Current Environmental Situation in Myanmar -...

Post on 23-Jul-2018

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Transcript of Current Environmental Situation in Myanmar -...

Current Environmental Situation in Myanmar

WMO  GURME  regional  TrainingWorkshop  on  urban  air  quality  modeling for  ASEAN  Countries

7-­‐10  April  2015

Mr. Hein LattEnvironmental Conservation Department

Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry, Myanmar


• Background• Policy  Guidance• Institution• Gaps  

Myanmar • Capital City - Nay Pyi Taw • States - 7• Regions - 7• Races - (Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin,

Myanmar, Mon, Rakhine, Shan)• Religion - 135 (Estimate)• Seasons - Summer, Rainy, Winter• Famous Festival - Thingyan Festival (in April)

The Environmental Conservation Department (ECD) is playing as key government agency under the MOECAF sinceOct 2012 for the effective implementation of environmentalconservation and management in Myanmar.

Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry has been upgraded in place of Ministry of Forestry in September2011 for as the focal point for the overall environmentalmanagement in the country, coordinating agency for environmentalmatters and promoting environmentally sustainable development.

Conceptual  Flow  Diagram  of  Environmental  Management  System  (EMS)  in  Myanmar




EC  LawEC  Rules

EIA  ProcedureCoordination  Mainstreaming


Line  MinistriesDepartments


Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry (MOECAF)

Planning & Statistics


Forest Department

Environmental Conservation


Myanmar Timber


Dry Zone Green Dept

Survey Dept.

Organizational Structure of Environmental Conservation Department

Environmental  Conservation  Department(156  +  247)



(11  +  36)47

Admin Budget

Policy,    Planning,  Int.  Relation,  Research  and  Training  Division

(13  +  11)24

Policy  &  Planning

Int.  Relation  &  Res  &  Ext.

Pollution  Control  Division(11+9)20

Urban  &  Industries

Env.  Quality

Natural  Resources  &  EIA  Division


Natural  Res.  Cons.


State  &  Region(6  +  4)


Efforts  in  term  of  policy  and  legislation

Environmental  Policy  (1994)Myanmar  Agenda  21  (1997)

National  Sustainable  Development  Strategy  –NSDS  (2009)

Environmental  Conservation  Law  (2012)Environmental  Conservation  Rules  (2014)

EIA  procedures  (6th draft  in  2015)Environmental  Quality  Guideline  (Draft  )

Policy guidelines : Environmental conservation

• To lay down new policy for economic development in parallel with environmental conservation

• To review and amend laws and enact new laws on environmental conservation

• To conserve Forests and Biodiversity• To reduce Air and Water pollution • To control of Industrial Waste• To extend Renewable Energy• To mobilize participation of people and social


•Increasing investment of Development projects in terms of Oil & Gas, Hydropower , Highways, Industries and Special Economic Zones and Urbanization are largely increasing from Transformation of Natural Resources based Economy to Industrial-based Economy• Leading to cause environmental pollutions

Challenges in Environmental Management

Global  Climate  Change  

Limited  Institutional  Capacity  and  Technology

Poor  coordination

Sustainability  of  Finance  


Specific Rules, Regulation and Guidelines

Public Private Partnership

Financial Mechanism

Environmental Sound Technology

International Cooperation

Research &Development Innovation

Technology  Transfer  Project  for  PM  2.5  monitoring  (PMTT)

• Signed    MOU  with  Asia  Center  for  Air  Pollution  Research  (ACAP)  at  19  May  2015

• Will  install  and  train  for  PM  2.5  Monitoring  Equipment  at  the  end  of  April  2015  by  ACAP  

• We  will  need  to  report  the  out  coming  data  to  EANET  (Acid  Deposition  Monitoring  Network  in  East  Asia)

Thank You