Current event project_final

Post on 19-May-2015

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Transcript of Current event project_final

By Paige Janac

Taliban Launch Wave of Attacks in Afghan Kandahar


Afghanistan Population: 29.1 million

Capital: Kabul

Area: 652,225 sq km (251,773 sq miles)

Major Religion: Islam

Government: Islamic Republic

President: Hamid Karzai


Emerged following the withdraw of Soviet troops from Afghanistan

Ruling government until driven from power by USA

Regrouped in Afghanistan and Pakistan

Kandahar2nd largest city in Afghanistan

Place of significant fighting between Taliban and US forces

Birthplace of Taliban

Jailbreak in Kandahar prison led by Taliban leaders

Attack on KandaharTaliban launched an attack on provincial governor’s compound

Followed by gunfire from nearby shopping center

Six suicide bombers detonated car bombs at several government targets

Attack on KandaharPart of Taliban’s Spring offensive

Caused panic across the city

President Hamid Karzazi believes attack is an attempt to avenge Osama Bin Laden

Attack on Kandahar

Taliban claim attack wasn’t done in retaliation for death of Osama Bin Laden

Government has recaptured parts of Kandahar

Escaped prisoners from Kandahar prison aided attack

Future ImplicationsAttack may force United States to send more troops to Afghanistan

May inspire future attacks by Taliban and be the start of Taliban’s attempt to regain power

Taliban may attempt future prison breaks

Calls into question the effectiveness and security of Kandahar prisons

Work Cited“Afghanistan country profile.” BBC. BBC, 15 Mar. 2011. Web. 8 May 2011. < 2/ hi/ south_asia/ country_profiles/ 1162668.stm>.

“Afghanistan: Kandahar Taliban attackers ‘defeated.’” BBC. BBC, 8 May 2011. Web. 8 May 2011. < news/ world-south-asia-13325855>.

Boone, Jon. “Taliban launch multi-pronged attack on city of Kandahar.” The Observer. Guardian News and Media Limited, 8 May 2011. Web. 8 May 2011. < world/ 2011/ may/ 08/ taliban-launch-attack-kandahar-city>.

Sameem, Ismail. “Taliban launch wave of attacks in Afghanistan’s Kandahar.” Reuters. Thomson Reuters, 7 May 2011. Web. 8 May 2011. < article/ 2011/ 05/ 07/ us-afghanistan-violence-idUSTRE7460Q020110507>.

“Who are the Taliban?” BBC. BBC, 1 Oct. 2010. Web. 8 May 2011. < news/ world-south-asia-11451718>.