Cult 1: Eduardo Avaroa-Lola Cardona School, Bolivia Cult 1: Eduardo Avaroa-Lola Cardona School,...

Post on 27-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Cult 1: Eduardo Avaroa-Lola Cardona School, Bolivia Cult 1: Eduardo Avaroa-Lola Cardona School,...

• Cult 1Cult 1: Eduardo Avaroa-Lola Cardona School, : Eduardo Avaroa-Lola Cardona School, BoliviaBolivia

• Cult 2Cult 2: Abbas Al Akkad Exp. Language school, : Abbas Al Akkad Exp. Language school, EgyptEgypt

• Cult 3Cult 3: : Abu Bakr El Sedeek Exp. Language school, Abu Bakr El Sedeek Exp. Language school, EgyptEgypt

• Cult 4Cult 4: DSEMU Gorgi Naumov School, : DSEMU Gorgi Naumov School, MacedoniaMacedonia

• Cult 5Cult 5: Berlage Lyceum, : Berlage Lyceum, NetherlandNetherland

• Cult 7Cult 7: Valmiera Pargauja gymnasium,: Valmiera Pargauja gymnasium, LatviaLatvia

• Cult 8Cult 8: BKG Reformed High School, : BKG Reformed High School, RomaniaRomania

• Cult 11Cult 11: : Hastings High School,Hastings High School, USAUSA

Well known fact that culture is effectuated by Well known fact that culture is effectuated by humans and it is the total of material and humans and it is the total of material and spiritual values for a certain people, in a certain spiritual values for a certain people, in a certain region and in a certain era. region and in a certain era. All people of the would have their own cultural All people of the would have their own cultural values and we would like to learn as much as values and we would like to learn as much as we can about it, about your culture.we can about it, about your culture.

What cultural characteristics do your community have in the following areas:What cultural characteristics do your community have in the following areas:1.Material essentials:1.Material essentials:

a) buildings, eedifice, constructions: a) buildings, eedifice, constructions: - Which are the most famous, the most important, the oldest - Which are the most famous, the most important, the oldest buildings, sculptures?buildings, sculptures?- What is their purpose today?- What is their purpose today?- Do you protect and preserve these old buildings? How?- Do you protect and preserve these old buildings? How?

b) special objects: Give the names of objects, that are not or b) special objects: Give the names of objects, that are not or rarely rarely used by other nations (house instruments, hunting instruments)!used by other nations (house instruments, hunting instruments)!

c) books, writings, documents:c) books, writings, documents:-What kind of written and documents or other forms have What kind of written and documents or other forms have preserved your culture?preserved your culture?-How can you preserve information about your culture and how How can you preserve information about your culture and how can you pass it on to future generations?can you pass it on to future generations?

d) clothing, accessories (jewels):d) clothing, accessories (jewels):-Display your national (traditional) clothing together with Display your national (traditional) clothing together with accessories (jewels, decorations)!accessories (jewels, decorations)!

We are interested about these:We are interested about these:

…and about these:and about these:

2. Spiritual essentials:2. Spiritual essentials:a) languages: -What kind of nationalities do you live a) languages: -What kind of nationalities do you live

together with? together with? - What kind of national minorities are there in your country and how do they - What kind of national minorities are there in your country and how do they influence your culture? influence your culture?

b) costumes and traditios:b) costumes and traditios:- holidays, drinks and food:- holidays, drinks and food:

-What kind of special national days and cultural celebrations do you What kind of special national days and cultural celebrations do you have?have?-What kind of particular food and drink do you have?What kind of particular food and drink do you have?-What kind of special sport traditions do you have?What kind of special sport traditions do you have?-What kind of particular carnevals, dances and rituals do you have? What kind of particular carnevals, dances and rituals do you have? Describe this in a few sentences.Describe this in a few sentences.-What occasions do you practice these dances?What occasions do you practice these dances?-What kind of other national specialties do you have (symbols, flowers, What kind of other national specialties do you have (symbols, flowers, animals)? animals)?

-religion, religious rules:-religion, religious rules:-What role does religions play in your culture?What role does religions play in your culture?-What kind of religions and denominations are there in your countries?What kind of religions and denominations are there in your countries?

So please give us descriptions about the above areas of your culture. So please give us descriptions about the above areas of your culture.

Bolivian culture clipsBolivian culture clips

Egyptian cultureEgyptian cultureclipsclips

Macedonian Macedonian culture clipsculture clips

Dutch culure clipsDutch culure clips

Latvian culture clips

Székelyudvarhely (Romania)Székelyudvarhely (Romania)the paradise of the Hungarian-Sekler culturethe paradise of the Hungarian-Sekler culture

American culture clipsAmerican culture clips

What was our knowledge about the topic at the beginning?What was our knowledge about the topic at the beginning?

we knew some of the habits, traditions of these countries

we knew famous buildings from Egypt,Holland, America

we knew a few habits, artworks, famous people from the countries mentioned above

we knew importnant historical - cultural events from these countries

What did we want to learn?What did we want to learn?

any clutural information,

expecially about Bolivia, Macedonia, Latvia because we know only a few things about these countries

We would like to know more details about

material cultural values

spiritual cultural values

Why did we choose these questions?Why did we choose these questions?

to compare cultural values

we want to enrich our detailed knowledge

to geather our missing knowledge

to be able to make comparisons

What had we known about it before?What had we known about it before?

other subjects

We teach only general things during our lessons:

about world`s history

about world`s geography

about world`s literature

partial history of art

What have we learnt from the answers?What have we learnt from the answers?

we enriched our knowledge about other people`s culture, traditions

we got plenty of information

we know new details

we got new and interesting information

What are the similarities and differences?What are the similarities and differences?

we all keep these celebrations, traditions but in different way

we have similary habits but defined in other way

we have the same celebrations but we correlate to them in different ways

we have completly different habits, celebrations, traditions

What is our conclusion?What is our conclusion?

we could get information more easily and quickly

The methods of LC are more effective than those of the traditional ones, because:

we can reach exactly those information which we want

we do this very dynamic

the process of searching is much more interesting and various

The The MMembers of Cult8 embers of Cult8 GGroup, LC September 2003roup, LC September 2003The The MMembers of Cult8 embers of Cult8 GGroup, LC September 2003roup, LC September 2003

Ambrus Timea - studentBenedek Barna – student

Csata Attila-student

Derzsi K. Emőke- student

Kovács Szabolcs- student

Mihály A. Szilárd - student

Némethi Katalin - student

Szabó Lóránt - student

Vass Noémi- student

Tuzson Zoltán- teacher