Customer Flow Understanding

Post on 10-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Customer Flow Understanding

Customer Flow

Objectives-Clear understanding of the stages of Customer Flow.

-Understanding the main bottlenecks at which stages of the customer flow.

- International Relations Role within Customer Flow.

-Customer Centricity & Putting the customer in the center of what we do.

What is a Customer Flow?

Example of a customer flow

What makes a customer flow efficient?

Great Customer Service

Faster Way to get the service

What makes a customer flow inefficient?

Bad Customer Service Slow processes



ice ProductProcessProm





AttitudesStrategies Offer





So what is our Customer Flow?





stranger visitor

Customer Promoter


Open In Progress Match

ReintegratedRealized Complete

Customer Profile

Customer Status

1 2

3 4

Customer Flow Phase




-Learn more about AIESEC-Understand how they benefit his personal goals.-Check Credibility-Convince Parents


-Make a Profile on OP-Understand Application Process-Search for Suitable Opportunities; Get as much information about Opp. as possible-Apply


In-Progress-Take RB with sending Entity.

Accepted-Search for Opp.

Not Accepted-Get Feedback-End

Match-Complete Formalities and Finalize Details-Start Preparation for the Program-GTK Other Program/Project Participants-Book travel & -Get Insurance/ Vaccination/ Visa Done-Receive all possible logistical information-Iincluding crisis management information (Crisis communication channels and XPP clauses)-Travel

Ideal Customer Flow


Value Delivery

-Understand & experience Host Environment (Living & Work-Place)-Work & Learn in the Org/Project-Involved with International & Local AIESEC Community; Engage with HE activities-Stay Connected back home | Share stories and experience in real-time-Experience culture and place -Last Days: Reflect on learning and impact created. Get Professional Feedback.

Realized Complete

Depart & Travel Back

-Share the Experience-Provide Feedback

End AIESEC Take another Program

Brand Advocacy

Re-Integrated-GTK More Opportunities in AIESEC-Proactively shares his/her experience | Wants their social circle members to take up the XP-Signs Up for another program

Ideal Customer Flow

What kind of activities are done at

each stage?


Customer Flow ActivitiesAttraction

Offline Promotion such as University Stands, university Events, Class shouts & etc..Online promotion through Facebook groups and LCs fan pages.IXP Referrals (Friends)




-Having Review Board. -Choosing project within country / LC partnerships-Having a Skype meeting with Hosting entity.- Paying EP Fee

Approved-Conducting OPs and preparing EPs for travelling-informing EPs about contacts within Hosting Entity & sending entity.-Contacting Hosting Entity to make sure about preparation for hosting the EP. -Contacting EPs to make sure they have Visa & Flight tickets & insurance.- Managing Visa issues cases.

- Phone Call / Email to EP as a first contact.

- Giving brief information to the EP about AIESEC and Global Citizen & inviting EPs for Review Boards.


Customer Flow ActivitiesValue Delivery

- Contacting EPs to asses their satisfaction within their internship.

- Collecting promotional materials from EPs.

- Managing cases sent by EPs.

Realized Complete

Contacting and inviting EPs to attend RIS.Take a feedback about their internship

Brand Advocacy


-Conducting a re-integration seminar.-Offering EPs new offers either to join AIESEC or take another internship ( GCDP – GIP ).

Where is our main bottleneck?

.Attraction In-Progress Match Realized

-Phone Calls-Sending E-mails

-RB-EPs looking for Opp on EXPA-Sending Opp to EPs-Calling EPs to apply for Opp

- Taking EP fees- Calling EPs to attend Ops- Organizing Opses- Ensuring EPs buying

tickets, applying for Visa, etc…

- Managing Cases - Receiving Materials from


1 Month or More

EP Matching Time:

How can we fix that?

First We need to understand our


Activity Time

What should we ask our customers about?

-How did you get to know about AIESEC?-What attracted you to take our opportunities?-How was contact with AIESEC representative? --When did you get contacted after you applied?-How was the Review Board?-How was the process of finding a project and how do you assess it? How much time from finding the opportunity until you got accepted in a project and you paid the program fee? - What was difficult in the process and why it was difficult?-What do you think needs to be improved in our processes?-How was your outgoing preparation seminar?-Did an AIESEC representative contact you during the experience and after you came back from your Experience?-Did your GC experience meet your expectations before travelling?-What did you like about your experience? -Would you recommend the experience for your friends ?-From 1 to 10 how do you assess AIESEC Global Citizen volunteering experience?

Conclusions-What our customers like about us?

- Support from hosting entity- OPS was a good idea.- The matching process was quick she was matched the same

day she applied.- She gave for Hosting entity 10 and sending 2 because o OPs.- He had a faster matching process.- He really liked the contact from SE- He give the project 8.- She had a good contact with EP manager because it was her

friend.- They like that during GC they become part of the country not a

tourist.- She liked support from HE- She gave 10 for the internship- She went for GC to do something useful in her vacation.- She didn’t have problem in contact because she was an

AIESECer.- She gave 9 to the internship.- Contact with EP manager was good- She gave 10 for SE, HE is 5.- Her project helped her in improving her English Skills.- She liked EXPA because of info that was there.- She liked her project because she got exposed to different

environment.- She knew about AIESEC because of her friend, she decided to

go because she likes travelling. - She gave SE 9.

-What customers didn’t like about us?- She didn’t get info about logistics and practical

information more than attitudes during travelling.- She needed support in documents.- She got matched offline.- She broke the contact after OPs.- He didn’t get a reply after appyling on EXPA so he

had to contact HE by himself.- Not clear information about of the project.(Dates,

logistics, Costs, Etc..)- She didn’t like that she was left alone in finding the

opportunity on EXPA.- The OPs was organized too late for her internship and

the info in OPs wasn’t enough.- She didn’t have a contact with EP manager during

realization.- She had a problem in different info in Jd than what

she actually did.- She expected voulntering work more than self

development.- She didn’t get a reply after applying for Opportunitiy,

so she applied on facebook.- She didn’t have Ops. - She didn’t like difference between JD on expa and

what she actually did.- She didn’t know about AIESEC before her GC.- Meetings werent well prepared (RIS, OPs).- She didn’t have an info session before getting

matched.- She didn’t like her project because it wasn’t prepared

and she had to prepare the materials by herself.- She was looking for Opps by herself, she was

matched in 1 month.- She wanted to be called instead of E-mail after her

internship to tell about her story.

Based on Customers inputs how can we improve our customer


Sit in 2 Groups

Come up with one idea how to improve our customer flow?


Sum up Great Service for

Customers is a must

The faster way your customers get the service the more happy they are

Customer Flow needs constant Development

based on Customer Needs.

You should always listen to your Customers.

Work on Standards and Satidfaction