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Arul Jyothi. M1 Shubhashree2


The study on the consumer purchase intention towards luxury cosmetics has given a wider perspective of their

behavior based on their tri-component model. The study has proved that female are prefer only branded cosmetics

because of its brand, quality and its safe for the skin as well, no matter there is low or high. This also helps to

identify the reasons behind getting attracted towards luxury cosmetics. The study has revealed that, majority

respondents prefer this branded cosmetics products- Maybelline, Lakme, MAC, L’Oreal, Revlon India ,Color bar,

The body shop, AVON, Bobbi Brown, Jaquline USA, HUDA, Faces Canada, Clinique, NAX. The study also revealed

that females prefer branded cosmetics because of likelihood towards brand and they also motivated and influenced

by celebrities ads.

Keywords: Cognitive, conation, affection- tri component model, branded cosmetics, luxury cosmetics


The Tri-Component attitude model-

The tri-component demeanor model expresses that dispositions are made out of three segments,

viz., an information (intellectual) segment, feeling and enthusiastic (effect) part and the activity

(conative) segment.

The information or the intellectual segment includes the subjective procedures that lead to the

development of dispositions. As far as showcasing, the information or psychological part of the

tri-component model comprises of shoppers' information about the items/administration offering

and the advertising blend. Customer demeanors are framed based on encounters just as the data

got from an individual (WOM, family, companions, peers, and so forth.) just as unoriginal

(advertiser's sources) wellsprings of data that are held in one's memory.

Review of Literature

Ruchitapangriya ,M. Rupesh Kumar(May 2018) “A study of consumers’ attitude towards

online private labels brands using the Tri- component model” Online private mark items appear

to be a promising and productive arrangement for the Indian online retailers. The motivation

behind this paper was to comprehend the customers' demeanor and purchasing conduct towards

online private name brands.For this reason, we exactly tried a model including factors, for

example, psychological, full of feeling, social; buy goal, and genuine purchasing conduct.

1 . Assistant Professor, Ramaiah Institute of Management, Bangalore.

2 . PGDM - Ramaiah Institute of Management, Bangalore.

Mukt Shabd Journal

Volume IX, Issue V, MAY/2020

ISSN NO : 2347-3150

Page No : 3419

Information was assembled by utilizing a calendar. An example of 400 respondents was

accumulated, and the theories were tried by performing basic condition displaying. The

discoveries featured that the psychological, full of feeling, and conduct elements of mentality

affected each other emphatically just as the buy goal. Also, the outcomes acquired uncovered

that buy expectation prompted the purchasing of online private mark brands. It is normal that the

discoveries of this examination will empower the advertisers of online private name brands to be

progressively educated about the purchasers' frame of mind development process. Besides, it will

assist them with understanding the zones identified with private mark brands, which need their


SaifulKibria Chowdhury, Monalisasalam (December 2015)“predicting attitude based on

cognitive ,affective and co native components: an online shopping perspective. In late times

Internet has assumed an indispensable job in our lives going from sending messages to

purchasing products to profiting wedding administrations. Web shopping has been generally

acknowledged as a method for obtaining items and administrations. It has become increasingly

well-known methods in the Internet world. The goal of this investigation is to investigate the

connections among frames of mind segments and to build up a model dependent on which

mentality toward web-based shopping can be anticipated. It has been discovered that every one

of the segments (subjective, full of feeling or conative) has positive and noteworthy associations

with one another and within the general frame of mind, aside from the psychological part which

has a negative association with demeanour.

Ashish Bhatt (Jun 2014)”Consumer attitude towards online shopping in selected regions of


The developing utilization of Internet in India gives a creating prospect to web based shopping.

On the off chance that E-advertisers realize the variables influencing on the web Indian conduct,

and the connections between these components and the sort of online purchasers, at that point

they can additionally build up their promoting techniques to change over potential clients into

dynamic ones, while holding existing on the web clients. Purchaser conduct is said to be an

applied control as certain choices are fundamentally influenced by their conduct or anticipated

activities. Numerous organizations have begun utilizing the Internet with the point of cutting

showcasing costs, accordingly diminishing the cost of their items and administrations so as to

remain ahead in profoundly aggressive markets. Organizations additionally utilize the Internet to

Mukt Shabd Journal

Volume IX, Issue V, MAY/2020

ISSN NO : 2347-3150

Page No : 3420

pass on, impart and disperse data, to sell the item, to take input and furthermore to lead

fulfilment studies with clients. Clients utilize the Internet not exclusively to purchase the item on

the web, yet in addition to analyse costs, item includes and after deal administration offices they

will get on the off chance that they obtained the item from specific site. This paper centres

around factors which online Indian purchasers remember while shopping on the web. This

examination found that data; saw handiness, saw happiness and security/protection are the five

predominant variables which impact buyer observations on Online obtaining.

Dr. AshutoshSandhe (February 2019)” the effect of consumer attitude on purchasing intention

for organic products”. This exploration paper looks at the impact of buyer frame of mind on

obtaining goal towards natural or eco-accommodating paints. Frame of mind was estimated

through tri-segment model of mentality arrangement. Information was gathered from 300

respondents in the city of Vadodara, Gujarat, India. Respondents were controlled an organized

survey containing explanations estimating frame of mind as far as psychological, full of feeling

and conative elements. Reactions were gathered as a five point likert scale going from

"unequivocally concur" to "emphatically oppose this idea". Shopper disposition and acquiring

expectation was seen as respectably great. The exploration featured the way that customers don't

know about the accessibility of such an item in the market. This is a significant finding from the

view purpose of advertising research.

Mrs. J. Vidhyajawahar, Dr. K. Tamizhjyothi (June 2013)” Consumer Attitude towards

Cosmetic Products”. The overall yearly consumptions for beauty care products is evaluated at

U.S.$18 billion, and numerous players in the field are contending forcefully to catch increasingly

more market. Henceforth, organizations are intrigued to think about shopper's frame of mind

towards beauty care products in order to devise procedures to prevail upon rivalry. The

fundamental reason for this article is to explore the impact of frame of mind on beauty care

products purchasing conduct. The examination question is "the thing that sort of frames of mind

do the clients have towards purchasing conduct of restorative items?" A poll was created and

dispersed to female customers in Bangalore city by utilizing accommodation testing technique.

118 finished polls were returned and afterward 100 legitimate were investigated by utilizing

ANOVA, mean and standard deviation. The aftereffect of the investigation affirms that age,

occupation, conjugal status has positive impact towards corrective items. Yet, pay doesn't have

any impact on the frame of mind towards corrective items.

Mukt Shabd Journal

Volume IX, Issue V, MAY/2020

ISSN NO : 2347-3150

Page No : 3421

Statement of the Problem

The overall yearly consumption for beautifying agents is assessed at U.S.$18 billion, and

numerous players in the field are contending forcefully to catch increasingly more market. Thus,

organizations are intrigued to think about the purchaser's frame of mind towards beautifying

agents in order to devise systems to prevail upon rivalry. The discoveries featured that the

intellectual, full of feeling, and social components of frame of mind impacted each other firmly

just like the buy goal. In the examination, conative components of frame of mind will be featured

which is the distinguished hole from reference inquire about papers.

Objective of the Study

1) To identify the important factors that determines the buying behaviour of branded

cosmetics products.

2) To ascertain the impact of Tri-component (cognitive, affective, conative) on customer

purchase intention.

Scope of the Study

This study is based on female using Luxury brand cosmetics, residing in Bangalore which is

conducted for 4 months. The research is done on Luxury brand cosmetics products such as

Maybelline New York, L’Oreal ,MAC,Revlon India,Colorbar, Clinique, MAC, NAX, Bobbi

Brown, AVON, L.A.Girl, The body shop, Revolution. Luxurybrand products-Lipstick, Eye

shadow, Eyeliner, Primer, Highlighter, Mascara, Eyelash,Concealer,Foundation,


H1-There is a significance difference between cognitive factor on purchase intention of


H0-There is no significance difference between cognitive factor on purchase intention of


H2-There is a significance difference between affection factor on purchase intention of


H0-There is no significance difference between affection factor on purchase intention of


H3-There is a significance difference between conation factor on purchase intention of


H0-There is no significance difference between conation factor on purchase intention of

Mukt Shabd Journal

Volume IX, Issue V, MAY/2020

ISSN NO : 2347-3150

Page No : 3422


Research Design Descriptive research-Descriptive research is defined as a research method

that describes the attitude of the customers that is being studied. In this stage, with the help

of questionnaire, we understand the factor impacting of choice of branded cosmetics

products. on probability sampling: Snowball and Convenience sampling is used to select the

respondents. A sample of 136 female are taken to understand the attitude of consumer

towards branded cosmetics. Primary data – Data collected through well-structured

questionnaire. Secondary data –Research papers and Web sites. ANOVA analysis is done

for analysis.

Operational definition concepts

Cognitive Component

Cognitive component comprises the knowledge and perceptions a person holds about the attitude

object (product/service). They are acquired from their direct experience with the attitude object

as well as information sources.

Affective Component-

This component is about consumers’ emotions and feelings about the attitude object. They are

also called evaluations as they give insight about the overall assessment of the attitude object as

being “good” or “bad” or as “favorable” or “unfavorable”.

Conative Component –

This component highlights the probability or likelihood that person will behave in a particular

way with regard to the attitude object.

Data analysis and interpretations

Chart showing the age of respondents

Mukt Shabd Journal

Volume IX, Issue V, MAY/2020

ISSN NO : 2347-3150

Page No : 3423

Chart showing the income of respondents

The preference for purchasing of cosmetics

Frequency Percentage

L’Oreal 40 29.6

Maybelline New York 44 32.6

MAC 13 9.6

The body shop 12 8.9

Revlon India 10 7.4

Colorbar 10 7.4

AVON 2 1.5

Revolution London 0 0

Clinique 2 1.5

Bobbi Brown 2 1.5

L.A Girl 0 0

NAX 0 0

Total 135

From the above table, it can be interpreted that out of 136 respondents 29.6% respondents are

prefer L’Oreal products’ cosmetics, 32.6% respondents are prefer Maybelline New York

products’ cosmetics, 9.6% respondents are prefer MAC products’ cosmetics, 8.9% respondents

are prefer The body shop products’ cosmetics, 7.4% respondents are prefer Revlon India

products’ cosmetics, 7.4% respondents are prefer Colorbar products’ cosmetics, 1.5%

respondents are prefer AVON, Clinique, Bobbi Brown products’ cosmetics and no one prefer for

Revolution London, L.A girl, NAX products’ cosmetics.

Mukt Shabd Journal

Volume IX, Issue V, MAY/2020

ISSN NO : 2347-3150

Page No : 3424

Chart showing the preference to select branded cosmetics

The factors which is consider in purchase of branded cosmetics

Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5

Skin safe 18 6 12 30 70

Quality 11 12 8 37 68

Brand 6 13 34 39 44

Availability 10 7 39 50 30

Value of money 10 11 21 39 55


610 10

612 13





37 39



70 68













Skin safe Quality Brand Availability Value of money

Chart Title

1 2 3 4 5

Mukt Shabd Journal

Volume IX, Issue V, MAY/2020

ISSN NO : 2347-3150

Page No : 3425

Factors consider while purchase of luxury cosmetics

Quality Skin


Value of


Availability Result of


Maybelline 60 51 47 39 16 18

L’Oreal 59 60 44 25 15 16

MAC 50 63 44 23 9 16

The body shop 43 35 45 29 11 10

Revlon India 46 49 37 31 10 10

Colorbar 36 51 39 30 19 12

AVON 33 50 39 28 13 9

Revolution London 28 60 33 22 12 11

Clinique 36 52 37 28 13 6

L.A Girl 28 60 27 29 12 6

NAX 32 52 32 23 14 7

Bobbi Brown 38 48 37 26 14 9

60 59











49 51 50





44 44


37 39 39




25 23

29 31 30 28


28 29


16 15

9 11 10


13 12 13 12 14 1418 16 16

10 10 129 11

6 6 7 9









Chart Title

Quality brand Skin safety Value of money Availability Result of products

Mukt Shabd Journal

Volume IX, Issue V, MAY/2020

ISSN NO : 2347-3150

Page No : 3426

Table showing cognition factors effect in purchase of luxury cosmetics-

Cognition Strongly

agree Agree Neutral Disagree



I purchase Luxury cosmetics brand

because of quality 71 43 13 3 6

It is important to get best price on a

product. 46 58 23 4 5

Luxury cosmetics brands are usually

extremely good value for money. 33 29 42 25 7

Prefer because safe for skin 57 43 24 4 8

I am a smart shopper when I buy luxury

cosmetics brand 49 46 31 5 5

The affection factors effect in purchase of luxury cosmetics-

Affection Strongly

agree Agree Neutral Disagree





preferred cosmetics brands are my

favourite 41 64 21 3 7

This showrooms is one of my favourite for

luxury cosmetics products. 28 51 44 7 6

Prefer this showrooms for wider choice of

brands 32 50 41 7 6

Prefer this showrooms because I hold

membership card/loyalty card. 30 52 41 7 6

Mukt Shabd Journal

Volume IX, Issue V, MAY/2020

ISSN NO : 2347-3150

Page No : 3427

The conation factors which affect the purchase in luxury cosmetics

Conation Strongly

agree Agree Neutral Disagree



Guarantees made by advertisement for

luxury cosmetics 33 56 24 16 7

Attention capture through celebrities

ads 25 63 27 13 8

Personally go through all the reviews

and feedback 51 55 19 3 8

Collect information from peers group,

friends, family 53 58 15 3 6

Hypothesis Testing

H1-There is a significance difference between cognitive factor on purchase intention of


H0-There is no significance difference between cognitivefactor on purchase intention of


Anova: Two-Factor Without


SUMMARY Count Sum Average Variance

I purchase Luxury cosmetics

brand because of quality 5 136 27.2 851.2

It is important to get best price on

a product. 5 136 27.2 587.7

Luxury cosmetics brands are

usually extremely good value for

money. 5 136 27.2 167.2

Prefer because safe for skin 5 136 27.2 513.7

I am a smart shopper when I buy

luxury cosmetics brand 5 136 27.2 457.2

Mukt Shabd Journal

Volume IX, Issue V, MAY/2020

ISSN NO : 2347-3150

Page No : 3428

Strongly agree 5 256 51.2 197.2

Agree 5 219 43.8 106.7

Neutral 5 133 26.6 115.3

Disagree 5 41 8.2 88.7

Strongly disagree 5 31 6.2 1.7


Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit



12 4


13 3.57E-15 1 3.006917

Columns 8269.6 4 2067.4 16.22763


05 3.006917

Error 2038.4 16 127.4

Total 10308 24

From above it is inferred that there is no significance difference between cognition factors on

purchase intention of customers. Hence cognition factors means past experience of the consumer

is impact on purchase intention of customer.

H2-There is a significance difference between affection factor on purchase intention of


H0-There is no significance difference between affection factor on purchase intention of


Anova: Two-Factor Without


SUMMARY Count Sum Average Variance

preferred cosmetics brands are my

favorite 5 136 27.2 644.2

This showrooms is one of my 5 136 27.2 426.7

Mukt Shabd Journal

Volume IX, Issue V, MAY/2020

ISSN NO : 2347-3150

Page No : 3429

favorite for luxury cosmetics


Prefer this showrooms for wider

choice of brands 5 136 27.2 397.7

Prefer this showrooms because I

hold membership card/loyalty card. 5 136 27.2 417.7

Strongly agree 4 131 32.75 32.91667

Agree 4 217 54.25 42.91667

Neutral 4 147 36.75 112.25

Disagree 4 24 6 4

Strongly disagree 4 25 6.25 0.25


Source of Variation SS Df MS F P-value F crit



12 3 -9.1E-13 -1.9E-14 0.01 3.490295

Columns 6968.2 4 1742.05 36.22981 1.31E-06 3.259167

Error 577 12 48.08333

Total 7545.2 19

From above it is inferred that there is no significance difference between cognition factors on

purchase intention of customers. Hence affection factors means emotions and feelings of the

consumer is less impact on purchase intention of customer.

H3-There is a significance difference between conation factor on purchase intention of


H0-There is no significance difference between conation factor on purchase intention of


Anova: Two-Factor Without


SUMMARY Count Sum Average Variance

Mukt Shabd Journal

Volume IX, Issue V, MAY/2020

ISSN NO : 2347-3150

Page No : 3430

Guarantees made by advertisement

for luxury cosmetics 5 136 27.2 351.7

Attention capture through celebrities

ads 5 136 27.2 464.2

Personally go through all the reviews

and feedback 5 136 27.2 590.2

Collect information from peers

group, friends, family 5 135 27 699.5

Strongly agree 4 162 40.5 187.67

Agree 4 232 58 12.667

Neutral 4 85 21.25 28.25

Disagree 4 35 8.75 45.583

Strongly disagree 4 29 7.25 0.9167


Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Rows 0.15 3 0.05 0.0007 0.99997 3.4903

Columns 7597 4 1899.33 27.623 5.7E-06 3.2592

Error 825.1 12 68.7583

Total 8423 19

From above it is inferred that there is no significance difference between cognition factors on

purchase intention of customers. Hence conation factors means likelihood of the consumer is

impact on purchase intention of customer.


Major portions of the respondents belong to the age group of less than 25 years and 26-35

years respectively.

Majority of the respondents have income between Rs 2-3 lakh.

Considerable portions of the respondents are students and women as this research is

restricted to Newbel road, Bangalore.

Majority female prefer Maybelline New York cosmetics product.

Mukt Shabd Journal

Volume IX, Issue V, MAY/2020

ISSN NO : 2347-3150

Page No : 3431

From open ended question we know that female are prefer this branded cosmetics

products- Maybelline, Lakme, MAC, l’Oreal, Revlon India , Colorbar, The body shop, AVON,

Bobbi Brown, Jaquline USA, HUDA, Faces Canada, L.A. Girl.

Majority female choice branded cosmetics because of its safe for skin and from open

ended response we know that female also prefer Preferred skin tone, Long lasting, Best product.

Majority respondents are prefer branded cosmetics because of its safe for skin.

More no. of female purchase branded cosmetics because of its brand.

Female are more concern about their skin so that prefer quality products so that they

prefer only branded cosmetics.

Females are purchasing branded cosmetics because of their likelihood towards that

particular brand.

Female are attract towards purchase of luxury cosmetics because of celebrities ads.


Some extra offers and discounts should be added.

Maintain good relation with loyal customers.

Other cosmetics products should improve their strategy to reach to the customers, not

only Maybelline but also other product can reach better customers.

Some product don’t allow for trail so that it allows for trail facilities so that females know

about the product and they try to purchase through that experience.

Majority female purchase branded cosmetics because of safe skin factors but they should

improvise their other factors also like availability , value of money etc.

Training needs to be provided for the employees to increase customer satisfaction.

The Creation of awareness of other cosmetics products is necessary among consumers.

Positioning of luxury cosmetics products by their specific attributes.

Customers not only attract with the celebrities ads but also personally go through all

feedback and reviews.


Ruchitapangriya , M. Rupesh Kumar, “A study of consumers’ attitude towards online

private labels brands using Tri-component model”, Volume 48, Issue 5,Banglore, Karnataka,

May 2018.

SaifulKibriaChowdhury, Monalisa Salam, “Predicting attitude based on cognitive, affective

Mukt Shabd Journal

Volume IX, Issue V, MAY/2020

ISSN NO : 2347-3150

Page No : 3432

and conative components: an online shopping perspective”, Vol.6/7,Issue II/I, Bangladesh,

December 2015.

Ashish Bhatt, “Consumer attitude towards online shopping in selected regions of Gujarat”,

Vol. 2,No. 2, PP. 29-56, American Research Institute For Policy Development, Vadodra,

Gujarat, June 2014.

Dr. AshutoshSandhe “The effect of consumer attitude on purchasing intention for organic

products”, Vol. 7, International journal of research, February 2019.

Mrs. J. VidyaJawahar, Dr. K. Tamizhjyothi, “ Consumer attitude towards cosmetics

products”, Vol. 3 ,Annamalainagar, June 2013.

Mukt Shabd Journal

Volume IX, Issue V, MAY/2020

ISSN NO : 2347-3150

Page No : 3433