Current & Future Challenges for Library Systems

Post on 31-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Current & Future Challenges for Library Systems

Technical Services & Library Systems

Current and future challenges and opportunities

Whitni Watkins Technical Services & Systems Librarian


Current Challenges

“But whether it’s through the implementation of a new library services platform or by readjusting the way that the library works with existing systems, libraries need to balance how they manage electronic and print resources” (Breeding, 2014)

Marshall Breeding on Managing Resources• Disconnect in Resource Allocation• Workflow challenges in managing resources on multiple

platforms• Resource Management• Inertia of Legacy Systems

Allocation of Time & Resources

These challenges can lead directly to opportunities for productive change and growth. That point must be emphasized: challenges are opportunities. (Fenner, 2005)

• Counterproductive staffing patterns• Budget allocated for electronic, Time

allocated for print


Electronic Resources


Print Resources

Managing Resources. effectively

• Variety of formats (digital & physical)

• Utilizing tools outside of the ILS

“Librarians have done better at making sense of huge, heterogeneous databases than any other group, and should continue to do so in the future” (Crawford and Gorman 1995).

Outdated Library Systems & Technology Changes

• Core automation system built to manage print collections not electronic• New system, new materials, results in a change in workflows• Utilizing outside tools to accomplish necessary tasks• Technology shift requires new skill sets

“While the revamped workflows programmed into library services platforms provide one means to break away from counterproductive staffing patterns, other paths can also lead to a more balanced distribution of effort.” (Breeding, 2014)

User Expectations

• Growing expectation for electronic & digital services

Our collections are now booming with digital content and a very inept way to serve it. The traditional ILS wasn’t created to handle digital content. The new ILS, will serve as a library service platform where digital content will be a the forethought instead of an afterthought.

Challenges are opportunities.

“Simple solutions assume simple futures, but every realistic indication is that the future will be more complex than the present” (Crawford and Gorman 1995).

• Change in technology can force us to make changes that are very productive improvements.

• We can change workflows to take greater advantage of available technology.

• Serving out patrons what they want is our main goal.

Questions ?


Breeding, M. (2014) Balancing the Management of Electronic and Print Resources. The Systems Librarian, 34(5).

Fenner, A. (2005) Fast Times in Technical Services: Challenges and Opportunities. The Southeastern Librarian, 53(3).