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  2. 2. This is for anyone who is serious about doing business with Cuba. Art Dealers, Importers, Exporters, Cargo Agents, Whole sellers, The Agricultural, Pharmaceutical and Tourism Industries. If you want to grab your share of the Cuban pie, this program is for you. WHO IS THIS FOR?
  3. 3. WELL SHOW YOU How you can take advantage of incredible opportunities from the RULE Changes made by the Obama Administration. How the removal from the Embargo list will affect business with Cuba. How to tap into an untouched market which has grown exponentially since the announcement.
  4. 4. What Incredible Opportunities are successful NOW and what will be coming once the embargo is lifted. The simple steps to become compliant and start dealing with Cuba. How to do ALL of this without spending time away at a summit or conference, or sitting through a long seminars that will lead you to more questions than answers WELL SHOW YOU
  7. 7. 1. Are you afraid to do business with Cuba because of what you've read or heard in the media? 2. Do you wonder how your business can CASH IN NOW from the Changes made between the USA and Cuba. 3. Do you wonder if there are real opportunities once the embargo is lifted? DOES THIS SOUND LIKE YOU?
  8. 8. 4. Are government regulations between Cuba and the USA a total mystery to you? 5. Do you feel intimidated to do business with Cuba? 6. Do you secretly know CUBA will be the next GOLD RUSH? DOES THIS SOUND LIKE YOU?
  11. 11. You'll have complete control over how to do business with Cuba, Who you work with, how you serve them, and the prices you can command. You will benefit from the Gold Rush because youll obtained the knowledge and be fully completely prepared and compliant to do business with Cuba. ONCE YOU HAVE MADE IT
  12. 12. You'll find that the rules and regulations can be easily managed. AND you'll do all this while enjoying a great feeling of joy knowing you helped to revitalize a nation. ONCE YOU MADE IT
  13. 13. There are 5 simple steps you need to do in order to start doing business between the USA and Cuba. We're going to walk you through EXACTLY how to make those steps starting today. THE ONLY THING YOU NEED TO KNOW
  14. 14. Im a Canadian with 30 years Experience in International business and Global Logistics. My expertise is Consulting clients on how to do business overseas. My specialty is emerging markets like Cuba. Helping customers with the complexities of dealing with export, import and customs regulations to successfully deliver to foreign markets... Teach customers how to avoid unnecessary risks and guide them to be successful in emerging markets. WHO AM I
  16. 16. There are 5 key steps you must make to trade with Cuba while being the pioneers of the new GOLD RUSH. Im going to walk you through all 5 of them in this session. THE 5 STEPS
  18. 18. To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity. 1. Dealing with international markets requires true and accurate information. 2. Never assume the business practices in the USA are the same and acceptable elsewhere in the World. 3. ALWAYS BE AWARE about the legality in the countries of origin, destination and transshipment. What can be legal in the USA may not be Allowed in Other Countries. OPERATE WITH TOTAL INTEGRITY
  19. 19. Cubans are friendly and hospitable people. They are well educated with the highest literacy rate in the Caribbean. But they can be a little nave about your world. The pace of Life is slower than the North Americanos. But people are eager for advancement and investment. They want to modernize while keeping the old world charm. Cubas regulation are stringent and the same for all overseas trading partners including the USA. Take note Cuba uses the ICC 2010 INCOTERMS Standards when negotiating a contract for importation or exportation. THE CULTURE
  21. 21. PREMIUM PRICING Why higher prices for Cuba? First is Supply and Demand. There is a huge demand and not much supply for many products and services. Second, Quality Goods and Services at a Fair Price. Customer in this trade will pay for whats high in demand.
  22. 22. PREMIUM PRICING Last year, a friend of mine purchased a 2008 Volkswagen Passat CUC 55 K (USD 60 K). A car that you can buy today for less than $7 K on the used car market in the USA.
  23. 23. You will yield high margins because of the high prices already established. American products are high in demand and purchased from third countries. And, as a result its MUCH easier to hit your goal of premium pricing
  25. 25. Searching for treasure will take much longer if you dont have a map. Learning the trade, all the rules and regulations is just as difficult. My team of experts and I will show you how to do business with Cuba. We will show you all the Procedures and Documentation you need to comply with in Both the USA and CUBA. KNOWING THE TRADE
  26. 26. It can be extremely confusing and overwhelming to learn all of this on your own. What we know about Cuba took us decades of experience. Our team has gathered information from service providers, sellers, buyers, consultants, travel agents, air lines, logistics companies, cargo carriers, government officials and many more. With my team of experts we put together a easy and less intimidating system to do business with Cuba. KNOWING THE TRADE
  27. 27. QUICK RECAP So, now at this point, we know that we must be operating with Total Integrity, charging a Premium Price, and Knowing The Trade to do business with Cuba. Now, lets look at how to leverage your buying power to make a heftier profit.
  29. 29. The next step is to take advantage of your buying power. Americans on average buy larger quantities than any other country in the world as a result get better volume discounts and lower unit prices. The proximity to Cuba give Americans a competitive edge compared to other global partners. The World Market uses the strong U.S. Dollar, and Americans do not have to worry about fluctuating exchange rates which can affect the bottom line. Cubans already have access to some American products, but its through a third country. Buying direct will be less expensive. LEVERAGE YOUR BUYING POWER
  30. 30. THE FACTS 5 Facts Explain the Economic Upsides of an Opened Cuba 1. Money flowing home: Increase in permitted remittance flows will put annual cash remittances to Cuba at approximately $5.1 billion, a level greater than the four fastest growing sectors of the Cuban economy combined. This will help drive an increase in spending power in Cuba, which is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of 4.6% through this decade. 2. A lot more visitors: Cuba should be a natural magnet for American travelers. Despite needing to meet special criteria to receive a visa from the State Departmentallowable categories include educational and journalistic activities170,000 Americans visited the country last year. One of the Airlines now flies to Cuba 20 times per week, a 33% increase in flights compared to just a year ago. 3. Communication breakthroughs: Only one in ten Cubans regularly use mobile phones and only one in twenty have uncensored access to the Internet. Theres serious demand for the major infrastructure investments needed to improve these numbers. Some start-ups are making waves in spite of shoddy internet.
  31. 31. THE FACTS 5 Facts Explain the Economic Upsides of an Opened Cuba 4. A cure for Cuba: Cuba has the third highest number of physicians per capita, behind only Monaco and Qatar. Theyre even used as an export: Venezuela pays $5.5 billion a year for the almost 40,000 Cuban medical professionals who now make up half of its health-care personnel. Cuban doctors lack access to most American pharmaceutical products and, importantly, to third-generation antibiotics. For its part, Cubas surprisingly robust biotech industry makes a number of vaccines not currently available in the U.S. With the normalization of relations, Cuba can look to fully capitalize on its medical strengths. 5. Foreign investment: Cuba currently attracts around $500 million in foreign direct investment (FDI)good for just 1% of GDP. Given its tumultuous political history and underdeveloped economy, it is difficult to accurately predict how quickly investors will flock once the embargo has been lifted. But a good comparison might be the Dominican Republic, another Caribbean nation with roughly the same size population as Cuba. The Peterson Institute for International Economics estimates that Cuba could potentially attract as much foreign capital as the Dominican Republic, which currently receives $17 billion in FDI ($2 billion from the U.S).
  32. 32. THE STATS Trade between Canada and Cuba topped USD $1 Billion. Trade between the EU and Cuba topped USD $2.88 Billion. Trade between China and Cuba topped USD 1.643 Billion That is for a combined established trade 5.523 Billion.
  33. 33. THE STATS In 2014, Trade between US Cuba was a mere USD $450 Million. Since December 17, 2014 Cuba travel packages have more than DOUBLE in sales. When the embargo is lifted, the US trade with Cuba can easily DOUBLE or even TRIPLE within the first year. Some US Senators have already been to Cuba with local businesses seeking incredible opportunities.
  34. 34. BIG BUSINESS America Banks and Businesses are planning to enter Cuba when all the trade obstacles are removed. The Michigan agriculture community is already getting ready for a possibility for a trade relation with Cuba that would see Michigan export Black Beans, Milk and Apples to Cuba, since these commodities are a staple and in Major Demand in Cuba. Texas will be in a prime position to profit from thawed relations between the countries, because despite the embargo Texas already does business with Cuba within the allowed limits.
  35. 35. BIG BUSINESS A more open economy, coupled with less regulation, strong tourism and remittances, would pave the way for U.S. Food and Agricultural Exports to potentially reach Record levels within five years. Estimates indicate that U.S. food and agricultural exports to Cuba have the potential to exceed $1 billion annually. Summing up, easier trade between the two countries will benefit both enormously. Billions of dollars in business awaits for America in this Caribbean island along with some Pia Colada at the beach.
  36. 36. TOURISM Despite US travel restrictions, Cuba is a leading tourist destination in the Caribbean. Its favorable climate, cultural history, beautiful beaches, and colonial architecture makes tourism a main source of revenue for the island. (Its rumored some people go for the music, rum, and cigars!) Now, with news that the US and Cuba will start talks on normalizing full diplomatic relations after 50 years of hostility, the flow of Americans into Cuba will likely increase dramatically. While the proposed easing of travel restrictions wont necessarily allow for regular tourism, it is expected to make it easier for Americans to obtain a business license in the country, as well as to travel there..
  37. 37. There is no question that Cuban art is one of the great bargains in the art world today. Farmers, journalists, and other travelers to Cuba have bought paintings for as little as $150 and prints for under $100. It is possible to buy fine works by emerging or mid-career Cuban artists priced between $5,000 and $15,000. As the United States has eased travel restrictions, celebrities have begun traveling to Cuba to buy paintings at prices reported to be $45,000 and higher. Cubas 12th Havana Biennial opens May 22 and is expected to attract a record number of attendees, including prominent dealers. CUBAN ART
  38. 38. CUBAN ART American interest in contemporary Cuban art is not surprising. American critics have had a high regard for Cuban art since 1944 when the Museum of Modern Art in New York held a breakthrough exhibition of Cuban painters. The museum also bought The Jungle, a painting by Wifredo Lam of slaves in the Colonial-era sugar fields that now is considered a masterpiece. After the United States established the embargo on trade with Cuba and travel to the island in 1961, contact between the US and Cuban art communities stopped, but Cuban artists continued to work and gain prominence in Europe. Cuba has more artists per square foot than anywhere else in the world.
  39. 39. THE PROOF: A Case Study Richard is a compliance manager at a leading American Medical Manufacturing Company. They were selling goods to Cuba and were using a service through Mexico. The product orders were valued at $500K and were often delayed and sometimes lost in transit He started the program and after KNOWING THE TRADE he immediately made all the changes according to the plan and now has a smooth flow of product to the Cuban market. The plan also helps them to organize and recover defective parts from Cuba. Now he can work with Cuba with decreased risk and way better results!
  40. 40. THE PROOF: A Case Study Yanise owns a travel agency and wanted to offer People-to-People Travel Packages to Cuba She started the program and became compliant. Now she sells unique travel package that offers a true Cuban experience. The plan also help discover another revenue source that she never thought of. Her business has taken off and Now she is patiently waiting to open an office in Cuba.
  42. 42. The Cuban Gold Rush is for Real and to take advantage of it, EVERYONE needs a Consultant that has experience in the Cuban market. Competent Consulting provides: EXPERIENCE, GUIDANCE and ACCOUNTABILITY. This information session is the first step. INVEST IN CONSULTING
  43. 43. A good consultant will share their experience AND knowledge to take advantage of opportunities. A GREAT mentor will pull together a powerful team all working toward similar goalsthat multiplies everyones effectiveness. In my group of experience sellers, buyers and service providers, we have people experienced in doing business with Cuba for decades. INVEST IN CONSULTING
  44. 44. How to make your business profitable in a niche market which is already experiencing triple digits growth in trade with the USA. How to determine which piece of the pie is available NOW and what will be available once the Embargo is lifted.. TODAY I PROMISED
  45. 45. How to command a premium price point in Cuba. How to leverage your buying power so you can work with clients who can afford your price points, and make more money. How to do ALL of this without going to a seminar or a summit which you will leave with more questions than answers. TODAY I PROMISED
  46. 46. 1. Total Integrity 2. Command Premium Pricing 3. Knowing the Trade 4. Leverage Your Buying Power 5. Invest in a Consultant These 5 steps alone are enough to propel you to success in international business. WHAT YOU NEED TO WIN IN CUBA
  48. 48. My team and I have set aside some time in the next week to speak to you personally about how you can do business with Cuba starting TODAY. And its Absolutely FREE HOW I CAN I HELP
  49. 49. You must be absolutely committed to hitting your goal to start doing business with Cuba with total integrity and compliance. You must have REAL value to deliver. WHO IS THIS FOR
  50. 50. On the call, well help you get total clarity about EXACTLY what you want your business to achieve with Cuba, and the EXACT steps you should take to achieve your goals. If you want us to help you, and if we think its a good fit, we may invite you to become one of the new clients well take on this month. WHY WE ARE DOING THIS
  51. 51. Well put you through the SAME programs we put our successful businesses who are doing business with Cuba Right Now. The curriculum is designed to get you prepared for the New GOLD RUSH. Well expect you to be making high- ticket sales and getting new clients. IF WE WORK TOGETHER