEW POSTAGE LAW.Tbe following Is an official copy of the law in

relation to letter postage, passed at the late sessionof Congress, and signed bytbePresident, requiringprepayment onand after the Ist of July next-Postage to California under this act will be tencents:An act further to amend the act entitled "An actto reduce and modify the rates of postage in theuolted States, and for other purposes," passedMarch 3 1851.

Be it enacted by the Senateand House ofRepre-sentative* of the United States ofAmerica in Con-gress assembled. That, in lieu oi the ratea of pos.tage now established by law, there shall be chargedthe following rates, to-wit:For every single letter in manuscript, or paperof any kind in which Information shall be askedfor or commun'oited in writing, or by marks orsigns, conveyed in the mail for any distance be-tween places in the United States not exceedingthree thousand miles, three cents ; and for any distanceexceeding three thousand miles, ten centsApd for a double Intter there shall be chargeddouble the rate above specified; and for a trebleletter, treble those rates ; and for a quadrupleletter, quadruple those rates, and every letteror parcel notexceedlng half an ounce in wilght,shail be deemed a siugle letter; and everyadditional weight of half an ounce, or additioualweightoi less than halt an ounce, shall be char-ged with an additional single poatage; and upoaall letters passing through or in the mail of the Uni-ted Statea, excepting such as are to or from a tor.eign couutry, the postage as above speeded shallbe pre-paid, except upon letters and packages acl-dressaed to officers of the Government on oflicialbusiness, which shall be ao marked on theenvelope.And from and after the first day of January, eigh-teen hundred and titty-six, the Postmaster Generalmay require postmasters to place postage stampsupon all pre-paid letters upon which such stampsmhv not have been placed by the writers.And all drop-letters, or letters placed In any postoffice notfor transmission through the mail, but fordeliveryonly, shall be charged with postage at therate of one cent each; and all letters which shallhereafter be advertised as remaining over, or un-called tor, in any post-office, shall be charged withone cent each, in addition to the regular postage,both tobe accounted for as other postages now are.

Sec. 2- And be it further enacted, That it shallnot be lawful for any postmaster or other personto sell any postage stamp or stamped envelop forany larger sum than that indicated upon the facee{ such postage stampor for a lareer sum than thatcharged therefor by the Post Office Department;and any person who shall violate this provisionshall be deemed guiltyof a misdemeanor, and, onconviction thereof, shall be fined in any sam notless than ten, nor more than live hundred dollars.This act to take effect and be in force fromand a -

ter the commencement of the next fiscal quarterafter its passage. Provided, That nothing hereincontained shall be so construed as to alter the lawsin relation to the flanking privilege.

Sec 3. And be it further enacted, That for thegreater security of valuable letters posted fortransmission in the mails of the United States, thePostmaster General be and hereby is authorized toestablish auniform plan lor the registration of suchletters on application of parties posting the same,and to require the pre-paymentof the postage, aswell as a registration tee of five centa on everysuch letter or packet to be accounttd for by post*master* receiving the samein such manner as thePostmaster General shall direct: Provided, how-ever, that such registration shall notbe compulsory;and it shall not render the Post-Office Departmentor its revenue liable for the loss of such letters orpacket* or the contents thereof.

Louis Napolkon'sHabits when in N. York.?We find the following paragraph in the N. YorkTimes:

"A puffof a dentist, formerly of thiscity, is goingthe rounds, to the effect that, on occasion of a latepresentation of Americans at tbe Tuilleries, theEmperor ofFrance recognized said dentist as theman who pulled a tooth tor him in New York, nearly twenty years ago. A correspondent who pro.fesscs to know the dental history ofLouis Napoleonin this country, writes us tbat the only teeth ex.tracted from the head of the illustrious exile duringhis sojournin this country were drawnfrom him byvirtue of an instrument commonlyknown as a po-ker, at that time in the hands ot an abandonediemale, whose character and history are familiar tothe police authorities of New York.?How our cor-respondent knows be does not say."

Lord Raglan stated before the military commit-tee which sat last year, tbat,with the exception ofLord Lynedoch and Sir Thomas Picton, tbe Englishbad no general officers in command in tbe late warabove 40 years ofage. The Duke of Wellingtonwas a major general at 33, the Marquisof Angleseyat 34, Lord Dalhousie at 38, Lord Stafford at 36,Lord Hill at 33, Lord Beresford at 30, Sir GeorgeMurray at 40, Lord Combermere at 31, Lord Lon-donderry at 32.

It is said that when Sir Charles Napierreturnedto England,and presented himself at the Admi-ralty, he was ushered into the presence, and thefirst Lord rose and offered the admiral his handSir Charles put his behind his baek, and grufflysaid, "I didn't come here to shake hands with SirJames Graham, but to report to the Admiraltythat I had retured from the Baltic Sea. 1'

High Prick fob Whkat.? In St Louis, on the'id instant, there were sold on 'Change 600 bushelsof white wheat at $2 per bushel, being the highestprice, tbe St. Louis Republican says, ever obtainedin that market. The quality was choice, but theprice is evidence of the scarcity of the article inthat market.

Luclan Aver, the Kansas banker, was sentencedat Exeter,N. H., on Wednesday last to five yearsin tbe state prison,forbreaking into a shop in Plaistow in 1851 and stealing $35 worth of shoes. Hisbail. $1000, which he forfeited by running away,had been paid.

Dikd inthh Cars ?A man named Holmes, for-merlyof Albany,but recently of California, havingonly arrived last Sunday, in the "Star of the West,"died in Ibe cars of the Hudson RiverRailroad Company, at Poughkeepsle, onMonday.

"1 have lived," said the indefatigable Dr. E D.Clarke, "to know tbat the great secret of humanhappiness is this: never suffer your energies to stag,nate The old adage of 'too many irons in the fire,'conveys an abominable lie. You cannot have toomany; poker,tongs and all?keep them all agoing.'>

Prince Torlonia's wife, the last of the Colonnp,after a fruitless union of fifteen years, is now dailyexpecting anheir, and the Prince, to show his joyhas proclaimedthat he will give 1000 crowns (£215)te every child in Rome, rich or poor, born on tbesameday as bis heir.

Novel Cask.?A dog merchant, who suppliedthe College of France with these animals for pur-poses of experiment, having lost his wife by deathmade the best of the event, and assuaged his afflc-tlon by selling her body to a surgeon for threefrancf. The facilities forprosecuting the stud* ofanatomy, are very superior at Paris.

A keeper of a lager bear eeller in tbe Bowery, NYork, for thepurpose of evading tbe law requiringWm to close his place on Sunday, has haw tn thehabit of holding religious services therein. Herends a chapter or two in the BIMa,aervee eaeh ofhis hearers with a glass oi beer, and take* up a col-lection..' rVoul. AarcKaioM.?Edgar A. Poa'a ?' ftavaa" ha*baao daoonncad aiiParrian. TbU la a abunafaJ libat

»» » r*toctobla> AaMriaM bird, ia4 tba seat ani-Dant litararyaathorlUaa flatly dlaova thatFtmi mfinh*.

VIRGINIA.Bhtr onf lax.?We leans from the Norfolk Ar-

l« that on Wedneed ay laat, tha ship Arabella, ofNew York, lying at a wharf in that city forrepair*,waa discovered to be on lire, andbefore die flame*were arreated, considerable Injurywaa done. Thecable, rigging', mlzen-maat, Sic., were burned. Thedamage la perhapaaa much aa <3000.

Budd*w Dkath.?The Petersburg Intelligenceratatea that MUs Martha Goodwyn, daughter of Col.Braddock Goodwyn, realdlng on Halifax street inthat city, fell dead in her chamber on Wedneadaynight. She waa blind from her birth, and had en-joyedgood health up to the time of her death.

Fatax. Accident.?ln Wheeling,onMonday laat,Jamea Hughea waa churthed and inatantlykilledbeneath a maaa of alate, which fell upon him inStephena'coalbank. He had ju*t procured em-ployment,and waa going into the ground to com-mence work when the fatal accident occurred-

Political Itxms.?The Fredericksburg Recorderhas the following;

We are authorised o aay that Major Oscar M:Crutchfield will be a candidate for re-election inthia county.

Col. Wto. H. Browne haa requeated ua to atatethat at the requeat ol hia Irlenda, he did net go intothe Convention at King George Court House lastThursday, and did nottherefore aubject hlmaelf toany obligation to abide by it* deciaion.

Fredericksburg Guards.?At a late meetingoftbia company, the following preamble and resolulutious were adopted:

Whereas, this corps having visited the city ofRichmond on the 22d of February la*t, by invita-tion from their brethren in arms, the gallantYoungGuard, and having had the pleasure of seeing itsbeauties, listening to its select orators, and enjoyingH* unsurpassed hospitalities?Therefore,

Resolved, That our cirdial thanks are especiallydue to the Young Guard o( Richmond, for the hear-ty welcome we received, and the unbounded hos»pitolitywith which.we were entertained duringourlate visit.

Seaondly, Resolvea, That we congratulate our-selves on havingformed the agreeableacquaintanceoi the YoungGuard, and hope we shall ever havethem as brothers?we met them as such, and leftthem bound to usby still stronger ties.

Singular Accident.?ln Petersburg, on Thurs-day night last, a negro boy belonging to Mr. GeorgeKidd, was walking through an alley with a pitcherof water in each hand, when he stumbled and fel 1upon one of the pitchers, which inflicted a dange-rous wound on his throat.

Post Office Matters.--ThePostmaster Generalorders the tollowing:

Establish an office at Perkins' Spring, Braxtoncounty, and appoint Jacob Ilyer, postmaster. Re-establish Tappahannock,Essex county, and appointWm. A. Muse, postmaster.

Appointments. -Samuel S. Whitlow, postmaster,Brockneal, Campbell county Va., vice David T.Williams, resigned. Henry S. Woody, postmaster,Sydnorsville, Franklin county, Va , vice Kennel C.Gilbert, resigned. Josephus Greybill, postmaster,Beech Spring,Lee county, Va., vice Abraham Whis-man, resigned.

Fires in Albemarle.?The Charlottesville Jeffersonian states that the kitchen of Mr. N. D. Gools-by, near Warren, wa* destroyed byfire last week-The stables of Mr. John P. Halbach and Mr. JohnSimpson, in Charlottesville, have been destroyedlately, and several other incendiary attempts havebeen made during the past week.

Mr.McGowan.?The Petersburg Intelligencer ofyesterday says:

We learned last evening, from a gentleman, thatMr. McGowan, who was shot at Weldon, NorthCarolina, on Monday last, is rapidly recoveringfrom hi* wound*.

The South Side Democrat of the aame date?ays:

A gentleman who came In from Weldon laat evening, inform* us that Mr. McGowan ia still in a criti-cal situation, althoughhopes areentertained that hewill eventuallyrecover.

New England Isms.?Tha following wa* writtenby John Quincy Adam*, in 1813:"If New England loses her influence in the eoun-cils of the Union, it wili not be owing to any dimi-

nutionof her population. It will be from tha partialsectarian, or as Hamilton called it, clannish spirit,which makes so many of her politioal leader* jealousand envious of the South. This spirit is, ia its na-ture, narrow and contracted, and it always works bymeans like itself."

Death from Hydrophobia.? On Bcmday night,Henry Bender, an aged gentleman, living on theBriitol turnpike, above Frankford, 23rd ward, diedfrom tbe effects of tbat diitr«a*lng malady hydro-phobia. Last October, Mr. Bender wu bitten by biiown dog who wu rabid, af was also one of his horses,which shortly afterwards died. It waa thought tbatMr Bender had eicaped, but on Friday last be coir,plained of being unwell,and grew rapidly worse, until death relieved himof hissufferings.?Phil. Ledgerof Weinetday.

Child Frozen ?It is reported that a child wasfrozen to death on tbe night of the 28th inet., underthe following circumstances. The family were camp-ing outwith a tent near the Pottawatomie Missior,some forty miles distant. In the evening the chili*,about five years of age, was wrapped ap and put tobed. On the next morning, when the parents at-tempted to wake it, tbey fonnd it was a frozencorpte. The night was the coldest one we experien-ced this winter.?Kaiuae Fret State.

It has for some time been announeed that M. deMaubreil, whoplayed a strange part in the drama ofthe fall of Napoleon, and who, as is well known, pub-licly gave Talleyranda box on tbe ear, for having, ashe said, disavowed bim, was about to publishhis me-moirs. They are now ready for the press, but theauthor's friends are of epinion tbat the disclosuresthey contain cannot posiibly be printed at the pres-ent time?either in France orany neighboring coun-try. It is stated that M. de Manbreuil (who longsince changed bis name) is about to come to thiscountry on purpose to publish hisrevelations of tbepast.

Strangerecovery of Property.?The NatchezCourier, of the 27th ult. relates a singular stery oftbe recovery of stolen money. Nearly two yearsago, Rev. Wm. Hood, of Monroe county, Mississippi,was robbed onboard a steamerof nearly $800 inbills.The tblef stole the yawl from the beat, and musthave been drowned, as, on the 17th nit. hisbody waafound by a negro emons some drift wood, and in hisvest was discovered $750 of Mr. Hood's bank bills,which have been restored to him.

A FAiTRrvL Doe.?Dr. Fay of Charleetown, Massachusetts. bought a dog to watch his premises, andthe brute began his official labors by seizing his newmaster first by tha heel and then by the thigh,whichhe lacerated shockingly. Four or five chairs wetebrokenover his head, nut the faithful animal wouldnqfletgo till scalding water was poured upon him.

The jar*at Lexington, Ky., in the case of Greggand Mrs. Frszier. indicted for the alleged murder ofthe husband of th* latter, being unable to agree, havebeen discharged by the court. Tbey stood seven foracquitting and five for nonvieting.

Mr. Phillips, an American citizen,arrested somemonths ago in Switzerland, being mistaken for Mas*zini, has been paid by the Swiss Government twothousand francs damages for the fewdays' detentionto which he was subjatted.

Extension or Timr.?The Indiana Senate haspAed a bill supplemental to the prohibitory law,wbioh gives to persons now engaged in the ir aoufac-tors of liquorsthe privilege to continue until Janua-ry next. Tbe bill is likely to pass the House.

Bishop or Illinois.?lt is reported at Chicagothat the Bishop of Illinois, unable to come to anysatisfactory arrangements with the committee, as tothe Episcopal residence, has determined to resign.

A paraon wblatlea when ha hM eold fiogtra, aadha whtatlaa whan ha baa burnt hia fiogar*; aad,atraaga to aay, when ba bu loat bla momy, bawbiatiaa for it alao.

Vary diacoaragtßg aceounta h»»a baaafrom Ola Buli'i eolonj of Morwagiaaa, la TotU*eouaty, Panßiylvaoia. Manyoftbapaop'atbaxaarain a atate bordaring oa »oaitf*a daatiiattoa.

Thapaymantofa Cfriaay aoM«arlathrg

*I^g?ggggSgH i bßtwiii ft P !L #w»M oaiknu ytftbtdlv ottH'i, 1a wblab tiro « tbiaa pa»«M ware aaaiy aw



BPIAtITOFTHE FKEBB.Tbe Enquirer urges the Democracy in the 2ndor Central District to appointdelefllM to »»fH aConvention to be held at Cbartotteevilleonthe 19thor April, for thepurpoeeof nominating a candidate

Pnhu *J? * 01 Com ®i«*ioner of the Board ofState n«T J** 1" 0publw,e*\u25a0» *M»eae of theStateDemocratic ExecutiveCommittee to the De-mocracy of Virgin,., andeom3*7uffrantmanly and admirable documwt. In toother artLcle, the Enquirer argne* to prove that the pretenceof neutralitywhich the Nnow Nothings aflect, la adeception; that their .acret purpc., J*tothe meaauru* and policy of the Whig part* in theevent of their aucceas. It aaka If aay Whl. .hnreally regards the honor of bis party will '? aaaentto anyauch discreditable arrangement!" and affirmswith confidence "that no intelligent Democrat canbe deceived bythe atratagem, and that no boneatDemocrat will conaplre with Knowfor therestoration of the Whig party to power."

Tha Whig publlahe*the entire description of thepolitical encounterat Spotsylvania C. H , on Mon-day laat, aa 'given In the Frederiekabnrg Herald.The Whig preface* thereport with a few remarks,which it head* thus: "The Canvassraging I?Ex-Governor Smith on the Stump! I Hi* EnemleaRouted and Wise Flayed Alive 111 The writercontinues:

Political opponent a* heia, wereapect and honorGov. Smith for the noble and manlystand he haataken againrt the party trickatera who aeek to driveand laah him into the aupport of Henry A. Wi*e.Whatever the leaders and whippers-in may it?ordo, the masses of theDemocratic party will proudlysustain him la the course he has adopted.The PennyPost comment* with aome severity on

the letter of Rev. C.A. Davis, which appeared inthe Enquirer of Thursday, denying that Mr. Wise*in his speech at the African chnrch, made anassaultupon the Methodist church. The Post gives asketch of Mr.Davia' public lite in Washington, andsays aa he has but recently become a resident ofVirginia," it would be no more than right for himto abstain from meddlingwith the political affairsof the State until he has at least acquirod a right tovote." It rflpeats what Mr. Wise said, as takendown by its reporter, that "If we are to have aPope, for God's sake let him be a Catholic Pope,awayover in Italy, and net one of your ProtestantPriests kneeling at our lovefeaaU."

Me. Soule.?The Pari* correspondent of theJournal of Commerce, announcing the departureofMr. Soule for.the United States, copies the follow-ing, ostensibly written in M adrid, from the Repub-lican Siecle.

"Mr. Soule has quitted ourcapitol. Theeveningbefore his departure, he took official leave of theQueen. Isabel gave him s mo»t flattering recep-tion?such a one a* indicated an affectionate inter-est. This will not surprise those who know howvery kindly he ha* been alwaysreceived by theQueenof Spain, who even did him the honor to callhim to her smid the most critical circumstance* ofla*t summer * * *. Thedayafter hi* departure fromMadrid, a pamphlet wa* widely diatributed, whichrepresented him aa a sincere friend of an intimatealliance between the United States and Spain, of atreaty of commerce, and an entire reciDrocitv ofTariffs between Cuba and the Union."A Supposed Suicide.?On Friday la*t,*k printer,

named Matthew Robinson, wa* fonnd dead in hisbed at Ellet's Hotel, Stewart*villa, Pa. From thefact of aome powder, anppoaed to be atrychninebeing found be*ide hi* bed, it ia believed that hepoisoned himself.American Colonization Society.?Rev. Mr.M'Lain, Secretary of the {American Colonization

Society, haa issued an urgent appealfor fund*. Iaconsequence of the "hard time*" the receipts are$16,000 less than laat year. Ha aaya 10,000 areneeded at the presentmoment.

Capt. Andrew Andrews, of Richmond, Lake co.,Ohio, leaped from the night express train on theLake shore road, near the Painesville Depot, onFriday laat, and was so badlyinjuredthat ha diedon Saturday morning. He said he jumpedoil tosave a half a mile travel.

One Mr. Hunt, who sold manv tickets for a giftConcert at Conneraville, la, and then absquatula-ted, was caught, brought back, narrowly escapedlynching. A distribution of his money among theticket holders was had, and he was sent to jail,from which he was afterwards discharged.

It appears from a statement compiled bjr the Au-ditor General and State Treasurer that the Statedebt of Pennsylvania on the Ist of January lastwas $40,945,145, which,as compared with the debton the Ist o{ January, 1851, shows an increase of$760,908 61.

Prince DemikofF, the rich Russian, who latelyplaced bis immense revenuesat the service of tbeCzar, advertises for a loan of $200,000.

CpOR SALE.?WOOL TRUNKS, PAD-£ DINS, FACING, LINING and BOOK-BIND-ING SKINS ?The public aie hereby informed tbatthey need notgo North to boy these articles, as tbeundersigned has tbem alwaysonhand as good and ascheap as thy can be bought at tbe North. Manu-factory on Brook Avenue, opposite Bacon QuarterBranch Tavern. J.C.JONES,

fe 26?d&c6m

Dry goods cheap for cash?Wishing to dispose of my Fall Stock of Dry

Goods, I now offer the remainder at remarkably lowprioes for cash; and persons purchasing Goods willfind it greatly to their advantage to oalL as ?she Goodsand prices shail suit them. Do not fail to sail earlyat tbe old stand, corner Ist and Broad sts.

ja13?3 m W. BOOTIfIOHT.

XTEW STORE AT TYLERSVILLE,il ROCKETTS ?ENROUGHTY It CO. have es-tablished themselves at Tylersville, to conduat a ,wholesale GROCERY and COMMISSION BUSI-NESS, and have taken that large and ooamodiooa Ifire proof Warehouse lately bu'lt by Messrs. 8. Me-.Grader k. Sons, where we Intend to keep a generalassortment of Groceries, and to sell at a small ad-vance upon prime eost to punctual customers. Wehope to share a portion of tbe patronage of theneighborhood and the surrounding country, whenwe hope we shall make it to their interest to give «sft CI11.

STORAGE WANTED.?We can take on Storageany Goods that may be offered. For Molasses, Fish,Tar, fee , we have a Cellar not surpassed by any inthe city, free from freshet.T' ENROUGHTY fc CO- j

ah 8?I«t . Rooketts.

TAMES D. ELLETT, Gkkzrae. AMWTand Commission Merchant, Office reuse***

to the Odd Fellows' Hall, Franklin street, ou* squarebelow Exchance Hotel, again offers hta se-rrtoeetotbe pnblie in Hiring out Negroes, Collecting CUinw,

Renting Houses and buying and eeiliMevery description. He is also kindson Storage, at aveiy ®oderato end »»«

of produce; and when sold byhlmMll.noeStor.ge. He also has aasple *2 I*il» ibfetef,Xout ta -l£r by alat« oreUnanse o?£J*y forbids their sUndin,!

do82 :

NOTICE ?For the convenience ol per-in tbe vicinityof Rocketts ? r sur-..T'Vn^htarlu^i,Ve have thlsdav estobh shed

« t a pi.eeof deposit for Wtere? J/l /ram tho Riehmona P. O. Persons aval, ins»kJm«Llves of (be convenience of same, will find It£ihSr interest, as totters wiU be regularly forward-!S fhronsh Jtlshmond P. 0.. and when directed tonu>x 287 in same will be punctually fonnd in war£££?of depositat Baeketts Letters will be sent Jto£.lebmoad PTO. everyday at 3 o'clock, and caa kt»depositednight and day. A chargeof2 seatswißbe

V..»ob letters eaeb way: tha Sam* will be paidla when letter* arc deposited and whan they tl*taken oat. ENROUGHTY 4t CO.

Mb??6t* Tylersville,Rocketts.174R8T LOVE AND WEDDING CAKE.M. Another supplyof than* two justly

and choice brands Chewing Tobaeao, just inaaifdand for sale only by

NORBORNE NORTON k C6.164 Mate at,mh B?3t Opposite Aasatlsaa Metal.

CTORE FIXTURES.?A double C«m-O ter. 4 feetby S4 feet. for Dry Clo-thing or Shoo stare, wttb U large Drrn rare and took-ers?eold for waat of room, a great bar, lain.

Alaa, a medians Hen lag'sBale ana' a Mahogany

1 IQUOBB.?2O hklf ptpea Ifrench Bra*-v^mkfs/s:

iseertlon, aad »eea ta fot eaah ?Me??, ?<

BPBCIAL NOTICES.AMERICA* UoTSL, KiCHHWD, Ti.-Tk»aabdc to mMMiy libnMiitot aa Maaday,karat 12th. 'M, the rate of Beard si the Amlrl:CAN HOTEL will toniml toilatead of the former price of#*Mml Bond Mi dotmath taatsedef fluThe ntotritoi bega to Intorn: htofriaada that thammrn ittmtoa ni oaf* \u25a0halt to mM the (Mala oftba American aa hat heretofore iadeeed thair patooa-

ate. J. MILDEBERGERTmITHTmb 7?d2wicc4tFletcber'r Hair Tohio excel* every

thing for beautifying u4 improviag tha hate. Matoilet table to eomplefe without it, ui a aiogle trialto qaite sufficientto ehowita food (fat. The greatauccdae of tha Tonla has brought ap a heat ofiaoit*-ton, (who know aa tha treat*eat of thahair aa the mas la the mooa,) whaea aoxioas aaix-turee have fioAwad ao much mtoehiefu< aanoy-mt

Persons wishing tha original ani gsauine actlaia,eaa ha iqpHajby tha maaafhatarer.JOHN JOHNSON,

,Th* RiLtxne heats of summer leavebehind them a long train of evila. The meat anteer*\u25a0»» of thaaa are general debility,and it* eveattea-aaat, lowneas of apirita. For these we eaa raeoaa*S'°j'£*'*** and infallible rata, ia tha thaaa ofj"i?SpiST*,?,*ll B,tt#r,» prepared by Dr. C. If.rh?.Ts' ""lladaiahla. Itla, inour aaiaioa, aMli<

to r.^h ynrV-"ooa-anapproaehabier It aaaawfonInt" B head of the difficulty lath*.Iff".? ??' "d tbaa to relieve tha

* d̂?

tb* Wood of the macerim morbi, ot

SSetaitily tha constitution. Saab laoSJ'ow.

mh 5-d2wRemoval.?The Office of the BiobmohdFire Association haa been removed to the aeaomiStory of the Building corner of Main and 11thate.?BT*Entrance on 11th atreet.

.ARs. lLe^ tio,,? for *,RE' MARINE or Lin: inn.(LANCES, will be promptly attended to.Without boasting of their ability to comely withtheir obligations, tEeyUke plea-ore in re&gtoall who have had bnaineaa with the Office for tha?atiafactory manner ia which it bee baaa »??*-\u25a0»

JAMES C. CRAMS, PresidentJno. H. Bqsher. Secretary. JalSBleeding or tbb Lunqs.?Ralugh. NC , Feb a, 1856. '

Metiri. Mortimer k Mowbray.?l do hereby oertifvthat about twelve montha aga I waa taken with a ae-vere hemonhage of the lungs, and had four attacksof it. I waa advised to try Dr HaaPToN'a Vcge-taileTincturs. I procured one bottle, and aftertaking whieb I waa aatiafied that I waa much betterand that after taking the fourth bottle I waa entirelywell, and now I aajoy as good health aa ever I didin my life. 1 can, and do without the leaat hesita-tion, recommend the Tincture to all peraonaafflictedin my way.

Yours, Qso. W. Wiitur.CURE PITS?BEAD!More to th* Sick than Oclo.?Prom one ofthe moat reapectable Druggiats in South CarolinaCharleston, 8. C.. Sept. 21,1853.

Mrsrrt Mortimer k Mowbray The aale of jourHampton's VegetableTincture ia increaaing ev-erydaj, and every bottle eold reeommenda tbia valu-able medicine to theafflicted. Several of our slant-era have tried it in different cases with astonishingauoceaa, and are getting it by half dozeas. It hssbeen found to be the greatest remedy for rheumaticaffectiona, and a wonderful enre haa been performedon a negro hoy auffering from flta. I will fhrniahyoa with a number of certificates, if you wlah them.I am,gentlemen,yours, W. G. TaoTT.Call and get pamphlets gratia, and a«e curea ofCongh, Bronchitis,Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Djapep-aia, Nervouaneaa and General Weakneaa. As a fe-male medicine, or for delicate children, we believeit unequalled.

Bold in Richmond, byO. A.BTRECKER and PUR-CELL, LADO It CO., aid by all the Druggists iaP eteraburgand elsewhere. Call aad gatPamphlet*gratia. mh 6 dltetc

Medical Card.?Dr. P. H. Christian,offers his profeeaienal services to the citisens ofRichmond. Office on Main Street, next door to J.G. Wayt, OeaHtt fe 26?12t

Drs. Atwood A Chase, HomoeopathicPhyaiciaas aad Surgeona, No. 157 Mela atreet, overBatten k Simona' Bookatore, Richmond, Va.A. H. ATWOOD, M. D. f I. P. CHASE, M. D

fe 24?lmWalter Harrison?office corner of

Main and 10th atreeta?haa resumed the practice ofLaw In all the Courtaheld in the eity ofRichmond,

fe 13?lm*Europe.?Perrons wishing to Bend their

Daguerreotypes to Europe, ate Informed thatthey can havethem tahea in a auperior and durableSle, warranted not to be affected by axpom re to

t air. M. P. SIMONS,fe IJ 151 Main it.

Jwo. W. Wriobt & Co. are preparedto receive all kinds of Predace aad Merehendize onStorage, at their Warehouse on tkeDoek, oa aa tea*eonable terma as it can he taken in tha city.

fa 18?6 mBam'l Cart, Dealer in Paper Material,

(Rags, Ropes, Baccwc, he..) Boath franklin at,5 doora West of Old Market, bays email aa well aalarge iota. * d>m

A Valuable Family Medioihe.?Bocelebrated has Dr. M'Lane's Vermifuge become.that It it regarded a* the onlyspecific core (or venae.FamUie< ahoald neverbe without a (applyo{ It- Atthis eeaeon particularly,whenworms are *o tronblo-aome and frequently fatal among children, parentsshould be watchful; and en the first appearance ofthoee distressing symptomswhich warn ne of theirpresence, at once apply thiapowerful and effioseiousremedy. We are confident that it only reqairce atrial, to convince all that it tichly merit* the PWWMthat hare bean Uriahed npon it Itit aafe and Infal-lible. Volumes of certificates earn be prodused,showing itsgreat medical virtues.

P. B.?The above valaable remedy, also Dr. M*>Lane's Liver Pills, saa now be had at all respects-

"ifTSKsass&ianTtake bom bat Dr. M'LANE'S VERMIFUGE.All others, In comparison, am worth leas.

mh s?dkclw .Good Medicines. Long-continued and

systematic puffing will succeed in bringing anyworthleee nostrum before tha pabile?but, lackingmerit, it eaneot long retain the poattioa it for a whileassumed. We desire merelytomqkofTABLER 8ANODYNECHEERY EXPECTORANTknown tothe public,feeling confident that so good a medicinewhich hasbeen endorsed by eotoe of the brightestornaments of the medleal fcenlty, will realise Its

throat. It hee>«on_prod»ctl? >or wmmm

CORDIAL in their practice.deeeripthre pamphlets, to be had gratiaoffor each only » cents, or As bottle* tot

?®*B. H.STABLER fc CO- PrmrWftent '

Wholesale Drusrists, ialtL«se«*;PURCELL, LADD A CO.,

Wholesale Aieats,KWuaoaiM.r.^Ut.^^hrcjjh.

BOUNTY i~AND. &0.Iwill prosecute claim* against tieFede-

ral Government to BOUNTY LAND and PEN--81 ONB, onthe moct oatiamto/y tenia.

Under a recent netof i?)dtarewho eerv-ed a period of four term days <\u25a0 «np w, sfnce 1118and if each solders he dead, tbnlr widows eg efcU*dren are entitled to 160 acres of land. These wh»have received lees than 1W ee<en. are entitled to asmoeh more as w«l jcnake that quantity.

Having been engaged as a clerk fa the Penetaaand Bounty Land Department at WMMafte*, *rnearly three years, 1 \ave pecnllar adyaeugee foeproee eating elslras ef the above deeeription.

Commuuleatlone bymail, j**jmtf.or at tbe aAe*of Paynek Mayo, onlHh street, between Mate an#Cary, will be attended to at eeoe.

Any reference given that may Ufatalmlit-ttvie ABEL u. MAYO.

"O AOON?18 hhds. prime Bidet; lOhhdt.D prime Bhoaldem lttt new tugar-cured Hajms,frrfomUyueoi *»

CH JyT WORTHAM kCO-CSOAP.?500 boxes Hiae't superiorBoap;0 for sale by CBAI. T. WORTHAM a CO.

mht ..^r-

-60 boxes Jaektoa'tTaHePV C«UU«lbr r WORTHAM «. 00

1 IMBBBD .WBftK WlgßPmggits.
