Criminalistics Manual Booklet

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  • 8/19/2019 Criminalistics Manual Booklet


  • 8/19/2019 Criminalistics Manual Booklet


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    13. Is fingerprint.s ph!t!graph sffi/ient in /!rt t! spp!rt /!n4i/ti!n" Ans#er$ 5es* In the /ase !f State 4s* C!nners the /!rt #as he0% /!petent t! sh!# &' a ph!t!graph the fingerprint p!n the p!st #ith!t pr!%/ing the p!st in /!rt*

    14.  What is the first %i/ia0 %e/isi!n in the Phi0ippine rispr%en/e !n the s/ien/e !ffingerprinting"

     Ans#er$ Pe!p0e 4s* =e%ina >: Phi0* ++?*

    15.  What are the %ifferent fingerprint patterns" Ans#er$ A00 fingerprints are %i4i%e% int! three /0asses !n the &asis !f their genera0 patterns nae0'$

     A* Ar/h (>@)7* L!!ps (>@)C* Wh!r0 (+?@)

    16.  What is ar/h pattern" Ans#er$ Ar/h is the 0east /!!n !f the three genera0 patterns an% is s&%i4i%e% int! t#!%istin/t gr!ps P0ain an% Tente%*

    ° The P0ain Ar/h is the sip0est !f a00 fingerprint patterns an% is f!re% &' ri%gesentering fr! !ne si%e !f the print an% e8iting !n the !pp!site si%e* These ri%gesten% t! rise in the /enter !f the pattern f!ring a #a4e,0i2e pattern*

    ° The Tente% Ar/h is sii0ar t! the P0ain Ar/h e8/ept that instea% !f rising s!!th0'at the /enter there is sharp pthrst !r spi2e !r the ri%ges eet at an ang0e 0essthan :? %egrees*

    17.  What is 0!!p pattern" Ans#er$ A L!!p is a t'pe !f pattern in #hi/h !ne !r !re ri%ges enter either si%e re/r4et!/h !r pass an iaginar' 0ine &et#een De0ta an% C!re an% ten% t! e8it the sae si%e asthe ri%ge entr'* It is the !st /!!n !f the three genera0 patterns an% s&%i4i%e% int!t#! %istin/t gr!ps 0nar an% ra%ia0* It is 0nar #hen the Ri%ges are f0!# in the%ire/ti!n !f the 0itt0e finger* It is ra%ia0 #hen the ri%ges are f0!# in the %ire/ti!n !fthe th&*

    18.  What is #h!r0 pattern" Ans#er$ Wh!r0 pattern is the se/!n% !st /!!n !f the three genera0 patterns* The' ares&%i4i%e% int! - %istin/t gr!ps$ A//i%enta0 D!&0e L!!p Centra0 P!/2et L!!p an% P0ain*

    19.  What is p0ain #h!r0 pattern" Ans#er$ P0ain Wh!r0s are the !st /!!n an% sip0est !f the Wh!r0 s&t'pes* It isip!rtant t! ree&er that P0ain Wh!r0s ha4e t#! De0tas an% at 0east !ne re/r4ing ri%ge infr!nt !f ea/h* In a Wh!r0 pattern the ri%ges are sa00' /ir/0ar*

    20.  What are the /hara/teristi/s !f p0ain #h!r0" Ans#er$ The' are$

    °  A P0ain Wh!r0 pattern st ha4e T'pe Lines an% a ini !f t#! De0tas*°  A P0ain Wh!r0 has at 0east !ne ri%ge that a2es a /!p0ete /ir/it an% t!/h the

    iaginar' 0ine %ra#n &et#een the t#! %e0tas*° This ri%ge a' &e in the f!r !f a spira0 !4a0 /ir/0e !r 4ariant !f a /ir/0e*

    21.  What is /entra0 p!/2et 0!!p #h!r0" Ans#er$ Centra0 P!/2et patterns ha4e t'pe 0ines a ini !f t#! De0tas an% at 0east !neri%ge ten%s t! a2e a /!p0ete /ir/0e* An iaginar' 0ine %ra#n &et#een t#! %e0tas st n!tt!/h !r /r!ss an' !f the re/r4ing ri%ges #ithin the pattern area*

    22.  What is %!&0e 0!!p #h!r0" Ans#er$ A D!&0e L!!p pattern as the nae ip0ies is a%e p !f t#! L!!ps /!&ine% int!!ne fingerprint* A D!&0e L!!p pattern /!nsists !f t#! separate L!!p f!rati!ns #ith t#!separate an% %istin/t sets !f Sh!0%ers an% t#! De0tas*

    23.  What is a//i%enta0 #h!r0" Ans#er$

     A* A//i%enta0 Wh!r0s /!nsist !f a /!&inati!n !f t#! %ifferent t'pes !f pattern (#iththe e8/epti!n !f P0ain Ar/hes)*

    7* A//i%enta0 Wh!r0s ha4e t#! !r !re De0tas an% fa00 int! their !#n /ateg!r'*C* A//i%enta0 Wh!r0s a' !//r in s!e !f the /!&inati!ns 0iste% &e0!#$

    ° L!!p an% a Wh!r0° L!!p an% a Tente% Ar/h° L!!p an% Centra0 P!/2et L!!p° D!&0e L!!p an% Centra0 P!/2et L!!p

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    24. In sar' h!# an' fingerprint patterns" What are the' an% gi4e their /!rresp!n%ing s'&!0s" Ans#er$ There are eight fingerprint patterns nae0'$

    ° P0ain ar/h (A)° Tente% ar/h(T)° B0nar 0!!p(B)° Ra%ia0 0!!p(R)° P0ain #h!r0(W)° Centra0 p!/2et 0!!p #h!r0(C)

    ° D!&0e 0!!p #h!r0(D)°  A//i%enta0 #h!r0()

    25.  What is pattern area" Ans#er$ The pattern area is that part !f the 0!!p !r #h!r0 in #hi/h appear the /!res%e0tas an% ri%ges #hi/h are en/0!se% &' t'pe 0ines*

    26.  What is a t'pe 0ine" Ans#er$ T'pe 0ines a' &e %efine% as the t#! inner!st ri%ges #hi/h start para00e0%i4erge an% srr!n% !r ten% t! srr!n% the pattern area*

    27.  What is the %istin/ti!n &et#een a %i4ergen/e an% a &ifr/ati!n" Ans#er$ A %i4ergen/e is the sprea%ing apart !f t#! 0ines #hi/h ha4e &een rnning para00e0!r near0' para00e03 #hi0e a &ifr/ati!n is the f!r2ing !r %i4i%ing !f !ne 0ine int! t#! !r !re &ran/hes*

    28. Can #e se as a t'pe 0ines the f!r2 !f the &ifr/ati!n" Ans#er$ N! e8/ept #hen the f!r2s rn para00e0 after &ifr/ating an% then %i4erge*

    29.  What are the f!/a0 p!ints in the fingerprint e8ainati!n" Ans#er$ The f!/a0 p!ints in the fingerprint e8ainati!n are the %e0ta an% the /!re*

    30.  What is %e0ta" Ans#er$ De0ta is that p!int !n a ri%ge at !r in fr!nt !f an% nearest the /enter !f the%i4ergen/e !f the t'pe 0ines*

    31.  What are the %ifferent ri%ges that a' se as %e0ta" Ans#er$ The' are$

    °  A &ifr/ati!n°  A&rpt en%ing ri%ge° D!t°

    Sh!rt ri%ge°  =eeting !f t#! ri%ge

    32.  When a %!t !r !ther t'pe !f %e0ta an% the &ifr/ati!n are ea00' /0!se% t! the %i4ergen/e !fthe t'pe 0ines #hi/h !ne #i00 &e se0e/te% as %e0ta"

     Ans#er$ Se0e/t the &ifr/ati!n*

    33.  When there are t#! !r !re p!ssi&0e %e0tas #hi/h /!nf!r t! the %efiniti!n #hi/h !ne #i00 &ese0e/te%"

     Ans#er$ The !ne nearest t! the /!re*

    34.  What is /!re" Ans#er$ The /!re is the appr!8iate /enter !f the finger ipressi!n"

    35.  What are the r0es that g!4ern the se0e/ti!n !f the /!re" Ans#er$ The' are$

    ° The /!re is p0a/e% p!n !r #ithin the inner!st sffi/ient re/r4e3°  When the inner!st sffi/ient re/r4e /!ntains n! en%ing ri%ge !r r!% rising as high

    as the sh!0%ers !f the 0!!p the /!re is p0a/e% !n the sh!0%er !f the 0!!p fartherfr! the %e0ta*

    °  When the inner!st sffi/ient re/r4e% /!ntains an ne4en n&er !f r!%s raising ashigh as the sh!0%ers the /!re is p0a/e% p!n the en% !f the /enter r!% #hether itt!/hes the 0!!ping ri%ge !r n!t*

    °  When the inner!st sffi/ient re/r4e /!ntains an e4en n&er !f r!%s rising as highas the sh!0%ers the /!re is p0a/e% p!n the en% !f he farther !ne !f the t#!/enter r!%s*

    36.  What is eant &' a sh!0%er !f the 0!!p"

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     Ans#er$ The sh!0%ers !f the 0!!p are the p!ints #hi/h the re/r4ing ri%ge %efinite0' trnsin#ar% !r /r4es*

    37.  What are the %ifferent 2in%s !f ri%ges that are 4a0a&0e f!r /!paris!n prp!ses" Ans#er$ The' are$

    ° 7ifr/ati!n* The p!int #here a ri%ge %i4i%es !r f!r2s t! &e/!e t#! an% rn either para00e0 !r %i4erge3

    ° Is0an% Ri%ge* A sh!rt ri%ge 0!/ate% #ithin the tep!rar' %i4ergen/e !f para00e0ri%ges rnning para00e0 t! the ri%ge !n either si%e*

    ° En/0!sre* Refers t! a ri%ge f!r2s an% then trns t! a sing0e para00e0 ri%ge #ithina re0ati4e0' sh!rt %istan/e*

    ° D!t* A 4er' sh!rt se/ti!n !f a ri%ge sa00' r!n% in /!nt!r #ith pr!&a&0' !n0'!ne p!re sh!#ing*

    ° Sh!rt ri%ge* Refers t! a Ri%ge that has an !pen area at either en%*° En%ing ri%ge* Ri%ge that has a&rpt en%ing an% has pre4i!s0' /!ntine% f!r a ite

    %istan/e*° 7r!2en ri%ge* Refers t! a ri%ge that is &r!2en p int! segent*° Cr!ss!4er&ri%ge* This is Sh!rt ri%ges that inter/!nne/t t#! an!ther para00e0

    ri%ges*° Spr* This is a 4er' sh!rt ri%ge tting !t fr! a free,f0!#ing ri%ge*° Di4ergen/e* These are ri%ges rnning t!gether in para00e0 fashi!n ten% t! separate

    an% /!ntine !n an!ther /!rse*

    38.  What is the stan%ar% n&er !f sii0arit' !f ri%ges t! arri4e at the /!n/0si!n that t#!

    fingerprint are the sae fr! the !ther" Ans#er$ =!st e8perts reire fr! 1? t! 1< at/hing p!ints*

    39.  What are the %i4isi!ns !f the /0assifi/ati!ns f!r0a" Ans#er$ The' are$

    ° Priar' /0assifi/ati!n° Se/!n%ar' /0assifi/ati!n° Capita0 0etter gr!p° Sa00 0etter gr!p° S& se/!n%ar' /0assifi/ati!n°  =a!r %i4isi!n° Fina0 /0assifi/ati!n° e' /0assifi/ati!n

    40.  What is priar' /0assifi/ati!n"

     Ans#er$ This is the res0t !f the sati!n !f a00 the neri/a0 4a0es assigne% t! #h!r0s #hi/h are e8presse% as nerat!r (f!r e4en n&er in the /hart p!siti!n) an% %en!inat!r(a%% n&er in the /hart p!siti!n) p0s the pre,esta&0ishe% fra/ti!n !f !ne !4er !ne 11*

    41. In /ase there is n! #h!r0 in the /hart #hat is the priar' /0assifi/ati!n !f the set !ffingerprint"

     Ans#er$ 11

    42.  What are the s&%i4isi!ns !f se/!n%ar' /0assifi/ati!n" Ans#er$ The' are$

    ° Capita0 0etter gr!p This is s'&!0ie% &' a /apita0 0etters !f the patternrepresente% &' t#! in%e8 fingers after the priar' /0assifi/ati!n* Right finger isthe nerat!r an% the 0eft finger is the %en!inat!r* There are fi4e &asi/ t'pes !f patterns #hi/h /an appear$

    °  Ar/h A ° tente% Ar/h T

    ° Ra%ia0 0!!p R  ° B0nar 0!!p B°  Wh!r0 W 

    ° Sa00 0etter gr!p This refers t! three t'pes !f patterns !n0' nae0'3°  p0ain ar/h (a)° tente% ar/h (t)° ra%ia0 0!!p (r)

    43.  What is s&se/!n%ar' /0assifi/ati!n" Ans#er$ This is a//!p0ishe% &' gr!ping a//!r%ing t! the ri%ge /!nts !f 0!!ps an% theri%ge tra/ing !f #h!r0s* On0' in%e8 i%%0e an% ring fingers !f 0eft an% right han% arein4!04e% 

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    44.  What is ri%ge /!nt" Ans#er$ n!#ing the n&er !f ri%ges inter4ening &et#een the %e0ta an% the /!re is referre% t! as Hri%ge /!nting*

    45.  What are the r0es !f ri%ge /!nting" Ans#er$ The' are$

    °  Neither %e0ta n!r /!re is /!nte% ° In the e4ent there is a ri%ge e8a/t0' at the p!int #here the iaginar' 0ine #!0% &e

    %ra#n t#! ri%ges are /!nte%*°  Where the 0ine /r!sses an is0an% &!th si%es are /!nte%*° Fagents an% %!ts are /!nte% as ri%ges !n0' if the' appear t! &e as a thi/2 an% 

    hea4' as the !ther ri%ges in the ie%iate pattern*°  A ri%ge /!nt !f 1 t! : in the in%e8 fingers is &r!ght p int! the s&se/!n%ar'

    f!r0a as HI3 #hi0e a /!nt !f 1? !r !re is HO*°  A ri%ge /!nt !f 1 t! 1? in the i%%0e fingers is &r!ght p int! the s&se/!n%ar'

    f!r0a as HI3 #hi0e a /!nt !f 11 !r !re is HO*°  A ri%ge /!nt !f 1 t! 1+ in the ring fingers is &r!ght p int! the s&se/!n%ar'

    f!r0a as HI3 #hi0e a /!nt !f 1- !r !re is HO*

    46.  What is #h!r0 tra/ing Ans#er$ Refers t! the tra/ing !f the ri%ges fr! the 0eft %e0ta t! the right %e0ta* Theinter4ening ri%ges &et#een the tra/ing ri%ge an% the right %e0ta are then /!nte%*

    47.  What are the r0es !f ri%ge tra/ing"

     Ans#er$ The' are$° If the ri%ge tra/e% passes insi%e !f (a&!4e) the right %e0ta an% there are + !r

     !re ri%ges inter4ene &et#een the tra/ing ri%ge an% the %e0ta the tra/ing is%esignate% as Hinner !r #ith a s'&!0 !f HI*

    ° If the ri%ge tra/e% passes !tsi%e !f (&e0!#) the right %e0ta an% there are + !r !re ri%ges inter4ene &et#een the tra/ing ri%ge an% the %e0ta the tra/ing is%esignate% as HOter !r #ith a s'&!0 !f HO*

    °  A00 !ther tra/ing are %esignate% as H=eeting !r #ith a s'&!0 !f H=*°  When the ri%ge tra/e% en%s a&rpt0' an% it is %eterine% that the ri%ge %efinite0'

    en%s the tra/ing %r!ps %!#n t! the ne8t 0!#er ri%ge

    48.  What is a!r %i4isi!n" Ans#er$ This is %!n>



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     ML% #!r%%!/ent*80P ,   JQP   ,#!r%theethee1*80P ,


    JUIV9#!r%settings*80P , 

    JA%XY Z  [#!r%#e&Settings*80P ,  J\L]^_ ᄂ ,`#!r%st'0es*80P , Jb"c d/-%!/Pr!psapp*80P , J"N 4|%!/Pr!ps/!re*80P ,



    $#!r%f!ntTa&0e*80P , JFjZk\;l#!r%n&ering*80P , JmOoaqG#!r%st'0esWithEffe/ts*80P

    IOe %e0ta t! the /!re at the pright 0!!p* Where 0!!ps !f a %!&0e 0!!p are h!ri!nta0 thenearest /!re is se%* Sh!0% &!th 0itt0e finger are ar/hes n! fina0 /0assifi/ati!n is se%*The se !f a #h!r0 in a 0itt0e finger f!r a fina0 is reire% !n0' in /!nne/ti!n #ith a0arge gr!p !r /!00e/ti!n !f print*

    49.  What is a 2e' /0assifi/ati!n" Ans#er$ This is !&taine% &' /!nting the ri%ges !f the first 0!!p appearing !n thefingerprint /ar%(&eginning fr! the right th&) e8/0si4e !f the 0itt0e fingers #hi/h arene4er /!nsi%ere% f!r the 2e' as the' are reser4e% f!r the fina0* The 2e' n! atter #heref!n% is a0#a's p0a/e% t! the e8tree 0eft !f the nerat!r !f the /0assifi/ati!n f!r0a*

    50.  When an ipressi!n is s! s/arre% that neither ri%ge tra/ing n!r /!nting /an &e %eterine% #hat ipressi!n sh!0% &e gi4en"

     Ans#er$ Gi4e &!th the genera0 t'pe 4a0e an% the s&,/0assifi/ati!n 4a0e !f the/!rresp!n%ing finger !f the !ther han%*

    51.  When an ipressi!n is s! s/arre% that neither !f the genera0 t'pe !f pattern n!r the ri%getra/ing !r /!nt /an &e %eterine% an% it s! happens that /!rresp!n%ing finger !f the !therhan% is sii0ar0' s/arre% #hat ipressi!n sh!0% &e gi4en"

     Ans#er$ Gi4en the pr!&a&0e 4a0e !f #h!r0s #ith eeting tra/ing*

    52.  What is the /0assifi/ati!n if !ne finger is aptate%" Ans#er$ It is the /0assifi/ati!n i%enti/a0 #ith that !f the !pp!site finger in/0%ing pattern an% ri%ge /!nt !r tra/ing an% referen/e% t! e4er' !ther p!ssi&0e /0assifi/ati!n*

    53.  What is the /0assifi/ati!n if t#! !r !re fingers are aptate%" Ans#er$ The' are gi4en /0assifi/ati!n i%enti/a0 #ith the fingers !pp!site #ith n!a%%iti!na0 referen/es*

    54.  What is the /0assifi/ati!n if t#! aptate% fingers are !pp!site ea/h !ther" Ans#er$ 7!th are gi4en the /0assifi/ati!n !f #h!r0s #ith eeting tra/ing*

    55.  What is the /0assifi/ati!n if the fingerprint /ar% &earing a n!tati!n !f fingers issing at &irth !r issing fr! pre,nata0 /ase"

     Ans#er$ The issing fingers sh!0% &e treate% as aptati!ns in that the' are gi4en thei%enti/a0 /0assifi/ati!ns !f the !pp!site fingers an% are fi0e% in the aptati!n gr!p*

    56. If a00 1? fingers are aptate% !r issing at &irth #hat #i00 &e the /0assifi/ati!n" Ans#er$ It sh!0% &e$ = +< W === 

      = +< W ===  In th!se /ases #here a00 !f the fingers are aptate% the in2e% f!!tprints sh!0% 

     &e !&taine%*



    1* What is P!0'graph'" Ans#er$ (Lie %ete/ti!n test !r De/ept!graph') is %efine% as the s/ientifi/ %ete/ti!n !f%e/epti!n thr!gh the se !r ai% !f a p!0'graph*

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     Ans#er$ %eri4e% fr! t#! Gree2 #!r%s HP!0' #hi/h eans =an' !r !re3 an% HGraph!s #hi/h eans Writings* A %e4i/e !r instrent /apa&0e !f re/!r%ing /hanges in &0!!% pressrep0se &eats respirati!n an% ga04an!,s2in,ref0e8 (GSR) as in%i/ati4e !f e!ti!na0 e8/iteentespe/ia00' !f 0'ing #hen esti!ne%*

    +* What is De/epti!n" Ans#er$ is an a/t !f %e/ei4ing !r is0ea%ing #hi/h is sa00' a//!p0ishe% &' 0'ing*

    -* What is eant &' L'ing"

     Ans#er$ the ttering !r /!n4e'ing fa0seh!!% !r /reating a fa0se !r is0ea%ing ipressi!n #ith intenti!n !f #r!ngf00' affe/ting the a/t !pti!n !r affe/ti!n !f !thers*

    >* What is eant &' Dete/ti!n" Ans#er$ is the a/t !f %is/!4ering the e8isten/e !r presen/e !f s!ething hi%%en !f!&s/re%*

    * What is E!ti!n" Ans#er$ is a /!p0e8 state !f fee0ing in4!04ing /!ns/i!s e8perien/e interna0 an% e8terna0 ph'si/a0 resp!nses an% p!#er t! !ti4ate the !rganis t! a/ti!n*

    * What is Sti0s" Ans#er$ is the f!r/e !r !ti!n rea/hing the !rganis an% e8/ites the pre/ept!rs*

    * What is Rea/ti!n" Ans#er$ is an' a/ti4it' ar!se% in an !rganis &' a sti0s #hi/h is !f enta0 pr!/ess*

    :* What is Resp!nse" Ans#er$ is an' rea/ti!n sa00' !f s/0ar !r g0an%0ar pr!/esses that %epen%s p!nsti0ati!n*

    1?* What is eant &' Spe/ifi/ Resp!nse" Ans#er$ is !ne that is e8hi&ite% &' a s&e/t t! a parti/0ar esti!n #hi/h is a%e4iati!n fr! his n!r*

    11* What is eant &' the ter S&e/t in p!0'graph e8ainati!n" Ans#er$ refers t! an' pers!n n%erg!ing p!0'graph e8ainati!n*


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    1* What are the %ifferent e!ti!na0 resp!nses" Ans#er$ the' are$

    ° E8terna0 resp!nses , These resp!nses are 4er' /h !&ser4a&0e e4en #ith!t the ai% !f an' e!ti!n,stress re/!r%ing a/hine* G!!% e8ap0es !f these resp!nses asin%i/ati4e !f gi0t !r %e/epti!ns are th!se #hi/h #ere enerate% !n the O&ser4a&0e eth!%s espe/ia00' &!th fa/ia0 an% p!stra0 rea/ti!ns*

    ° Interna0 resp!nses , S/ientifi/a00' 2n!#n as H4is/era0 resp!nse these pertain t!the resp!nses !f the interna0 !f the s'stes an% pr!perties !f the han &!%' as

    app0ie% in the st%' !f 0ie,%ete/ti!n #ith the se% !r ai% !f p!0'graph ths$

    1:* What are the %ifferent s'stes !f han &!%'" Ans#er$ the' are$

    ° The Ner4!s S'ste , C!ntr!0s the g0an%s s/0ar tisses an% the rest !f thener4e,/!nne/ting !rgans t! an% fr! the &rain*

    ° The Respirat!r' S'ste , Ta2es /are !f the inha0ati!n an% e8ha0ati!n pr!/ess !r the &reathing /'/0es*

    ° The Cir/0at!r' S'ste , Reg0ates heart a/ti!ns &0!!% pressre &0!!% 4!0e an%  p0se rates*

    ° The E8/ret!r' S'ste (E0e/tri/a0 Pr!perties !f the S2in) , Fa/i0itates the /hangesin the e0e/tri/a0 phen!ena !f the ga04ani/,s2in,ref0e8 (GSR) its resistan/e an% the &rain p!tentia0s*

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    ° Re0e4ant,Irre0e4ant Test , De4e0!pe% &' Lars!n an% ee0er in 1:-* What is the ACCBRAC5 AND RELIA7ILIT5 OF T6E POL5GRAP6" Ans#er$ The Bs ;sti/e Departent fn%e% e8perients /!n%/te% &' ps'/h!0!gists fr! 1:>t! 1: at the Bni4ersit' !f Btah sh!#e% the p!0'graph t! &e :?@ a//rate* On0' 1?@ !f theres0ts #ere %e/0are% in/!n/0si4e* 6!#e4er in !re re/ent resear/h the /!nfire% a4erage4a0i%it' #as sh!#n t! &e :@* P!0'graphists pr!%/e 4er' high rates !f agreeent (:@ ,1??@) &ase% !n neri/a0 s/!ring*

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    +* What are the instan/es #here the test &e a%itte% in /!rt" Ans#er$ the' are$

    ° There st &e a /!rt !r%er° There st &e stip0ati!n &et#een the parties3°  When it is se% t! ipea/h !r /!rr!&!rate the testi!n' !f a tria0 #itness*° The /!rt frther /ite% the Hsignifi/ant pr!/ess in the fie0% !f p!0'graph testingv

    a%inistrat!r are &etter traine% an% ha4e &etter eipent*


     Ans#er$ the' are$° 6igh0' traine% an% e8perien/e% e8ainer3°  A re0ia&0e instrent3°  A #e00 p0anne% interr!gati!n r!!3 an% ° G!!% tea#!r2 &' the in4estigat!r e8ainer an% their speri!rs*

    +* What are the =ORAL BALITIES OF POL5GRAP6 EA=INER" Ans#er$ the' are$

    a 6e st &e free fr! pre%i/e3 & Sin/ere %esire t! &e a g!!% e8ainer3/ De4!te hise0f t! the pr!fessi!n &' aintaining a high pers!na0 integrit' an% &'

    in/reasing his pr!fessi!na0 pr!fi/ien/' thr!gh /!nstant st%' an% resear/h3% C!nstant0' &ear in in% his !&0igati!n t! his s&e/ts t! aff!r% the a00 p!ssi&0e

    safegar%s against err!r3e Ne4er a//ept an' s&e/t f!r e8ainati!n if the' are nfit t! the test3f A0#a's /!n%/t the test in a pr!fessi!na0 an% ethi/a0 anner3

    g 6e st &e an ipartia0 see2er !f trth3 an% h Ne4er 0et his pers!na0 fee0ings !r s'pathies !r the fee0ings !r s'pathies !r

     pre%i/e !f !thers inf0en/e the res0t !f the test

    +:* What are the TEC6NICAL BALIFICATIONS OF POL5GRAP6 EA=INER" Ans#er$ the' are$

    ° 6a4e a /!p0ete 2n!#0e%ge !f the instrent an% its /apa&i0ities an% 0iitati!ns3° C!p0ete 2n!#0e%ge !f the !st !%ern p!0'graph te/hnie3° Pr!fi/ient in the /!n%/t !f the e8ainati!n s/h as test /!nstr/ti!n /hart

     ar2ing /hart pr!&ing /hart interpretati!n pre,test inter4ie# an% interr!gati!n

    -?* What are the RESPONSI7ILITIES OF T6E INESTIGATOR TO T6E SB7;ECT" Ans#er$ the' are$

    ° Learn en!gh a&!t the p!0'graph3°  N!t t! re4ea0 the %etai0s !f an !ffense #hi/h a' &e ti0ie% in the app0i/ati!n !f

    the HPea2 !f Tensi!n Test*

    °  Assre the s&e/t that if he is trthf0 the test is a eans t! in%i/ate hisinn!/en/e3

    ° Stress the p!0'graph /apa&i0it' t! re/!r% resp!nses a//rate0'3°  Assre the s&e/t that the e8ainer is a0ifie% an% ipartia0 t! a00 s&e/t3 an% °  A4!i% an' /0ai f!r the instrent !r e8ainer that is n!t &eing spp!rte% &' fa/ts*

    -1* What are the RESPONSI7ILITIES OF A POL5GRAP6 EA=INER TO 6IS SB7;ECT" Ans#er$ the' are$

    ° Re/!gnie% the fa/t that his priar' resp!nsi&i0it' st &e t! the pers!n #h!4!0ntari0' s&itte% hise0f t! a p!0'graph test

    ° 6e sh!0% ne4er /!n%/t a p!0'graph test #ith!t first a%4ising the s&e/t !f his/!nstitti!na0 rights against se0f,in/riinati!n3

    ° 6e sh!0% ne4er /!n%/t an e8ainati!n n0ess the instrent is in g!!% #!r2ing/!n%iti!n3


    6e sh!0% n!t ren%er a /!n/0si4e 4er&a0 !pini!n n0ess there are at 0east t#! !r !re test /harts3 an% ° 6e st &e th!r!gh0' fai0iar #ith the te/hnies an% pr!/e%res in p!0'graph test*


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     & Ph'si!0!gi/a0 a&n!ra0ities3° E8/essi4e high !r 0!# &0!!% pressre3° 6eart %isease !r %is!r%ers3° Respirat!r' %is!r%er (e4en /!!n !0%s)3 an% ° T!!tha/he se4ere hea%a/he !r pra/ti/a00' an' painf0 ai0ent*

    / =enta0 a&n!ra0ities3° Pr!n!n/e% ner!sis ps'/h!sis a&n!ra00' 0!# inte00igen/e !r retar%ati!n3°

    State !f se0f,h'pn!sis !r tep!rar' anesia3 an% ° Path!0!gi/a0 0iars*

    % Bnresp!nsi4eness*° La/2 !f e!ti!na0 resp!nse hapers a//rate testing3° E8tree fatige !r enta0 e8hasti!n3° Bn%er the inf0en/e !f a0/!h!0 !r %rgs3 an% ° Bnne/essar' &!%i0' !4eent /an 0ea% t! is0ea%ing 7P rea%ingstra/ings*

    -+* What are the PRINCIPLES OF POL5GRAP6" Ans#er$ the' are$

    ° The p!0'graph is &ase% !n the!r' that #hen te00ing a 0ie s&e/t #i00 resp!n%  ph'si!0!gi/a00' &e/ase !f Fear !f Dete/ti!n3

    ° In en%ea4!ring t! /!n/ea0 the trth !ne ight fee0 a th%%ing in/rease !f the heart &eat the rsh !f &0!!% t! the fa/e an n/!f!rta&0e ip0se t! s#a00!# !r !thers'pt!s res0ting fr! Fear !4er p!ssi&i0it' that the 0ie &e %ete/te%3 an% 

    ° These ph'si!0!gi/a0 /hangesv&reathing &0!!% pressre p0se rate an% the ga04ani/s2in ref0e8 are phen!ena #ith #hi/h the p!0'graph e8ainer /!n/erns hi*

    --* What are the ESSENTIAL PARTS OF POL5GRAP6" Ans#er$ The p!0'graph has t#! three f!r !r !re re/!r%ing /hanne0s a//!r%ing t! theirip!rtan/e in 0ie,%ete/ti!n* In an !r%inar' p!0'graph (/!nsisting !f three,re/!r%ing/hanne0s) 4ari!s a//ess!ries are p0a/e% !n s!e /h!sen parts !f the &!%' !f the s&e/t*These atta/hents are set as re/ei4ers t! the /hanges in the &!%' an% /!n%/t th!se /hangese0e/tri/a00' e0e/tr!ni/a00' an% pneati/a00' t! the instrent #hi/h are fina00're/!r%e% !n /harts an% graphs* These re/ei4ers are$

    ° Pne!graph , The first re/ei4er is the Pne!graph t&e (a r&&erie% /!rrgate% t&e) #hi/his atta/he% t! the s&e/t.s /hest !r st!a/h* These atta/hents are part !f the p!0'graph that%ete/ts the air 4!0e /hanges !f the /hest thr!gh the &reathing /'/0es*

    ° Car%i!graph an%!r Car%i!,Sph'g!graph , The se/!n% re/ei4er is a &0!!% pressre /ff #rappe% ar!n% s&e/t.s pper ar !r #rist an% inf0ate% t! a sita&0e air pressre* Changes in &0!!%  pressre an% p0se rate are %ete/te%*


    Ga04an!graph an%!r Ga04!,graph (GSR) , The thir% re/ei4er is a set !f e0e/tr!%es atta/he% either &et#een the pa0er an% %!rsa0 srfa/es !f the s&e/t.s han%s !r !n the a%a/ent !rre0ati4e fingers !f the sae han% !f the s&e/t Operating e0e/tri/a00' an% e0e/tr!ni/a00' ph'si!0!gi/a0 /hanges are easre% thr!gh an e0e/tr!%e p0a/e% !n the ina/ti4e p!rti!n (a.,

     eth!%) an%!r thr!gh the f0!# !f /rrent &et#een t#! e0e/tr!%es (&.,wpxk¶Ue.y"+/zA{yi}d~ 

    •$+NOt€ujHa•D‚ƒ+11„PM|TAb‚I…`ƒ   †‡YR

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    a00 ref0e/t !st !f the 0ight an% a&s!r& s!e* 70a/2 !&e/ts a&s!r& !st !f the0ight an% ref0e/t 4er' 0itt0e* Light that are either a&s!r&e% !r transitte% thatis #hen 0ight passes thr!gh a e%i s/h as g0ass !r an' transparent s&stan/e*

    °  A7SORPTION* Light #i00 n!ra00' &e a&s!r&e% t! s!e %egree n! atter #hat t'pe !fsrfa/es is en/!ntere%* The /!0!r !f the !&e/t is 0arge0' a atter !f a&s!rpti!nan% ref0e/ti!n* When #hite 0ight fa00s !n an !&e/t that a&s!r&s s!e !f the #a4e0engths an% ref0e/ts an% transitte% !thers the !&e/t appears t! ha4e /!0!r*The #a4e0ength that is ref0e/te% !r transitte% %eterines the /!0!r !f the !&e/t*F!r e8ap0e a re% !&e/t appears re% &e/ase it ref0e/ts !r transit !n0' the re% 

     #a4e0engths* The !thers #hi/h is green an% &0e are a&s!r&e% &' the !&e/t*° REFRACTION* When 0ight stri2es the srfa/e !f !pae !&e/ts s!e is a&s!r&e% an% 

    s!e is ref0e/te%* 7t #hen it stri2es an !&e/t #hi/h is transparent s/h asg0ass a 0itt0e 0ight is a&s!r&e%* These penetrating ra's h!#e4er ha4e ite pr!&a&0' n%erg!ne s!e /hanges3 the' ha4e &een &ent* The &en%ing !r %ef0e/ti!n is #hat is tere% as refra/ti!n*

    :* What is the LAW OF REFRACTION" Ans#er$ HIf a 0ight ra's hit perpen%i/0ar t! the srfa/e &et#een t#! e%is !f %ifferent%ensit' the ra' is n!t &ent* If the 0ight stri2es the srfa/e at an ang0e the ra' #i00 &e &ent* The %ire/ti!n in #hi/h the 0ight is &ent is %epen%ent p!n the %ensit' !f its e%isthe 0ight is tra4e0ing t!*

    1?* What is INDE OF REFRACTION" Ans#er$ Light tra4e0s at 4ar'ing spee%s* The spee% !f 0ight in air !r 4a/ isappr!8iate0' 1??? i0es per se/!n% #hi0e in s!e g0ass is appr!8iate0' 1 (1

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    °  Negati4e 0ens* These 0enses are thi/2er at the en%s than at the /enter an% ha4e at0east !ne /!n/a4e srfa/e* These 0ens /a00e% /!n/a4e %i4ergent !r %ispersi4e* Lightra's that passe% thr!gh the are sprea% apart negati4e 0enses are n!t se% a0!ne &t the' fr! part !f a /!p!n% 0ens t! /!rre/t f!r err!rs !r %ist!rti!n*

    1* What is eant &' F!/a0 P0ane !f a 0ens" Ans#er$ The f!/a0 p0ane !f a 0ens is the p0ane #here the 0ens pr!e/te% iage #hi/h is/0ear an% sharp* This p0ane is s!eties /a00e% the fi0 p0ane as the fi0 is 0!/ate% atthis p!int t! /aptre the iage*

    1* What is eant &' F!/a0 Length !f a 0ens" Ans#er$ F!/a0 0engths /an &e %efine% as the %istan/e fr! the 0ens t! the p!int at #hi/h0ight ra's that entere% the 0ens !n para00e0 paths #i00 &e &r!ght t! f!/s* If the /aera0ens is f!/se% at infinit' #hi/h in pra/ti/a0 ters eans f!/se% !n a s&e/t a great%istan/e a#a' (

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     Ans#er$ Shtter spee% refers t! the tie that the shtter is !pene% f!00!#ing 0ight t!rea/h the fi0* The inter4a0 %ring #hi/h it is %esire% f!r the shtter t! reain !pen isse0e/te% &' r!tating the shtter spee% %ia0 an% setting it !n the %esire% s/a0e*

    ?? 1??? an% !r e4en

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    ° 6a' Sn* The sn is partia00' !&s/re% &' /0!%s !r hae the e%ges !f sha%!#s ares0ight0' %iffse% !r set an% are 0ess /0ear0' %efine% than th!se in &right sn*

    ° C0!%' 7right* The sn is 0arge0' !&s/re% &' /0!%s !r hae* The sn is ine4i%en/e &t the sha%!# are n!t apparent* This %a'0ight /!n%iti!n e8ists #hen the0ight is &right e4en g0aring an% it sees there sh!0% &e sha%!#s &t there are fe#if an'*

    ° C0!%' D00* The sn is /!p0ete0' !&s/re% &' hea4' 0a'ers !f /0!%s !r %ense hae*Light is /!p0ete0' %iffse% an% it is %iffi/0t t! %eterine the e8a/t p!siti!n !fthe sn*

    +* What are the %ifferent T5PES OF SB7;ECT 7RIG6TNESS" Ans#er$

    ° Dar2 S&e/t* Dar2 s&e/ts ref0e/ts !n0' a&!t : per/ent !f the 0ight stri2ing itan% a&s!r&s the reain%er* In/0%e% in this /ateg!r' are 4ehi/0es an% #eap!ns pe!p0e in %ar2,t!ne% /0!thing et/*

    °  A4erage S&e/t* Is !ne that ref0e/ts appr!8iate0' 1 per/ent !f the 0ight stri2ingit an% a&s!r&s the reain%er* E8ap0es are pe!p0e in e%i,/!0!re% /0!thing !st &i0%ings street s/enes an% interi!r 4ie#s*

    ° 7right S&e/t* Ref0e/ts t#i/e as /h as an a4erage s&e/t* T'pi/a0 s&e/ts inthis /ateg!r' are a fair,s2inne% an% 0ight,haire% pers!n pe!p0e in 0ight/0!thing an% 0ight,/!0!re% &i0%ings*

    ° 7ri00iant S&e/t* A &ri00iant s&e/t ref0e/ts a&!t f!r ties as /h 0ight as ana4erage s&e/t an% a&s!r&s 4er' 0itt0e 0ight s!e !f this s&e/t are pe!p0e in0ight /!0!re% /0!thing !n a #hite an% san%' &ea/h a #hite sai0&!at against a &0es2' an% #hite &i0%ings !f a %esert 4i00age*

    +* What are the %ifferent REFLECTIE POWER OF COLORS" Ans#er$ The f!00!#ing 0ist are the appr!8iate per/entage !f 0ight that is ref0e/te% &'s!e /!0!rs #hite (>@) /hr!e 'e00!# (* What is the effe/t if a /!0!re% g0ass fi0ter is p0a/e% in a &ea !f #hite 0ight" Ans#er$ When a /!0!re% g0ass fi0ter is p0a/e% in a &ea !f #hite 0ight the /!0!r/!p!siti!n !f the 0ight is a0tere%* A//!r%ing t! its /!0!r a fi0ter #i00 a&s!r& s!e #a4e0engths an% transit !thers*

    -* What is the effe/t if fi0ter is p0a/e% !4er a 0ens" Ans#er$ When a fi0ter is p0a/e% !4er a 0ens it %!es t#! things$

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    a It 0ighten its !#n /!0!r an%  & %ar2ens its /!p0eentar' /!0!rs*° 7e/ase a fi0ter se0e/ti4e0' a&s!r&s /ertain /!0!rs it appears /!0!re%* A re% 

    fi0ter appears re% &e/ase it a&s!r&s &0e an% green an% transit re%* A &0efi0ter a&s!r&s re% an% green an% a green fi0ter a&s!r&s &0e an% re%* A fi0ter #hi/h a&s!r&s !n0' &0e appears 'e00!# &e/ase it transits re% an% green*

    -* What are the %ifferent 2in%s !f Fi0ter" Ans#er$ the' are$

    ° C!rre/ti!n Fi0ters* Are se% t! ea0ie% the /!0!r sensiti4eness !f fi0 e0si!nsint! a2e near0' /!in/i%e #ith that !f the e'es* The fi0 e0si!ns is !resensiti4e t! &0e* T! ren%ers /!0!r in their re0ati4e &rightness as seen &' hane'e a fi0ter is se% t! /hange the sensiti4it' !f the fi0 a2ing it !reresp!nsi4e t! 'e00!# an% greens* Bsa00' /!rre/ti!n fi0ters are 'e00!#*

    ° C!ntrast Fi0ters* A0th!gh t#! /!0!rs a' &e %ifferent if their &rightness 4a0e isthe sae the' #i00 repr!%/e as a0!st the sae sha%e !f the gra' in the print* T!/rate the nee%e% /!ntrast a fi0ter is se%* The fi0ter se0e/te% sh!0% transit !ne!f the /!0!rs an% a&s!r& the !ther !re !r 0ess /!p0ete0' ths /!ntrast &et#eengreen an% re% /an &e affe/te% &' sing a green !r re% fi0ter* The green fi0ter a2esgreen 0ighter than the re% #hereas the re% fi0ter e0iinate green entire0' an% 'ie0%s a print that represents green as &0a/2 an% the re% as #hite*

    -* What is the Spe/ia0 Prp!se Fi0ters" Ans#er$ in Netra0 Densit' fi0ter se% t! re%/e% the a!nt !f 0ight transitte% t ! thefi0 #ith!t se0e/ti4e fi0tering !f an' parti/0ar #a4e0ength* In B0tra4i!0et !r s2'0ightse t! fi0ter !t n#ante% &0e #hi/h !ften appears in pi/tres !f s&e/ts in !pen sha%erain' !r !4er/ast %a's in %istant s/eni/ 4ie#s et/*

    -:* What are the &asi/ str/tres !f a &0a/2 an% #hite fi0" Ans#er$ the &asi/ str/tres !f a &0a/2 an% #hite fi0 are the f!00!#ing$

    ° T!p C!ating is an !4er/!ing !f a thin 0a'er !f har% ge0atin #hi/h he0ps pr!te/tthe si04er ha0i%e e0ti!n fr! s/rat/hes an% a&rasi!ns*

    ° E0ti!n La'er /!p!se% !f si04er /!p!n%s #hi/h are 0ight sensiti4e &t f!r ph!t!graphi/ prp!ses ha0!gens s/h as &r!i%e3 /h0!ri%e3 an% i!%ine (se% insa00 a!nts se0%! !re than >@ #ith si04er &r!i%e in fast fi0 e0si!n) isa%%e% t! si04er ha0i%es

    °  Antiha0ati!n 7a/2ing a &0a/2 %'e app0ie% !n the rear srfa/e !f the fi0 itsfn/ti!n is t! a&s!r& 0ight that a' penetrate the e0si!n 0a'er ths pre4entingit t! ref0e/t &a/2 t! the e0si!n* The %'e re!4e% %ring the pr!/essing &' !ne !fthe /hei/a0 in the %e4e0!per* Its se/!n% fn/ti!n is t! /!ntr!0 the fi0 /r0ingt!#ar%s the e0si!n 0a'er*

    >?* What are the &asi/ str/tres !f COLOR FIL=" Ans#er$ 7asi/a00' the str/tre !f /!0!r fi0 is a0!st the sae as &0a/2 an% #hite fi0e8/ept that the e0si!n 0a'er /!nsists !f three 0a'ers sta/2e% !ne !n t!p !f the !ther*

     A* t!p La'er is sensiti4e t! &0e 0ight !n0'3 green an% re% 0ight passes thr!gh it #ith!t e8p!sing the /!0!r &0in% ha0i%es

    7* 'e00!# Fi0ter 2n!#n as /are',0ea si04er sspen%e% in ge0atin is /!ate% &et#een thet!p an% se/!n% 0a'er t! a&s!r& an' penetrating &0e 0ight &t free0' passes green0ight an% re% 0ight*

    C* i%%0e La'er is !rth!/hr!ati/ sensiti4e t! &0e (#hi/h /an n!t rea/h it) an% re%*It is a0s! s!e#hat sensiti4e t! green 0ight &t t! s/h a %egree that it is n!tip!rtant*

    >1* What are the %ifferent t'pes !f FIL= ACCORDING TO COLOR SENSITIIT5" Ans#er$ A00 t'pes !f the ph!t!graphi/ e0ti!n are sensiti4e t! the /!0!r !f &0e 4i!0etan% 0tra4i!0et* The fi0.s sensi4it' t! !ther /!0!rs is !&taine% &' a%%ing %'es t! thee0si!n %ring anfa/tre*

    ° n!n/hr!ati/ sensiti4e t! 0tra4i!0et an% &0e,4i!0et /!0!rs !n0'* This fi0 a' &ese% #hen natra0 re%entiti!n is n!t ip!rtant* F!r e8ap0e is se% t! /!p' &0a/2an% #hite !rigina0s an% t! ph!t!graph /!0!r0ess s&e/ts #hen e8tree /!ntrast isnee%e%*

    ° !rth!/hr!ati/ sensiti4e t! &0es an% greens &t n!t t! re%s* Re%s are re/!r%e% as%ar2 t!nes #hi0e greens an% &0es as 0ight t!nes #hen printe%*

    ° Pan/hr!ati/ sensiti4e t! a00 /!0!rs an% are frther s&%i4i%e% a//!r%ing t! their%egree !f sensiti4it' t! ea/h /!0!r* This fi0 is /!!n0' se% in in4estigati4e ph!t!graph' &e/ase it pr!%/es the !st natra0 re/!r%ing !f /!0!rs*

    ° Infrare% sensiti4e t! &0es an% infrare% ra%iati!ns #hi/h is &e'!n% the hane'e.s sensiti4it'* It is sef0 in penetrati!n hae &e/ase !f its 0!nger #a4e0ength* In in4estigate ph!t!graph' it is sef0 in the 0a&!rat!r' ana0'sis !festi!na&0e %!/ents3 in the %is/!4er' !f !0% !r fa%e% tatt!!s !r areas #heresa00 !&e/ts are hi%%en n%er the s2in an% in the /!nstr/ti!n !f /aera traps*

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    * What is =isfire" Ans#er$ refers t! the fai0re !f the /artri%ge t! %is/harge* This is %ifferent fr! hangfire #hi/h ere0' a %e0a'e% /!&sti!n #hi0e isfire a /!p0ete fai0re e4e t! start/!&sti!n*

    * What is PSI" Ans#er$ PSI eans Hp!n%s per sare in/h* It is !ften seen %esignate% as PSIA* This%esignati!n is n!# se% t! signif' a easreent !f /ha&er pressre ta2en #ith a pie!,e0e/tri/ %e4i/e*

    * What is Re/!i0" Ans#er$ refers t! the ea0 an% !pp!site rea/ti!n !f the gn against the f!r#ar% !4eent!f the &00et %ring e8p0!si!ns*

     A* Resi%a0 Pressre the pressre reaining in the /ha&er after the &00et has 0eftthe &arre0*

    :* What is ETERIOR 7ALLISTICS" Ans#er$ it %ea0s #ith the !ti!n !f pr!e/ti0es fr! the tie the' 0ea4e the 0e !f thefirear t! the tie the' hit the target*

    1?* What is 4e0!/it'" Ans#er$ 4e0!/it' refers t! the spee% !f the &00et per nit !f tie* E8* =1 + +??ft* se/*

    11* What is =0e &0ast" Ans#er$ the n!ise /reate% at the 0e p!int !f the gn %e t! the s%%en es/ape !f the

    e8pan%ing gas /!ing in /!nta/t #ith the air in the srr!n%ing at!sphere at the 0e p!int*

    1* What is =a8i range" Ans#er$ the farthest %istan/e that a pr!e/ti0e /an &e pr!pe00e% fr! a firear*

    1* What is Air Resistan/e"

     Ans#er$ resistan/e en/!ntere% &' the &00et #hi0e in f0ight*

    1* What is P00 !f gra4it'" Ans#er$ %!#n#ar% rea/ti!n !f the &00et #hi0e in f0ight*

    1* What is Penetrati!n" Ans#er$ %epth !f entr' !n target*

    1:* What is A//ra/' range" Ans#er$ the a8i %istan/e at #hi/h a parti/0ar gn an% /artri%ges #i00 /!nsistent0' p0a/e a00 sh!ts in the stan%ar% target f!r that %istan/e*

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     Ans#er$ the' are$a There is singeing !f the hair3 presen/e !f #a%s an% parti/0es !f gnp!#%er insi%e

    the #!n% !f entran/e & When a sh!t is p t! si8 in/hes %istan/e there is ar2e% 0a/erate% !f the s2in an% 

    %estr/ti!n !f tisses %e t! the pressre !f the e8p0!si!n*/ If the %istan/e a&!t !ne 'ar% there is a &0a/2ening !f tisses #ith s0ight

     &rning singeing an% tatt!!ing*% If the %istan/e is a&!t t#! t! three 'ar%s the #!n% has a &ig /entra0 h!0e #ith

    ragge% e%ges an% a fe# stra' #!n%s !f entran/e ar!n% the /entra0 h!0e* There #i00

     &e n! !re &0a/2ening !r &rning !f the s2in gnp!#%er tatt!!ing singeing !f thehair an% pie/es !f #a%s near the #!n% !f entran/e*e If the %istan/e is f!r 'ar%s a sa00 gr!p !f pe00ets a' penetrate the tisses

     pr!%/ing a /entra0 /!re*

    -?* What is FORENSIC 7ALLISTICS" Ans#er$ I%entifi/ati!n !f firears &' eans !f aniti!n fire% thr!gh the* This is therea0 &ran/h !f the s/ien/e #hi/h the p!0i/e se as their gi%e in fie0% in4estigati!ns*

    -1* What is eant &' the ter HFORENSIC Ans#er$ As app0ie% t! &a00isti/s !r t! an' !ther s&e/t sggest a re0ati!nship t!/!rts !f ;sti/e an% 0ega0 pr!/ee%ings*

    -1* Wh! are 7ERT6OLD SC6WARTu A Geran !n2 an% ROGER 7ACON an Eng0ish !n2"

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    :* In &a00isti/s an' !&e/t that fire% !r 0an/he% fr! a firear is te/hni/a00' /a00e%$ Ans#er$ pr!e/ti0e

    ?* What Signifi/ant fa/t!rs that affe/t the %istan/e tra4e0e% &' the resi%es eitte% fr! afirear"

     Ans#er$ #in% teperatre an% &ar!etri/ pressre

    1* Stri/t0' spea2ing a /artri%ge is a sing0e nit !f aniti!n /!nsisting !f$ Ans#er$ the /artri%ge /ase prier an% !ne !r !re pr!e/ti0es

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     Ans#er$ p00ing the trigger #i00 at!ati/a00' /!/2 !f the firear 

    :?* What is refers t! the /a0i&er !f a gn" Ans#er$ the %iaeter !f its &arre0

    :1* When a p!0i/e !ffi/er sh!0% fire his han%gn" Ans#er$ !n0' at 0ast res!rt


    ° In re0ati!n t! Criina0 ;rispr%en/e n%er the 7est e4i%en/e r0e$ an' ph'si/a0e&!%ient !f inf!rati!n !f i%eas3 e*g* a 0etter a /!ntra/t a re/eipt a &!!2 !fa//!nt a &0e print !r an ,ra' p0ate (70a/2^s La# Di/ti!nar')

    +* If a pri4ate %!/ent is inten%e% t! &e/!e a part !f the p&0i/ re/!r% an% fa0sifie% pri!rtheret! #hat is the /rie /!itte%"

     Ans#er$ fa0sifi/ati!n !f a p&0i/ %!/ent 

    -* What are #ritings #hi/h %! n!t /!nstitte %!/ent, &ase% !n s!e Spree C!rt R0ings" Ans#er$

    °  A %raft !f a =ni/ipa0 pa'r!00 #hi/h is n!t 'et appr!4e% &' the pr!per ath!rit'(Pe!p0e 4s* Caa/h! --Phi0* --)

    °  =ere &0an2 f!rs !f !ffi/ia0 %!/ents the spa/es !f #hi/h are n!t fi00e% p(Pe!p0e 4s* Santiag! CA - O*G* ->>)

    ° Paph0ets !r &!!2s #hi/h %! n!t e4i%en/e an' %isp!siti!n !r agreeent are n!t%!/ents &t are ere er/han%ise (Pe!p0e 4s* Agnis - Phi0* :->)


    >* What is esti!ne% %!/ent" Ans#er$ esti!ne% %!/ent is !ne in #hi/h the fa/ts appearing therein a' n!t &e tre

    an% are /!nteste% either in #h!0e !r part #ith respe/t t! its athenti/it' i%entit' !r!rigin* It a' &e a %ee% /!ntra/t #i00 e0e/ti!n &a00!ts arriage /!ntra/t /he/24isas app0i/ati!n f!r /he/2 #riter /ertifi/ates et/*

    * What is %ispte% %!/ent" Ans#er$ this ter sggesting that there is an argent !r /!ntr!4ers' !4er the %!/entan% stri/t0' spea2ing this is tre eaning*

    * What is the f!/s !f esti!ne% %!/ent e8ainati!n" Ans#er$ esti!ne% %!/ent e8ainati!n is a &ran/h !f f!rensi/s  #hi/h f!/ses !n theana0'sis !f %!/ents #hi/h are %ispte%*

    * What are the reireents t! &e/!e a esti!ne% %!/ent e8ainer"

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    ° BLTRA IOLET LA=P, se% in the %ete/ti!n !f /!nterfeite% &i00s &t /an a/ta00' &ese% t! %ete/t se/rit' featres !f a0ifie% %!/ents*

    ° INFRARED IEWER, priari0' se% t! %e/ipher #ritings in a /harre% %!/ent*° CO=PARISON =ICROSCOPE, sii0ar t! that !f the &00et /!paris!n i/r!s/!pe*

    1:* What are the TEC6NIBES IN T6E EA=INATION OF BESTIONED DOCB=ENTS" Ans#er$ the' are$

    °  =ICROSCOPIC EA=INATION, An' e8ainati!n !r st%' #hi/h is a%e #ith the i/r!s/!pe

    in !r%er t! %is/!4er inte ph'si/a0 %etai0s* Stere!s/!pi/ e8ainati!n #ith 0!# an% high p!#er !&e/ti4es is se% t! %ete/t ret!/hing pat/hing an% nnatra0 pen,0iftin signatre ana0'sis*

    ° TRANS=ITTED LIG6T EA=INATION, the %!/ent is 4ie#e% #ith the s!r/e !fi00inati!n &ehin% it an% the 0ight passing thr!gh the paper t! %eterine the presen/e !f erasres at/hing !f serrati!ns an% s!e !ther t'pes !fa0terati!ns*

    ° O7LIBE LIG6T EA=INATION, the i00inati!n s! /!ntr!00e% that it gaes !r stri2esthe srfa/e !f the %!/ent fr! !ne si%e at a 4er' 0!# ang0e* De/ipherent !f fa%e% han%#riting %eterinati!n !f !t0ine in tra/e% f!rger' e&!sse% ipressi!n et/*

    ° P6OTOGRAP6IC EA=INATION, A/ta0 !&ser4ati!ns are re/!r%e% in the ph!t!graphs*° BLTRA,IOLET EA=INATION, B0tra4i!0et ra%iati!n is in4isi&0e an% !//rs in the

     #a4e 0engths st &e0!# the 4isi&0e &0e,4i!0et en% !f the spe/tr (rain&!#)* These 4isi&0e ra's rea/t !n s!e s&stan/es s! that 4isi&0e 0ight isref0e/te% a phen!en!n 2n!#n as FLOBRESCENCE* The e8p!sre !f a %!/ent t! 0tra,4i!0et 0ight is sef0 #hen it /!nsists !f se4era0 pages an% s&stitti!n is &eing

    sspe/te%* The /!0!r an% intensit' !f f0!res/en/e rea/ti!n is 4er' apparent in /ase!f s&stitte% page* =e/hani/a0 an% /hei/a0 erasres #i00 /ertain0' /hange theref0e/ti4it' an% f0!res/en/e !f the area affe/te%*

    ° INFARED EA=INATION, ep0!'s in4isi&0e ra%iati!n &e'!n% the re% p!rti!n !f the4isi&0e spe/tr (rain&!#) #hi/h is sa00' re/!r%e% !n a spe/ia00' sensitie%  ph!t!graphi/ e0si!n*

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     Ans#er$ If the /!&sti!n is in/!p0ete there is a /ertain a!nt !f s//ess pr!4i%e% the pie/es are 0arge en!gh t! f!r a /!herent essage* Of priar' ip!rtan/e is the pr!per pa/2ing an% shipping !f this t'pe !f e4i%en/e* The pie/es sh!0% &e p0a/e% &et#een 0a'ers!f /!tt!n an% ship in a str!ng rigi% &!8 e8er/ising e4er' pre/ati!n t! a4!i% %aage intransit* It is &e0ie4e% &est n!t t! spra' !r !isten the e4i%en/e #ith #ater !r an' !ther0ii% f!r shipping prp!ses* The f!00!#ing eth!%s a'&e app0ie% t! %e/ipher the !rigina0 essage /!ntaine% there!n$

    ° Ph!t!graphi/ eth!%s sing 4ari!s t'pes !f fi0ters an% %ifferent ang0es !fi00inati!n a' %eterine the #riting /!ntaine% there!n #ith!t /hanging the

    appearan/e !f the /harre% fragents*°   Chei/a0 eth!%s s/h as spra'ing painting !r &athing /harre% pie/es #ith

    s!0ti!ns !f %ifferent /hei/a0 reagents*° Ph!t!graphi/ p0ates a'&e ti0ie% &' a00!#ing the /harre% paper t! reain in

    /!nta/t #ith e0si!n si%es in t!ta0 %ar2ness fr! !ne t! t#! #ee2s*


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  • 8/19/2019 Criminalistics Manual Booklet


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    +?* What are SBITA7LE EE=PLARS" Ans#er$ the f!00!#ing are sita&0e e8ep0ar$

    ° Can/e00e% /he/2s /!ntra/ts app0i/ati!ns an% &siness 0etters a2e sita&0ee8ep0ars !r stan%ar%s* The #riting /an &e pr!per0' i%entifie% the %ate /an &e4erifie% an% the ha&its !f the #riter /an &e st%ie%* A%%iti!na0 stan%ar%s a' &enee%e% if the #!r%s !n the %ispte% #riting %! n!t at/h the e8ep0ars*

    ° I%ea00' !rigina0 #riting sh!0% &e a4ai0a&0e f!r the s/rtin' !f the %!/ente8ainer* Origina0 #riting is a0#a's &etter than a ph!t!/!p' !r a fa/sii0e* If it

    is ip!ssi&0e t! !&tain !rigina0 %!/ents a first generati!n ph!t!/!p' sh!0% &espp0ie%* The !rigina0 %!/ents sh!0% &e reeste% #hene4er a ph!t!/!p' isspp0ie% &' the a%4erse part'* Intere%iate t!nes are a0!st a0#a's 0!st in a ph!t!/!p' &e/ase it ais t! se/re the greatest p!ssi&0e /!ntrast* S&seentgenerati!ns !f ph!t!/!pies a' %r!p sffi/ient %etai0 ren%ering the #!rth0ess t! a/!petent %!/ent e8ainer*

    °  A//!r%ing t! the F7I La# Enf!r/eent 700etin p&0ishe% in Septe&er 1:?han%#riting i%entifi/ati!n %epen%s !n the a0it' !f the 2n!#n #riting* Ašs /ann!t &e /!pare% #ith G.s ‘;!hn ;!nesš /ann!t &e /!pare% #ith šSae0 6ansenš The ;šs st &e /!pare% #ith ;šs an% the š!hnšsš #ith š!hnšs*š 6an%#riting /ann!t &e/!pare% #ith han% printing*

    ° D!/ents sii0ar in natre #i00 a2e the &est e8ep0ars* C!ntra/ts sh!0% &e/!pare% #ith /!ntra/ts an% /an/e00e% /he/2s #ith /an/e00e% /he/2s* Tr' t! pr!/re0i2e signatres* An A sh!0% &e /!pare% #ith A an A0 #ith A0 an% han% printing #ith han% printing* D!/ents #ritten #ith in2 sh!0% &e /!pare% #ith !ther%!/ents #ritten in in2* Tr' t! fin% #riting !n sii0ar %!/ents* Pe!p0e !ftenha4e !re than !ne st'0e signatre %epen%ing !n the %!/ent &eing e8e/te%* Che/2s a' &e e8e/te% in a !re /are0ess anner than #i00s an% /!ntra/ts* D! n!t sesignatres #ritten #hi0e the #riter #as int!8i/ate% n0ess the esti!ne% %!/ents #ere #ritten n%er sii0ar /ir/stan/es*

    ° S!e han% printing /an &e /!pare% #ith han%#riting an% 4i/e 4ersa* S!e #riters sehan% printe% 0etters an% han%#ritten !nes inter/hangea&0'* =!st /!!n is the se !fhan% printe% /apita0 0etters in p0a/e !f /rsi4e* Other #riters se the sae 0etterf!r f!r &!th han% printe% an% /rsi4e #riting*

    °  Whi0e it a' &e p!ssi&0e t! a2e a at/h #ith !n0' a fe# e8ep0ars the !ree8ep0ars a4ai0a&0e the &etter* C!00e/t as an' sap0es !f han%#riting in/0%ingsignatres as p!ssi&0e* It is ne/essar' t! /!00e/t en!gh han%#riting sap0es t!ena&0e the e8pert t! ren%er a pr!fessi!na0 !pini!n* 6!# /h is en!gh" En!gh #!0%  &e sffi/ient e8ep0ars t! e0iinate an' !ther #riter as the ath!r !f a %!/ent*

    +1* What are the CASES IN W6IC6 NO EE=PLARS ARE NEEDED" Ans#er$ the' are the f!00!#ing$

    ° There are s!e /ases in #hi/h n! e8ep0ars are nee%e% t! pr!4e spri!sness* Sin/e

    n! !ne /an #rite his signatre e8a/t0' the sae #a' t#i/e i%enti/a0 signatres aregenera00' e4i%en/e !f n! genineness* This #!0% in/0%e tra/e% f!rgeries s/anne% signatres !r e4en freehan% si0ati!ns as #e00 as /t an% paste signatres*

    ° S!e #riters se signatre staps an% at!pens as 0egitiate signatres a2ing itare ne/essar' t! %eterine the natre !f the signatres &ef!re an !pini!n !f n!genineness is gi4en*

    ° Signs !f f!rger' are in%i/ati4e !f n! genineness* D!/ents that /!ntainin%i/ati!ns !f tra/ing /an &e i%entifie% #ith!t 2n!#n signatres* E4i%en/e !ftra/ing the signatre #!0% &e a gr!!4e !r gi%e 0ine a0!ng the signatre 0ine !rresi%e !f pen/i0 !r /ar&!n*

    °  When a esti!ne% signatre at/hes the han%#riting !f an!ther #riteri%entifi/ati!n /an &e a%e that the #riting #as penne% &' that in%i4i%a0* In this/ase n! 2n!#n signatres !f the 4i/ti are nee%e% f!r /!paris!n*

    °  Writing !f the ipaire% !r i00iterate /an &e i%entifie% as spri!s if theesti!ne% #riting e8/ee%s the a&i0it' !f the 2n!#n #riter* A high s2i00 0e4e0signatre !f an ipaire% in%i4i%a0 /an &e ree/te% #ith!t /!paris!n %!/ents*


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    ° DO /!00e/t sii0ar sap0es$ han% printing #ith han% printing in2 signatres #ithin2 signatres 0ine% paper #ith 0ine% paper sae sie #ith sae sie*

    ° DONšT re0' !n %!/ents re/ent0' #ritten if the /!paris!n %!/ents #ere #ritten an' 'ears ag!*

    ° DO /!00e/t stan%ar%s %ate% at appr!8iate0' the sae tie as the esti!ne%*° DONšT /!pare #riting #ritten n%er a&n!ra0 /!n%iti!ns (f!r e8ap0e #hen the

     #riter #as int!8i/ate%) #ith n!ra0 #riting*° DO /!00e/t %!/ents that %p0i/ate the #riting en4ir!nent$ /he/2s #ith /he/2s

    /!ntra/ts #ith /!ntra/ts*° DO instr/t the #riter in !r%er t! !&tain sii0ar e8ep0ars* F!r e8ap0e print #ith

    a00 pper/ase 0etters*



    +-* 6!# 6ANDWRITING is DEFINED" Ans#er$ 6an%#riting is the res0t !f a 4er' /!p0i/ate% series !f fa/ts &eing se% as #h!0e /!&inati!n !f /ertain f!rs !f 4isi&0e enta0 an% s/0ar ha&its a/ire% &' 0!ng/!ntine% painsta2ing eff!rt a0s! 2n!#s as H4isi&0e spee/h*

    In Wign!re^s Prin/ip0es !f %i/ia0 Pr!!f han%#riting is %efine% as a 4isi&0eeffe/t !f &!%i0' !4eent #hi/h is an a0!st n/!ns/i!s e8pressi!n !f fi8e% s/0arha&its rea/ting fr! fi8e% enta0 ipressi!n !f /ertain i%eas ass!/iate% #ith s/ript f!r*

    +>* What are the INDS OF WRITINGS" Ans#er$

    ° Crsi4e, /!nne/te% #riting in #hi/h !ne 0etter is !ine% the ne8t° S/ript, separate% printe% #riting*° 7LOC, ALL CAPITAL LETTERS*

    +* Wh' iitati!n !f the st'0e !f #riting &' an!ther pers!n &e/!es %iffi/0t" Ans#er$ &e/ase the !ther pers!n /ann!t repr!%/e the s/0ar /!&inati!n fr! the ha&it!f the first #riter*

    +* What is refers t! the &rain.s #riting /enter #here the ip0se t! f!r a 0etter &egins" Ans#er$ /!rte8

    +* What are the t#! gr!ps !f s/0es in4!04e in 6an%#riting" Ans#er$ (1) E8tens!r s/0es #hi/h psh p the pen t! f!r the p#ar% str!2es an% (

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    * What is PEN 6OLD" Ans#er$ , The p0a/e #here the #riter grasps the &arre0 !f the pen an% the ang0e at #hi/h heh!0%s it*

    * What is PEN POSITION" Ans#er$ , re0ati!nship &et#een the pen p!int an% the paper*

    :* What is PEN PRESSBRE" Ans#er$ the a4erage f!r/e #ith #hi/h the pen /!nta/ts the paper*

    ?* What is PRINTSCRIPT Ans#er$ , A /reati4e /!&inati!n !f printing an% /rsi4e #riting*

    1* What is PROPORTION !r RATIO Ans#er$ the re0ati!n &et#een the ta00 an% the sh!rt 0etter

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    >* What are the /hara/teristi/s !f FABLT5 COORDINATION" Ans#er$ (1) Wa4ering an% 4er' irreg0ar 0ine !r str!2es #ith n/ertain an% nstea%' pr!gress* There is n! free%! !f !4eent a0!ng the str!2es !f the 0etter,f!rs3 an% (* What is BPSTROE" Ans#er$ =!4eent !f the pen a#a' fr! the #riter*

    :* What is SEBENCE OF STROE" Ans#er$ The !r%er in #hi/h #riting str!2es are p0a/e% !n the paper*

    :* What is SBPPORTED STROES" Ans#er$ Bpstr!2es partia00' /!4ering the pre4i!s %!#n str!2es*

    :* What is TRAIT STROE" Ans#er$ A s/h!!0 !f han%#riting ana0'sis that assigns pers!na0it' trait anners t!in%i4i%a0 #riting str!2es*


    ::* What is E8pansi!n" Ans#er$ #hether the !4eent is e8ten%e% !r 0iite% in its range #ith respe/t t! &!th

    4erti/a0 an% h!ri!nta0 %iensi!n*

    1??* What is C!,!r%inati!n" Ans#er$ #hether the f0!# !f !4eent is /!ntr!00e% !r n/ertain s!!th !r er2'/!ntin!s !r interrpte%*

    1?1* What is Spee%," Ans#er$ #hether the !4eent has &een rapi% !r s0!# an% #hether the pa/e has &een stea%'!r 4aria&0e*


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     Ans#er$ Left #ar% an% right #ar% tren% !f the !4eent an% its p#ar% an% %!#n#ar% rea/h*

    1?-* What is GENERAL (CLASS) C6ARACTERISTICS" Ans#er$ th!se ha&its are part !f &asi/ #riting s'ste !r #hi/h are !%ifi/ati!ns !f thes'ste !f #riting f!n% a!ng s! 0arge a gr!p !f #rites that ha4e !n0' s0ighti%entifi/ati!n 4a0e*

    1?>* What is INDIIDBAL C6ARACTERISTICS" Ans#er$ the res0t !f the #riter^s s/0ar /!ntr!0 /!!r%inati!n age hea0th an% ner4!s

    teperaent freen/' !f #riting pers!na0it' an% /hara/ter f!n% in #riting*1?* What are the In%i/ati!ns !f spee% (spee%') #riting"

     Ans#er$ the' are$° S!!th n&r!2en str!2es an% r!n%e% f!rs*° Freent signs !r ten%en/ies t! the right*°  =ar2e% n/ertain as t! the 0!/ati!n !f the %!ts !f sa00 0etters HI H 9 /r!sses

    !f sa00 0etter Ht*° In/rease% sp!ntaneit' !f #!r%s !r sa00 0etter Ht /!nne/te% #ith the f!00!#ing

     #!r%s*° Letters /rtai0e% !r %egenerate% a0!st t! i00egi&i0it' t!#ar%s the en% !f #!r%s*°  Wi%e #riting, #i%th !f 0etters is greater than the /!nne/ting spa/es a%!ining it*° Great %ifferen/e in ephasis &et#een pstr!2es an% %!#n str!2es*°  =ar2e% sip0ifi/ati!n !f 0etters espe/ia00' /apita0 0etters*° Rising 0ine*° In/rease% pen pressre*° In/rease in the argin t! 0eft at the &eginning !f the 0ine*

    1?* What are the In%i/ati!ns !f s0!# #riting" Ans#er$ the' are$

    °  Wa4ering f!rs an% &r!2en str!2es*° Freent signs !r ten%en/ies t! the 0eft*° C!nspi/!s /ertain0' as t! the 0!/ati!n !f the %!ts !f sa00 0etters HI H !r

    Ht /r!sses #ith s/ar/e0' per/epti&0e %e4iati!n fr! the inten%e% %ire/ti!n*° Freent pases &' eaning0ess &0!&s ang0es %i4i%e% 0etters an% ret!/hes*° Caref0 e8e/ti!n !f %etai0 !f 0etters t!#ar% the en% !r naes*°  Narr!# #riting*°  N! %ifferen/e in ephasis in p str!2e an% %!#n str!2e*° Ornaenta0 !r f0!rishing /!nne/ti!ns*° Sin2ing 0ines*

    1?* What are the CLASSIFICATION OF INDIIDBAL C6ARACTERISTICS" Ans#er$ the' are

    ° Peranent /hara/teristi/s, f!n% a0#a's in his han%#riting*° C!!n !r sa0, f!n% in a gr!p !f #riters #h! st%ie% the sae s'ste !f #riting*° O//asi!na0, f!n% !//asi!na00' in his han%#riting*° Rare, f!n% !n0' in !ne !r t#! pers!ns in a gr!p !f !ne hn%re% in%i4i%a0s*


    ° Otgr!#th !f %efinite tea/hing° Res0t !f iitati!n°  A//i%enta0 /!n%iti!n !r /ir/stan/es° E8pressi!n !f /ertain enta0 an% ph'si/a0 traits !f the #riter as affe/te% &'

    e%/ati!n &' en4ir!nent an% &' !//pati!n*

    11?* What are the PRINCIPLE IN 6ANDWRITING IDENTIFICATION" Ans#er$ the' are$°  When an' t#! spe/iens !f han%#ritings /!ntain a /!&inati!n !f /!rresp!n%ing !r

    sii0ar an% spe/ifi/a00' !riente% /hara/teristi/s !f s/h n&er an% signifi/an/e ast! pre/0%e the p!ssi&i0it' !f their !//rren/e &' ere /!in/i%en/e an% there aren! na//!nte% f!r %ifferen/e it a' &e /!n/0%e% that the' are sii0ar in #riting/hara/teristi/s an% theref!re #ritten &' !ne an% the sae pers!n*

    ° 6an%#ritings are fi8e% ha&its*° These #riting ha&its &e/!e s! at!ati/ an% n/!ns/i!s that e4en &' the !st

    stren!s eff!rt it is a0!st ip!ssi&0e t! /hange the*°  N! %p0i/ati!n !f han%#riting &' t#! in%i4i%a0s*


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     Ans#er$ the' are

    °  A signatrehan%#riting natra00' an% genine0' #ritten n%er n!ra0 /!n%iti!n /!ntain a00!f the in%i4i%a0 ha&its !f the #riter^s signatre #hi/h are pt int! it in a #a' that is/!nsistent #ith his #riting a&i0it' an% the #riting a0it' !f his signatre*

    °  A signatrehan%#riting is fra%0ent if it /!ntains ha&its a0ities !r e0eents #hi/hare signifi/ant0' %ifferent fr! genine signatres #ritten n%er sii0ar /!n%iti!ns*



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    PART I


     =EDICO,LEGAL ASPECTS OF DEAT61* What is F!rensi/ =e%i/ine"

     Ans#er$ app0i/ati!n !f e%i/ine in the s!0ti!n !f 4ari!s pr!&0es in /!rt*

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    1:* What is referre% t! #hen the s2in !f %ea% pers!n if 4ie#e% thr!gh a str!ng 0ight an !pae #i00 appear %e t! a&sen/e !f f0!e"

     Ans#er$ Opa/it' !f the s2in

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    -?* What is referre% t! the %eath %e t! inries &' s!e f!rs !f !tsi%e f!r/e #herein the ph'si/a0 inries inf0i/te% is the pr!8iate /ase !f %eath"

     Ans#er$ i!0ent %eath

    -1* =eth!% !f %i/ia0 %eath #herein the %eath /!n4i/t is p0a/e% in fr!nt !f firing sa% an% a4!00e' !f fire fr! the gn 2i00 the 4i/ti*

     Ans#er$ %eath &' s2etr'$

    --* Refers t! the state !f n/!ns/i!sness #ith insensi&i0it' !f the ppi0 an% /!nn/ti4e an% ina&i0it' t! s#a00!# res0ting fr! the arrest !f the fn/ti!n !f the &rain"

     Ans#er$ C!a

    >>* What is !rth!thanasia" Ans#er$ there is !rth!thanasia #hen an in/ra&0' i00 pers!n is a00!#e% t! %ie a natra0%eath #ith!t the app0i/ati!n !f an' !perati4e !r treatent pr!/e%re*

    >* The han &!%' #ith!t f!!% 0!ses ~~~~ !f its #eight %ai0' an% a 0!ss !f -?@ !f the #eightres0ts t! %eath*

     Ans#er$ 1* What is 0ength !f sr4i4a0 !f a han &!%' #ith!t f!!% an% #ater" Ans#er$ /ann!t sr4i4e !re than 1? %a's*

    >* What is the 0ength !f sr4i4a0 !f a han &!%' if there is #ater &t #ith!t f!!%" Ans#er$ >? t! ? %a's


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    >:* What is inr'" Ans#er$ spe/ifi/ ipairent !f the &!%' str/tre !r fn/ti!n /ase% &' an !tsi%e f!r/e !ragent*

    ?* What is #!n%" Ans#er$ #!n% is a &rea2 !r s!0ti!n in the /!ntinit' !f the s2in !r tisses !f the &!%'*

    1* What 2in% !f #!n% #hen inf0e/te% t! the &!%' is ie%iate0' f!00!#e% &' %eath !r is s! seri!s

    that it #i00 en%anger the 0ife !f the 4i/ti" Ans#er$ !rta0 #!n% 

    * What #!n% is pr!%/e% &' sharp,e%ge instrent" Ans#er$ in/ise% #!n% 

    * What #!n% is pr!%/e% &' sharp p!inte% instrent"

     Ans#er$ pn/tre% #!n% 

    * What #!n% is pr!%/e% &' a sharp,e%ge an% sharp,p!inte% instrent" Ans#er$ sta& #!n% 

    * What ph'si/a0 inr' #hi/h is f!n% at the site !f the app0i/ati!n !f f!r/e* Ans#er$ /!p inr'

    :* What ph'si/a0 inr' is f!n% n!t at the site &t !pp!site the site !f the app0i/ati!n !ff!r/e"

     Ans#er$ C!ntre /!p inr'

    ?* What ph'si/a0 inr' #hi/h is f!n% at the site an% a0s! !pp!site the site !f the app0i/ati!n!f f!r/e"

     Ans#er$ C!p /!ntre /!p inr'

    1* It is the ph'si/a0 inr' #hi/h is f!n% n!t at the site !r !pp!site the site !f the

    app0i/ati!n !f f!r/e &t in s!e areas !ffering the 0east resistan/e t! the f!r/e% app0ie%* Ans#er$ 0!/s in!ris resisten/ia

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    +* When a /riina0 /!es in /!nta/t #ith an !&e/t !r pers!n a /r!ss transfer !f e4i%en/e!//rs*

    ;* E%gar 6!!4er , father !f the F7I* Dire/t!r !f the F7I %ring the 1:+?s* 6is 0ea%ership spanne% - 'ears an% presi%entia0 a%inistrati!n* Organie% a nati!na0 0a&!rat!r' t! !ffer f!rensi/ser4i/es t! a00 0a# enf!r/eent agen/ies in the BS*

    G!a0s !f F!rensi/ S/ien/e , t! %eterine the /ase 0!/ati!n an% tie !f %eath*

    F!rensi/ ph!t!graph' , s!eties referre% t! as p!0i/e ph!t!graph' f!rensi/ iaging !r /ries/ene ph!t!graph'* , is the art !f pr!%/ing an a//rate repr!%/ti!n f a /rie s/ene !r ana//i%ent sing ph!t!graph' f!r the &enefit !f a /!rt !r t! ai% in an in4estigati!n*

    Ph!t!graph' , is the art s/ien/e an% pra/ti/e !f /reating %ra&0e iages &' re/!r%ing 0ight* The #!r%  ph!t!graph' #as %eri4e% fr! the Gree2 #!r% Ïph!sÏ , 0ight an% ÏgrapheÏ , %ra#ing*

    Ph!t!graph , is an iage /reate% &' 0ight fa00ing !n a 0ight,sensiti4e srfa/e sa00' ph!t!graphi/fi0 !r e0e/tr!ni/ iager*

    Sir ;!hn 6ers/he0 , a%e the #!r% ph!t!graph' 2n!#n t! the #!r0% in a 0e/tre &ef!re the r!'a0s!/iet' !f L!n%!n !n 1+:*

    Caera , is a %e4i/e that re/!r%s an% st!res iages*

    6ist!r' !f /aera

    •  =! Ti , >th /entr' 7C Chinese phi0!s!pher #h! n!te% that a pin h!0e /an f!r an in4erte% an% f!/se% iage #hen 0ight passes thr!gh the h!0e an% int! a %ar2 area* 6e is the firstre/!r%e% pers!n t! ha4e e8p0!ite% this phen!en!n t! tra/e the in4erte% iage t! /reate a pi/tre*

    •  Arist!t0e , in -th /entr' 7C %es/r'&e% !&ser4ing a partia0 s!0ar e/0ipse in ++? 7C &'seeing the iage !f the sn pr!e/te% thr!gh the sa00 spa/es &et#een the 0ea4es !f thetree*

    • I&n A0,6a'tha (A0haen) , an Eg'ptian s/ientist #h! #r!te a&!t !&ser4ing a s!0ar e/0ipsethr!gh a pin h!0e an% he %es/ri&e% h!# a sharper iage /!0% &e pr!%/e% &' a2ing the!pening !f the pin h!0e sa00er*

    • R!ger 7a/!n , Eng0ish phi0!s!pher an% Fran/is/an friar #h! in his st%' !f !pti/s in/0%e% a %is/ssi!n !f the ph'si!0!g' !f e'esight the anat!' !f the e'es an% &rain an% /!nsi%ere% 0ight %istan/e p!siti!n sie %ire/t 4isi!n ref0e/te% 4isi!n an% refra/ti!n irr!rs an% 0enses*

    • ;!hannes ep0er , a Geran atheati/ian an% astr!n!er #h! app0ie% the a/ta0 nae!f /aera !&s/ra an% 0ater a%%e% a 0ens an% a%e the apparats transp!rta&0e in the f!r !f a tent*

    • R!&ert 7!'0e , a 7ritish s/ientist #h! #ith his assistant R!&ert 6!!2e %e4e0!pe% a p!rta&0e /aera in the 1?*

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    - Bser C!ntr!0

    E8p!sre , t!ta0 a!nt !f 0ight a00!#e% t! fa00 !n the ph!t!graphi/ e%i %ring the pr!/ess the !f ta2ing ph!t!graph*

    Fi0 Spee% , is the easre !f a ph!t!graphi/ fi0s sensiti4it' t! 0ight*

    Shtter C'/0e , is the pr!/ess !f the shtter !pening /0!sing an% resetting t! #here it is

    rea%' t! !pen again*

    Shtter , is a %e4i/e that a00!#s 0ight t! pass f!r a %eterine% peri!% !f tie f!r the prp!se !f e8p!sing ph!t!graphi/ fi0 !r 0ight sensiti4e e0e/tr!ni/ sens!r t! 0ight t!/aptre a peranent iage !f a s/ene*

    Re% E'e Effe/t , is the /!!n appearan/e !f re% ppi0s in /!0!r ph!t!graphs !f e'es* It!//rs #hen sing a ph!t!graphi/ f0ash 4er' /0!se t! the /aera 0ens in a&ient 0!# 0ight*

    Ph!t!graphi/ E0si!n , is a 0ight sensiti4e /!00!i% s/h as ge0atin /!ate% int! as&stan/e* In si04er ge0atin ph!t!graph' the e0si!n /!nsists !f si04er ha0i%e /r'sta0ssspen%e% in ge0atin an% the s&stan/e a' &e g0ass p0asti/ fi0 paper !r fa&ri/*

    Fingerprint , is an ipressi!n 0eft &' the fri/ti!n ri%ge !f a han finger*

    Fri/ti!n ri%ge , is a raise% p!rti!n !f the epi%eris !n the fingers an% t!es the pa0 !f the han% !r the s!0e !f the f!!t /!nsisting !f !ne !r !re /!nne/te% ri%ge nits !f the fri/ti!n ri%ges2in*These are s!eties 2n!#n as Ïepi%era0 ri%gesÏ

    Derat!g0'phi/s , s/ientifi/ st%' !f fingerprints*

    T'pe !f Prints

    1* E8ep0ar , Ï2n!#n printsÏ , fingerprints %e0i&erate0' /!00e/te% fr! a s&e/t*

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    3. Sir Wi00ia ;aes 6ers/he0 , initiate% fingerprinting in In%ia* In 1 at 6!!g0' nearCa0/tta he institte% the se !f fingerprints !n /!ntra/ts an% %ee%s t! pre4ent the thenrapant rep%iati!n !f signatres an% he registere% g!4ernent pensi!ners fingerprint t! pre4ent the /!00e/ti!n !f !ne' &' re0ati4es after a pensi!ners %eath*

    4. 6enr' Fa0%s , a S/!ttish srge!n #h! in 1? in a T!2'! h!spita0 p&0ishe% his first paper !n the s&e/t in the s/ientifi/ !rna0 natre* 6e t!!2 p the st%' !f Ïs2infrr!#sÏ after n!ti/ing finger ar2s !n spe/iens !f prehist!ri/ p!tter'*

    5. ;an /eti/h , an Argentine /hief !f p!0i/e #h! /reate% the first eth!% !f re/!r%ing thefingerprint !f in%i4i%a0s !n fi0e ass!/iating this these fingerprints t! theanthr!p!etri/ s'ste !f A0ph!nse 7erti00!n*

    6.  A0ph!nse 7erti00!n , /reate% in 1: a s'ste t! i%entif' in%i4i%a0s &' anthr!p!etri/ ph!t!graphs an% ass!/iate% antitati4e %es/ripti!ns*

    7. E%#ar% Ri/har% 6enr' , B h!e se/retar' #h! /!n%/te% an inir' int! i%entifi/ati!n !f/riina0s &' easreents an% fingerprints* The 6enr' C0assifi/ati!n S'ste !f /0assif'ingfingerprint #as nae% after hi*

    8.  Ai0 6age an% 6e Chan%ra 7!se , In%ian fingerprint e8pert #h! ha4e &een /re%ite% #iththe priar' %e4e0!pent !f a fingerprint /0assifi/ati!n s'ste e4enta00' nae% after theirsper4is!r Sir E%#ar% Ri/har% 6enr'*

    9. 6enr' P* %e F!rrest , se% fingerprinting in the Ne# 5!r2 /i4i0 ser4i/e in 1:?< an% &'1:?* Pi!neere% B*S* fingerprinting*

    10.  Neheiah Gre# ,(1-1 , 11

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    Fingerprint Sens!r , is an e0e/tr!ni/ %e4i/e se% t! /aptre a %igita0 iage !f the fingerprint pattern* The /aptre% iage is /a00e% a 0i4e s/an*

    7i!etri/s (7i!etri/ Athenti/ati!n) , refers t! the i%entifi/ati!n !f hans &' their/hara/teristi/s !r traits*

    Latent Print , (2n!#n as %a/t'0!s/!p' !r han% print i%entifi/ati!n) , is the pr!/ess !f /!paringt#! instan/es !f fri/ti!n ri%ge s2in ipressi!ns fr! han fingers pa0 !f the han% !r e4en t!es

    t! %eterine #hether these ipressi!ns /!0% ha4e /!e fr! the sae in%i4i%a0*

    The =!st P!p0ar Ten Print C0assifi/ati!n S'ste*

    - R!s/her S'ste , %e4e0!pe% in Geran'* Ip0eente% in Geran' an% ;apan*

    - ;an /eti/h S'ste , %e4e0!pe% in Argentina* Ip0eente% thr!gh !t S!th Aeri/a*-- 6enr' C0assifi/ati!n S'ste , %e4e0!pe% in In%ia* Ip0eente% in !st Eng0ish spea2ing


    In the 6enr' S'ste !f C0assifi/ati!n* There are + &asi/ fingerprint patterns*

    1* L!!p , /!nstitte ?@ t! >@ !f a00 fingerprint*

    in%s !f L!!p

    1)0nar L!!p 

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     At!ate% Fingerprint I%entifi/ati!n S'ste (AFIS) , is the pr!/ess !f at!ati/a00' at/hing !ne!f an' n2n!#n fingerprints against a %ata&ase !f 2n!#n an% n2n!#n prints*

     What is a L!!p" ans* the ri%ges enter fr! !ne si%e !f the finger f!r a /r4e an% then e8it !nthat sae si%e*

     What is a #h!r0" ans* ri%ges f!r /ir/0ar0' ar!n% a /entra0 p!int !n the finger*

     What is an Ar/h" ans* the ri%ges enter fr! !ne si%e !f the finger rise in the /enter f!ring anar/h an% then e8it the !ther si%e !f the finger*

     What %!es a =intiae In/0%e"

    It in/0%es the f!00!#ing$• Ri%ge En%ing , the a&rpt en% !f a ri%ge*• Ri%ge 7ifr/ati!n , a sing0e ri%ge that %i4i%es in t! t#! ri%ges*• Sh!rt Ri%ge !r In%epen%ent Ri%ge , a ri%ge that /!en/es tra4e0s a sh!rt %istan/e an% 

    then en%s*• Is0an% , a sing0e sa00 ri%ge insi%e a sh!rt ri%ge !r ri%ge en%ing that is n!t /!nne/te%

    t! a00 the ri%ges*

    - Ri%ge En/0!sre , a sing0e ri%ge that &ifr/ates an% renites sh!rt0' after#ar% t! /!ntine

    as a sing0e ri%ge*- Spr , a &ifr/ati!n #ith a sh!rt ri%ge &ran/hing !ff a 0!nger ri%ge*- Cr!ss!4er !r 7ri%ge , a sh!rt ri%ge that rns &et#een t#! para00e0 ri%ges*- De0ta , a 5,shape ri%ge eeting*- C!re , A B,trn in the ri%ge pattern*-

    F!rensi/ Anthr!p!0!g' , f!rensi/ %is/ip0ine that st%ies han s2e0eta0 reains f!ri%entifi/ati!n*

    F!rensi/ O%!nt!0!g' , st%' !f %enta0 featres t! i%entif' a 4i/ti #hen the &!%' is!ther#ise ni%entifia&0e*

    F!rensi/ &a00isti/s

     , is the s/ien/e !f ana0'ing firears sage in /ries* It in4!04es ana0'sis !f &00ets an%  &00ets ipa/t t! %eterine inf!rati!n !f se t! a /!rt !r !ther part !f 0ega0 s'ste* Separate0'fr! the &a00isti/s inf!rati!n firear an% t!!0 ar2 e8ainati!ns a0s! in4!04es ana0'ingfirear aniti!n an% t!!0 ar2 e4i%en/e in !r%er t! esta&0ishe% #hether a /ertain firear !rt!!0 #as se% in the /!issi!n !f /rie*

    7a00isti/s ,(&a00ein Ït! thr!#Ï) , is the s/ien/e !f e/hani/s that %ea0s #ith the f0ight &eha4i!ran% effe/ts !f pr!e/ti0es espe/ia00' &00et gra4it' &!&s r!/2ets !r the 0i2e*

    7a00isti/ issi0e , is a issi0e !n0' gi%e% %ring the re0ati4e &rief initia0 p!#ere% phase !ff0ight #h!se /!rse is s&seent0' g!4erne% &' the 0a#s !f /0assi/a0 e/hani/s*

    F0ight , is the pr!/ess &' #hi/h an !&e/t !4es thr!gh an at!sphere &' generating aer!%'nai/0ift pr!p0si4e thrst aer!stati/a00' sing &!'an/' !r &' &a00isti/ !4eent #ith!t an' %ire/ts!0i% e/hani/a0 spp!rt fr! the gr!n%*

    Firears i%entifi/ati!n , the i%entifi/ati!n !f fire% &00ets /artri%ge /ases !r !ther aniti!n/!p!nents as ha4ing &een fire% fr! a spe/ifi/ firear*

    Rif0ing , is the pr!/ess !f a2ing he0i/a0 gr!!4es in the &arre0 !f a gn !r firear #hi/h ipartsa spin t! a pr!e/ti0e ar!n% its 0!ng a8is* This spin sta&i0ie the pr!e/ti0e ipr!4ingits sta&i0it' an% a//ra/'*

    Pr!e/ti0e , is an' !&e/t pr!e/te% int! spa/e &' the e8erti!n !f a f!r/e*

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    Trae/t!r' , is the path that a !4ing !&e/t f!00!#s thr!gh spa/e as a fn/ti!n !f tie*

    Firear , is a #eap!n that 0an/hes !ne !r an' pr!e/ti0es at high 4e0!/it' thr!gh /!nfine%  &rning !f a pr!pe00ant*

    7a00isti/ fingerprinting , in4!04es ana0'ing firear aniti!n an% t!!0 ar2 e4i%en/e in !r%er

    t! esta&0ish #hether a /ertain firear !r t!!0 #as se% in the /!issi!n !f a /rie*

    Gn &a00isti/ , is the #!r2 !f pr!e/ti0e fr! the tie !f sh!!ting t! the tie !f ipa/t #ith thetarget*

    F!r /ateg!ries !f gn &a00isti/s

    1* Interna0interi!r &a00isti/ , the st%' !f the pr!/esses !rigina00' a//e0erating the pr!e/ti0e* e8ap0e , the passage !f a &00et thr!gh the &arre0 !f a rif0e*

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    Sir 6ira =a8i , an Aeri/an in4ent!r !f the a/hine gn !r the a8i gn*

    Ri/har% Gat0ing , in4ent!r !f the Gat0ing gn a a/hine gn #ith a si8 &arre0 /apa&0e !ffiring

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    • Cartri%ge , a0s! /a00e% a r!n% , pa/2ages the &00et pr!pe00ant an% prier int! a sing0e nit #ithin a /!ntaining eta00i/ /ase that is pre/ise0' a%e t! fit #ithin the firing /ha&er !f a firear*

    Parts !f a /artri%ge

    1* 700et

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     &0!!% pressre

     , is the pressre e8erte% &' /ir/0ating &0!!% p!n the #a00s !f &0!!% 4esse0s an% is !ne!f the prin/ipa0 4ita0 signs*

    •  p0se , represents the ta/ti0e arteria0 pa0pitati!n !f the heart&eat &' traine% fingertips*It /an a0s! &e easre% &' 0istening t! the heart %ire/t0' sing a steth!s/!pe*

    • respirati!n , the transp!rt !f !8'gen fr! the !tsi%e air t! the/e00s #ithin tisses an% the transp!rt !f /ar&!n %i!8i%e in the !pp!site %ire/ti!n*

    • s2in /!n%/ti4it' , a0s! 2n!#n as Ga04ani/ sin resp!nse , is a eth!% !f easring thee0e/tri/a0 /!n%/tan/e !f the s2in #hi/h 4aries #ith its !istre 0e4e0*

    • !heter , is an e0e/tri/a0 instrent that easres e0e/tri/a0 resistan/e the !pp!siti!nt! an e0e/tri/ /rrent*

    • ga04an!eter , an instrent f!r %ete/ting an% easring e0e/tri/ /rrent*

    • sti0i , is app0ie% t! sens!r' re/ept!r it inf0en/es a ref0e8 4ia sti0s trans%/ti!n*

    Pers!na0ities #h! /!ntri&te% t! the %e4e0!pent !f the p!0'graph a/hine*

    • Cesare L!&r!s! , he in4ente% in 1:> a %e4i/e t! easre /hangers in &0!!% pressre f!r p!0i/e /ase*

    • ;!hn Agsts Lars!n , a e%i/a0 st%ent at the Bni4ersit' !f Ca0if!rnia at 7er2e0e'in4ente% the p!0'graph in 1:

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    1* The C!ntr!0 esti!n Test (CT) , this test /!pares the ph'si!0!gi/a0 resp!nse t!re0e4ant esti!ns a&!t the /rie #ith the resp!nse t! esti!ns re0ating t! p!ssi&0e pri!r is%ee%s* This test is !ften se% t! %eterine #hether /ertain /riina0 sspe/tssh!0% &e pr!se/te% !r /0assifie% as nin4!04e% in the /rie*

    * Pre,Test Phase , the e8ainer %is/sses #ith the  s&e/t the test isse re4ie# the test esti!ns that #i00 &e as2 %ring the test an% assess the s&e/ts e!ti!na0 an% ph'si!0!gi/a0 sita&i0it' t! n%erg! the p!0'graph test

    * Testing Phase , s&e/ts ph'si!0!gi/a0 resp!nses are re/!r%e% as the s&e/t ans#ers a set!f esti!ns re4ie#e% ear0ier


    * P!st Test Phase , e8ainer re4ie#s test %ata !&taine% an% interprets the p!0'graph /hart*C!n/0si!ns That A P!0'graph E8ainer =a' Rea/h1* S&e/t is te00ing the trth

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    +* Defe/ti4e p!0'graph a/hine*

    Rea/ti!ns , /hanges in &0!!% pressre p0se rate &reathing an% s#eat

    F!rensi/ e%i/ine

    F!rensi/ e%i/ine , the s/ien/e that %ea0s #ith the app0i/ati!n !f e%i/a0 2n!#0e%ge t! 0ega0esti!n*

    C0ini/a0 F!rensi/ =e%i/ine , in4!04es an app0i/ati!n !f /0ini/a0 eth!%s f!r the a%inistrati!n !fsti/e*

    Pa0s ua//hias , father !f 0ega0 e%i/ine as #e00 as father !f f!rensi/ ps'/hiatr'*

     =e%i/a0 Ethi/s , %ea0s #ith the !ra0 prin/ip0es #hi/h sh!0% gi%e e&ers !f the e%i/a0 pr!fessi!n in their %ea0ings #ith ea/h !ther their patients an% the state*

     =e%i/a0 Etiette , %ea0s #ith the /!n4enti!na0 0a#s !f /!rtes' !&ser4e% &et#een e&ers !fthe e%i/a0 pr!fessi!n*A %!/t!r sh!0% &eha4e #ith his /!00eages as he #!0% ha4e the &eha4e #ithhise0f*

    6ipp!/rates , father !f e%i/ine %is/sse% 0etha0it' !f #!n%s an% f!r0ate% e%i/a0 ethi/s*

    F!rensi/ Path!0!g' , %ea0s #ith the st%' an% app0i/ati!n !f the effe/ts !f 4i!0en/e !rnnatra0 %isease in its 4ari!s f!rs in !r !n thehan &!%' in %eterining the /ase an% anner!f %eath in /ase !f 4i!0en/e sspi/i!s ne8p0aine% ne8pe/te% s%%en an% e%i/a00' natten%e% %eath*

    Path!0!g' , is the pre/ise st%' an% %iagn!sis !f %isease*

    Path!0!gist , a e%i/a0 %!/t!r #h! /!n%/ts an at!ps'*

     At!ps' , p!st !rte e8ainati!n !f a /!rpse*

    Other naes !f an at!ps'

    1* p!st,!rte e8ainati!n

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    1* !pen #!n% , is a &rea2 in the s2inšs srfa/e res0ting in e8terna0 &0ee%ing** pn/tre #!n% , /ase% &' an !&e/t pn/tring the s2in s/h as nai0** penetrati!n #!n% , /ase% &' an !&e/t s/h as a 2nife entering an% /!ing !t fr! the

    s2in** gnsh!t #!n% , /ase% &' a &00et !r sii0ar pr!e/ti0e %ri4ing int! !r thr!gh the &!%'*

    There a' &e t#! #!n%s !ne at the site !f entr' an% !ne at the site !f e8it genera00'referre% t! as thr!gh an% thr!gh*

    C0assifi/ati!nCateg!ries !f /0!se% #!n% 

    1.  /!ntsi!ns , /!!n0' 2n!#n as &rises /ase% &' a &0nt f!r/e traa that %aages tissen%er the s2in*

    2. heat!a , /a00e% &0!!% t!r /ase% &' %aage t! a &0!!% 4esse0 that in trn /ases &0!!% t! /!00e/t n%er the s2in*

    Crsh inr' , /ase% &' a great !r e8tree a!nt !f f!r/e app0ie% !4er a 0!ng peri!% !f tie*

     Ante =!rte , &ef!re %eath*

    P!st =!rte , s/ientifi/ ter f!r after %eath*

    Ca%a4er tag , an i%entifi/ati!n tag atta/he% t! the /a%a4er /!ntaining tag n&er nae ifi%entifie% %atetie an% p0a/e !f re/!4er' %atetie !f in/i%ent gen%er !ther pertinent

    inf!rati!n an% nae !f the in4estigat!r*In arti/0! !rtis , at the p!int !f %eath*

    Rig!r !rtis , stiffening !f the &!%' after %eath*

    0i4i%it' , pr!/ess thr!gh #hi/h the &!%'šs &0!%% spp0' #i00 st!p !4ing after the heart hasst!ppe% pping it ar!n% the insi%e !f the %e/ease%*

     Ne/r!phags , this t'pe !f !rganis fee%s %ire/t0' !n %e/!p!sing tisse*

    + %egrees /e0sis !r : %egrees fahrenheit , a4erage &!%' teperatre*

    - Categ!ries !f Death

    1* natra0 /ases

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