Critical Illness (Life) Insurance ManuLove Care€¦ · Major critical illness premium waiver In...

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Transcript of Critical Illness (Life) Insurance ManuLove Care€¦ · Major critical illness premium waiver In...

ManuLove Care心愛一家保

This product leaflet is for use by the customers of DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the “Bank”). ManuLove Care is a long term participating critical illness (life) insurance plan underwritten by Manulife (International) Limited (incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife”). The Bank is acting as a licensed insurance agency of Manulife.

Critical Illness(Life) Insurance


Protection restore benefit to provide full support when you’re in need

We all try to do what is best for our loved ones. And

while we’re working hard to provide for their

material wellbeing, we sometimes forget that the

best thing we can do for them is much simpler: take

good care of our own health so they don’t have to

worry about us, then extend that care to their health

as well.

The new ManuLove Care is designed to let you do just

that. It provides the life insured with well-rounded protection up to the age◆ of 100, covering 60 major critical illnesses

and 44 early stage critical illnesses, plus a host of other benefits.

And with its innovative, first-in-market family protection feature, you can also expand coverage to the covered

parents and children including children born in the future, to ensure adequate protection and financial support just

when your family needs it most.

After all, there is no better way to show your love for your family than by caring for their health, while staying healthy

for them yourself.

Additional 600% coverage for extended protection

Premium waiver to ease your financial burden

Extended care for your family

ManuLove Care

Covers 60 major critical illnesses, 44 early stage critical illnesses and 8 juvenile diseases


◆ The age specified in this product leaflet means the life insured/covered parent(s)/covered child(ren)’s age nearest birthday on the policy anniversary.


Well-rounded protection for your peace of mind

ManuLove Care covers 60 major critical illnesses, including cancer, heart attack (myocardial infarction)

and stroke with a benefit equivalent to 100% of the notional amount (see the ‘Important Information’

section below), less any critical illness benefits we have paid.

The plan also covers 44 early stage critical illnesses such as carcinoma-in-situ and early thyroid cancer and

8 juvenile diseases such as severe asthma, with benefit up to 20% of the notional amount for each early

stage critical illness and juvenile disease (see note 1).

Some hereditary traits and problems are not discovered until a disease appears without warning. To

provide you with extra peace of mind, the plan covers critical illnesses arising from congenital conditions

as long as the signs and symptoms remain undetected at policy issue (see note 1).

To provide the life insured with extra protection, we will pay an additional 50% of the notional amount

if the life insured suffers from a major critical illness during the first 10 policy years.

Extensive coverage for you

+Protection restore benefit to provide full support when you’re in need

This feature provides the life insured with much-needed financial support by restoring prior claims. We

will pay a protection restore benefit if the life insured has a major critical illness or passes away before the

age of 75. This benefit is the total amount we have previously paid for early stage critical illness and

juvenile disease which happened more than one year ago (see note 2).


1-year waiting period

Diagnosed with early

stage critical illness /

juvenile disease

20% of notional amountpaid for early stage CI benefit /

juvenile disease CI benefit

Total 100% of notional amount wil bepaid for major CI benefit / death benefit

after restoring 20% prior claim


80% notional amount

80% notional amount


Diagnosed with

major critical illness /



Continuous care benefits for extended protection

Critical illnesses might occur more than once. The recurrence rate of cancer ranges from 10% to 50%, while

stroke ranges from 25% to 35%. For heart attack, 32% of the estimated annual incidence is recurrent attack

(see notes 3-5 for the source of the statistics). That’s why we provide continuous protection in case a critical

illness ever happens again. After the first diagnosis of any major critical illness, ManuLove Care continues to

protect the life insured with multiple benefits before the life insured reaches the age of 85 (see note 6).

Continuous care benefits will become effective after the waiting period has ended: at least 1 year after the

diagnosis of the last claimed unrelated major critical illness, and at least 3 years after the diagnosis of the

last claim of cancer (if any) (see note 6).

Covers newly diagnosed, recurrent, metastatic and

persistent cancer

Covers any other 2 critical illnesses not related to the

prior claim (see note 7)

100% Protection

Cancer Heart attack /strokeIndependent

major critical illnesses

Continuous care benefits

1st diagnosis of any major critical illness

Waiting period

100% Protection


x100% Protection


x 100% Protection






Premium waiver to ease your financial burden

No one wants anything unfortunate to happen to a family member. If the misfortune strikes on the

breadwinner, it is often made much worse by long-term, devastating financial consequences.

Compassionate premium waiverWithout the need for body check nor answering health questions, and after 2 years from registration date,

we will waive the premium of the plan if you or your spouse passes away on or before the age of 75 (see note 10).

If the death is directly and solely caused by an accident, the compassionate premium waiver will be

applicable immediately:

1) If you or your spouse is the life insured, all future premiums will be waived; or

2) If your child is the life insured, all future premiums will be waived until the child reaches the age of 25.

To be eligible for the benefit, you or your spouse should be at the age of 50 or below at the registration date.

Major critical illness premium waiverIn the event of the life insured being diagnosed with a major critical illness, the premiums for the policy may

become an added financial burden. Thus, when we have paid a major CI (critical illness) benefit, we will

waive your premiums for the basic plan, and the life insured can still be under protection.

Spreading love and care among family members

Give your loved ones another reason to feel blessed to have you in their lives, by protecting them against critical

illnesses at the same time. In Hong Kong, 1 in 3 people will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85 or before (see

note 8), so it’s important to get protected, not just for your own, but also your family, in particular your parents.

Through ManuLove Care, we are introducing a pioneering feature that provides you with additional financial

support when the covered parents or children are diagnosed with a designated critical illness, with no

underwriting required. So you can give your loved ones the best possible care, should misfortune ever strike.

We will pay 20% of the notional amount, up to HK$200,000 / US$25,000 per covered family member.

The family benefits will be payable twice if 2 different covered family members suffer from any of the

designated critical illnesses.

Any benefit that the life insured is entitled to will not be affected by the payment of any family benefit

(see note 9 for more details of these family benefits).

Parents Children

Coverage Cancer Any of the 60 major critical illnesses and 8 juvenile diseases, including the illnesses caused by congenital conditions undetected 2 years after the policy issue

%LIGIBILITY� s�/N�OR�BEFORE�AGE����AT�THE�TIME�OF� s�"ELOW�AGE����AT�THE�TIME�OF�POLICY� policy issue issue or child born in the future � � s�.O�HISTORY�OF�CARCINOMA IN SITU�OR�CANCER

Protection Period From age 55 up to age 85 Up to age 18(Effective after 2 years from policy issue date,see note 9)

If the relevant critical illness is directly and solely caused by an accident, the protection for the covered

member will be effective immediately.


Free wellness check-ups for your family

Staying healthy and identifying possible issues early are important ways to protect against critical illnesses. The plan provides

either the life insured, covered parent or child with one free medical check-up every other year (five medical check-ups in total

while the policy is in force), beginning one year after the policy starts. He/she can opt for a standard check-up, basic

cardiovascular risk assessment, diabetes assessment, standard gynecological check-up or juvenile-specific check-up (see note 15).

Inflation protector option for added peace of mind

To keep pace with inflation, you can choose to take up the inflation protector option with extra premiums. This will automatically

increase the critical illness coverage as well as the death benefit by 5% of the initial notional amount each year, for up to 10

consecutive years or upon a critical illness claim made under the plan, whichever is earlier. The increased notional amount of the

policy will remain unchanged even after the inflation protector option ends (see note 16).

Guaranteed and level premium allows better financial planning

The premium you pay is guaranteed and will not increase at any time during the premium payment period you have selected (see

note 11). There are 4 premium payment periods to choose from: 10, 20, 25 years or up to age 65 of the life insured.

Life protection plus long-term savings

If the life insured passes away, we will pay a death benefit, equal to 100% of the notional amount less any critical illness benefits

we have paid, and a compassionate death benefit, equal to 5% of the notional amount, to help relieve the financial hardship faced

by their loved ones.

In addition to life and critical illness protection, the plan also gives you a guaranteed cash value (if no major CI benefit has been

claimed) and maturity benefit upon policy maturity (see note 12).

What’s more, from the 3rd policy anniversary onwards, the plan offers a one-off non-guaranteed terminal bonus payable upon

the payment of the first major critical illness claim, when you end and cash in the policy, when the policy matures or if the life

insured passes away, whichever is earlier (see note 13).

At the 20th policy anniversary or every five years after this date (i.e. 25th, 30th, 35th policy anniversary, etc.), you can exercise the

‘realization option’ to lock in up to 50% of your terminal bonus to earn non-guaranteed interest. You can then withdraw your

locked-in terminal bonus and interest at any time based on your financial needs (see note 14).

Premium payment period 10 / 20 years 25 years To age 65

30 days – age 65 30 days – age 60 30 days – age 55

Premium payment mode

Benefit term

Issue age

Annual / Semi-annual / Quarterly / Monthly

Up to age 100

Hong Kong Dollar (HK$) or United States Dollar (US$)

Minimum notional amount

HK$100,000 / US$12,500

Policy currency

Plan at a glance


Case 1: Protect you and your covered family membersMr Lee bought ManuLove Care for himself with a notional amount of HK$1,000,000 when he was 30.

He registered his father as a covered family member.




The family benefit is effective 2 years after the policy issue date.



His father, age 60, was first diagnosed with lung cancer.

After making these claims, the total benefit Mr Lee received was HK$1,900,000 (equal to 190% of the notional

amount) plus any non-guaranteed terminal bonus. He is still covered by ManuLove Care’s continuous care benefit

against cancer for two times, heart attack or stroke for two times, and independent major critical illness for two

times before he reaches the age of 85. If he passes away before the age of 100, the compassionate death benefit

of HK$50,000 (equal to 5% of the notional amount) will be paid.



The family benefits ended. The family benefit claim will not affect the remaining benefits for the life insured.





His son was born with congenital heart valve defect.

After registration, the family benefit for his son is effective immediately, which includes covered major critical illnesses and juvenile diseases arising from congenital diseases.

His son, age 1, underwent heart valve surgery due to his congenital heart valve defect.

s�%NTITLED�TO��Family benefit

s�2ECEIVED� HK$200,000

(20% of notional amount) (see note 9)

The family benefit claim will not affect the benefits for the life insured.

s�%NTITLED�TO��Family benefit

s�2ECEIVED� HK$200,000 (20% of notional

amount) (see note 9)

Mr Lee was diagnosed with liver cancer within the first 10 policy years.

We waived the remaining premiums for this basic plan. The major CI benefit ended.

s�%NTITLED�TO��Major CI benefit, additional major CI benefit, and major critical illness premium waiver

s�2ECEIVED� HK$1,000,000

(100% of notional amount) +

HK$500,000 (50% of notional amount) + any non-guaranteed terminal bonus (see note 13)


Case 2: Continuous care benefits provide extra protection to you against different critical illnessesMrs Tam bought ManuLove Care for herself with a notional amount of HK$700,000 when she was 35.

She registered her parents as covered family members.


After making these claims, the total benefit Mrs Tam received was HK$2,450,000 (equal to 350% of the notional

amount) plus any non-guaranteed terminal bonus. She is still covered by ManuLove Care’s continuous care benefit

against cancer for two times, heart attack or stroke for one time, and independent major critical illness (other than

Parkinson’s disease) for one time before she reaches the age of 85. The family benefits are still valid for her covered

parents up to their age of 85. If she passes away before the age of 100, the compassionate death benefit of

HK$35,000 (equal to 5% of the notional amount) will be paid.



Mrs Tam was diagnosed with breast cancer within the first 10 policy years.

We waived the remaining premiums for this basic plan. The major CI benefit ended.



Mrs Tam was diagnosed with heart attack.



Mrs Tam was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.

s�%NTITLED�TO��Major CI benefit, additional major CI benefit, and major critical illness premium waiver

s�2ECEIVED�HK$700,000 (100% of notional amount) + HK$350,000 (50% of notional amount) + any non-guaranteed terminal bonus (see note 13)

s�%NTITLED�TO��Heart attack / stroke continuous care benefit

s�2ECEIVED�HK$700,000 (100% of notional amount) (see note 6)

s�%NTITLED�TO��Continuous care benefit for independent major critical illnesses

s�2ECEIVED�HK$700,000 (100% of notional amount) (see notes 6 and 7)


Case 3: Protection restore benefit provides full support when you’re in needMr Chan bought ManuLove Care for himself with a notional amount of HK$500,000 when he was 40.

He registered his parents as covered family members.




Mr Chan was diagnosed with hepatitis with cirrhosis.



Mr Chan was diagnosed with early stage malignancy.



His wife as registered spouse passed away at age 45.



Mr Chan was diagnosed with liver cancer.

The major CI benefit ended.

s�%NTITLED�TO��Early stage CI benefit

s�2ECEIVED�HK$100,000 (20% of notional amount)

s�%NTITLED�TO��Early stage CI benefit

s�2ECEIVED�HK$100,000 (20% of notional amount)

s�%NTITLED�TO��Compassionate premium waiver(see note 10)

s�%NTITLED�TO��Major CI benefit and protection restore benefit

s�2ECEIVED�HK$300,000 (60% of notional amount remaining) + HK$200,000(40% of notional amount) + any non-guaranteed terminal bonus (see notes 2 and 13)

After making these claims, the total benefit Mr Chan received was HK$700,000 (equal to 140% of the notional

amount) plus any non-guaranteed terminal bonus. He is still covered by ManuLove Care’s continuous care benefit

against cancer for two times, heart attack or stroke for two times, and independent major critical illness for two

times before he reaches the age of 85. The family benefits are still valid for his covered parents up to their age of

85. If he passes away before the age of 100, the compassionate death benefit of HK$25,000 (equal to 5% of the

notional amount) will be paid.

We waived the remaining premiums for this basic plan.


Case 4: The same family member can enjoy multiple protection from different ManuLove Care policiesAmy, her sister Ada and her brother Alex bought ManuLove Care policies at the same time with the

following notional amounts and all of them registered their father, Alpha aged 65, as a covered family



Policy year 0(Alpha aged 65)

With no underwriting required, Alpha was being registered as their covered family member in all 3 policies.

The family benefit claim will not affect the benefits for the life insured of the respective policy.

Policy year 2(Alpha aged 67)

The family benefit for Alpha is effective 2 years after the policy issue date.

Policy year 5(Alpha aged 70)

Alpha was first diagnosed with liver cancer.

s�%NTITLED�TO��Family benefit

s�2ECEIVED� Amy’s policy: HK$150,000*

Ada’s policy: HK$200,000*

Alex’s policy: HK$200,000*

The total family benefit claimed under the 3 policies for Alpha’s case was HK$550,000. The family benefit of the

respective policy is still valid for one time on another covered family member. Amy, Ada and Alex are still covered

by their respective ManuLove Care policy with no impact.

* For this family benefit, we will pay 20% of the notional amount, and the total benefit amount is up to HK$200,000/US$25,000 per covered family member for all policies in respect of the same life insured (see note 17).

Policyowner and life insured Notional amount Registered family member

Amy (aged 35) HK$750,000

Ada (aged 32) HK$1,000,000 Alpha (aged 65)

Alex (aged 30) HK$1,500,000

1 Cancer 31 Loss of one limb and one eye

2 Acute necrotic pancreatitis 32 Loss of speech

3 AIDS due to blood transfusion 33 Major burns

4 Alzheimer’s disease / Irreversible organic degenerative 34 Major head trauma brain disorders (dementia)

5 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 35 Major organ transplantation

6 Apallic syndrome 36 Medullary cystic disease

7 Aplastic anaemia 37 Multiple sclerosis

8 Bacterial meningitis 38 Muscular dystrophy

9 Benign brain tumour 39 Myasthenia gravis

10 Blindness 40� /CCUPATIONALLY�ACQUIRED�()6�


12 Chronic adrenal insufficiency 42 Paralysis

13 Chronic relapsing pancreatitis 43 Parkinson's disease

14 Coma 44 Pheochromocytoma

15 Coronary artery bypass surgery 45 Poliomyelitis

16 Creutzfeld-Jacob disease 46 Primary lateral sclerosis

17 Ebola hemorrhagic fever 47 Primary pulmonary arterial hypertension

18 Elephantiasis 48 Progressive bulbar palsy

19 Encephalitis 49 Progressive muscular atrophy

20 End stage liver disease 50 Progressive supranuclear palsy

21 End stage lung disease 51 Severe Crohn’s disease

22 Fulminant viral hepatitis 52 Severe rheumatoid arthritis

23 Haemolytic streptococcal gangrene 53 Severe ulcerative colitis

24 Heart attack (myocardial infarction) 54 Spinal muscular atrophy

25 Heart valve surgery 55 Stroke

26� ()6�DUE�TO�ASSAULT� 56 Surgery to aorta

27 Infective endocarditis 57 Systemic lupus erythematosus

28 Kidney failure 58 Systemic sclerosis

29 Loss of hearing 59 Terminal illness~

30 Loss of limbs 60 Total and permanent disability**~

List of critical illnesses covered

Major critical illnesses


** The coverage of total and permanent disability will take effect when the life insured or the covered child attains the age of 16.

~ Terminal illness and total and permanent disability are excluded from continuous care benefit.

1 Adrenalectomy for adrenal adenoma 23 Less severe bacterial meningitis

2 Angioplasty and other invasive treatments for 24 Less severe burns to body due to accident coronary artery disease

3 Angioplasty and stenting for carotid arteries 25 Less severe coma

4 Biliary tract reconstruction surgery 26 Less severe encephalitis

5 Carcinoma-in-situ 27 Less severe heart attack

6 Cardiac pacemaker implantation 28 Less severe kidney disease

7 Carotid artery surgery 29 Less severe systemic lupus erythematosus

8 Cerebral aneurysm or arteriovenous malformation 30 Liver surgery requiring surgery

9 Cerebral shunt insertion 31 Loss of hearing in one ear

10 Chronic lung disease 32 Loss of one limb

11 Cochlear implant surgery 33 Loss of sight in one eye

12 Diabetic retinopathy 34 Major organ transplantation (on waiting list)

13 Early stage malignancy 35 Miliary tuberculosis

14 Early thyroid cancer 36 Moderately severe paralysis

15 Endovascular treatment of cerebral aneurysm 37 Myelitis

16 Endovascular treatment of peripheral arterial disease 38� /STEOPOROSIS�WITH�FRACTUREs##

17 Endovascular treatments of aortic disease or 39 Pericardectomy aortic aneurysm

18 Facial burns due to accident 40 Skin transplantation

19 Facial reconstructive surgery for injury due to accident 41 Surgery for subdural haematoma

20 Hepatitis with cirrhosis 42 Surgical removal of one kidney

21 Insertion of a vena-cava filter 43 Surgical removal of one lung

22 Less invasive treatments of heart valve disease 44 Surgical removal of pituitary tumour

Early stage critical illnesses

1 Autism

2 Dengue haemorrhagic fever

3 Kawasaki disease


5 Severe asthma

6 Still’s disease

7 Type 1 diabetes mellitus

8 Wilson’s disease

Juvenile diseases#


## The coverage of osteoporosis with fractures will end when the life insured reaches the age of 70.

# Juvenile disease CI benefit is available if the policy is issued before the life insured reaches the age of 16 and the life insured is diagnosed with a juvenile disease before the age of 18.


s�100% of basic plan notional amount (less any critical illness benefits paid)

s�%XTRA�BENEFIT�OF�50% of basic plan notional amount within the first 10 policy years

Critical illness benefits

Major CI benefit (see note 13)

Early stage CI benefit (total up to 80% of notional amount, see note 1)

Juvenile disease CI benefit (applicable to issue age under 16, total up to 80% of notional amount, see note 1)

60 major critical illnesses Up to age 100

Up to age 100

Up to age 100

Up to age 100

Up to age 100

Up to age 70

Up to age 100

Up to age 18

s�20% of basic plan notional amount

s�Total benefit amount is up to HK$400,000 / US$50,000 per life

s�20% of basic plan notional amount

s�Total benefit amount is up to HK$400,000 / US$50,000 per life

s�20% of basic plan notional amount

s�4OTAL�BENEFIT�AMOUNT�FOR�carcinoma-in-situ is up to HK$400,000 / US$50,000 per life

s�&OR�ORGAN�GROUPS�WITH�BOTH�LEFT�and right components, including but not limited to breasts, ovary, fallopian tube and lung, the left and right components of an organ group will be considered as one and same organ group

Angioplasty and other invasive treatments for coronary artery disease

Early stage malignancy

s�20% of basic plan notional amount

s�Total benefit amount is up to HK$400,000 / US$50,000 per life

Early thyroid cancer

s�20% of basic plan notional amount

s�4OTAL�BENEFIT�AMOUNT�IS�UP�TO�HK$400,000 / US$50,000 for each juvenile disease per life

8 juvenile diseases

s�10% of basic plan notional amount

s�20% of basic plan notional amount



Benefit details

Benefit details (see note 17) Max. no. of claim Cover period◆◆

Carcinoma-in-situ (12 organ groups): (i) Breast; (ii) Cervix uteri or uterus;(iii) Colon and rectum; (iv) Liver;(v) Lung; (vi) Nasopharynx; �VII�/VARY�OR�FALLOPIAN�TUBE��(viii) Penis;(ix) Stomach and esophagus; (x) Testicles;(xi) Urinary tract, for the purpose of

in-situ cancers of the bladder, stage Ta of papillary carcinoma is included; and







Payable once for each juvenile disease

Payable once for each of these early stage critical illnesses

Payable twice for different organ group only


s�4OTAL�BENEFIT�AMOUNT�IS�UP�TO�eligible early stage CI benefit and juvenile disease CI benefit paid

Protection restore benefit (see note 2)

Continuous care benefits (see notes 6 and 7)

Cancer continuous care benefit

Heart attack / stroke continuous care benefit

60 major critical illnesses or death benefit

Up to age 75

Up to age 85(Up to age 70 for prostate cancer and thyroid cancer)

Up to age 85

s�100% of basic plan notional amount

s�100% of basic plan notional amount


Family benefits (see note 9)

For life insured’s covered parent (on or before age 75 at the time of policy issue) / child (below age 18 at the time of policy issue)

For policyowner or policyowner’s legally married spouse (on or before age 50 at the time of policy issue)

s�!DDITIONAL�20% of basic plan notional amount

s�4OTAL�BENEFIT�AMOUNT�IS�UP�TO�HK$200,000 / US$25,000 per life for covered major critical illnesses and juvenile diseases

Cancer for parent

60 major critical illnesses or 8 juvenile diseases for child

Benefit details (see note 17) Max. no. of claim Cover period◆◆

Heart attack / stroke

Continuous care benefit for independent major critical illnesses

Up to age 85s�100% of basic plan notional amount

55 independent major critical illnesses

Additional prostate / testicular cancer benefit

From age 16 up to age 75@

s�!DDITIONAL�10% of basic plan notional amount

s�Total benefit amount is up to HK$160,000 / US$20,000 per life

Prostate cancer or testicular cancer

From age 55 up to age 85 of parent

Up to age 18 of child

Payable once when major CI benefit or death benefit is payable

Payable twice (payable once for each of the independent major critical illnesses)

Payable twice (payable once for each parent / child)






Up to age 100 s�7AIVE�ALL�FUTURE�PREMIUM�OF�THE�basic plan if major CI benefit is paid

Major critical illness premium waiver

s�7AIVE�PREMIUM�OF�THE�BASIC�PLAN�until the life insured reaches the age of 25 if the life insured is policyowner’s child

s�7AIVE�ALL�FUTURE�PREMIUM�OF�THE�basic plan if the life insured is the policyowner or policyowner’s spouse

Compassionate premium waiver (see note 10)(Death of policyowner or policyowner’s spouse)

/N�OR�BEFORE�age 75 of policyowner / policyowner’s legally married spouse

Premium waiver


Benefit details (see note 17) Max. no. of claim Cover period◆◆

Other services (see note 15)




Death benefit (see notes 12 and 13)

Up to age 100s�100% of basic plan notional amount (less any critical illness benefits paid)

Death benefit

s�0ROVIDED�BY�THE�PLAN����TIMES�IN�total which can be shared among the life insured, covered parents and children)

Wellness check-up N/A

s�!DDITIONAL�BENEFIT�OF����OF�BASIC�plan notional amount

Compassionate death benefit Up to age 100


Non-guaranteed bonus payable upon the surrender of the policy, the payment of the major CI benefit, the maturity of the policy or the death of the life insured, whichever is earlier

Terminal bonus (see notes 13 and 14)

Any guaranteed cash value^ plus any locked-in terminal bonus with any interest earned and any terminal bonus

Surrender value (see note 13)

105% of the notional amount less any critical illness benefits paid under the policy

Maturity benefit (see notes 12 and 13)

◆◆ The benefit coverage in this product leaflet ends on the date when the life insured/covered parent(s)/covered child(ren) reaches the age specified. For example, cover period ‘up to age 100’ means before age 100.

@ For the avoidance of doubt, the cancer continuous care benefit in respect of prostate cancer and thyroid cancer will be terminated automatically when the life insured reaches the age of 70.

^ From the 10th policy anniversary onwards, guaranteed cash value will become available.




Notes: 1. Juvenile disease CI benefit is available if the policy is issued before the life insured reaches the age of 16 and the life insured

is diagnosed with a juvenile disease before the age of 18. The total amount we pay for early stage CI benefit and juvenile disease CI benefit cannot be more than 80% of the basic plan notional amount. The early stage CI benefit and juvenile disease CI benefit will end automatically when the major CI benefit has been paid. The major CI benefit is payable once under the basic plan. The major CI benefit will be reduced by the benefit we have paid for early stage critical illnesses and juvenile diseases. The critical illness benefits (including critical illnesses arising from undetected congenital conditions) will be effective 90 days after (i) the issue date or (ii) the policy year date or (iii) the effective date of reinstatement, whichever is later. This elimination period will not be applicable if the relevant critical illness is directly and solely caused by an accident.

2. The benefit amount of protection restore benefit is the sum of early stage CI benefit and/or juvenile disease CI benefit paid under the plan where the date(s) of diagnosis of the associated early stage critical illnesses and/or juvenile diseases fall(s) at least 1 year before the date of diagnosis of the major critical illness or the date of death.

��� 4HIS�INFORMATION�ON�CANCER�COMES�FROM�2EVIEW�OF�0%4�3ERVICES�IN�(ONG�+ONG�(OSPITAL�!UTHORITY��0ART���n�$ISEASE�2EVIEW��Section D) Colorectal Cancer and Section F) Breast Cancer, 2012, Hong Kong Hospital Authority.

4. This information on stroke comes from Preventing Another Stroke, National Stroke Association (in the United States).5. This information on heart attack comes from Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics - 2018 Update, American Heart Association.6. The continuous care benefits are subject to, including but without limitation to the following:

i) The date of diagnosis of any cancer, heart attack, stroke and independent major critical illness must be at least 1 year after the date of diagnosis of previously claimed major critical illness. In addition, if any preceding claim under the same plan is cancer, the date of diagnosis of any subsequent cancer must be at least 3 years after the date of diagnosis of the previous cancer.

ii) In the event that the cancer is caused by any accident or illness that resulted in any previous payment of critical illness benefits or continuous care benefits under the plan, the date of diagnosis of the cancer must be at least 3 years after the date of diagnosis of the major critical illness that has been paid.

iii) The continuous care benefits will be paid if the life insured survives for at least 14 days from the date of diagnosis of the major critical illness.

iv) The coverage of prostate cancer and thyroid cancer under continuous care benefits will be terminated automatically when the life insured reaches the age of 70.

v) The date of diagnosis shall also include the date of the medical report confirming the continuation, metastasis or recurrence of the cancer supported by confirmatory result from medical investigation by a specialist medical practitioner (applicable to cancer continuous care benefit).

vi) The coverage of continuous care benefits will end when the life insured reaches the age of 85.7. The continuous care benefit for independent major critical illnesses covers 55 independent major critical illnesses.

Independent major critical illness shall mean any one of the 60 major critical illnesses covered under major CI benefit excluding cancer, heart attack, stroke, terminal illness and total and permanent disability. Each independent major critical illness is payable once only throughout the policy, either through major CI benefit or continuous care benefit for independent major critical illnesses. Continuous care benefit for independent major critical illnesses is payable only if such independent major critical illness in the reasonable opinion of both the life insured’s doctor and the Company’s doctor is neither directly nor indirectly related to any major critical illness(es) for which critical illness benefit or continuous care benefit (as the case may be) has been paid.

��� 4HIS�INFORMATION�COMES�FROM����� �����(ONG�+ONG�0OPULATION�$ATA��(ONG�+ONG�#ANCER�2EGISTRY�9. Family benefit for each life insured’s natural parent or child (covered parent or child) is only available if such parent or child is

registered and approved by the Company. Family benefit for the life insured’s natural parent is only available if such parent is registered and approved by the Company within 2 months from (i) the issue date or (ii) the policy year date, whichever is later. The family benefits will be effective 2 years after (i) the issue date or (ii) the policy year date or (iii) the effective date of reinstatement, whichever is later.No benefit will be payable if any physical conditions of the life insured’s natural parent or child, that results in a claim otherwise payable by the Company in respect of any critical illness, is diagnosed; or treated; or for which a doctor was consulted; or for which the existence or onset of signs or symptoms of any illness or disease were present, within or prior to the elimination period for such parent or child. This elimination period will not be applicable if the relevant critical illness is directly and solely caused by an accident.If the life insured’s natural parent has any carcinoma-in-situ or cancer that is diagnosed, treated or for which a doctor was consulted prior to the elimination period, no benefit will be payable for such covered parent under this plan.


10. The future premium of the basic plan will be waived under this compassionate premium waiver. It is applicable to the policyowner or policyowner’s legally married spouse (as the case may be) who is on or before the age of 50 at (i) the issue date or (ii) the policy year date or (iii) the date of endorsement or (iv) the date of registration, whichever is later. This benefit will be effective 2 years after (i) the issue date or (ii) the policy year date or (iii) the effective date of reinstatement or (iv) the date of registration, whichever is later. This benefit is payable if the policyowner or the policyowner’s legally married spouse (as the case may be) passes away on or before reaching the age of 75.No benefit will be payable if any physical condition of the policyowner or policyowner’s legally married spouse, that results in a claim otherwise payable by the Company in respect of death, is diagnosed; or treated; or for which a doctor was consulted; or for which the existence or onset of signs or symptoms of any illness or disease were present, within or prior to the elimination period for the policyowner or policyowner’s legally married spouse. This elimination period will not be applicable if the death is directly and solely caused by an accident.

11. We guarantee that the basic plan premiums for the initial basic plan notional amount remain unchanged throughout the premium payment period. However, we do not guarantee that the premium and guaranteed cash value due to an increase in the basic plan notional amount, including those increases triggered by using the inflation protector option.

12. If any benefit payment has been made under the plan but the total critical illness benefits we paid are less than 100% of the basic plan notional amount, we will reduce the maturity benefit and death benefit by the total critical illness benefits paid and the benefit amount would not be less than zero. The guaranteed cash value will be reduced proportionally. However, we will not reduce your premiums and the compassionate death benefit will not be affected by any critical illness benefits paid. When we have paid 100% of the basic plan notional amount as critical illness benefits, the guaranteed cash value and death benefit will no longer be available. When we have paid 105% of the basic plan notional amount as critical illness benefits, the maturity benefit will no longer be available.

13. Starting from the third policy anniversary, ManuLove Care offers a one-off non-guaranteed terminal bonus which will be payable upon the surrender of the policy, the payment of major CI benefit, the maturity of the policy or the death of the life insured, whichever is earlier.

14. We will review and adjust the terminal bonus at least once a month, but we may do so more often. Please see ‘the main risks affecting the non-guaranteed terminal bonus and interest rate for the locked-in terminal bonus’ paragraph under the ‘Important Information’ section below. To exercise the realization option, you must submit a written application in a prescribed format REQUIRED�BY�US��/NCE�SUBMITTED��THE�APPLICATION�FOR�EXERCISING�SUCH�OPTION�CANNOT�BE�WITHDRAWN�AND�NO�@LOCKED IN��TERMINAL�BONUS�WILL�BE�ALLOWED�TO�BE�REVERSED��%XERCISE�OF�THE�REALIZATION�OPTION�WILL�REDUCE�ANY�SUBSEQUENT�FUTURE�TERMINAL�BONUS��2EALIZATION�anniversary means the 20th policy anniversary and every 5th policy anniversaries thereafter. There may be a delay in making payment when you cash in your policy or exercise the realization option, especially during periods when the market is experiencing significant rises and falls in value. The actual amount of the terminal bonus that you can get will only be determined after your request has been processed. Under certain circumstances, for example, if the request is not received by us before our prevailing cut-off time or is not in our prescribed format, such amount can be lower or higher than the amount of the terminal bonus tentatively indicated to you at the time you submit the request. Please check with Manulife for the prevailing operational rule and latest amount of terminal bonus under your policy before exercising the realization option.

15. Wellness benefit is available for the life insured, covered parent before reaching the age of 85, or covered child before reaching the age of 18. Wellness check-up and referral services are only available in Hong Kong and Macau. We reserve the right to change or terminate the wellness check-up or referral services at any time without giving you notice. The wellness check-up and referral services are provided by a third party service provider which is an independent contractor and is not our agent. We shall make no representation, warranty or undertaking as to the availability of any service of the third party service provider including the wellness check-up or referral services. We shall not be liable to the policyowner or the life insured or the life insured’s natural parents or children in any respect of any loss, damage, expense, suit, action or proceedings suffered or incurred by the policyowner or the life insured or the life insured’s natural parents or children, whether directly or indirectly, arising from or in connection with the services (including the wellness check-up and referral services) provided or advice given by such third party service provider and/or its agents, or the availability of such services.

16. You will need to apply for the inflation protector option at the time you buy your ManuLove Care. You can choose not to apply for the option at the time you buy this product, but you cannot add it back later. Inflation protector option is only available for life insured who is below the age of 50 at policy issue and for standard policy, which means the policy has no extra loading and exclusions. You will need to pay an extra premium throughout the premium payment period of ManuLove Care after each time you have exercised the inflation protector option. The extra premium will be based on the attained age of the life insured and the premium rate at the time the option is exercised (we may change the premium rate from time to time). With the inflation protector option, you will have your basic plan notional amount increased starting from the first policy anniversary. Please see the policy provision of inflation protector option for its exclusions, termination conditions and other details.

17. ‘Per life’ means the maximum total amount of the same or similar benefits we will pay under all insurance policies in respect of the life insured and issued by us.

Important Information

This plan is a participating plan. A participating plan provides you with non-guaranteed benefits, namely, terminal bonus.

Your policy will have a 'notional amount', which is an amount we use to work out the premium and other policy values and benefits of the plan. Any change in this notional amount will lead to a corresponding change in the premiums and other policy values and benefits of the plan.

Terminal bonus philosophy

/UR� PARTICIPATING� PLAN� AIMS� TO� OFFER� A� COMPETITIVE�long-term return to policyholders and at the same time make a reasonable profit for shareholders. We also aim to make sure we share profits between policyholders and shareholders in a fair way. In principle, all experience gains and losses, measured against the best estimate assumptions, are passed on to the policyholders. These gains and losses include claims, investment return and persistency (the likelihood of policies staying in force), and so on. However, expense gains and losses measured against the best estimate assumptions, are not passed on to the policyholders. Shareholders will be responsible for any gains or losses when actual expenses are different from what was originally expected. Expenses refer to both expenses directly related to the policy (such as commission, the expenses for underwriting (reviewing and approving insurance applications), issuing the policy and collecting premiums) as well as indirect expenses allocated to the product group (such as general overhead costs).

To protect terminal bonus from significant rises and falls, we use a smoothing process when we set the terminal bonus. When the performance is better than expected, we do not immediately use the full amount we have made to increase terminal bonus. And, when the performance is worse than expected, we do not pass back the full amount of losses immediately to reduce terminal bonus. Instead, the gains or losses are passed back to the policies over a number of years to make sure we provide a more stable terminal bonus year to year.

An exception to the above smoothing mechanism is the volatility in the market value of equity and other non-fixed income investments. A large portion of the experience gain/loss will be passed back to policyholders via adjustment in terminal bonus in a timely manner instead of smoothing out over time.

We share the gains and losses from the participating accounts among different classes and generations of policyholders, depending on the contribution from each class. When we manage terminal bonus, we aim to pass back these gains and losses within a reasonable time, while making sure we treat policyholders fairly. When considering the fairness between different groups of policyholders, we will consider, for example, the following.

s�Products (including supplementary benefits) that you bought



Declared terminal bonus does not form a permanent addition to the policy. It may be reduced or increased at subsequent declarations. Its actual amount will only be determined when it becomes payable or when you lock in the terminal bonus. The amount of the terminal bonus is largely affected by the performance of the equity and other non-fixed income investment, so the amount is relatively volatile and will move up and down over time. 2EVIEW� AND� ADJUSTMENT� OF� PROJECTED� TERMINAL� BONUS� IS�performed at least monthly and may be performed more frequently than monthly at any time upon Manulife’s decision.

Written declaration by our Chairman of the Board, an Independent Non-Executive Director and the Appointed Actuary is in place to confirm the mechanism manages fairness between different parties. You may browse the following website to learn more about your participating policy.

Investment policy, objective and strategy

/UR�INVESTMENT�POLICY�AIMS�TO�ACHIEVE�TARGETED�LONG TERM�investment results based on the set amount of risk we are willing to take (‘risk tolerances’). It also aims to control and spread out risk, maintain enough assets that we can convert into cash easily (‘liquidity’) and manage assets based on our liabilities.

The long-term asset mix is expected to be within the ranges as listed below. There may be situations that the actual mix will move outside of these ranges if investment performance deviates from expected.

Asset class Expected asset mix (%)Bonds and other fixed income assets 25%-55%Non-fixed income assets 45%-75%

The bonds and other fixed income assets include mainly government and corporate bonds, and are mainly invested in the United States and Asia. Non-fixed income assets may include, for example, public and private equities and real estate and so on, and are mainly invested in Hong Kong, the United States, Europe and Asia. Derivatives may be used mainly for hedging purposes.

For bonds and other fixed-income assets, if the currency of the asset is not in the same currency as the policies, we use currency hedges. These are a way of counteracting the effect of any fluctuations in the currency. However, we give more flexibility to non-fixed-income assets where those assets can be invested in other currencies not matching the policy currency. This is to benefit from diversifying our investment (in other words, spreading the risk).


Actual investments would depend on market opportunities at the time of buying them. As a result, they may differ from the expected asset mix.

The investment strategy may change depending on the market conditions and economic outlook. If there are any significant changes in the investment strategy, we would tell you about the changes, with reasons and the effect on the policies.

Dividend and bonus history

You may browse the following website to understand our dividend and bonus history. This is only for reference purposes. Dividend/bonus history or past performance is not a guide for future performance of the participating

Other product disclosures

1. Nature of the productThe product is a long-term participating life-insurance plan with a savings element. Part of the premium pays for the insurance and related costs. The savings element is reflected in the surrender value and may not be guaranteed. The product is aimed at customers who can pay the premiums for the whole of the premium payment period. As a result, you are advised to save enough money to cover the premiums in the future. You should be prepared to hold this product for the long term to achieve the savings target. However, under certain circumstances the surrender value could still be less than the total premiums you have paid, even though you hold the policy over a long period.

2. Cooling-off periodIf you are not happy with your policy, you have a right to cancel it within the cooling-off period and get a refund of any premiums and any levy paid. To do this, you must give us, within the cooling-off period, your written notice signed by you at Individual Financial Products, Manulife (International) Limited, 22/F, Tower A, Manulife Financial Centre, 223-231 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. In other words, your written notice to cancel your policy must reach us directly at the relevant address within a period of 21 calendar days immediately following the day we deliver to you or your nominated representative the policy or a notice telling you about the availability of the policy and the expiry date of the cooling-off period, whichever is the earlier. After the expiration of the cooling-off period, if you cancel the policy before the end of the term, the projected total cash value that you will receive may be considerably less than the total premium you have paid.

3. Premium term and result of not paying the premiumYou should pay the premium (or premiums) on time for the whole of the premium payment period. If you do not pay a premium on time, you have 31 days from the

due date to pay it, during which the policy will continue in force. If we do not receive the premium after the 31-day period ends and as long as there is enough guaranteed cash value and ‘lock-in’ terminal bonus that has built up, the ‘automatic premium loan’ (see point 11 below) will apply and the policy will continue in force. If there is not enough guaranteed cash value and ‘lock-in’ terminal bonus that has built up in the policy, the policy will end without further notice and the life insured will not be covered. In this case, we will not pay any amount to you.

4. The main risks affecting the non-guaranteed terminal bonus and interest rate for the ‘locked-in’ terminal bonusThe terminal bonus is not guaranteed. Factors that may significantly affect the terminal bonus include, but are not limited to, the following.

Claims – our experience on insurance claims such as paying death benefit and critical illness benefit.

Investment return – includes both interest income, dividend income, the outlook for interest rates and any changes in the market value of the assets backing the product. Investment returns could be affected by a number of market risks, including but not limited to credit spread and default risk, and the rise and fall in share and property prices. Please be aware that the amount of the terminal bonus is largely affected by the performance of equity and other non-fixed income investment, so the amount is relatively volatile and will move up and down over time. If there is a significant fall in the market value of equity and other non-fixed income investment, your terminal bonus will also be reduced significantly from your previous terminal bonus available; and even if there is a mild rise in the market value of equity and other non-fixed income investment during a policy year, your actual terminal bonus can still be lower than what was shown for that policy year, since the growth in the market value was lower than what we assumed when we gave you the illustration for your terminal bonus.

Persistency – includes other policy owners voluntarily ending their insurance policies (premiums not being paid, cashing in all or part of the policy), and the corresponding effects on investments.

You can leave your ‘locked-in’ terminal bonus with us to earn interest. The rate of interest that we can pay is based on the investment performance, market conditions and the expected length of time you leave your locked-in terminal bonus with us. This rate is also not guaranteed and may change from time to time due to changes in the investment environment.

5. Credit riskAny premiums you paid would become part of our ASSETS�AND�SO�YOU�WILL�BE�EXPOSED�TO�OUR�CREDIT�RISK��/UR�financial strength may affect our ability to meet the ongoing obligations under the insurance policy.


6. Currency riskThis plan is available in foreign currency. You should consider the potential currency risks when deciding which policy currency you should take. The foreign-currency exchange rate may fall as well as rise. Any change in the exchange rate will have a direct effect on the amount of premium you need to pay and the value of your benefits in your local currency. The risk of changes in the exchange rate may cause a financial loss to you. This potential loss from the currency conversion may wipe out the value of your benefits under the policy or even be more than the value of benefits under your policy.

7. Inflation riskThe cost of living in the future is likely to be higher than it is today due to inflation. As a result, your current planned benefits may not be enough to meet your future needs.

8. Risk from cashing in (surrender) earlyIf you cash in the policy, the amount we will pay is the surrender value worked out at the time you cash in the policy, less any amount you owe us. Depending on when you cash in your policy, this may be considerably less than the total premiums you have paid. You should refer to the proposal for the illustrations of the surrender value we project.

9. Liquidity and withdrawal riskYou can make withdrawals from locked-in terminal bonus which have built up, take a policy loan or even cash in the policy to get the surrender value. You may make partial withdrawals from the guaranteed cash value and terminal bonus but it would reduce the notional amount and the subsequent surrender value, death benefit and other policy values and benefits. However, the notional amount after the reduction cannot be smaller than the minimum notional amount which we will set from time to time without giving you notice. Taking a policy loan will reduce your surrender value and death benefit.

10. Policy loanYou can take a policy loan of up to the loan value less any amount you owe us, where the loan value is 90% (we will decide this figure and may change it from time to time without giving you notice) of the sum of guaranteed cash value and any ‘lock-in’ terminal bonus that has built up. The interest we charge on the policy loan is compounded every year (in other words, interest will generate further interest on it) at the rate we set and we may change the rate from time to time. If at any time the amount you owe us equals or is more than the sum of guaranteed cash value and any lock-in terminal bonus that has built up, the policy will end and we will not pay any amount to you. Any policy loan will reduce the policy’s death benefit, critical illness benefit, surrender value and maturity value. For details, please see the ‘policy loan’, ‘automatic premium loan’ and ‘loan conditions’ provisions in the policy provision.

11. Automatic premium loanWe will provide an automatic premium loan to keep the policy in force if you fail to pay the premium on time (see point 3 above), as long as there is enough loan value in the policy. If the loan value less any amount you owe is not enough to pay the premium you have missed, we can change how often you pay premiums. If the sum of guaranteed cash value and any ‘lock-in’ terminal bonus that has built up less any amount you owe is less than a monthly premium, the policy will end and we will not pay any amount to you. The interest we charge on the automatic premium loan is compounded every year (in other words, interest will generate further interest on it) at the rate we set and we may change the rate from time to time. The automatic premium loan will reduce the policy’s death benefit, critical illness benefit and surrender value. For details, please see the ‘policy loan’, ‘automatic premium loan’ and ‘loan conditions’ provisions in the policy provision.

12. Condition for ending the policyThis policy will end if:i. the life insured dies and we have paid the death

benefit and/or the compassionate death benefit;ii. you fail to pay the premium within 31 days after the

due date and your policy does not meet the requirements of an automatic premium loan;

iii. the policy reaches the anniversary closest to the life insured’s 100th birthday and we have paid the maturity benefit;

iv. we approve your written request to end the policy; v. you cash in the policy and we have paid the

surrender value; orvi. the amount you owe us is equal to or more than the

sum of guaranteed cash value and any lock-in terminal bonus that has built up,

whichever happens first.

Inflation protector option will end if:i. the policy terminates; ii. the policy reaches the anniversary closest to the life

insured’s 60th birthday;iii. you have declined an increase in notional amount;iv. the policy reaches the 5th to last policy anniversary

before the date to which premiums are payable;v. the total notional amount of the basic plan reaches

150% of the initial notional amount or the maximum notional amount that we set;

vi. there is any reduction in the policy’s notional amount;

vii. we have paid any total disability waiver benefit claim such as premium waiver benefit or payor benefit (if applicable);

viii. there is any diagnosis, treatment, consultation by a doctor, or existence or onset of signs or symptoms of any critical illness on the life insured that entitles any benefit or claim under any benefit provisions;

ix. the policy reaches the 10th policy anniversary; orx. we start to waive premium under compassionate

premium waiver;whichever happens first.


In this product leaflet, ’you’ and ’your’ refer to the policyowner. ‘Manulife’, ‘the Company’, ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ refer to Manulife (International) Limited (incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability).

ManuLove Care is an insurance product provided and underwritten by Manulife. This product leaflet provides only general information on this product. For the exact terms and conditions of this product, please see the policy provision. You can ask us for a copy.

You should not buy this product unless you fully understand the product features and risks. For more information, please contact the licensed staff of the Bank or call our customer service hotline on (852) 2510 3383. If you have any doubts, please get professional advice from independent advisors.

From January 1, 2018, the Insurance Authority starts collecting levy on insurance premiums from policyowners. For details of the levy and its collection arrangement, please visit our website at

To view our Privacy Policy, you can go to our website at You may also ask us not to use your personal information for direct marketing purposes by writing to us. You can find our address on our website. We will not charge you a fee for this.


13. Suicide If the life insured commits suicide, whether sane or

insane, within one year from the date of issue of the policy, our liability will be limited to a refund of the premium paid less any amount paid by us under the policy. For detailed terms and conditions including reinstatement, please refer to the policy provisions.

14. Exclusions and limitationsWe will not pay any living benefits if the critical illness results from any of the following.i. a congenital condition which was diagnosed or for

which there were signs or symptoms within or prior to the elimination period;

ii. directly or indirectly by Acquired Immune Deficiency 3YNDROME� �!)$3��!)$3�2ELATED�#OMPLEX� �!2#��OR�INFECTION�BY�(UMAN�)MMUNODEFICIENCY�6IRUS��()6��EXCEPT�THE�@/CCUPATIONALLY�!CQUIRED�()6����!)$3�DUE�TO� BLOOD� TRANSFUSION�� AND� @()6� DUE� TO� !SSAULT�� AS�stated in the section ‘Definition of Major Critical Illness’ under the policy provision;

iii. suicide, attempted suicide or intentionally self-inflicted injury, whether the life insured or the covered parent or the covered child (as the case may be) is sane or insane;

iv. Any physical conditions for which no benefit is payable under the ‘Elimination Period’ section in the policy provision;

v. directly or indirectly by the taking of drugs (except under the direction of a registered medical practitioner), the taking of poison or alcohol;

vi. directly or indirectly by war or any act of war, declared or undeclared, riots, insurrection or civil commotion;

vii. participation in any criminal event; orviii. travelling in any aircraft, except as a fare paying

passenger in a regular scheduled commercial aircraft or cabin crew working on a scheduled public air service.

If the life insured is being excluded or restricted in any manner under the plan from claiming for or receiving any benefit or any part of the benefit due to or in any event related to any illness, sickness, injury, disability, medical treatment and /or any complications or diseases of the life insured, all these illness, sickness, injury, disability, medical treatment and /or any complications or diseases of the life insured will remain excluded or restricted from any coverage/ benefit under the inflation protector option.

What we have said above is an outline of the circumstances under which we will not pay the policy benefits. You should see the policy provision for the exact terms and conditions and pay particular attention to those terms including but not limited to the clauses on ‘elimination period’, ‘notice and proof of claims’, ‘suicide’, and the definitions of ‘major critical illness’, ‘early stage critical illness’, ‘juvenile disease’, ‘independent major critical illness’, and ‘date of diagnosis’.








心愛一家保ManuLove Care






全新推出的宏利「心愛一家保」正切合您所需,計劃為受保人提供多方面的保障直至100歲◆,當中涵蓋6 0 種 嚴 重 危 疾 和 4 4 種 早 期 危 疾 , 以 及 其 他 多 種 保障。



◆ 本產品單張內所提及之年齡,是指在保單周年日當天,受保人/受保父母/受保子女於最接近的一個生日之歲數。

額外600%持續守護保障 保費豁免減輕財政負擔






多方面保障 倍添安心「心愛一家保」涵蓋60種嚴重危疾,包括癌症、突發性心臟病(心肌梗塞)和中風,賠償金額相等於名義金額的100%(見以下「重要事項」)扣除任何已支付的危疾賠償。













80% 名義金額

80% 名義金額




持續守護保障 提供多重保障危疾復發並不罕見。以癌症為例,復發的機率為10%至50%(見註3),而中風的復發率則為25%至35%(見註4)。而心臟病的復發率佔估計每年心藏病發率的32%(見註5)。因此,我們提供持續守護保障,助您應付危疾再度來襲。在首次確診任何嚴重危疾後,「心愛一家保」持續為受保人提供多重保障,至受保人85歲(見註6)。





癌症 突發性心臟病╱中風 個別嚴重危疾




100%保障 2次

x 100%保障 2次

x 100%保障 2次





保費豁免 減輕經濟負擔所有人都希望不幸的事情會遠離家人,然而,假若家中經濟支柱一旦遇上不幸,長期而且可怕的經濟後果更會令情況持續惡化。

恩恤保費豁免在登記日期起2年後,若您或配偶於75歲或之前離世(見註10),我們將豁免基本計劃的保費,而且您或配偶毋須接受驗身或回答任何健康問題。如直接及完全因意外身故,我們亦會即時提供恩恤保費豁免。1) 若您或配偶為受保人,將來所有保費將被豁免;或2) 若受保人為您的子女,保費將被豁免至子女達25歲。







保障範圍 癌症

資格標準 s 保單簽發時年齡為75歲或以下s 沒有原位癌或癌症紀錄


保障期 (由保單簽發後的2年起,見註9)

由55至85歲 直至18歲

父母 子女




保費保證不變 讓您有更好的財政規劃計劃提供4種保費繳付期︰10年、20年、25年或直至受保人65歲,您的保費保證不變及不會於您所選擇的繳付期內增加(見註11)。





免費驗身計劃 時刻關注家人健康狀況預防勝於治療,時刻保持健康並及早找出可能出現的問題最為重要。當保單生效滿一年後,受保人、受保父母或子女其中一人可享有每兩年一次(於保單生效期間提供合共五次)的免費身體檢查,並可選擇標準健康檢查計劃、基本心血管疾病風險評估、糖尿病風險評估、標準婦科檢查或青少年健康檢查計劃(見註15)。

通脹加保權益 確保足夠保障為追上通脹步伐,您可選擇支付額外保費以行使通脹加保權益,讓計劃的危疾保障及身故賠償每年自動按投保時名義金額遞增5%,最多連續 10年或至不幸患上危疾為止。即使通脹加保權益完結,已增加的名義金額亦會維持不變(見註16)。


30日至65歲 30日至60歲 30日至55歲

10年或20年 25年 至65歲

保費繳付形式 每年╱每半年╱每季╱每月


最低名義金額 100,000港元╱12,500美元




保障年期 至100歲



















s�得到︰200,000港元 (相等於名義金額的20%)(見註9)

s�可獲︰ 嚴重危疾賠償、額外嚴重危疾賠償及嚴重危疾保費豁免

s�得到︰1,000,000港元 (相等於名義金額的100%)+500,000港元 (相等於名義金額的50%)+ 任何非保證終期紅利(見註13)


s�得到︰200,000港元 (相等於名義金額的20%)(見註9)












s�得到:700,000港元(相等於名義金額的100%)+ 350,000 港元(相等於名義金額的50%)+ 任何非保證終期紅利 (見註13)

















s�得到︰100,000港元 (相等於名義金額的20%)






s�得到︰100,000港元 (相等於名義金額的20%)

s�可獲︰嚴重危疾賠償 及復原保障賠償

s�得到︰300,000港元 (餘下相等於名義金額的60%)+200,000港元 (相等於名義金額的40%)+ 任何非保證終期紅利(見註2及13)


第0個保單年度 (於Alpha 65歲時)



第2個保單年度 (於Alpha 67歲時)


第5個保單年度 (於Alpha 70歲時)









* 我們將會支付相等於名義金額的20%作為家庭保障賠償,而每位受保家庭成員於同一受保人的所有保單下之總賠償額上限為200,000港元/25,000美元(見註17)。

保單持有人及受保人 名義金額 登記家庭成員 Amy(35歲) 750,000港元

Ada(32歲) 1,000,000港元 Alpha(65歲)

Alex(30歲) 1,500,000港元

1 癌症 31 失去一肢及一眼2 急性壞死性胰臟炎 32 喪失語言能力3 因輸血而感染愛滋病 33 嚴重灼傷4 亞爾茲默氏症/不可還原之器質腦退化性疾病(痴呆) 34 嚴重頭部創傷5 肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化 35 主要器官移植

6 植物人 36 囊腫性腎髓病7 再生障礙性貧血 37 多發性硬化8 細菌性腦(脊)膜炎 38 遺傳性肌肉萎縮症9 良性腦腫瘤 39 重症肌無力10 雙目失明 40 因職業引致之人類免疫力缺乏症病毒11 心肌病 41 其他嚴重冠狀動脈疾病12 慢性腎上腺功能不全 42 癱瘓13 再發性慢性胰臟炎 43 柏金遜病14 昏迷 44 嗜鉻細胞瘤15 冠狀動脈搭橋手術 45 脊髓灰質炎(小兒麻痺症)16 克雅二氏症 46 原發性側索硬化17 伊波拉出血熱 47 原發性肺動脈高血壓18 象皮病 48 延髓性逐漸癱瘓19 腦炎 49 進行性肌肉萎縮20 末期肝病 50 核上神經逐漸癱瘓21 末期肺病 51 嚴重克羅恩氏病22 暴發性病毒性肝炎 52 嚴重類風濕關節炎23 溶血性鏈球菌引致之壞疽 53 嚴重潰瘍性結腸炎24 突發性心臟病(心肌梗塞) 54 脊骨肌萎縮症25 心瓣手術 55 中風26 因侵害而感染之人類免疫力缺乏症病毒 56 主動脈手術27 感染性心內膜炎 57 紅斑狼瘡28 腎衰竭 58 系統性硬化29 失聰 59 末期疾病~

30 斷肢 60 完全及永久傷殘 ** ~




** 完全及永久傷殘的保障將於受保人或受保子女達16歲時開始生效。

~ 持續守護保障不包括末期疾病和完全及永久傷殘。

1 因腎上腺腺瘤的腎上腺切除術 23 次級嚴重細菌性腦(脊)膜炎2 因冠狀動脈疾病進行血管成形術及其他創傷性治療 24 意外引致的次級嚴重身體灼傷3 於頸動脈進行血管成形術及植入支架 25 次級嚴重昏迷4 膽道重建手術 26 次級嚴重腦炎5 原位癌 27 次級嚴重心臟疾病6 心臟起搏器植入術 28 次級嚴重腎臟疾病7 頸動脈手術 29 次級嚴重系統性紅斑狼瘡8 須作手術之大腦動脈瘤或動靜脈畸形 30 肝臟手術9 植入大腦內分流器 31 單耳失聰10 慢性肺病 32 失去一肢11 植入人工耳蝸手術 33 單眼失明12 糖尿病視網膜病變 34 主要器官移植(於器官移植輪候冊名單上)13 早期惡性腫瘤 35 粟粒性肺結核14 早期甲狀腺癌 36 中度嚴重癱瘓15 大腦動脈瘤的血管介入治療 37 脊髓炎16 周圍動脈疾病的血管介入治療 38 骨質疏鬆症連骨折##

17 主動脈疾病的血管介入治療或主動脈瘤 39 心包切除術18 意外引致的臉部灼傷 40 皮膚移植19 意外受傷所需的面容重建手術 41 腦硬膜下血腫手術20 肝炎連肝硬化 42 單腎切除手術21 植入靜脈過濾器 43 單肺切除手術22 心瓣膜疾病的次級創傷性治療 44 腦下垂體腫瘤切除手術


1 自閉症

2 出血性登革熱3 川崎病4 風濕熱合併心瓣膜損害5 嚴重哮喘6 斯蒂爾病

7 一型糖尿病8 威爾遜病



## 骨質疏鬆症連骨折之保障將於受保人達70歲時終止。

# 兒童疾病的危疾保障只適用於受保人達16歲前獲簽發之保單,並於18歲前證實患上兒童疾病。


s�基本計劃名義金額的100%(扣除任何已支付的危疾賠償)s 於首10個保單年度內,可獲相等於基





60種嚴重危疾 至100歲一次







兩次 (只適用於不同器官類別)













限為 400,000港元╱50,000美元s�若器官類別的結構分為左右兩部分,















保障詳情(見註17) 最多賠償次數 保障期◆◆

原位癌(12 個器官類別): (i) 乳房;(ii) 子宮頸或子宮;(iii) 結腸及直腸; (iv) 肝;(v) 肺; (vi) 鼻咽; (vii) 卵巢或輸卵管;(viii) 陰莖;(ix) 胃及食道; (x) 睪丸;(xi) 泌尿道,Ta 期的膀胱乳頭狀癌也視作 原位癌;及(xii) 陰道






60種嚴重危疾或身故賠償 至75歲

至85歲 (前列腺癌及甲狀腺癌至70歲)


一次 (於作出嚴重危疾的危疾賠償或身故賠償時支付)


兩次 (每項個別嚴重危疾只限一次賠償)


兩次 (每名父母╱子女最多獲賠償一次)





s�額外基本計劃名義金額的20% s�每名受保家人就該嚴重危疾或兒童疾



子女之60 種嚴重危疾或8種兒童疾病保障

保障詳情(見註17) 最多賠償次數 保障期◆◆



至85歲s�基本計劃名義金額的100% 55種個別嚴重危疾


由16歲至75歲@s�額外基本計劃名義金額的10% s�每名受保人的總賠償額終身上限為












恩恤保費豁免(見註10) (保單持有人或保單持有人配偶身故)




保障詳情(見註17) 最多賠償次數 保障期◆◆








至100歲s�基本計劃名義金額的100% (扣除任何已支付的危疾賠償)



保健計劃 不適用


恩恤身故賠償 至100歲






◆◆ 此產品單張的保障期將在受保人╱受保父母╱受保子女達特定歲數當天結束。例如,保障期「至100歲」是指100歲以前。@ 為免存疑,前列腺癌及甲狀腺癌之癌症的持續守護保障於受保人達70歲後將會自動終止。

^ 保證現金價值於保單的第10個保單周年日起開始適用。


備註: 1. 兒童疾病的危疾賠償只適用於受保人達16歲前獲簽發之保單,並於18歲前證實患上兒童疾病。早期危疾的危疾賠償及兒


2. 復原保障的賠償額為就本計劃下曾作出之早期危疾的危疾賠償及╱或兒童疾病的危疾賠償的總額,而相應的早期危疾及╱或兒童疾病的診斷日期與嚴重危疾的診斷日期或身故日期必須相隔最少一年。

3. 癌症資料來源:Review of PET Services in Hong Kong Hospital Authority, Part 4 – Disease Review: Section D) Colorectal Cancer and Section F) Breast Cancer, 2012, Hong Kong Hospital Authority.

4. 中風資料來源:Preventing Another Stroke, National Stroke Association (in the United States).5. 心臟病資料來源:Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics - 2018 Update, American Heart Association.6. 持續守護保障受限於(包括但不限於)下列各項:

i) 癌症、突發性心臟病、中風及個別嚴重危疾索償之診斷日期,必須與前一次獲賠償之嚴重危疾之診斷日期相隔最少一年。並且,若本計劃曾就癌症作出賠償,任何其後索償之癌症的診斷日期必須與前一次癌症的診斷日期相隔最少三年。

ii) 若癌症與之前於本計劃內曾獲賠償的嚴重危疾因同一意外或疾病引起,該癌症的診斷日期與該嚴重危疾的診斷日期必須相隔最少三年。

iii) 受保人必須由嚴重危疾之診斷日期起計存活最少14日,方可獲持續守護保障賠償。iv) 於持續守護保障下,前列腺癌及甲狀腺癌的保障會於受保人達70歲後將會自動終止。v) 診斷日期應包括由專科醫生進行醫學調查證實以確認持續、擴散或復發癌症之醫療報告的日期(適用於癌症的持續守

護保障)。vi) 持續守護保障會於受保人達85歲時終止。

7. 個別嚴重危疾的持續守護保障涵蓋55種個別嚴重危疾。個別嚴重危疾指嚴重危疾的危疾賠償涵蓋的60種嚴重危疾中任何一種,但不包括癌症、突發性心臟病、中風、末期疾病及完全及永久傷殘。於本計劃下,每種個別嚴重危疾就嚴重危疾的危疾賠償或個別嚴重危疾的持續守護保障只可獲一次賠償。只有在受保人的醫生及本公司醫生的合理意見均證實該個別嚴重危疾並非直接或間接與任何已作出嚴重危疾的危疾賠償或持續守護保障(根據情況而定)之嚴重危疾相關的情況下,本公司方會作出個別嚴重危疾的持續守護保障賠償。

8. 資料來源:2006-2015 Hong Kong Population Data, Hong Kong Cancer Registry.9. 每名受保人之親生父母或子女(受保父母或子女)的家庭保障只適用於已登記並獲得本公司認可之父母或子女。受保人之




10. 恩恤保費豁免將豁免基本計劃的將來保費。恩恤保費豁免適用於(i)保單簽發日或(ii)保單生效日或(iii)批註生效日或(iv)登記日期(以較後者為準),年齡為50歲或以下的保單持有人或保單持有人之合法配偶(根據情況而定)。此保障將於(i)保單簽發日或(ii)保單生效日或(iii)保單復效生效日或(iv)登記日期(以較後者為準)起2年後生效。若保單持有人或保單持有人之合法配偶(根據情況而定)於75歲或之前身故,恩恤保費豁免將生效。



11. 我們於保單簽發時所定之基本計劃名義金額所釐定的基本計劃保費在保費繳付期內將保證不變;惟因基本計劃名義金額增加(包括因行使通脹加保權益而增加基本計劃名義金額)而產生的保費及保證現金價值均並非保證不變。

12. 當我們已支付計劃內的任何賠償,但所支付的危疾賠償總額少於基本計劃名義金額的100%,期滿利益及身故賠償將被調整為扣除已支付的危疾賠償總額後之餘額,並以零作為下限。保證現金價值亦會按比例減低。惟保費及恩恤身故賠償不會因任何已支付的危疾賠償而減低。當所支付的危疾賠償總額達基本計劃名義金額的100%,我們將不會支付任何保證現金價值及身故賠償。當所支付的危疾賠償總額達基本計劃名義金額的105%,我們將不會支付期滿利益。

13. 由保單的第三個保單周年日起,「心愛一家保」將於保單退保、作出嚴重危疾的危疾賠償、保單期滿或受保人離世時(以較早者為準)派發一次性的非保證終期紅利。

14. 我們將最少每月作出一次有關終期紅利的檢討及調整,並且我們或會決定隨時作出更經常的檢討及調整。請參閱以下「重要事項」的「影響非保證終期紅利、適用於已鎖定終期紅利之積存利率的主要風險」部份。如欲行使終期紅利鎖定權益,您必須提交一份按照我們要求規定格式的書面申請。行使該權益的申請一經提交,即無法撤回及已鎖定終期紅利將不可被還原。行使終期紅利鎖定權益將減少未來之任何終期紅利。終期紅利鎖定周年日是指保單的第20個保單周年日及之後每五年的保單周年日。


15. 保健計劃適用於受保人、受保父母(至85歲前),或受保子女(至18歲前)。保健計劃及轉介服務僅限於香港及澳門提供。我們保留權利隨時變更或終止保健計劃或轉介服務,恕不另行通知。保健計劃及轉介服務由第三者服務機構提供,該機構為獨立的承辦商,並非本公司的代理。本公司不會就該機構提供之任何服務供應(包括保健計劃或轉介服務)作出任何表述、保證或承諾,及不會就保單持有人或受保人或受保人親生父母或子女因或就該機構及╱或其代理提供之服務(包括保健計劃及轉介服務)或建議或該等服務之供應而直接或間接蒙受或招致之任何損失、損害、費用、起訴、訴訟或法律程序,向保單持有人或受保人或受保人親生父母或子女承擔任何責任。

16. 如要附加通脹加保權益,您必須於申請「心愛一家保」時提出。您可於申請本計劃時不選擇加入此項權益,惟您於其後不可重新加入此項權益。通脹加保權益只適用於在保單簽發時受保人為50歲以下的標準保單,即此保單沒有額外的附加保費及不受保項目。於每次行使通脹加保權益後,均需要於「心愛一家保」的保費繳付期內支付額外保費。該額外保費將根據受保人行使通脹加保權益時的年齡及保費率而定(保費率或會不時更改)。當計劃附有通脹加保權益後,基本計劃名義金額將由第一個保單周年日起增加。請參閱有關通脹加保權益的保單條款了解不受保項目,終止條件及其他詳情。

17. 計算就同一受保人由本公司簽發之所有保單所獲得相同或相似保障的最高賠償總額。















資產類別 預期資產組合 (%)債券及其他固定收入資產 25%-55%

非固定收入資產 45%-75%


如債券及其他固定收入資產的資產貨幣與保 單貨幣不相同,我們會利用貨幣對沖,以抵銷任何匯率波動的影響。但非固定收入資產則相對享有更大彈性,我們可以投資於與保單貨幣不相同的資產,以從多樣化投資中受益 (換言之,分散風險)。







1. 產品性質本產品是一份具有儲蓄成分的長期分紅人壽保險計劃,部分保費用以支付保險及相關費用,而儲蓄成份已反映於退保價值並且屬非保證。本產品適合有能力於保費繳付期繳付全期保費的客戶,因此,您應預備足夠的資金以繳付未來的保費,並為長期持有本產品作好準備,以達至儲蓄目標。惟在某些情況下,即使您已長時間持有保單,退保價值可能低於您已繳付的保費總額。

2. 冷靜期若您不滿意保單,您有權在冷靜期內取消保單,並獲退還任 何已繳保費及已繳保費徵費。如要取消保單,您必須在 冷 靜期內將已簽 署的書面通 知送 達宏利人壽保險(國際)有限公司個人理財產品部:香港九龍觀塘偉業街223 -231號宏利金融中心A 座22樓。換言之,取 消保 單的書面通 知需於緊 接 保 單或通知書(通知您 保單可供領取及冷 靜期的屆滿日)交付予您或 您的指定代表之日起計 21個曆日期間內送達宏利的有關地址,以較先者為準。冷靜期結束後,若閣下在保單期滿前取消保單,您將會收到的預計總現金價值可能遠低於閣下已繳付的保費總額。

3. 保費年期及欠繳保費的後果您須於整個保費繳付期按時繳付保費。保費若於到期日仍未繳清,由到期日起計您可獲31天寬限期,而期間保單仍然有效。若您於31天寬限期後仍未繳交


4. 影響非保證終期紅利、適用於已鎖定終期紅利之積存利率的主要風險終期紅利是非保證的。可能會對終期紅利構成重大影響的因素包括但不限於下述各項。





5. 信貸風險任何已繳付的保費會成為宏利資產的一部分。因此,您將承受本公司的信貸風險。本公司的財政狀況或會影響其履行保單及合約的責任的能力。


6. 貨幣風險您可選擇以非本地貨幣作為本計劃之貨幣單位。於決定貨幣單位前,您應考慮潛在的貨幣風險。匯率可升亦可跌,而任何匯率波動會直接影響您以本地貨幣計算時所需繳付保費及利益。匯率波動可能會造成損失。兌換貨幣潛在的損失可能抵銷(或甚至超過)來自保單的利益。

7. 通脹風險 因通脹關係,未來生活成本可能更高。因此,目前計劃的保障或許未能滿足您未來的需要。

8. 提早退保風險如您退保,您可收回的款項為於退保時計算的退保價值並扣除任何欠款。視乎您的退保時間而定,有關款項可能遠低於您所繳付的總保費。您應參閱建議書以了解預期的退保價值之說明。

9. 流動性及提取風險 您可以提取累積已鎖定終期紅利,申請保單貸款,甚至退保以提取退保價值。您可以提取部分保證現金價值及終期紅利,但這將減低名義金額及其後的退保價值、身故賠償、其他保單價值及利益,惟減低後的名義金額不能少於我們不時訂立而不另行通知的下限。申請保單貸款將會減低您的退保價值及身故賠償。

10. 保單貸款 您可以申請不多於扣除欠款後的貸款價值作保單貸款。貸款價值為保證現金價值與累積已鎖定終期紅利的總和之90%(由本公司釐定並不時修改而不作另行通知)。保單貸款需要支付利息,金額以每年複利計算(即利息會產生進一步利息),利率由本公司釐定並有權不時加以修訂。若於任何時間欠款相等於或超過保證現金價值與任何累積已鎖定終期紅利的總和,保單將會終止而我們不會給予您任何款項。保單貸款會減低保單的身故賠償,危疾賠償,退保價值及期滿利益。詳情請參閱保單條款內的「保單貸款」、「自動貸款代繳保費」及「貸款規定」條款。

11. 自動貸款代繳保費 若您未能按時繳付保費(請參閱以上第3項),只要保單擁有足夠貸款價值,我們會在寬限期後提供自動貸款代繳保費以維持保單生效。若貸款價值扣除任何欠款後不足以繳付所欠保費,本公司將改以另一分期形式代繳所欠保費。若保證現金價值與任何已積存之鎖定終期紅利的總和扣除任何欠款後少於一期的月繳保費,保單將會終止,我們不會給予您任何款項。自動貸款代繳保費需要支付利息,金額以每年複利計算(即利息會產生進一步利息),利率由我們釐定並有權不時加以修訂。自動貸款代繳保費會減低保單的身故賠償,危疾賠償及退保價值。詳情請參閱保單條款內的「保單貸款」、「自動貸款代繳保費」及「貸款規定」條款。

12. 終止保單之條件保單將會於下列情況終止:i. 受保人身故,且本公司已支付身故賠償及╱或

恩恤身故賠償;ii. 您於保費到期日後31天寬限期內仍未繳交保費,

而且保單不符合「自動貸款代繳保費」之要求﹔iii. 受保人最接近100歲生日之保單周年日,且本

公司已支付期滿利益;iv. 本公司批准保單持有人申請終止保單的書面通

知;v. 保單退保,且本公司已支付退保價值;或vi. 保單欠款相等或超過保證現金價值與任何已


通脹加保權益將會於下列情況終止:i. 保單終止;ii. 最接近受保人60歲生日的保單周年日;iii. 您拒絕接受增加名義金額;iv. 繳費期完結前第5個保單周年日;v. 基 本計劃的總名義金額達到原有名義金額的

150%或本公司所訂之最高限額;vi. 保單名義金額被減低;vii. 本公司已支付任何完全傷殘保費豁免權益賠償,


viii. 受保人被診斷患上、被治療、已就任何危疾的病徵或症狀的存在或發生接受醫生的診症的任何於 保障條款下合資格收取保障賠償或索償的危疾;

ix. 第10個保單周年日;或x. 本公司開始就恩恤保費豁免保障豁免保費,




「心愛一家保」乃宏利提供及承保的保險產品。以上只提供了本產品的基本資料以供閣下參考。本產品之確實條款及細則均以保單條款作準。我們可按閣下要求提供保單條款複本。閣下不應在未完全瞭解此產品的性質及風險前購買本產品。如欲了解計劃詳情,歡迎與銀行的持牌職員聯絡,或致電客戶服務熱線(852) 2510 3383。如閣下有任何疑問,請諮詢獨立專業意見。




13. 自殺於保單簽發日起計一年內,若受保人自殺身亡,不論事發時精神是否健全,本公司之責任只限於將已繳交之保費,在扣除本公司對保單支付之任何款項後退還。詳細之條款及細則,包括保單復效之情況,請參閱保單條款。

14. 不保事項及限制若因以下任何一項導致危疾,本公司將不會作出任何在生利益賠償。i. 在緩接期內或以前被診斷患上或出現有關病徵

或徵狀的先天性情況; ii. 直接或間接因後天免疫力缺乏症候群(愛滋病)、

與愛滋病有關之併發症、或感 染人類 免疫力缺乏症病毒而引致。惟註明於保單條款下「嚴重危疾定義」一節內之「因職業引致之人類免疫力缺乏症病毒」、「因輸血而感染愛滋病」及「因侵害而感染之人類免疫力缺乏症病毒」除外;

iii. 不論事發時精神是否健全,受保人或受保父母或受保子女(根據情況而定)自殺、試圖自殺或蓄意自我傷害而受傷;

iv. 在保單條款下「緩接期」一節內列明不獲賠償的任何情況;

v. 直接或間接由服用藥物(根據註冊醫生指示服用者除外)、服毒或飲酒而引致;

vi. 直接或間接由於不論宣戰與否之戰爭或任何與戰爭有關之行動、暴動、叛亂或民眾騷動而引致;

vii. 參加任何刑事活動;或 viii. 乘搭任何航空交通工具,惟受保人以乘客身份或











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