Culture Matters Impact on the Effectiveness of TV...

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The Journal of Commerce

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Culture Matters Impact on the Effectiveness of TV Advertising:

Muqqadas Rehman*


Culture matters for TV advertising significant cultural contents. This study is regarding the examining of the nature of relationship between the culture and the effectiveness of T.V advertising. Culture influences the effectiveness of T.V advertising in some way or the other, both in positive or negative manner or having no effect at all. This impact of culture on the effectiveness of TV advertising may vary according to the nature of the product and the category under which the product lies (for example: necessities or luxuries etc.)


Culture: Culture has been defined as, “As dynamic blueprints for action to interpretation that enables a person to operate in a manner acceptable to other members of the society. (H, Paul. A 1998).

“Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, laws, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society”.(Tylor, 1871)

According to white (1959, p.3), culture has been defined as an extra-somatic (non genetic, non bodily) temporal continuum of things and events dependent upon symbol ling culture consists of tools, implements, utensils, clothing, ornaments, customs, institutions, beliefs, rituals, games, work of art, language, etc.

Culture is the glue that binds groups together. Without cultural patterns, people would have difficulty living together. Culture defines, a human community, its individuals and social organizations. (Mooij, 2004)

Tylor’s definition focuses on beliefs and behavior that people acquire, not through biological heredity, but by growing up in a particular society, where they are exposed to and learn a specific cultural tradition. Culture is transmitted

* Lecturer, Hailey College of Commerce

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in society. Shared cultural beliefs, values, memories, expectations and ways of thinking and acting over ride differences between people.(Kottak, P. 1999)

For anthropologist, Leslie White (1959). Culture originated when our ancestors acquired the ability to symbol. A symbol is something verbal or non verbal, within a particular language or culture, that comes to stand for something else. Cultures are not haphazard collection of customs and beliefs, but integrated patterned systems. Customs, institutions, beliefs & values, are inter-related; if one changes, other changes as well. (Kottak, P. 1999)

As defined previously, society’s culture is described as dynamic blueprints for action & interpretations. Members of a culture use there blueprints or framework (comprising of active knowledge & rules) which enable them to operate in a manner acceptable to other members of the culture.(Paul, A. 1998)

• Habits & customs such as “greetings” are examples of cultural blueprints.

• Blueprints also include non verbal communications skills such as how to claim a place in a line at a line at a check out counter.

(Arnold, E. et’al, 2004) Blueprints for action & interpretation are constructed by culture as shown below:

Arnold, E. et’al, 2004, p. 77)

Values consists of a people’s belief about the goal or the way of life that is desirable for themselves and their society. It is useful to think of values as providing the ultimate standards that people believe must be upheld under practically all circumstances. (Peoples, J; Bailey, G. 1999)

1. Values

2. Beliefs

3. Norms

4. Attitude


- Combination Rules

- Active Knowledge

- Customs

- Habits

- Skills

- Non verbal



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Values are basic guidelines for good and desirable behaviour. They are vague principals that beliefs are based upon.

As stated by Sperber (1996), in all human societies, traditional or modern, with or without writing; with or without pedagogic institutions, all normal individuals acquire a rich body of intuitive beliefs about themselves and their natural & social environment. These beliefs are acquired in the course of ordinary interaction with the environment & with others. They need no conscious learning efforts on the part of the learner and no conscious teaching efforts on the part of others (Atran and sperber 1991).

Norms are shared ideas (or rules) about how people ought to act in certain situations, or about how particular people should act toward particular other people the emphases here is on the words ideal, rule, ought and should. (People, J; Bailey, G 1999)

An attitude is a person’s enduring favorable or unfavorable evaluations, emotional feelings, and action tendencies towards some object or idea. People have attitudes towards almost everything: religion, politics, food, clothen, etc. Attitudes put them into a frame of mind of linking or disliking anything, moving towards or away from it. (Kotler, P. 2003)

To complicate matters, culture cannot be reduced to a list of norms, values or other cultural elements, although all of these are important in a culture. `The issue of language comes up in a number of situation. Language has a significant influence on our blueprints for action and interpretation. Users of different language (a set of cultural principals and cultural categories) are led towards different types of observations & different evaluations of similar observations (interpretations). (Arnold, E. et’al 2004).

Advertising Effectiveness

The latin root of the word “advertising” is advertere i.e “to turn towards” (Danial, S. 1920)

In a very real sense, advertising is meant to turn us towards a product or service, by providing information or creating a positive feeling. Advertising is an ‘indirect way’ of turning a potential customer towards the advertised products or service by providing information that is designed to effect a favourable impression, what is called a positive brand attitude. This favourable positive

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brand attitude then helps place the consumers on the path towards seeking out the product or service advertised. (Percy, L. et’al, 2001).

This will be true regardless of whether we are dealing with consumer goods like food, clothes, shelter (basic necessities), luxury items (electronics, automobiles, cosmetics) or industrial goods etc.

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What do you think “LG” is trying to do here with their advert for the mobile phone? We can never really guess what an advertiser actually carries in his mind without reading their marketing plan and creative strategy. But looking at this advert it would appear that “LG” wants us to think about the new facility, it has created for the Muslim consumers by providing them with the service, which shows the direction of Kiblah; prayer time Azan alarm and Islamic calendar- around the world.

The point is that this advert is not explicitly asking you to buy “LG Mobile” now, rather it is helping to create a positive feeling and attitude for the brand. This positive brand attitude is what will lead to purchase.

In order an advertisement to work successfully:

Consumer should be “exposed” to the message i.e place somewhere that the prospective buyer can see, read or hear it, as appropriate.

The prospective buyer must next “process” (respond to )one or more elements in the advertisement if it is to have an effect i.e. immediate response to the various elements in the advert (words & pictures). (Percy, L. et’al, 2001)

Company’s image or a particular service are more permanent brand connected responses, termed as the “communication effects”. These should be strong enough to convert the immediate response of the consumers to a more permanent response.

The resulting communication effect, associated with the brand, will lead to a particular response i.e decision by a consumer about whether or not to take “action” by a result of the message, such as purchasing the brand.

Generally, talking about effectiveness, it is related to

• Involvement – participation

• Consistency – shared beliefs and values

• Adaptability – ability to recognize the need for change and the willingness to change.

Effectiveness depends upon

• The core values and beliefs of the members of the society.

• The policies and practices used by the members.

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• The success in translating the core values and beliefs practices. Advertising is all about communication. So to be effective, it must be based on:

• A precise definition of to “whom” we are trying to communicate.

• A clear understanding of “what” we need to communicate.

• Some understanding of what effect we expect the communication to have.

• (wibnshurst. J etal, 1999) Impact of Culture on the effectiveness of T.V Advertising: -

Culture plays an important role in affecting the effectiveness of T.V advertising. The ads constitute a form of entertainment that reflects daily life, often emphasizing romantic, humorous and violent elements and the fantasies,

Values & Beliefs

Policies & Practice


Translation of core values into practices

Society’s environment





Whom to communicate

What to communicate

Expected effect of


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dreams, and imagination through which people escape from the realities of daily experiences. (Craig, S. et’al 2005). (According to H. Paul, 1998)

The way cultures reach to communications & messages, differ. Activities that understand these differences succeed. Those that ignore them, fail. This is because cultural differences can create problems when potential customers translate the message into there our cognition.(H. Paul, 1998).

Cultural impact varies depending on the product advertised because in the international market people’s acceptance of products from other cultures depends in part on the compatibility of the product advertised with the value and belief system. (Rogers 1995).

Failure to consider the impact of cultural forces has been behind many mistakes made especially in the international markets.(Ricks 1993).It is imperative for advertising firms to consider such factors when advertising a product internationally.

Culture of Pakistan

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Formal Name: Islamic Republic of Pakistan Short form: Pakistan Terms for citizens: Pakistani(s) Capital: Islamabad Flag: White vertical band on staff side. Green field with

white crescent & star in the center. (Richard, F. et’al 1983)


Size:- Approx: 87740 – a geographically contagious region consisting of four provinces i.e NWFP, Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, federally Administered areas of federal territory of Islamabad, FATA (tribal areas), Northern Areas and Azad Kashmir (Burki, M. 2001).

Climate:- Generally arid hot summers, cool or cold winters, wide variations of temperature in given locale and between coastal areas on Arabian sea and Glacier areas of northern areas. (Richard, F etal 1983) [Cool – Oct-Feb], [Hot – March to June], [Wet – July to September]

Languages: - Punjabi 48% Sindhi 12% Siraiki (a Punjabi variant) 10% Pashtu 8% Urdu (Official) 8% spoken by most in addition to native tribal language.

Balochi 3% Hindko 2% Brahui 1% English (Official language of elite & most govt. Ministries also taught in schools)

Education & Literacy: - Literacy rate: Around 36% Education: - organized into 5 levels Primary – grade 1 through 5 Middle - grade 6 through 8 High school – 9 &10 Intermediate – 11& 12

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Higher degree Program – 13 & 14 & above (Nyrop, R. 1983)

Ethnic Groups: - In general, same as the linguistic groups: Punjabi, Sindhi, Pukhtuns, Balochis/Brahui, plus the mahajirs; immigrants from India, many of whom native speakers of Urdu. (Nyrop, R. 1983)

Religion: - Islam is the unifying force. Freedom of worship is guaranteed. Islam pervades every facet of life from birth to death.

97 % Muslims (77% Sunni & 20 % Shiah) 3 % Christians, Hindu or other dominations,

Space: - Non-contact people. Physical touching is unacceptable between men and women; even married couples do not touch in public. It is acceptable between same sex children, even up-to teens, but not between children of opposite sex.

Values & Traditions: - Tribal custom and hierarchy prevalent highly developed folk literature and music and tribal traditions. (Mittmann, K. et’al 1995)

Beliefs & Attitude: - Belief destiny is subject to will of Allah (God). Inshallah (God willing) is a term commonly employed to express hope for success on a project, for one’s family or for a positive outcome to events.

Tough, strong and hardworking people showing a very hospitable attitude. (Mittmann, K. et’al 1995)

Income: - People categorized into 3 groups based on the income level.

1. Low Income Group 2. Middle Income Group 3. High Income Group

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Salient Cultural Aspects of each province, Federal areas & Tribal areas of Pakistan

Province / Region

Area Sq Km


Language Ethnic group Literacy (10yr & above)

Values & Traditions

Beliefs & Attitude

NWFP 74, 521 17743645

Pushto (73%) Hindko,Chitrali, Punjabi (1 %) Udru (0.8 %)

Pukhtuns, Punjabis, Gujrates, Chitralis

4190 Tribal Traditions

Conservative attitude loutan development & reform

Punjab 2,05,344 73621290

Punjabi (75.2 %) Saraiki (17.4 %) Pushto (1.2 %) Urdu (4.5 %)

Punjabis (Jats,Rajputs, Arayes, Gujjars), Pukhtuns

24610 Folklore traditions

Believe in saints, taboos, mystics / very hospitable attitude.

Sindh 1,40,914 30439893

Sindhi (59.7 %) Urdu (21.1%) Gujrati, Punjabi (7 %) Parsi, Pushtu (4.2 %)

Sindhis, Urdu speakers, Gujratis, Punjabis, Pukhtuns


Highly developed folklore literature music .mostly of mystical nature

Deeply steeped in mysticism & therefore not renounced for belief hardwork


3,47,190 6565885

Pushtu (29.6 %) Brohi, Balochi (54.8 %) Urdu (1.0 %)

Pukhtuns (50 %) Balochi (50 %)


Brahois act as the remnants of mohenjo daro Culture

Tough and strong people /semi nomadic

Federal territory Islamabad

906 805235

Urdu (10. 1 %) Punjabi (71. 6 %) Pushto (9.5 % ) Sindhi (0.61 %) Balochi (0.1 %) Other (7.0%) Siraiki (0.1 %)

- - - -

FATA 27,220 3176331 Pushto (99.1 %) Urdu (0.2 %)

- - - -

Northern area

68,879 - Bolti, Shina Pushto, Gilgiti

- - - -

Jammu Kashmir

12,431 - Koshur - - - -

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Source: - Pakistan census organization, Pakistan Statistical year book 2004. Footnote: The empty spaces indicate the unavailability of data for the shown areas

Advertising in Pakistan

“The splitting of media services away from creative and strategic agencies has been the biggest single seismic change in advertising in the last 15 yrs”. Stated James Best, DDB President Middle East and Africa. (Aurora, 2005)

Looking around us, it is fairly obvious that advertising in Pakistan is picking up. Some people, in the bullish frame of mind insist that the market has grown by as much as 50% in the last year and suggest that the pace is likely to continue (Wasay, E. 2005).

Pakistan’s channels are increasingly resorting to advertising to pull in the audiences. (Yusuf, H. 2005). Clearly television channels, whether established or up and coming, are feeling the heat of the competition. As the “Pakistan Electronic Media Regularity Authority (PEMRA) floods the market with licenses, marketing managers are throwing promotion efforts into high gear, hoping to reduce fickle. And even though, the legal is common- increase viewer ship- each channel has painstaking leg carved out its ‘modus operandi’, convinced that their way of doing things is the one that works. (Yusuf, H. 2005)

Segment study of Advertising in Pakistan

Total Advertising spend

- TV - Print - Outdoor - Radio - Direct

marketing / pop, Misc

Rs Billion % Share

3.9 3.6 1.4 0.25 0.65

39.8 36.7 14.3 2.6 6.6

Total 9.8 100 Source: - Gallup Pakistan & various industry 2005

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Source: Gallop Pakistan & various industry sources 2005 Total ad spend has increased from Rs. 8.1 Billion in 2002-3 to Rs. 9.8 Billion in 2003-4. It has increased by nearly 21 % growth over the previous two has been roughly 11.5 %. (Aurora- Jan-Feb, 2005)

Mind share Pakistan has also provided figures, which differ slightly from these, provided by Gallup Pakistan and various industry sources. The figures from mind share Pakistan are as follows:

TV – Rs. 5.1 Billion Print - Rs. 4 Billion Outdoor - Rs. 1.2 Billion Radio - Rs. 0.2 Billion

Their spend figures include taxes and agency commissions and their figures for print do not include tender and classified ads.(Aurora- Jan-Feb, 2005).

The impact of culture on the effectiveness of TV Advertising in Pakistan

As mentioned earlier, failure to consider the impact of cultural forces has been behind many mistakes which occur when advertising a product in other than domestic region. Some of the salient features regarding the cultural aspect of Pakistan have been listed above which include, the geographic demography of the country showing culturally different regions based on different languages spoken there,area wise different traditions adopted by the people living in these regions, the variation in attitude of these people of different areas etc.

T.VPrintOutdoorRadioDirect Marketing

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Previously, we have also done the segment study of advertising in Pakistan, which shows that the target share of advertising budget is being spent mainly on TV advertising as compared to any other media.

It is important to note here that each ad which is being run on the TV screen, in different regions of Pakistan should be developed keeping in mind the cultural variations of these region because ignorance of this major factor can create problems when potential customers translate the message into their own cognition; and that may lead to a failure of that ad.

In brief, in order to make TV advertising effective in Pakistan because of its different cultural regions, one should have a clear understanding about:

-The target region -The target audience -The theme of the ad. -The expected effect of that ad. -The language spoken in the target region -The values & traditions preferred by the people of these different regions etc.


Culture matters in important ways that are salient for the effectiveness of TV advertising, because it influence the success of TV advertising in foreign markets regions; which depends upon the four important components of culture – values, beliefs, norms and traditions. Finally, language after constitutes an important factor because it is a key conduct for the transmission of culture.

Cultural impact also various depending in part on the compatibility of the product advertised with the value & belief system.

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