CSS for basic learner

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of CSS for basic learner

Oriented by: Vibol YOEUNG

Tell: 077 377 067


Import style sheet•In style sheet, we can import other

style sheet by use

•@import “style.css”;

CSS Selectors

Tag, Class, ID, Compound

Use CSS Selectors to define properties for the structure and presentation of your site.

This is the key to defining specific properties for specific parts of your design.

CSS Selectors

Tag: properties defined for an HTML tag.

Class: properties defined for an HTML tag using a class or a <span> tag.

ID: properties defined for an element or div using an id.

Compound: properties defined using multiple selector types.

CSS Selectors

body {margin: 10px 0;}

Selector Property Value


CSS Selectors

body {margin: 10px 0;}

Tag*: properties defined for an HTML tag.

(*Also referred to as Type, Element)

CSS Selectors

body {margin: 10px 0;}

<body>Everything within the body will start out with this property. </body>


CSS Selectors

.red {margin: 15px; color: red;}

Class: properties defined for an HTML tag using a class or a <span> tag.

CSS Selectors

.red {margin: 15px; color: red;}

<p class=”red”>This is a paragraph of text in red.</p>

These are <span class=”red”>words in red.</span>


CSS Selectors

#wrapper {margin :0 auto;}

ID: properties defined for an element or div using an id.

CSS Selectors

#wrapper {margin :0 auto;}

<div id=”wrapper”></div>


CSS Selectors

#content p {margin :0;}

Compound: properties defined using multiple selector types.

CSS Selectors

#content p {margin :0;}

<div id=”content”><p>This is a paragraph of text in the content div.</p></div>


CSS Box Model

How do you position content?

You position content in your page by using a combination of margins, padding and floats.

But, in order to get your positioning and layout correct, you must know how the CSS Box Model works.

CSS Box Model


CSS Box Model

40 px

10 px

100 px

450 px


CSS Box Model

10 px

1 px

50 px

??? px

500 px


CSS Box Model

total box width =

content area width + left padding + right padding + left border + right border + left margin + right margin

CSS Box Model

#content {width: 200px;border: 1px solid #900;padding: 10px;margin: 0;background: #fee;}

What is the total box width?

CSS Box Model

#content {width: ???px;border: 1px solid #000;padding: 20px;margin: 10;}

If the total box width is 400px, what is the width of the content area?

Pseudo-Selectors••General Purpose Pseudo-Selector:

•–:hover Element with mouse over

•Specific to hyperlinks (and/or buttons)

•–a:active A link or button that is currently being clicked on.

•–a:link A link that has NOT been visited yet.

•–a:visited A link that HAS been visited.

Background Image Properties


••background-repeat:tile image in background

••background-position:vertical(top, center, bottom, or size) horizontal(left, center, right, or size)

••background-attachment: (scrollor fixed)

Text Properties•text-indent:indents first line of a

paragraph according to size

•text-align:right;or left;or center;or justify;

•text-decoration: none; orunderline;


•Line-height:added vertical space to each line of text according to size

Text shadows•h3 {text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #00}

•x (horizontal) offset casts shadow to the right of the text. Negative cast to the left.

•y (vertical) offset casts shadow below the text. Negative value casts above

•Blue radius: blurs the shadow, with higher values making the shadow wider or lighter.

•Color: make color for shadow text

Attribute selector- CSS [attribute]: use to select element with

specified attribute

Ex. a[target] {color: red}

- CSS [attribute=value]: use to select element with specified attribute and value

Ex. Input[type=“submit”] {color: #fff}

Attribute selector(con)- CSS [attribute~=value]: use to select

element with an attribute with containing a specified word

- Ex. [title~=“shop”] {color: #000}

- CSS [attribute|=value]: select elements with the specified attribute starting with the specified value.

- Ex. [class|=“top”] {background: blue}

Attribute selector(con)- CSS [attribute^=value]: used to select

elements whose attribute value begins with a specified value

Ex. [class^=“top”] {background: blue}

- CSS [attribute$=value]: used to select elements whose attribute value ends with a specified value.

Ex. [class$=“top”] {background: blue}

List Properties <ul>•list-style-type:none, disc, circle, square,

(other types available)

•list-style-position: inside oroutside


•…or shorthand

•list-style:type position image

Position•Static position: is a default position and

element is always positioned according to the normal flow of the page.

Position fixed•An element with fixed position is

positioned relative the browser window. It will not move even if window is scrolled:

Position fixed(con)•Ex.

•.box {

position: fixed;

width: 400px;

height: 400px;


Position relative•element is positioned relative to its

normal position.

•Ex. Box2 {

position: relative;

left: -10px;


Position absolute•An absolute position element is positioned

relative to the first parent element that has a position other than static.

•Ex. Box2 {

position: absolute;

left: 10px;

top: 20px;


Z-index•property specifies the stack order of an

element (which element should be placed in front of, or behind, the others).

•Ex. .box2 {

z-index: 1;

Position: absolute;
