Post on 30-Nov-2021

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Transcript of D' R. GOODWIN'S OFFICE,



sr The party which has earned so many Northern States by Mich an incredi- j ble revulsion of sentiment, is the peace I party—for peace, whenever it can advan-1 tageon*!y he secured—the party which it line beaten, is the a)ionMt,l--;>tmppcd war pari).—[Dubuque li .rald.

Of course The Val laud ighammirs are for peace—it is t!.o peace party. Its fbeenben stay at Lowe to abuse the gov-Urnment of their country and vote their sympathy for traitors and for peace with •h«>m, while loyal men go to the war to

> #u» do«u treason and rebel lion on the |pttle field. ' ?

E9~ Gen. Butler has cleaned out the aeceah clergymen io New Orleans. Be

.•entsnced the Rev. Messrs. McCoy, Hedges and Hilton to Furt Lafayette, and Rev. Mr. Jess^p to Fort W&rren.

We don't see why theseceeh preachers ^|ave not just as goods right to preacb %ain«t the government of the country in

few Orleans, ae the Mabony sympathisers % the North have to advocate the ob *t ruction of the measures of government

£fcr the restoration of the Union and flic authority of the I'nited States.


The following fine poem by Prof. Long-follow appears in the December nnmbsr irf the Atlantic. It i« the first published

by him since the aad accident wUiohkl^--bronght such mourning to his house :


The Dubuque Herald has came •iui again in <uH site. By the way, that

lord •'Herald*' is getting to be an awful

hard name for a paper. The New York

and Dubuque papers of that name are •uough to stigmatize any word in the language however euphonious or proper in its original <bs«.

Blair u elected to Louis, beating Mr

Gen. Frank Con press from Bt.

Knox 138 votes.

Who ark FreitTijra oca Battlis T— slight examination of the elections of

• last year and thin, will show who have •gone to the war from this county. Last fear A. R. Fulton, Republican, lor Coun­ty Judge, rooeived 136'J votes, and W. li. Littleton, Democrat, for the same office, received 1141. This year, Wm. Long, Republ ican, for County Clerk , re fiui-d 1146 on the home vote, and J. 8.

Deioocrst, for the same office, re-I 1112. While the Kepubltcsn

home vo».p fell off iI ih jfcBr ^04, the Dem­ocratic rt»te h?U off only 29. The in­crease to the Republicans ainoe last year, counting the soldier's vote?, ha* beeu L'75,' and during the sauie time the Democratic vote has increased just 6 votes. Here­after, you lying scoundrels, don't try to convince hoDent nun thst the Democrat", i* they pain another year as they have the put, will carry the election m lfc-63. Nobody but a fool will believe it.—(Fair­field Ledger.

®®"~1 he Ericsson Battery Passaic pas­sed a fina^ trial a few days since. The New York Tribune says:

1 he facts established by the experiment are as follows :

1st—A gun may be fired inside a tur-

At each or to Hampton Road* ire lay, On baud of tin L'oml»rlu4 *loo|>-of-Wa/y

And at limps from thefortreu MrOW tbSwa? ' **'" The alarum of drama awept pad. Or a bugle-blatt J ; >, v j

F/oiu the camp un there. * " /|

Tb*a far »*aj to the aoutfc apnN* ** mm ^ i A lilt I* feather »f «T»<>*r-»liiw VkioS* si njfcis

Aad we knew that the iron Alp of oar £ee Waa Kteadllj starring It* couree To try tfce (ore* . mi i : ?'/j

Of oar rib* of oak. ^ m i

Dawn apoo a* bewrily itBaa** ,n 8ileut ana Mtllen, the Soatlag fort;

Then come* a puff of (Bokc fiue fcer guoa, And leap* the terrible death, With Sery braath,

Fr«a» each open port,

W e are aotldie, iMt-aaiid tier AralfU Defiance back In a full broad*Ide ! *'•

A*h <11 reboattd* from a roaf of slate,, ^ fi k«Bud* our beaTier kail Fro*i eacb iron icala

Of tha BOiiltfr'n hidtt,

"Strike juurflaj!!" the rebclciiea, In hla arrofrant old planution etrain. i

" Htrer " our gallant Murrla rep^e*; * ** M 1* Timor to tint than to yMSt" AJ<I tha wkaU »lrp*n>aS . -

Vt'ltttkf ekaara of our pan •• j \ •

*fc«% IU«a krakea k««e -She eru»l<«<l nur tika la kar itaa fraa^J

U-»u weut ibe Cumberland ell a wreefc,,t ,, Wttk a autldM *hn44er of deatta, AAd tka eannon** breatk.

For bar dytnf snap.

He*t morn, a* the inn roee arec tke baj^ still Seated otir flag; at >be —^|nmnwMinrt

lord, how beautiful era* Thj dttff , E*ery waft of the air ; . ^'a» a wl;l»i»er of praytT, ...

Or a 01. ite for the dead.

fto : h'aveheart* that irant dewa Ut th*aaaa M

Ve urr nt j. -n e In tlw troubled *tr»aa. Ho! Vr iv* l*n'l ' »ltti !, «ui tbeae,

Tb> flag Utat la rent lu iwalo, Shall be one afaln, v

AXkS without a aeatn t '*

let. 2d In order to sppreciste the nature

of the second result, it should he known that the Armstrong ^nns in England have been condemned for use on shipboard, fhicfly becausr a bufficient nunber of uien jould not be plsoed in the turret to work ihem. Twetity-five failed to do it satis-factorily, and the Armstrong gun weighs hut fourteen tons. On Saturday, four men worked a 15-inch gun, which weighs twenty tons. Next week Mr. Whitney %ill put a 15,000-pound gnn on board the Keokuk, which will require twenty jaea, while the 48,600 pound gun of the Faeaaio is moved by four.

• *d—The third result is a very import­ant one. It is the immobility of the Fas-ssic. Waves break on the iron margin of Ihe craft and splash io harmless foan about her deck. They have no hull te strike—oo high bulwarks ; even the tur­ret presents an angle at every pide. So inuch for the reoulte.

The following is a tabular reespituls-turn of the experiments :

Charge of wfirjhed. powder. Recoil

J« »bot, 330 fci [hollow] 20 fi>k, 17 met ^ LUollo*J 34 2 fuioinck

Sd ahut, 330 ft* 36 IL*. 2h 8iach. After the trial, Chief Enginorr Stimers

reported the result to Capt. Ericsson.— He said :

"Capt. Ericsson, allow me to coograt-ulate you on the signal service you have 1 ondered to tbe Government and to our country."

"W hat," a«ke<! the iron clad man, try-jng to conceal curiosity and anxiety that almost changed Lis entire appearance.

''The experiment ia thoroughly success­ful*

This was said with a smile. "You are joking," "Mo, not joking; I am about Io tele­

graph to Washington what 1 have seen, and that is the gmud suocess of your grand idea.

Ericsson grasped his hand and redden­ed like a child. "I knew it all al^ng, myself," he said, "but all MV# J0U;

^timers, we at against me."

Contrabands from the interior of South Carolina are arriving at Port Royal •very day. They state that ihr people *re in a terrible state of excitement,, thinking thst our soldiers will advance on "hem immediately. They have no oonfi-

encti in their defender*, and they are fading ail their property, negroes includ­ed, far away into the iuterior and to other ftates.

from tb« 18tit I»«i. Camp i« thk Field, ska* (Ihano) It MCTiOK, T*k* , Nov. ^1, 1862. )

Kdit(>r of Gate City : As I was read­

ing your widely circulated paper, knowing

th&t many of your readers have friends in the 16th, I thought I would write a few

words concerning the regiment. Yester­day our divisiou was out on drill. The Ht unci 2d brigades were formed in line of battla in the tr>nt. while our brigade, the third, was fui u:ud in close column by division in their rear. We changed front

and fell in our former position. Skirmish­ers were then thrown out, and "away we

went over fences and ditches, through cotton fields and corn fields for some dis­

tance, when we again fell back to our former position — the 15th and 16th being ordered in front to charge bayonet.-. The commands were given, " Charge bayonets 1 double quick, march ! Away !

we went hopping and yelling for about two hundred yards, when we beard the commands, •• Halt! oenter dress !" The line was soon formed, when the General's

aid came up to our Major, telling him the General was highly pleased with the charge, and saying that a better charge never was made. Wo then marohad to quarters. Colonel Reid commanded the brigade on drill, Major Cunningham the regiment. Colonel Belknap was lame,

oautsed from being thrown from a horse before we left Corinth, but inptesd of

doing as many would, he climbed into

the ambulance and came with jpf --tChe health of the regiment is good. c

W. L. Wawoh. *»»— »«-«—

«EH. McNEIJL. Our dispatches ata^e thst Jeff. Davis

has made a demand on thin government lor Gen. McNeil, and that if he is not given up, tm of our officers are to be shot. This will nlcase Major Bruce, and rebels of tfeat kiauey. We wish we had a thou­sand McNeils in the land. If JeffDavis wiahee to ahoot ten Federal officers, l«t him bepin the wort.

Guerrillas are sent into thic State to shoot Union men in the back as they pass along the bighwaya attending to their business, (ieu. McNeil orderod tan of them to be shot. We wish the number had been greater. It is high time that Missouri was rid of bushwhackers and bushwhacking sympathizers. Gen. Mc­Neil hits fearlessly done his duty. Let the Government stand by him, and let Uniou men everywhere put their feet on men who sympathize with Jeff Davis in his attempts to prevent the punishmentof guerrillas.—[St. Joseph Herald.

raise ClMurfe* sfaiaat «e». CsrtU, A violent attack has been made on Geo:

Curtia, by means of charwss of peculation, &e., while in command at Helena, Ark. We have conversod with intelligent and trustworthy persons from that neighbor* hood, and are convinced that the charges are entirely groundless. And it is re-

frightful tales of brutality Oft the part of their masters whenever they Mspeet them of a design of escaping. There are vague rumors of tlie burning of several negroes in northern Loniaiana.

B Y T E L E G R A P H .

Afternoon Report. Bcbct* la (arc* la ear Fraat,

W • vie ; [Special to Tribune ] , ~ Washington, Nov. 26. V • "Officers w?ic loft Falmouth this taom-ing report n l quiet. The rebels are re-tetVim; refriforeemeats. Geo. Lee's ferhole army is believed upon the testi-luopy of deserters and otheis to be in our iron 1, and to have been strengthened by 4hc arriral of the forces under General "feragg and Stonewall Jackson. The rebels are lengthening their earthworks snd mounting more gunsV){ -

V New York. Nov 27. j. The Herald sa *Ueary made a iiucceaefal reconnoisssnce fsujn HaFper*s Ferry yesterday, in which he destroyod a mill and took possession of some flour belonging to the rebels. It was ascer­

tained that Jackson'1 cofrpi moved to Front Royal on Saturday and Sunday, •nd returned to Winchester on Monday, And from thenea^eved his army towards Fredericksburg, bnt established his head­quarters between Milwood and Beverh. li esterday Gen. Sig^l received informa­tion through his Bcouts, that Stonewall Jackson was-#t FppefvBle, near Faris, and Gen 8tuart at Salem, just beyond iTboruughfcre Gap, and that they have Strong pitktlj thrown out in every direction. The whereabouts of Jackson #hus eo* tin ties, as heretofore, the most jtaysterious of affairs.

[Special to Herald.] Acquia Creek, Vu., Nov. 27.

• Tho wife and two daughter* of Dr. .nUlespis, a surgeon in the U. S. Army, %ho remained at Fredericksburg when it Was evacuated by Gen. Burn.xidc lust •ummer, were nent across the river yes­terday by a flag of truce, and proceeded to Wasiiingtoti on the steamer Nellie Baker this nfternoon. They state that the whole of Gen. Lee's army is certainly concentrating in the vicinity of Freder­icksburg, and that they are determined to dispute the pnssaee of the river by otir armies, and c finest our advance by th:rt route, step by btep. Bloody work iuu*t ensue whenever our army goes forward, snd the elosing battle ot the rebellion fought within a few days or weeks at the latest.

Washington, Nor. 27. The President yesterday went by spe-

i ciai steam born t conveyance to Acquia Creek, where he watf met by Gen. Burn-side. He returned this morning by the same conveyance.

The Commissioner of Internal Revenue having heard the arguments of coun­sels in regard to the liability to tax­ation, under the new excise law, of persous engaged in the manufacture of olothing, has prej>ared an elaborate state­ment deciding that clothing is a manufac­ture subject to taxation at the rate of three per cent, adv&lomm, the value to be returned by the manufacturers as es­timated by parties in the manner pointed out by the statute.

Louisville, Nov. 27. Thanksgiving was generally obseivad

to-day. The stores were closed and bus­iness suspended.

And order issued by Gen. Boyle gives much satisfaction to conservative men in this section. The press compliments him. The sub^unce is as follows :

Headquarters, Louisville, Nov 27. All commanding officers serving in

tl.is district are ordered not to permit negro slaves to enter the camps and all officers and privates are forbidden to in­terfere or meddle with slaves in anyway.

It is rumored that the rebel John Mor­gan with a force of four thousand is at Glasgow, This is not reliable.

to the Times'.] | |

* 1 Washington, Nov. 28. The current talk in military circles

bare to-day is in regard to the expediency oT the army of the Potomac going into winter quarters. Late events seem to have strengthened the probabilities of such a policy being adopted, and infer­ences to the tsarue effect are drawn from the Preaident's visit to Acquia Creek.

The President will in his message earnestly recommend the passage of a bankrupt law by Con grew.

Reports received hero from the front to-day locate Jaekaon'a advance guard at Beardstown on the Orange and Alex> andria Railroad, near the Rappahannock, in a position to endeavor to hold Goneral Sigtl s forces from advancing, or to fall upon the rear of Gen. Burnaide's army, as may be most advisible. Other reports scatter his forees along the eastern base of the Blue Ridge, from the Rappahannock to Snicker's Gap, placing the bulk in ad­vance, leaving parties in the rg&r |u ob­serve and harross our Hnea.

Philadelphia, tfov. *7. Tha hoapitals Were filled with joy and

happiness to-day by the liberality of our citizens who supplied to each of them a

ported Witb'great probability, that they I feslive board> around which heroes of al^,. all originate in the angor of slaveholders ***• gathered and feasted to at the enertrv *nd ~rhL military operations, whether "the slaves are freed in consequence or not.—Cbioairo Tribune.

Muaxtaasn Blaces. General Grant's army"statM that"squad }°ri W*rr'*u T^rday. Many of them of cavalry recently found the bodies of! „ 1 ho™e*,*"t niBht» iwHldin* live negroes near Lagrange, Toon., who Kmc of Baltimore. had evidently been murdered. No in- Harper's Forry, Nov. t7. formation could be procured conccrrung Rebel cavalry has been in view all day.

indication® wen that > Tb® official report from the frost 11

their heArt s content.


New York, Nov. €7. The steamer City of Washington has

arrived. Her news has beeu mainly an­ticipated

Earl Russell to tbe Cbambef of C'om-merce convened, referp to the doings of the Alabama, and says the matter is un­der the consideration of the government.

The Tm«t says that the destruction of the British steamer Bland e wus a flagrant j outrage, and doubts not that early steps have been taken to obtain satisfaction.

It is reported that the British steamer! Anthony has been stopped from loading

for the Ooirfaderates at Cork. L id Stanly has spokeu in opposition

to ('obden's \ itWM. The majority of tha Prinoe of Wales

W3s quietly celebrated. The new field marshals croated upon thst occasion are Sir En Blakoly, Duke of Cambridge, and LnrwGough and Clyde.

3nie Paris Pirtrif ©nil* for Satisfaction Jfom the British Gu^nitaent for illegal boarding of Fretich vessels on the coast of Afrie®, , - r

. aallrwtS AmKomi, mj Cincinnati, Nov.

Buell's court of inquiry convened to­day, and after organizing, adjourned till to-roorrow. The proceedings will be private. Buell is not present.

A passenger and freight train on the Keutucky Central R. R, collided yaster-dsy afternoon 5 miles this side of Psris, Ky. E 11. Crow, of Fayette county, O. John:Simpson, Of Indiana, and Hiss Jo­sephine liesa, of Yellow Springs, Ohio, were killed. Johnson, of 22d Michigan, and two Qthorajrounded.

tOffi'i! MAJH8.

buiilkcrii SutM>. ^ lulled StatH,

i K-i.tucky. Por*#br KD F HHOWNKIJ,,

3,..a«siMl^ spi tr«am> A "RAGO.

JtjL •>'<* Tht- town tod |r»r<l«n l<>< nwnm ef A

ka Tiin!u>r]r, arr htofby re(juO»l'il tu put Ih1- t»* now riuc M Uiv *t«i* Of J. M, KoTHKKT k UtU M».11 «tre»«t. in Ibu CoUr*« of tlila »rek.

nofgr-iBi ^, liEMiV W. aoTaaBT.

R. GOODWIN'S OFFICE, D' Coruprof Main St>a Fifth tlreft*. R«*poctlull) solicit" a »ti*ri' of public patruoag* [u

th« tf«*ta»ani J »i: UtMMf* ineWrni u> Ui^ arMMn 1* a /radsatp of Vale < nl|og», Ua<i Mi exttmiv practice In llif city <>l HUuburth, ovfrli fo«ri.

All call* lifumptly attewlwl U>. uii Fulton brtween KlfUi aa4 Sixth atrccta.

Tli* r*!e»>rated l»r. Molt. <it Ma* York city, eKpeeU to n-inaiit In conned Ion wkk Una otBee ibis winter. H<' will b« bapiiy tu prr*crlt>« for tboa* th«t Stvorlilin with • call n>i<.v&-<lSfii



Offi^a—Second Street, u«ar OSts*.


Conveyauoom & Notaries Public,

- 10Vh«" r* —t , , . K#

WlJl*, Sondi, l)c«d*, M«rtmre«, and allot le^nu i.f trritlnr. v^atl; and promptly drawn, Taxe* |>aiJ, Tltirk ciamluril, *lc , km.

Oftc* wtlk William* *. K.io(,TkM StiwM, Wlw««a Mam auU Juliuaua. . ..»»U <!•

•An'i r. iiiw.ES, • (

ilu;K k LOVE, M ptm- a. t*va

AH«tlier Kttllraai Aecldcnt. ^ Loui>ville Nov. 27. I^i ree passenper enrh in a train from

Lovisvillc, ran ofl the track at a switch, two miles from the city, this morning, Htid precipitated down an embankment Jurty feet. The cars were badly damaged, One officer's leg was broken snd 10 oth­ers were slightly injured. There were nine cars in the train. The locomotive and baggage cars passed the swiih sjfely. Some four hundred passengers were on board. The track wus torn up for fifty yards. The accidcnt was caused by a bftlt breaking and threading the switch. Train* will leave in the morning. _ * -

' {Spccial t i Tribune } i

-I .• •' :N*hhvi le, Not. 2£. The fitiMJion js aridr^ problematical than

at !nr%t ntlvict?. The enemy hare been concentrating, and deni^nstrating in a way whieh effects all late statements, thst they were moving forward to cover the ' «uuoval of supplies and enfircctneniofihe j conscript act. 1 lie weight of military operations continues favorable to tin: be I lief that there will he no great battle in this State. It is the opinion that it wijl be between Tallahotna and Winchester. Considerable bodies of cavalry hover about our front, but since they were rigorously handled by Col. lie note's cavalry yester­day, they httve been more cautious. A body of 1,800 of them who werestPools-ville, yesterday, returned to Murfreesboro last night. 6,000 of Cheatham's snd two divisions of 5,000 each are at Murfrees boro. Buckner's corps is at the upper Normandy. Hardee and Polk are posted from Tallshoma to Winchester. Part of Kirby S-nith'8 army have joined Bragg. Gen Melroy estimates the enemy at over 60,000 strong in middle Tennessee.— Other estimatea fix their number at about 40,000 with all kinds of arms — This morning Forrester's cavalry tuadfe a dash at Gen. Spring's piokets, availing them nothings hurt nobody and fled.

Gen. Kosccrans has issued astringent order touching foraging parties and treat­ment of citizens, which gives general satis­faction. Brig. Gen Stanly arrived from Coriuth to-day, and is detailed as Chief of Cavalry. Col Bamett of the 1st Ohio Artillery, is detailed ax Chief of artillery It is ascertained that Capt. Gourley, of Alabama, murdered Bug. Gen. Robert L. McCook, and Gen. Riee has been or­dered to arrest the editor of the New Alba­ny Leader for disregard of the 67t|i ̂ ru-e£» of war. * , j

Falmouth, Nov;$7. Fredericksburgh is not oocupied by the

enemy in fiaroa—-merely a picket guard is there on duty.

Business is totally suspended, tie only Jfisg visible is a British one, flying from a private residence.

M .f TTOR.YEYM AT JLatfff*,

Solicitors in Chancery, etc., Will palix la U»»S»al»and Hvtfaral CC'tirU cTfVira.

Orrict : Oo Sec«iut SlraM, BtU Soor t<i the P«*t Ofllci-, up itair*. DOTtd3m


S. A. DUKZ2 Has Removed to S9 Main Street, (up ittin.)

Prr^. iH wanting Antlaeptic Water-Proof Rlacking Will nlaaae laave »nlrra. BorW-d


p A R K K U , K A Y M O . M J ) k M E L L E N ,



COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Particular alUotioDrireti tu tlie purelta»«aod aalaol

Flour, Provisions, Grain, and Halt, &e. ftc. dcc.

uttrtvly.-a 01 h. OO. > rni^ "n ihTpeeat* H

V..rk. arr^K to. ., ,

*<•««». *. H !Tn/cirtWaWa Sai^t^. and St k tuMtk. , nov

l^Oi. 1 mz. g P R I M O T R A D E

COX & SHELLEY 08 Alaia »»., K«aknk ,I*«ra.

*1 treaowlnatora.aod ar» daily rcctlvlaf, a vary Urftand eomplcUiatock ot IfAPLK k ¥k\n KEY tOODS k N8TI0H8,

watch tbrj Oder to tha trade at prlcaa a* low u the «*T miss-saw

M O. VOORHIES *• N«w BrcclTlif as



•CCKKKIN (>OOB«, HOait'.H V,


Y Vf"' I' vfBANE*, THaVEI.«fl« BA««,



Keokuk, • • • • « Mown*

1 i>av« a large au<) »cll aaaur.rd <-k or

LADIE8' DRE88 FUR*, laclu<)iDt: Anifrtraa Habla,

Stoue Alartlii, Huck Martin, Fitch, Lyn*, Cutiay,

K»an'« D«wu. fcc., La>ll«^rura»<l Kid kinvti fii .tts*.

'Sflk, Beaver, Hath r^UariJ Mratr Hala, Zfpfcjr lita.i:« aij 11 MLjUiurOape,

Sttak.tr Houda, Sc.


•«a aad Bmj** Glove* a ad CoRar*, BNk aad Cattoa Hintb,

cwta MoS«lr C»s*» or AXJL TSB LATBST STTLSS.

tfiik, Oa$nm<>rr, Fnr and Weoi Bat*, Military Caps andlilevcs,

Mtu ajul Baj'i Bockskla GIotm aid litis. Thl* atoek win Sawld


Jl f I ean oSbr •Dp^rl<-rtrMtae«>(iM>ot«tocaut>tryMah caMomrrs. Call ana extnuu* wy *tuck at

ao»H-«ai SB MAUI STUB1,


Woolen Factory Store,

Tlidlnwapolto, Zad*

-«1,000 POLMiyViJtll \\L\TED!

W« wuuid inform putilic Uiat mr !>•,« -,laHl*S ad a "firaocb btorr" of our mannUcWr; at

No. 2 Estes House, Main StrM^,

K E O K U K , I O W A . Wfciefc will b«coadnct«d ly Mr. %. K. HA ST tk« ta oar afrat '

W «• !i»»« 00* on hard a comp|.-»r aaa«>rtrirnl of the *rr< > Mltjualil, ol "IIOMKM Abk 0001W."co(miIm.

JJ3OA,CUIIAN« TV«MU,PUU and Plata rtaaM^oiotiM, Wishrti, Omitok . Satioeta, atockiaf Tan, &c.

Alao,W^ba*» a aatortst^nl of drva^a^s iiuiioB*. Ae., ail til at. 111» we wlis icllat aSci.aar*for woe'. on reasonable trrni,.

Ali *«oi I1 Mil, or riiblr| tn boy t load daraU* article or good*.aboutd Dol laii tu call aod ax-tiaiaa O»IT atoek before tndiiif elj>ewhar«t aa we&M Worai im4 ta give food a*rj*!u*.


TBE.rewMUSIC BOOM, ruBLiiaao ta aoiTOa av °

TicaNou * ' f . A °*UnU** tf UfiDBi) TUMI, flbaBSS4MMeN.Ho.

ad<>pu'd tojiublk and private woe-*alp, and to tke u*t orcholra, Hinting 8eliao)*, Moatcal Socletle* and ConrfDtion*. 1 he book I* harlor a laree aale in the Kaa(, aad ttie critic* ipaak »t it In blab praiaa. '

„ J. W. OODKS'8 no»UiMl - City Book Store, OS Main-at.

Vrirnmmowm Boston, Not. 28.

By crders from Washington, all the political prisoners were released from

JpRESH ARRIVALOFNEW BOOKS Eye* and Ear*—t.y ll«nr>' Ward ii<-«cber. Kcourtnu of tbe White Uo»*fr-b< the autUto Sf

Tow lirowu. " 9

S rmon<-hy the late Re?. T. W. Koberteon; Haiiier'* Kermont of Tbfism ; Parkrr'a ]ii*cour«eor UcltfioDi I'arici'f'a l.io'eiin>; v _ 1 &oeta«i,a Correitiobdoiice wltb a Child! Si«tar* of charity—b) Mc«»4aataaaa; „; , i H«wOyaiuatti««i

' •

Pbaaium Boquat^ Lanel"o faraoaage—b; Lewati)

5aU »<'**; ea

they had been killed vkile attempting to eecape to the federal lioss. Tbm sis vis who escape tfx»vi bsiow oooaaisoaUj loll

thatsmsll i a (an try (imm of tbe enemy'a piokets srs now obeerrable with the car

« yh©


leatrice Ceuc!; Margarrt Parctral—by Lew* Conatrv Li»inrand Couotry-' Life or Kir Pliiflp Nldneyl H'rue* of Ku rope; Shelley Memorial*—by Lady Sbelle,) Tbe PaUetio* of Hope—Wbutter; Tbe (Joutea Hoar—by Conway; The Nolitar/ of Juan feraaodes.

..roraaleat J. W, OGDBll'S, ao*W-d • SS Malat^S.

WANTED. fT (<.i, i!C A awelllag boa*«, in Kevkah, to exchange for an tpa-

proved (arw of Ml acre* wltMit oeufaei-i'i lUalauce of ISe*4t>. Tbetiile w tb» laaSla aood.

aoaaaT 11. oillmoiix̂



i>ry Hood* and Clot Mac, 98 Mais Rtrteli

noKoa,.. ,OWA BOflidS*l|


Corner Main and Beoond Street#,

VsatSo Baa king Moaaeef Wat.TkwpasaSO*.

"•w Bookau Tht Ctly B<k>1t Store 1* tbia day in recent •( the

(MlowlajtchoieelHeraiare: Cecil Uteeme.by Theodore Wlatbrep. John Breut " " .T ** Mtadvw inthe Hoot*,by Saundera. 'ihe Houacbaldor H^iuvt-rlr.by a Hon there Lady. Sua** i» J4»njr Seya. br Holne*. Heooilertuni* ul SUoliey and Byrpn,SyCfelSaST. MhallcT Meuioriaia, byLady Hheiiej. -i The Rejected Ktone, by a Virginian * Tom Burba'• 0cboo uW«* t Aacbt. . De^rfary'* Oplnm KaUr.

" Literary Keiuinlacence* „ " Ttieologicai Ksaaya.Ao.

Hood'* Paema, Blue aad Ovid. Lawell'* •• « Longfellow^Poeai«, Bias and Gold. Sax*'* " «•

» *^JM»VW,',i^T,,oftb* Blue A Oald. * "** Ckaraelerl*tlc*,ae., '» " IV '• Sbadlaa, Ike.. ' u •*'- »' taaMaa 'MatSra,

'« »« Diary, J<.. OS Stborar *• Wart> la raao.

Hooee of^be.SeeeS GSKla*. * " .. Itr'

1*;^ i • *<'»»e»,Trom aa Old Manea. *r ' TwieeTaWTale*. *' Know Imm, .» •. " BlitheilaleKc

Laaifeilow1* Hiawatha. •' Kvaagellne.

Ttteabore Baofca will beeold at PabttMm^t prtcea Tbe pubUearelavked la call and examine tbeiaaak.

febB d J. w. OODKH


¥• Alftti A N K j-rr,


OP all KlflDK

Also, Warehouse Tnieka, Letter Prasaas, fcc.

Fairbanks, Greenleaf # Co*, 17! Lake Street CHICAGO.

ID* Be careful to bay only the ireasfne. JJl f3AOTt JONEI 4c PECK, A|M,»


"YY ANTED T OJi PtIW went ^ ^

% V A T HOGS! also a few STOCK HOGS I".

OOOMAN % CO-, KaMkbk, lews. •epts-dfwtr

ir^OLl) TENS! Jaet eatreoalreilperexpreea.anaaeortmanlof linrtoa'*

•alabrateU ttola Pint, for aale at r«i»ee<i prkw* .at tbe ClTV B"(»K KfOHK,

febS7-4 Bo. SSMaln A Kd*t*>

Another ptipply of those SICK WALL RAreas,

At 10 aesuperron,tbUdayreaetoed,by MV. V. PMWJTBLL. sksfti'*^ -'foe. Atsdte i

RecDlleet tbe



&igo—"Hooskr "'Stave.*

GBlsKlt bv>st- K S CO. G.

E & I t l D L K M A N ,

ManufkCturrn ibd Ueaterillt* * *

B o o t s , S h o e s * Limihtr mnd, Finding*,


KOOIAUIS, Iowa, Are la Sally receipt of Gooda, wbicb tbey eter LtWMt t'aak l*riaea.

Oar at octal

-mooTm ia aHojo LKATHKK,

A l p r m D i N a i k

(ala.*geantl weli«e!act«d.tnitattt f»f all eaitSatSft

W*IM«thriT*^»ba*d WE** FI5H A?Tr» roAKNk WOK*. i.Al»IKS'tX)>QBaKs AM) I A< V ItW'KI) A*» PKOf.KK Sin. GuaT, i aLK a


'Ofall aert a . A l l k l a d c o f b r o r k n t a d t t o o i d e r

Oak aid Red ttol«*Lcatticrt


Fteaehand Afeefieaa lCipaiKl Calf8itii|i,

AadSltMkdsarV^e^ kewtaer. tterlKIni, Oa»-Webbtug, Laeaa, Oalieaat,

kaai^fagi.nbae Piadiaga.aaiiSboemikar** Tiaolaaf all klada.

flatterer** Halt Aiwaya

Dtl't talMT TBB Pud,

N«. 91 laii St., Konth tide, ketweei Id k |t|, aprS-dAw

i.« tMti wverasstawtei'


Dry Goodn^notion», Clothing

K1 ** JW

Bonnets, Millinery Goods, kc.f IRON FRONT BDILDIKO,

km St.vkct.4ta aaii^ •sOKtrl

atthlMAr __ __ _ _

JOHN T. WLLKINSOUJ , 4« 'Tl «< ^

IsaocaaeokTo j.BBABta.) »•• 81 XXAHV ;


ihrtifB, JfFedieineu, ChemitiU» rsjvTs.oiui,

Varnishes, Window Glass and Glaw-w»lo;

Wbercmayalao be found ALL OTHSa articles necessary TQ "MAMM

AREW asbcompletk stoc^F ready fortbelaipaetloaaf

Attention I* lollciteil tothe

l O W P R I O B 8 . aprHilSrljr


JfrVWJdLl-S BaaaSraaa, «pMi A *