CXAIR - Search Powered Business Healthcare Analytics

Post on 16-Aug-2015

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Transcript of CXAIR - Search Powered Business Healthcare Analytics

Search Powered Business Analytics,the smartest way to discover your data

CXAIR is a powerful search, analyse and reporting solution that combines business analytics, search engine and data access technology

CXAIR delivers a truly intelligent solution to your business using state of the art search technology that breaks the boundaries of traditional BI.


CXAIR brings together data that is held in many disparate source systems and has the ability to search across all the data at once

Ability to search all data across every data set regardless of source and data type

CXAIR has light- footprint rapid processing of extremely large volumes of data that does not require costly high specification hardware

Extremely rapid data indexing of multiple data sources and types including unstructured data

Easy configuration of raw data

Newly indexed data source showing raw data

CXAIR uses ‘google’ style technology which allows searching across all indices regardless of originating data source or structure

Wild card searching on structured data

CXAIR is capable of searching across structured and unstructured data such as reports, documents and patient letters

Wild card searching on unstructured data

CXAIR is mobile compatible and can be used by authorised users to quickly search for records and letters

Ideal for locating patient letters within seconds

CXAIR does not require specific development skills

Simple selection of analyses automatically writes the


Provides flexible and simple analysis for all levels of users empowering self-service at all levels

Filters can be set and applied in seconds

No inflated licence costs for report development

Reports easily developed in seconds with no specialist

expertise required

Simple drag and drop report design

Report features include: crosstabs, charts, gauges,

saved queries, Venn's, text, external web content, links to external pages, maps, place

holders and links

CXAIR uses cutting edge technology to allow specific resolution and sizing to be applied to many different interfaces including mobile technologies

Many different designs that can exported in PDF, HTML or

as an image

Ability to switch between reports automatically and incorporate traffic lighted KPIs (automated alerts can also be sent)

Water-mark and corporate branding for consistency across reports

Background images can be set and data displayed skewed to fit appropriately

Text may be inserted, data and visuals are automatically updated – perfect for a Trust Board report

Many data sets can be bought into one report and displayed in a variety of formats to include colour coded KPIs

CXAIR can schedule automated report delivery in many different outputs to specific groups or named individuals

CXAIR is J2EE compliant and has realm based security to ensure that only authorised

users access specific reports – for example patient level

CXAIR is the only BI solution that uses Venn technology to quickly and easily build complex queries without the need for specific development skills.

Highly visual interactive analysis

Drill through to each intersection of analysis – in this example A&E Frequent Flyers (patients having visited A&E on three consecutive months in the same year)

Drill through to the underlying patient level data

Three types of licence, full End User, Viewer and Static

Viewer Licences allow the End User to see reports assigned to them and may manipulate

and analyse the data

Tel: +44 (0) 1785 246777, Fax: +44 (0) 1785 250284, Email:

Contact Us:

Connexica Ltd, Unit D, Dyson CourtStaffordshire Technology Park, Stafford, ST18 0LQ