Customer Quality Reporting

Post on 25-Jan-2015

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According to the Harvard Business Review, Companies could improve profit be at least 25% Just by reducing Customer Defections by 5%”, said Taylor. The key to reducing defections is to ensure that companies and their call centers are delivering a satisfying experience when they phone the call center”

Transcript of Customer Quality Reporting

Customer Quality Reporting:True Customer Satisfaction Measurement

Offered Exclusively by:


”The single most important thing to remember about any enterprise is that there are no results inside its walls. The result of a business is a satisfied customer.”- Peter Drucker

“Companies could improve profit be at least 25% Just by reducing Customer Defections by 5%”- Harvard Business Review

One dissatisfied customer tells 25 others about his experience, on Twitter that could be25,000

Research Tells Us

• Satisfied Customers are critical to the success of any business

• 92% of consumers judge an organization based upon their Call Center experience†

• Call & contact centers struggle to gain meaningful research metrics

† Perdue University

The Challenge

• There is no customer satisfaction (CSAT), Net Promoter (NPS) or First Contact Resolution (FCR) data,

• If there is CSAT or NPS data it is not related solely to the call center, but is a corporate or omnibus result,

• If there is FCR data it is likely based on stand-in data ( 2nd contact within x hours/days)

The Problem

• Dissatisfied customers leave, lower CSAT scores show customers at risk for defection,

• If you NPS score shows more detractors than promoters you will have trouble ahead,

• Lower FCR scores increase center costs, drives dissatisfaction,

• Yet your center has none of the above metrics available…

Customer Quality Reporting (CQR)

CQR Measures CSAT, NPS and FCR on:– Enterprise wide– Center wide, – Team level,– Agent level, – Trends

Tracks improvement or regressionGives you the tools to measure the impact of CSAT,

NPS and FCR in financial and non-financial terms

Center & Enterprise Reports

Agent & Team Reporting

Trend Reporting

Plus- Expert commentary and Recommendations


$35 per agent per channel (voice, Chat, Email)One time Set Up fee of $2,500

A center with 25 agents to evaluate one channel is $875/month

A center with 25 agents to evaluate three channels is $2,625/month

A center with 100 agents to evaluate one channel is $3,500/month

A center with 100 agents to evaluate three channels is $10,500/month

Limited impact on your center

Taylor Reach manages the program;– Receives the customers to be sampled (a file

containing customer email addresses)– Creates and maintaining a ‘kill file’ to ensure that

no customer is sampled more than once every six months,

– Sends out the surveys,– Receipt, tabulation and analysis of survey results,– Produces required reporting monthly,