CW Writing a Horror Story: Introduce a problem Wednesday 17 th October 2012 17/10/12 Learning...

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Transcript of CW Writing a Horror Story: Introduce a problem Wednesday 17 th October 2012 17/10/12 Learning...

CW Writing a Horror Story: Introduce a problem

Wednesday 17th October 2012


Learning Objectives:1. To be able to use the conventions of dialogue in our own


Writing Assessment Foci

STARTER: List as many different ways of saying “said” as you can

• yelled•whispered

Learning outcomes

Core Extension KillerTo be able to list synonyms for “said”

To be able to use synonyms for “said” to reflect an emotion or action

To be able to create an atmosphere through appropriate use of dialogue

Write down the

underlined words in



List as many different ways of saying “said”

Consider different emotions.


On your whiteboards: What is happening and how is the character feeling?

1. “Who’s there?” she whispered.2. “But it’s only early yet,” she pleaded3. “You need to leave now!” he yelled.4. “It’s beautiful!” she cried.5. “There’s somebody following us,” John


Fill in the missing word

1. “Why are you late?” Miss O’Connor _______.2. “I need to get to London,” Sophie _________.3. “Chocolate is my favourite treat,” Jack _____.4. “Look at the end of the garden!” Sam _____.5. “Wait, it’s almost finished,” Beth ________.

Begged Demanded Announced Murmured Sighed Asked Wailed Laughed

Learning outcomes

Core Extension KillerTo be able to list synonyms for “said”

To be able to use synonyms for “said” to reflect an emotion or action

To be able to create an atmosphere through appropriate use of dialogue

Golden Rules of Dialogue

1. All dialogue must be contained in quotation marks.

2. Before the end of the quotation marks, you must punctuate ( , ! ? . )

3. Include dialogue tags – who said what and how

4. New speaker, new line

‘Who’s there?’ Mark whispered desperately.

‘Your worst nightmare!’

replied the figure in a low, menacing voice.

‘Please, I just want to go home,” he begged.


Write three – four lines of dialogue to show either:

1. Two people alone in an abandoned house.

2. Two people caught in a thunderstorm.

3. Two people lost in a forest.

Peer Assess:1. All dialogue contained in

quotation marks.2. Punctuated before the

end of the quotation marks ( , ! ? . )

3. Include dialogue tags – who said what and how

4. New speaker, new lineWWW:EBI:

Learning outcomes

Core Extension KillerTo be able to list synonyms for “said”

To be able to use synonyms for “said” to reflect an emotion or action

To be able to create an atmosphere through appropriate use of dialogue

Example of a problem paragraphHow can we improve it? (VCOP)

Walking towards the old door, I felt scared, but I knew we had to go in.

“Hurry up!” Sarah said. “It’s our only choice.”

Squeezing the handle, I pulled down and walked in. A light from a candle

was burning in the corner of the room. I felt for a light switch, but

could feel nothing but wet walls. I held Sarah’s hand. Walking

forward, we stopped.

“Can you hear that?” I said.

“Don’t be silly, there’s nothing there,” Sarah replied.

The light flickered more intensively and then out it went. We were

placed into darkness...

Success Criteria



Self Assessment: Red Pen Plenary

Core Extension KillerTo be able to list synonyms for “said”

To be able to use synonyms for “said” to reflect an emotion or action

To be able to create an atmosphere through appropriate use of dialogue

WWW: I am happy because I have used ....EBI: Next time I need to ....