Curriculum ~ Writing Creating Info-Graphics The Art of Quick Reads creating info-graphics for...

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Transcript of Curriculum ~ Writing Creating Info-Graphics The Art of Quick Reads creating info-graphics for...

Curriculum ~ Writing

Creating Info-Graphics

The Art of Quick Reads

creating info-graphicsfor student publications

Curriculum ~ Writing

Creating Info-Graphics

Story Packages with Quick Reads

• Quick reads combine to tell the story Facts: factoids/infographs > listings > question & answers >

interactive test quizzes > maps & diagrams > definitions, index & glossaries > statistic box

Figures: pie chars, bar & line graphs > numerical tables & charts > schedules > calendars > timelines > scores

Feelings: partial quickie quotes > story, featured quotes > anecdotes > advice & how-to’s > personality sketches

• Appeal to selective readers

• Open up reader-friendly design options

Curriculum ~ Writing

Creating Info-Graphics Examples: Facts

Curriculum ~ Writing

Creating Info-Graphics Examples: Figures

Curriculum ~ Writing

Creating Info-Graphics Examples: Feelings

Curriculum ~ Writing

Creating Info-Graphics

Example: Facts, Figures & Feelings

Curriculum ~ Writing

Creating Info-Graphics find the info-graphics

Curriculum ~ Writing

Creating Info-Graphics find the info-graphics

Curriculum ~ Writing

Creating Info-Graphics find the info-graphics

Curriculum ~ Writing

Creating Info-Graphics find the info-graphics

Curriculum ~ Writing

Creating Info-Graphics

Polls & Surveys make great Quick Reads

Poll10% sampling of your readershipReported in percentages

Survey10-person inquiryReported as “X many out of 10”

Curriculum ~ Writing

Creating Info-Graphics

Getting Polls and Surveys

Setting guidelines for polls/surveysApply the “3-day rule;” do not take longer than three days

Day 1: create questionsDay 2: conduct questioningDay 3: compile results & file

Establish appropriate formatLimit questions to 5 per survey; 2 per pollConduct at registration, picture day, homerooms

Curriculum ~ Writing

Creating Info-Graphics Do your homework

Determine focus of questionnaire, poll or surveyDefine size & characteristics of group (125 students? Just boys? Just athletes? Etc.)

Carefully word questions/answersInclude short answer & multiple choice objective and subjective questions

Include administrative instructionsWhere should they be turned in and when?

Curriculum ~ Writing

Creating Info-Graphics Compile Results

Set a timeline & place for collection of completed questionnaires, polls or surveys

Compute data/statistics

Compile quotable responses

Analyze materialDetermine impact on book decisionsHow does it contribute to the story & how to integrate into coverage

Send thank you notes to resources, if necessary

Curriculum ~ Writing

Creating Info-Graphics Use the Info

In headlinesTo convey thought for primary headline or add details to coverage in secondary

In news featuresTo add substantial, quantifiable details to lead, quotes, transitions & conclusion

As quick readsTo showcase personalities or particulars

In captionsTo personalize the photo allowing those directly involved to tell their stories

Curriculum ~ Writing

Creating Info-Graphics So, go talk to somebody!

• Create two different poll questions and go ask 10 different students each question. You should talk to 20 people total. Take careful notes. Write down any good quotes.

• Create a poll question for a sports team or club. Ask 10% of the enrollment (ie: If there are 1200 students in the school, ask at least 120). Keep careful notes. Use math to create a pie chart or graph.

• Create a questionnaire for teachers asking questions about their classes. Distribute and collect within the week.

Curriculum ~ Writing

Creating Info-GraphicsNow, create something!

• Make a graph or chart with the information you found.

• Create a cool quote box/graphic to showcase your best quotes.

• Make a quiz or interactive piece to go with one of your questions or quick reads