Crosman 760 Factory Service Manual

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Transcript of Crosman 760 Factory Service Manual


' Division

i his manual is intended as an informational guide inservicing Crosman products. It is not instructional materialand we therefore assume no responsibility for those who usesame without proper factory training.

CROSMAN ARMS980 Turk Hill Road,Fairport, New York


7E8 SM-760HD


General operating instructions for this modelare contained in the Owner's Manual and shouldbe read thoroughly. The detailed drawings, repairinstructions and Disassembly/Assembly pro-cedures must be studied carefully before anyrepair work is started. This will insure quicker andmore precise repair of gun.

It is not always necessary to disassemble theentire gun in repair work it is hoped that this sec-tion wil l assist you in diagnosing the repair pro-blem and will speed up repair time.


PROBLEM I — Gun Will Not Fire


1. Interlock 760-087 da-maged or not workingproperly.

2. Bolt Lever 760-091 isopen or not completelyin closed position.

1. See Disassembly/AssemblyProcedures Receiver Group (VI).2. Inspect Interlock 760-087 forwear or damage.3. If necessary to replace, pry offInterlock Retainer 760A090 andremove Interlock Spring 760A088Interlock 760-087 and InterlockBushing 760-089.1. If Bolt Lever 760-091 is open ornot completely closed it will inter-fere with Interlock 760A087 andprevent gun from firing.


1. Defective Valve StemAssembly 1322-011.

2 . D e f e c t i v e CheckValve 1400A029.

1. See D isassembly /AssemblyProcedures — Valve and TubeGroup (X)2. Valve Stem Assembly 1322-011,must be replaced if damaged ordefective.1. If Lever kicks back when pump-ing gun, it will indicate that theCheck Valve 1400A029 is defec-tive.2. See Disassembly/AssemblyProcedures — Valve and TubeGroup (X).3 . R e p l a c e Check V a l v e1400A029.


1. Seal on Valve StemAssembly 1322-011 isdistorted allowing toolittle air pressure intoExhaust Hole.

2. Valve Leaks

3. Compressed or defec-tive Pump Cup 766-035.

4. Defective or missingGasket 130-036.

5. C o n n e c t i n g RodAssembly 1322-019 istoo short and will notcompress air in ValveAssembly.

1. See D isassembly /AssemblyProcedures — Valve and TubeGroup (X).2. Check Seal on Valve StemAssembly 1322-011 and replaceentire Assembly if necessary.1. See Problem I — Leaks — Trou-ble Shooting Section.1. See Disassembly /AssemblyProcedures — Lever and PumpGroup (III).2. Inspect and replace Pump Cup766-035 if necessary.1. See Disassembly/AssemblyProcedures — Valve and TubeGroup (X).2. Replace Breech Gasket 130-036if necessary.1. One way to check for thiscause is to pump gun two timesand fire. If gun does not expelpellet, then connect ing RodAssembly 1322-019 may need tobe replaced.2. See D isassembly /AssemblyProcedures — Lever and PumpGroup (III).

PROBLEM IV — Gun Fails ToExhaust Air


1. Gun has been overpumped.

1. If gun pumps very hard,compression build-up will indicategun has been over-pumped, notallowing Hammer to exhaust anyair.2. See Disassembly /AssemblyProcedures — Valve and TubeGroup (X).NOTE: Place Valve Assembly760A101 on bench with ValveStem Assembly 1322-011 facingup and exhaust hole away fromyou. Then hit Valve StemAssembly 1322-011, thereby ex-pelling the air.

2. D i s t o r t e d Seal orCompressed r ing onValve Stem Assembly1322-011.

1. See Disassembly /AssemblyProcedures — Valve and TubeGroup (X).2. Inspect Seal on Valve StemAssembly 1322-011 and replace ifnecessary.NOTE: Before tu rn ing Va l veAssembly 769A101 apart fol lowinstructions as given in RepairProcedures of Problem IV, -1.

PROBLEM V — Lever Does NotStay In Locked Position


1. Worn760-063.

Detent Plug 1. See D isassembly /AssemblyProcedures — Lever and PumpGroup (III).2. Inspect Detent Plug 760-063and replace if necessary.3. To replace Detent Plug 760-063,punch it out of Lever/LinkAssembly 760A043.4. If new Detent Plug 760-063 isno t a v a i l a b l e , c o m p r e s sLever/Link Assembly 760A043opening with pliers so that insideof Lever/Link Assembly 760A043will be tightened against DetentPlug 760-063.

PROBLEM VI — Fails ToShoot Pellets or BBs


1. Barrel 760-093 is jam-med with BBs or Pellets.

1. See D isassembly /AssemblyProcedures — Barrel Group (IV).2. Inspect inside of Barrel760-093 to make sure that outershells of Pellet is not in Barrel andthat no other obstructions arevisible.3. Inspect for jammed BBs. Over-sized or reused BBs may be thecause of jamming.NOTE: Customer should be advis-ed that Crosman Super BBsshould be the only ammunition us-ed and that reused BBs may jamgun.


1. Worn or de fec t i veSear 760-084.

Disconnected or impro-perly installed TriggerSpring 761A005.

1. See D isassembly /AssemblyProcedures — Trigger and SearGroup (VIII).2. Inspect Sear 760-084 andreplace if necessary.1. See Disassembly/AssemblyProcedures — Trigger and SearGroup (VIII).2. Inspect Trigger Spring 761A005and replace Assembly i fnecessary.

PROBLEM VIII - BBs Fail ToDrop Into Chambers


1. M a g n e t on Bo l tAssembly 760-098 istoo long or loose.

2. Foreign material orPellets in BB Cham-ber or Magazine.

1. See Bolt Lever Bolt Assem-bly and Hammer Group (IX).2. Inspect Bolt Assembly 760-098and replace if necessary.1. See D isassembly /AssemblyProcedures — Receiver Group(VI).2 . I n s p e c t Chamber andMagazine and clear areas.

PROBLEM IX - BBs Roll Out OfMagazine When Bolt Is Pulled Back;


1. Magnet on BoltAssembly 760-098 ismissing.

2. BB Retainer 760A021is broken or worn.

1. See Disassembly/AssemblyProcedures — Bolt Assembly andHammer Group (IX).2 . R e p l a c e Bolt A s s e m b l y760-098 if magnet is missing.1. See Disassembly/AssemblyProcedures — BB Retainer Group(VII).2. Remove Right Hand Receiver760-095 replace BB Retainer760A021.

PROBLEM X - BBs Roll Out OfBarrel When Bolt Is Closed


1. Magne t on Bol tAssembly 760-098 isweak or missing.

1. See Disassembly /AssemblyProcedures — Bolt Lever, BoltAssembly and Hammer Group (IX).2. Replace Bolt Assembly 760-098if magnet is weak or missing.

PROBLEM X! — Pellets Move InfoBarrel Chamber With Difficulty


1. D e f e c t i v eChamber.

B a r r e l

2. Burrs on Exhaust holeon Barrel Support760-074.

1. See Disassembly/AssemblyProcedures — Barrel Group (IV).2. Inspect Chamber of Barrel760-093 for burrs, deformities andforeign matter.3. Replace Barrel 760-093 ifnecessary.1. See Disassembly/AssemblyProcedures — Barrel Group (IV).2. Inspect Barrel Support 760-074and replace if necessary.


PROBLEM XII - - Gun Fails to Build Up Compression


1. Pump Cup 766-035 is

defective or needs lubri-cation.

1. Open Pump Lever and place a few drops of Pellgunoil on Pump Cup 766-035 and Felt oil

retainer on Connecting Rod Assembly 1322-019. Test by

pumping. 2. If the above does not work, it will be necessary to replace Pump Cup. 3. See Disassembly/Assembly Procedures - - Lever and Pump Group (III).

2. Pump Tube 760-094 is

scored. 1. See Disassembly/Assembly Procedures - - Lever and Pump Group (X). 2. Inspect Pump Tube 760-094

by washing it out and holding it up to the light. Check inside of Pump Tube for thin lines or score marks. 3. If lines and scores are located in area of Pump piston, Pump Tube 760-094 must be replaced.


Study the drawing carefully as you read disassembly and assembly procedures and prior to disassembly of your first gun. Assembly is in reverse of disassembly, but special notations have been made throughout this section to assist in the assembly procedures.

General Information 1. Instructions are defined in Assembly Groups such as the Stock Assembly Group, Receiver Group, etc. 2. All air should be exhausted from gun before disassembling. 3. Remove all Pellets and BBs from Barrel before disassembling. Refer to Owner’s Manual “To Unload a BB or Pellet from the Barrel”. 4. All lubrication should be with Crosman Pellgunoil, as regular gun oils containing detergents are harmful to seals.


1. Remove Stock Screw 760-070, Lock Washer 760-054 Stock 760B049.


NOTE: Only remove Forearm 760A010 if it is broken or damaged. 1. With 1/8” long nose punch, drive out the two(2) Forearm Pins 760-106 from Lever Assembly 760A043.

NOTE: Pins must be driven out left side of Forearm 760A010. 2. Remove Forearm 760A010.

B. ASSEMBLY 1. Close Lever Assembly 760A043 and slide

Forearm 760A010 over Lever Assembly 760A043.

NOTE: The two holes in Forearm 760A010 are not centered. The hole that measures 1 5/8” from the end of forearm 760A010 should go against Receiver. If Forearm 760A010 is put on the wrong way, it will hit Front Barrel Guide 760B008 when opened to pump.

2. Place a 1/8” long nose punch in one hole and drive one Forearm Pin 760-106 into opposite hole.

3. Remove Punch and put Forearm Pin 760-106 into that hole.


1. Remove front Set Screw 760A027 from Barrel 760-093 with a 3/32” Allen wrench.

2. Open Lever/Link Assembly 760A043. 3. Clamp Pump Tube 760-094 in vise so that about

1½” of Pump Tube 760-094 is protruding from

vise. 4. Remove Pivot Pin Retainer 760-072 and punch

out Pivot Pin 760-071. 5. Slide forward the Front Barrel Guide 760B008. 6. Slide from Pump Tube 760-094 the Pump

Assembly (includes Connecting Rod Assembly 1322-019, Pump Cup 766-035. Plunger Guide Pin 101-033 and Lever/Link Assembly 760A043).

7. Remove Pump Guide Pin 101-033. 8. Pump Cup 766-035 is removed from Connecting

Rod Assembly 1322-019 by pulling it out.

NOTE: All parts should be inspected and replaced if necessary. It is recommended that a new Pump Cup 766-035 be used when

reassembling. 9. If Lever and Link Assembly 760A043 is broken,

bent or badly worn the complete Lever and Link Assembly 760A043 will have to be replaced.

NOTE: Special procedure for 760 models manufactured with Pivot Pin 130-030, Pin Retainer 760-047 inside Pivot Pin 130-030 and Retainer Cap 760-048. a. Remove Retainer Cap 760-048, which are

peened to each end of Pivot Pin 130-030,

by pulling off with end nippers or by grinding.

b. Put gun in Vise per instructions of #3 of this Disassembly Section.

c. Punch out Pivot Pin 130-030 by using 3/16”

flat nose punch. d. When assembling this 760 model, replace

old Pivot Pin 760-071 and Pin Retainer 760-072.

B. ASSEMBLY NOTE: Before assembly, inspect inside of Pump Tube 760-094 for Burrs, especially around Pivot

Pin Hole.

1. Put together Connecting Rod Assembly1322-019 and Pump Cup 766-035.

2. Place Pump Guide Pin 101-033 throughConnecting Rod Assembly 1322-019 andLever/Link Assembly 760A043.

3. With Pump Assembly parts together, slidethe unit into Pump Tube 760-094.

4. Test for compression before continuingassembly. Place 3/,6" punch through holein Pump Tube 760-094 and Pivot Pin760-071 hole on Lever. Remove Unit fromvise, pump gun and fire to check forproper operation. If operation is correctcontinue to next step. Otherwise rechecksteps 1-3.

5. With Lever open about 2", place PumpTube 760-094 back in vise.

6. Slide front Barrel Guide 760B008 backonto Pump Tube 760-094.

7. Carefully drive Pivot Pin 760-071 throughPump Tube 760-094 and Lever/LinkAssembly 760A043 and replace Pivot PinRetainer 760-072.

8. Remove from Vise and replace Front SetScrew 760A027.


NOTE: Barrel 760-093 can be removed with-out disassembling Group I, II, and III.1. Remove two (2) Rear Sight Screws

160-029, Rear Sight 160-020 and Elevator160-021.

2. Remove rear and front Set Screws760A027.

3. Slide out Barrel 760-093 and unjam orreplace if necessary.

B. ASSEMBLY1. Replace Barrel 760-093.

NOTE: When replacing Barrel 760-093,be sure that detent spot in Barrel 760-093is located properly over Set Screw holesfor proper alignment.

2. Replace rear and front Set Screws760A027.

3. Replace Rear Sight 160-020, Elevator160-021 and Rear Sight Screws 160-029.NOTE: Rear Sight Assembly must bereplaced before test firing.


1. Turn BB Port Cover 760-082 counterclock-wise and pry it out.

B. ASSEMBLY1. Place BB Port Cover 760-082 over hole and

press into place.


1. Remove Bolt Knob 760-050.2. Remove two (2) Receiver Screws 760-025

and one (1) Receiver Screw 110-049.3. Place Bolt Lever 760-091 in upright posi-

tion and l i f t off Right Hand ReceiverAssembly 760A102.

4. Inspect parts inside Right Hand ReceiverAssembly 760A102. If necessary pry offInterlock Retainer 760A090; and removeInterlock Spring 760A088, Interlock760-087 and Interlock Bushing 760-089.Replace worn parts.

B. ASSEMBLY1. Replace Interlock Assembly into Right

Hand Receiver 760-095 in reverse order ofdisassembly.

2. NOTE: Before replacing Right HandReceiver Assembly 760A102, make surethat all parts located in Left Hand Recei-ver 760-096 are in proper position. Pullback Bolt Lever 760-091 and Bolt Assem-bly 760-098 so that Sear 760-084 latcheson last click in cocked position. This willmove Bolt Assembly 760-098 away fromInterlock 760-087.

3. Replace Right Hand Receiver Assembly760A102.NOTE: If di f f iculty is encountered inassembling Right Hand Receiver 760A102,check to see if Barrel Support 760-074 islined up with hole in Right Hand Receiver760A102. It is helpful to put Lever Assem-bly in open position and to make sure thatBolt Assembly is back completely.


1. NOTE: To repair this group, it is necessaryto remove Receiver Group VI.Remove BB Retainer 760A021 (seeReceiver Group (VI).NOTE: If BB Retainer 760A021 movesback and forth too freely, this will indicatethat detent button on BB Retainer760A021 is broken or worn and part mustbe replaced.


NOTE: To repair this part of gun it is onlynecessary to remove Receiver Group (VI) andBB Retainer Group VII.1. Pry Trigger Spring 761A005 forward and

remove Safety 760-017 from Left HandReceiver 760-096.

2. Lift Trigger Spring 761A005 from TriggerAssembly 760A100 and unhook from Sear760-084.

3. Pull out Trigger Pivot Pin 760-016 fromSear 760-084 and remove Sear 760-084.

4. Lift out Trigger Pivot Pin 760-016 from LeftHand Receiver 760-096 and removeTrigger Assembly 760A100.

5. Remove Trigger Return Spring 760-104.B. ASSEMBLY

1. Replace Trigger Return Spring 760-104over rear Trigger boss with hooked enddown and to rear of casting as shown inE.V.P.

2. Place Trigger Pivot Pin 760-016 in rearboss.

3. Slide Trigger Assembly 760A100 over Trig-ger Pivot Pin 760-016 and hook TriggerReturn Spring 760-104 on top rear of Trig-ger Assembly 760A100.NOTE: Test Trigger Assembly 760A100for spring tension.

4. Place Trigger Pivot Pin 760-016 in hole for-ward of Trigger Assembly 760A100.

5. Place Sear 760-084 over Pivot Pin 760-016and make sure hole in Sear 760-084 islocated over Pivot Pin 760-016 on TriggerAssembly 760A100.

6. Hook Trigger Spring 760A005 in smallhole in Sear 760-084 and at same timeslide Trigger Spring 761A005 over PivotPin 760-016. Allow Trigger Spring 761A005to rest against casting and over Safetyhole.

7. Slide Safety 760-017 in from left side ofLeft Hand Receiver 760-096, moving Trig-ger Spring 761A005 forward so that it willhold the Safety 760-017 in place.


A. DISASSEMBLYNOTE: It is only necessary to removeGroups VI and VII to work on this group.1. Lift Barrel 760-093, Pump Tube 760-094,

Lever/Link Assembly 76A043, Bolt Assem-bly 760-098 and Bolt Lever 760-091 as oneunit from Left Hand Receiver 760-096.

2. Remove Bolt Assembly 760-098 and BoltLever 760-091 from Pump Tube 760-094.

3. Slide from rear of Pump Tube 760-094, theTube Plug 760-081, Hammer Spring760-080 and Hammer Assembly 760B099.

4. NOTE: All parts should be inspected fordamage, wear or any other defect and re-place if necessary.

B. ASSEMBLY1. Slide Hammer Assembly 760B099, Ham-

mer Spring 760-080 and Tube Plug 760-081into rear of Pump Tube 760-094.

2. Properly line up Tube Plug 760-081 withHole in Pump Tube 760-094.

3. Place Bolt Lever 760-091 in slot on top ofBolt Assembly 760-098.

4. Place Bolt Assembly 760-098 on top ofPump Tube 760-094 and over Hammercocking pin on Hammer Assembly760B099. Cocking pin must be in slot ofBolt Assembly 760-098 so that HammerAssembly 760B099 can cock properly.

5. As one unit, place Pump Tube 760-094 andBolt Assembly 760-098 into Left HandReceiver 760-096 making sure locatinghole in Pump Tube 760-094 is over boss onLeft Hand Receiver 760-096.

6. Pull Bolt Assembly 760-098 back slightlyto check for tension and proper location.

7. Assembly Trigger and Sear Group (VIII)and Receiver Group (VI) per Assemblyinstructions in those sections.


NOTE: Groups III, VI, VIII and IX must be re-moved to work on this unit.1. Remove Breech Gasket 130-036 from ex-

haust hole in Pump Tube 760-094.2. With Vz" rod or dowel, gently push out

from rear of the pump Tube 760-094, ValveAssembly 760A101.

3. Disassemble Valve Assembly 760A101 asfollows:CAUTION: Be sure all air is exhaustedfrom Valve Assembly 760A101. Tap ValveStem on bench to make sure all air isexhausted.a. Grip Valve Body 760-075 with a pair of

vise grips.b. Apply a small amount of heat at center

of Valve Assembly 760A101 to loosenLocktite.

c. With a pair of pliers loosen two parts,760-075 and 130B005, of the ValveAssembly 760A101 and separate.

d. Remove Va lve Stem Assembly1322-011, check Valve Spring 760-103,Valve Spacer 760-086 and CheckValve 1400A029.

e. Remove O Rings 130-034 and 130-035from Check Valve Body 130B055.

B. ASSEMBLYNOTE: Before reassembly, inspect all partsfor wear or damage. It is recommended thatO Ring 130-034 and 130-035, Check Valve1400A029 and Valve Stem Assembly1322-011 be replaced with new parts.1. Place O Rings 130-034 and 130-035 on

Check Valve Body 130B005.2. Reassemble Valve Stem Assembly

1322-011, Check Valve Spring 760-103,Valve Spacer 760-086 and CheckValve 1400A029 into Valve Assembly760A101 as shown on E.V.P.

3. Apply a small amount of Locktite tothread on Check Valve Body 130B005 andturn two valve parts together and tightenwith pliers.

4. Slide Valve Assembly 760A101 into PumpTube 760-094.NOTE: Be sure to line up exhaust hole inValve Assembly 760A101 with exhausthole in Pump Tube 760-094.

5. Replace Breech Gasket 130-036 in ex-hause of Pump Tube 760-094.

6. Then put pump tube in vise upside downwith about one inch of front end of thetube protruding from vise jaws. Slidepump piston and lever assembly as oneunit into pump tube. Then place front bar-rel guide 760B008 in end of tube andproperly line up all holes and replace pivotpin through tube, barrel guide and leverpivot hole.

7. Slide Barrel 760-093 through Barrel Guide760B008.

8. Place Barrel Support 760-074 as shown onE.V.P. on Barrel 760-093, making sure it isproperly located over detent spot onBarrel. Replace Set Screw 760A027 andtighten.

9. Place Barrel Support 760-074 in exhausthole on top of Tube on Breech Gasket130-036. Line up detent spot properly overhole in Front Barrel Guide 760B008, replaceSet Screw 760A027 and tighten.

10. Assemble as instructed in Bolt Lever andBolt Assembly Group IX -B and then com-plete the reassembly of all the abovegroups.

Make sure to first check serial numberon gun. this will be helpful in orderingthe correct parts.

Date of ManufactureDec. 1988 -4Serial II Starts D8100000



