Customer insights for product strategy

Post on 07-Nov-2014

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The talk I gave at WebExpo 2014 in Prague! Slides only. Here is the abstract: Usability testing, focus groups, interviews, contextual inquiry, customer development - there are many names and techniques for gathering insights from your users, your customers. In recent years, agile software development and lean startup have changed how research is conducted, and have raised awareness of how important it is to understand who you are building your products for. In this talk, Johanna will cover best practices for gathering insights in the context of product development. Her session will address questions such as: * What techniques are best at the early stage of a product? * What exactly is customer development and how is it different? * What are the skills you need to turn research results into actionable insights that inform your product strategy? Johanna will share her own story of being a researcher and product manager, how and why her practice has changed, and provide actionable advice on embedding research in your process.

Transcript of Customer insights for product strategy


Customer  Insights  for  Product  Strategy

Johanna  Kollmann  ~  @johannakoll  WebExpo  2014,  Prague

 “product/UX/technical/delivery  person”

 “product  architect”

Photo  by  Shahar  Nechmad


“Customer  insight  is  an  oft-­‐used  buzz-­‐word  covering  the  process  of  using  internal  or  external  data  to  describe  and  predict  customer  behaviour.”  Deloitte  website  business  pitch  speak.

Customer  Insights  



Contextual  inquiry  Mental  models  Interviews  Diary  studies

Quantitative Qualitative

Adapted  from  Eigures  by  Janice  Fraser,  Nate  Bolt,  Christian  Rohrer

Automated  card  sort  Surveys  Automated  studies  Analytics  A/B  Testing  Multi-­‐variant  testing

Surveys  Interviews

Usability  testing  Moderated  card  sort  Wizard  of  Oz

Product  Strategy??

Existing  product New  product

Quant  data  to  find  out  WHAT  

!Qual  data  to  investigate  


Limited  quant  data  !

 (Contextual)  qual  insight  to  observe    WHAT  

and  understand    WHY  

👑 data 👑 mission

1)  Challenges  

2)  Skills  

3)  Opportunity  

1)  Challenges  

2)  Skills  

3)  Opportunity

Customer  Development??Lean  Startup

Agile  Lean  Product  Innovation  Consulting

!Often a lot at stake for the owner/instigator. Hard to determine scope. Hard to plan. New tech/data structure/processes. Change (management).

New  =  risky

!Customers can be hard to find/access. Lack of data. What to test with? Can’t be planned as well (no ‘agile recipe’). Research as a safety net, a crutch for making decisions.

Research  =  tricky

1)  Challenges  

2)  Skills  

3)  Opportunity  



Contextual  inquiry  Mental  models  Interviews  Diary  studies

Quantitative Qualitative

Adapted  from  Eigures  by  Janice  Fraser,  Nate  Bolt,  Christian  Rohrer

Automated  card  sort  Surveys  Automated  studies  Analytics  A/B  Testing  Multi-­‐variant  testing

Surveys  Interviews

Usability  testing  Moderated  card  sort  Wizard  of  Oz

Know  research  techniques  !

Pick  up  new  ones

!What we saw What it means Why it matters

Product-­relevant  insights

!What are they doing now? What mental models do we have to be aware of? What competitors do we have to be aware of? What is of value to them about the competitors? What are their needs and how do our value proposition and features match these? Which attitudes and needs are standing out across all people we’ve seen? What are we worried about now? ….

Product-­relevant  insights

by  @lukew

Set  your  product  up  for  insights    from  day  one

1)  Challenges  

2)  Skills  

3)  Opportunity  










Thank  you!  😻  !

Say  hi:  @johannakoll  !
