crochet birdhouse

Post on 16-Apr-2015

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make a sweet birdhouse

Transcript of crochet birdhouse

TeenyWeenyDesign Pattern

Birdhouse Wallhanger US Terms

Used stitches US terms;


slip stitch (st)

single crochet (sc)

half double rochet (hdr)

double crochet (dc)

treble crochet (tr)

Always use 1 chain to make the first sc, unless it says differently in the pattern.

Always use 2 chain to make the first dc, unless it says differently in the pattern.

I have used different colours and marked this in the pattern.

You can also make it in one colour, or change colour every round.

I have used cotton yarn (Schachenmayr Nomotta, Catania) nr 8

and a 2.50 (UK size 12) crochet needle.

I hope you enjoy making the Birdhouse!

Chain 25

Round 1- Start in the 3th chain from hook and work a row of single crochet. You should

count 24 stitches. Turn the work after every round.

Round 2-24 sc

Round 3-24 sc, fasten off. (Do not turn the work)

This is the floor of the birdhouse

Change Colour

Round 4-Insert your hook in the third stitch (of the floor) and chain 2, then crochet 19


Round 5 untill Round 16-Crochet 20 sc

Round 17 untill Round 24;Now begin your decreasing....You'll be making a "sc decrease"

at the beginning and end of each subsequent row.

(In words, this is how you do a sc decrease;

Hook in stitch, yarn over, pull hook back through (2 stitches on hook). Insert hook

through next stitch, yarn over, pull hook back through (3 stitches on hook). Now yarn

over and pull through ALL THREE STITCHES. This effectively turns two stitches into

one, ie a decrease.)

Do this decreasing at beginning and end of each row until you have just 2 stitches left,

then dc decrease those remaining 2 stitches into 1 stitch before fastening off.

Use the same colour you just used;

Now insert your hook in a stitch on the side of the house just above the 16th row.

Crochet along the gable roof in 14 sc untill you reach the top, chain 2, make a sc next to

the previous sc,

skip 1 stitch and make 13 sc downwards.

Fasten off.

Change colour

Insert hook under the first stitch of the row of sc you just crocheted and chain 2 (this

is your first dc) Crochet 3 more dc in the same stitch.

Go on to the first stitch and make 2 hdc in one stitch,

Then 13 sc. When you reach the gable point (in the middle of the 2 chain)

1 hdc, 1 dc, 1 hdc.

Go on in 13 hdc, in next stitch 2 hdc. Crochet 3 dc under the last sc, chain 2 and make a

slip stitch next to the 3 dc.

Put thread under your work and make slipstiches along the bottom roof rim.

Be careful not to crochet to tightly at this point.

When you have reached the other end, (the last slipstitch is made under the set of 4 dc

on the right)

you start making sc on the rim on the top of the roof.

When you have reached the top of the gable chain 2, make a sc next to the previous

one, skip one stitch and go on (downwards) in sc.

End the row of dc with a slip stitch on the last dc of the previous round.

The base of the birdhouse is now finished! You can decide to embellish the roof with

some dots. (French knot or colonial knot)

The entrance hole Use a slightly darker colour as the base colour

(when available, otherwise the same colour as the base)

Make a magic ring

Round 1-Make 10 sc in the ring.

Round 2-Chain 2, 2 sc on every next sc. (19 sc)

Round 3-19 sc. Fasten off.

Take a contrasting colour and make slipstitches all around the circle.

Fasten off and sew the circle at the base of the birdhouse.


Make a magic ring

Round 1-Make 12 sc in the ring.

Round 2-Chain 2, 2 hdc in one stitch, 2 hdc in one stitch, 1 sc, 2 sc in one stitch, 1 sc, 2

sc in one stitch, 4 sc, 2 sc in one stitch, 1 sc, 1 hdc an 1 dc in one stitch.

Change colour

Round 3-Chain 2, 7 sc, 2 hdc in one stitch, 1 hdc, 2 hdc in one stitch, 1 hdc, 5 sc, end

round with slipstitch, chain 2, make 3 dc and 1 tr in next stitch. Fasten off.

Make a french or colonial knot for an eye and sew the birdy on the base.

(I always keep the bottom of the birdsbelly aligned with the 3th round of the base)

Use a few stitches to make a beak and feet.

Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Sticky Note
Hallo, Ondanks mijn, altijd zorgvuldige aandacht aan mijn patronen, is er toch een foutje (in de beschrijving van het vogeltje)ingeslopen. Hieronder de juiste beschrijving! Mijn excuus hiervoor, Met vriendelijke groet, Adrianne Hi, To my regret I have to tell you that, in spite of my always carefully designed and written patterns, I have made a little mistake in the discription of the Birdy Please replace it with the written sentence under this text! My apologies, with best wishes, Adrianne NL VERSIE IVM een foutje in de tekst hierbij de vervangende regel voor toer 2 van het Vogeltje; 2e-2 lossen, 2 halve stokjes in een steek, 2 halve stokjes in een steek, 1 vaste, 2 vasten in een steek, 4 vasten, 2 vasten in een steek, 1 vaste, 1 half stokje én een stokje in een steek. (17 steken) Mijn excuus voor het, eventuele, ongemak dit veroorzaakt heeft. UK VERSION Due to a mistake in the crochet discription for the Birdy, please replace the sentence of round 2 for this one; Round 2-Chain 2, 2 htr in one stitch, 2 htr in one stitch, 1 dc, 2 dc in one stitch, 4 dc, 2dc in one stitch, 1 dc, 1 htr and 1 tr into one stitch. (17 Stitches) Sorry for any convenience this may have caused. US VERSION Due to a mistake in the crochet discription for the Birdy, please replace the sentence of round 2 for this one; Round 2-Chain 2, 2 hdc in one stitch, 2 hdc in one stitch, 1 sc, 2 sc in one stitch, 4 sc, 2 sc in one stitch, 1 sc, 1 hdc and 1 dc into one stitch. (17 Stitches) Sorry for any convenience this may have caused.


Make a magic ring

Round 1-Make 10 sc in ring.

Change colour

Round 2- In one stitch;* 1 sc, 1 hdc, 1 dc, then in next stitch, 1 dc, 1 hdc, 1 sc*, repeat

4 times (this makes 5 petals). Fasten off.

Sew flower on to base.

Insert hook in a stitch in the top of the roof, make a slip stitch and chain 18.

Attach loop with a slip stitch next to the other slip stitch. Do not Fasten off!

Now start crocheting the garland;

Chain 49. Do not fasten off! (You’ll go on in crocheting everything in one long garland,

follow pattern further on, starting with the leaves)


Right hand petal; insert hook in 4th stitch from crochetneedle,

crochet 2 tr in same stitch together,

chain 2, insert hook in 2nd stitch from needlehook and make a slip stitch, chain 4 and

make a slip stitch next to the set of tr.

Make sure you put the chain towards you and the first petal to your left when you

repeat the pattern for the other petal. Do not Fasten off!


Chain 16 and insert hook in 3th stitch from the needlehook, make a loop by closing it

with a slip stitch. You now should have a small circle (if this circle is too fiddly for you

to put sc in, make a circle of a chain of 4).

Put in the circle; chain 2, 9 sc, close round with a slip stitch.

Chain 16 and repeat the pattern for the leaves.

When you finish the leaves you make a flowerheart again

and repeat the pattern this way untill you have;

7 flowerhearts between 8 sets of leaves.

After the last set of leaves chain 30, Fasten off.

Big Flower

Insert hook in first flowerheart (closest to the bottom of the birdhouse) with the

desired colour yarn.

Round 1-Chain 2, then put 2 sc in one stitch, 1 sc in the next*, repeat from * untill *.

You should end up with 15 sc. Fasten off and change colour.

Insert hook in a sc, chain 2. Then in next stitch; in one stitch, 1 hdc, 1 dc, 1 tr, in next

stitch; 1 tr, 1 dc, 1 hdc, in next stitch 1 sc*, repeat from * untill*, ending the round with

a hdc. Close round with a slip stitch.

This makes 5 flowerpetals. Repeat this pattern for every alternate flower on the


(so one big, leaves, a small flower, leaves, a big flower etc., ending with a big flower)

Small Flower

Insert hook in second flowerheart with the desired colour yarn.

In one stitch;* 1 sc, 1 hdc, 1 dc, then in next stitch, 1 dc, 1 hdc, 1 sc*, repeat 4 times

(this makes 5 petals). Close round with a slip stitch. Fasten off.

When you have finished all the flowers, turn work, determine the middle of the bottom

of the birdhouse and secure the garland onto it with a few stitches.( Make sure there is

not to much tension on the garland from point gable roof to bottom)

To make the birdhouse a bit sturdier by sewing some felt onto the back. It stops it

from curling around.


Chain 3.

Round 1-Insert needlehook in 3th stitch from needle, crochet 2 sc. (3 sc)

Round 2- Increase 1 sc at he beginning and end of row, This means you make 2 sc in the

first stitch, 1 sc, 2 sc in last stitch. (5 sc)

Round 3-2 sc in the first stitch, 3 sc, 2 sc in last stitch. (7 sc)

Round 4-2 sc in the first stitch, 5 sc, 2 sc in last stitch. (9 sc)

Round 5 until Round 7-9 sc

Round 8-4 sc, turn work.

Round 9-1 sc, crochet 2 sc together, 1 sc. (3 sc)Turn work

Round 10-1 sc, crochet 2 sc together. Fasten all off.

For second (left side) curve, skip one stitch next to the curve on the right and insert


Round 1- Crochet 4 sc.

Round 2-1 sc, crochet 2 sc together, 1 sc. (3 sc)Turn work

Round 3-1 sc, crochet 2 sc together. Fasten off and darn in all the ends.

Insert needlehook between the two curves, make 1 slipstitch and start crocheting along

the whole circumference of the heart in sc.

Make 2 sc on top of the curve!

When you are at the point on the bottom of the heart, chain one and put one sc next to

the previous one, go on in dc upwards the heart and make 2 sc in one stitch on top of

the curve.

Go on untill you reach the place between the curves, close round with a slip stitch, next

to the first one. Fasten off.

Make another heart and sew the two (with the wrong sides) to each other. Allowing a

little gap (just before closing) to fill the heart with a bit of fiberfill. Finish the sewing

an close the gap.

Take the garland and thread the last crocheted 30 chain on a big sewing needle and

insert needle between the two curves of the heart. Pull thread through and remove


Make a sturdy knot in the end of the thread and pull the heart downwards onto the

knot. You can also add beads before you make the knot!

I’ve also stiffened the back of the leaves to stop them from curling around.

Take a piece of cardboard with some cleanfilm over it and put the work upside down on

it. Pin the leaves (upside) down and use a stiff bristle brush (childrens paint brushes

are ideal) to paint a light layer of white PVA glue over the back of the leaves.

Leave to dry and your wall hanger is ready to put on the wall.

I hope everything worked out fine. I have done my very best to make the pattern as clear as I

can, but it is possible I spelled something wrong or made another mistake. English is not my

native tongue, so I hope you forgive me for this.

If you should decide to make my designs to sell them, please place a reference to me and my

Etsy Shop.

All my crochet patterns, wich I designed myself, may not be used to copy or

redistribute and resell.

If you want to sell your finished creations using my patterns, please use a link or

mention to my Shop.

I hope you will understand. Thank you.


Copyright 2012 TeenyweenyDesign